We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Jesus).


Father Almighty, we worship You.

The Owner of Heaven and Earth, we bow before You.

The Great I AM THAT I AM; the Unchangeable Changer; the One who can do and undo.

The One who opens the door and Nobody can shut it, the One who shuts the door and Nobody can open it; we bow before You.

Accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

My Father and my God, we are committing all Your Children who are gathered together here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC into Your hands:

In Your own Miraculous Way: whatever it is that has been bothering them, subdue today. Give them Dominion, answer their Prayers and let it be well with them.

At the end of it all, let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell them: God will Surprise you today!

And then, before you sit down; I think we should put our hands together for the Almighty God for the Choir – They did a very Good job. The Choir is very Good.

God Bless You – Amen. Please, be seated.

Genesis 1:26-28

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The Theme for this Year’s Convention is: Dominion.

And the very first Place you’ll find Dominion in the Bible (mentioned at all) is in the Bible Text that I’ve read to you (Genesis 1:26-28).

And it was something God said about you – Because it was when Man was created that God said, “Let them have Dominion.”

So I want you to tell the fellow next to you: God is the One who says I have Dominion; and so I have Dominion – Amen.

When you Link up with God, you will surely have Dominion.

  • To have Dominion means to be in Charge.
  • To have Control in every situation – Wherever you are: Whether you are near home, far away from hime.

To have Dominion means, you are in Charge:

For Example, in Genesis 26:12-16 (if you like, read it from Verse 1); Isaac was in a Strange Land and then there was Famine in the Land and he wanted to relocate.

But God said, you don’t have to move, stay where you are. I Control the Heavens and the Earth. Wherever you may be, I’m God.

So read it and find out what happened later on.

The Bible says, Isaac sowed in the Land. And while everybody was crying, “famine, famine.” This man became very Great.

Not just Great; but he became “Very Great”.

He became so Great that even the People of the Land said: Sir, you have to move, because you have become Greater than us.

I have Good News for someone listening to me now, Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: You are going to be Great – Amen.

Why? Because God says you are going to have Dominion.

And then when you go to Genesis 40:1-end – It would tell you the Story of a Young Man called Joseph. His own brothers sold him to Slavery.

But when he got to even the Master’s house, the Prisoner ended up becoming the Overseer of the business of the Master.

Now, if your Master who is supposed to treat you as a Slave – And you know in those days Slaves were treated as if they didn’t really matter.

I mean, if you read the rest of the Story, the wife of the Master lied against him. And because he is a Slave, whatever he says doesn’t really count.

So they just threw him to Prison – Thank God they didn’t even kill him. But when you are in Charge, you can’t suffer.

Even when they finally threw Joseph to Prison; in Prison, he became the Man in Charge of the Prison.

If you are the Man in Charge of the Prison, you can’t go hungry because you are the one distributing the food.

I say to somebody here again, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: You will have Dominion – Amen.

By the time you get to Genesis 41 (and you read it from Verse 1 to the end); this same Joseph, got Promoted in a way only God can do it.

That the King Himself said, the only fellow who can be higher than you, is me – The rest of the People here, it is whatever you say that they will do.

When we talk about Dominion, it’s a very, very heavy word.

And I believe God chose this Theme for you this year, because He knew from the beginning of the world that you and I will be facing each other now.

God knows that I know the meaning of Dominion; and He knows that somebody here, Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, needs to have Dominion. So when He brings the two of us together, Fire is going to Fall.

Because, whether the devil likes it or not; you will have Dominion – Amen.

Those who believe it, their Amen would show – Amen!

There was a Young Man, his name is David – You know his Story very well.

He was so unlikely to be the one who would have Dominion.

That when a Prophet came to the house and said: “I think God told me there is King in this house”; the father didn’t bring him forward. He felt that, if we are talking about Kingship – Dominion; it’s not for that one.

The father was so reluctant to Present him to the Prophet, that when the Prophet asked him, “are these all your children?” The way he said, “there remains another one” was so slow, that the Man of God had to say, “we will not sit down until you bring him.”

I have Good News for someone here, Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: Even you yourself, you are not even sure that you qualify for Dominion.

But the One who made you; the One who said, before I formed thew, I knew thee; the One who knows the end from the beginning, knows you will have Dominion – Amen.

So, whether your relatives like it or not doesn’t matter.

Whether your Parents consider you as a Candidate for Supremacy or not doesn’t matter.

The One who knew Originally that you would have Dominion, is the One who has the final say.

If you believe that, shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

That Boy David; after he got Anointed – I hope those of you who have just been Ordained are listening. Because this Message is Principality for you; but it’s for some of us too.

Whether you believe it or not; there are some of us here, Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC too, who would have Dominion – Amen.

A Lion came to attack David – You know the Story in 1 Samuel 17:34-end.

A Lion came to steal one of his little Lambs; and this Boy told the Lion, “Lion, I know you are the king among animals. But my Father in Heaven said I have Dominion over all animals.” He grabbed the beard of the Lion and Punched it to death.

You need to understand one thing: when we talk about having Dominion, it’s not going to be by your Power. it’s not going to be by your Wisdom. it’s not going to be by your Education – It’s just going to be by God.

And when something is of God, then it is God! And there is nothing anybody can do about it.

You heard me say in my little Prayer: When He opens a door, Nobody can shut it. And when He shuts a door, Nobody can open it.

And I have a rough idea that He really sent me here this Period, to tell someone: The door against your Enemies would be Permanently Closed – Amen.

So that the Door to your Dominion can Open – Amen.

David dealt with the Lion; a Bear came, he dealt with the Bear.

Then the devil has made up his Mind: this Boy will not become a King – So he raised up a Giant called Goliath.

Remember what Goliath said? “All I want is, somebody should come and fight me: if I win, I’ll take over the Kingdom for my People” – He was after the Kingdom that David was supposed to sit upon.

But then David said, “that head that wants to wear my Crown is not going to remain on the neck of the fellow who is trying to take my Dominion away.”

Because, when we talk about a King, we say, he is the one in Charge of a Kingdom – King’s Domain.

So, when the devil wanted to take Dominion away from David, he sent Goliath – And Goliath lost his head.

Believe me honestly: Beginning from now, anyone who is going to stand between you and Dominion is likely to lose his head – Amen.

You can take several other Examples; but I want to be brief tonight.

When they threw Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego into the fiery furnace; even inside the fire they had Dominion.

Why? They were in Contact with the One who is called the Consuming Fire.

There is Fire that is above fire – It’s that Consuming Fire that is saying, if you are my Child: even inside Fire, you will dominate.

Just to give you one more Example: if you consider Daniel Chapter 6, you would find that in the Den of Lions, the Lions saw Daniel coming. And it is God who made Lions to eat flesh. It’s not the fault of Lions that they kill; it is God who make them, so that they can eat flesh.

Don’t ask me about all the details – But consider all the animals in the world today; you will discovered that the animals that are most numerous are the animals that Lions kill to eat.

God was doing some Control right from the beginning, so that some animals will not overrun the whole Place – He arranged for some animals that will eat animals.

And so, he put inside the Lions the desire to eat flesh. Alright?

Now, the Lions saw Daniel coming and they said Good! Here is food. But God said, this one, you cannot eat him.

Why not? Because he is a son of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah: and Lions don’t eat Lions.

“So God, what are we going to do?”

God said, wait till tomorrow; you will have Plenty to eat tomorrow.

I have Good News for those of you who are here tonight, Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, who might be in one crisis or the other – Those who thought that they have thrown you in the Den of Lions; who thought that you would never see tomorrow. You are going to have Dominion over them – Amen.

If you are looking for that Passage in the Bible that Summaries all we are talking about, you would find it in Psalm 23:5.

That’s where it says, Thou Preparest a table before me in the Presence of mine Enemies:

Now, that is the summary of Dominion.

“You will always have enemies” – If you don’t have Enemies, it means you are Nothing.

If you don’t amount to anything, then Nobody is going to envy you – I mean, who cares about the fellow who can hardly eat?

But then, wait till God begins to Prosper you. Then the Enemies will begin to talk.

But God has a way – When He says you are going to have Dominion, it means that you will be enjoying in the very Presence of those who said you won’t make it.

So, when you find us coming to the Lord’s Table; we are demonstrating Dominion – We are Dining with the King of kings in the Presence of the one who said it can’t happen.

We go to the Lord’s Table with the confidence that the Lord has already said He will make your Enemies your footstool.

So in the very Presence of your Enemies, you come to dine.

But then, God didn’t stop there;

Because, to really have Dominion, you need Divine Anointing.

That is why in that same Psalm 23:5; it says, not only has God Prepared a table before me in the Presence of my Enemies.

But He has done what? Thou anointest my head with Oil; my cup runneth over.

Those of you who have been Ordained today – Congratulations!

There’s Anointing upon your head – And you know enough Bible to know that it is written in Psalm 105:15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my Prophets no harm.

Not only will you be sitting down to dine, to enjoy in the Presence of your Enemies: there is a Wall of Fire round about you that “Ordinary Eyes” might not be able to see.

But even the Enemies will know, this one is different.

Occasionally, I’ve had to argue a little bit with some of my Senior Colleagues who know the Bible a lot more than I do – Because I’m just a Beginner, I’m just learning.

You know, unfortunately I never had the opportunity to go to Bible College And so I don’t know Homiletics, and the other “tics” that you know.

When we begin with talk about “The Fear of the Lord being the beginning of Wisdom” – They tell me that the Fear of the Lord is not really fear, it is respect and honour.

I can’t argue because I don’t know too much.

But I ask them: Is there anybody who would not fear someone called the Consuming Fire? Do you just respect fire?

And I always give them an illustration – I say: Anytime I want to do some very serious Praying, I go to one little village that is by a Beach.

Because at Night, I can walk for kilometers right or left on the Beach – Nobody to disturb me.

And when I’ve been walking by the Beach for a long time and my legs begin to ache; I move a bit closer to the ocean; so that the waves can splash on my feet and cool my legs.

Now, I can’t swim, so I have a lot of respect for the ocean: I never get too close to it – Just enough to splash my feet and then I move away.

But no matter how cold I feel, I don’t allow a little bit of fire to splash over my hand.

Why? Because when fire burns, it burns irredeemably.

When fire burns, there is no Science that can Change ashes back to the “Original Thing” that the fire burnt.

And the Elders have a saying in Africa (at least) – They say, “Even if a dog is mad, it would recognise fire.”

And I challenge you – If you can get me just one Picture of a Madman who died by burning, I will give you a Million Dollars.

Because, when you tell a Madman, “go ahead and touch fire” he is going to tell you, “my Craziness had not reached that level” (Laughter).

Once you become Anointed, you have a Protection of the Consuming Fire – Amen.

Those of you who got Ordained today, your friends should know that, it’s not the fellow who came in, who is going out – There is already a difference!

And I Pray that; that Anointing will never run dry – Amen.

We are going to have Two (2) Things tonight:

  1. First, we will come to the Table of the Lord and have Holy Communion.
  2. And then, w will have Anointing Service.

Anointing for Ordination – That one is Special.

The Oil we used for that (at least on the Redeemed Christian Church of God) is not Ordinary – Anybody can Anoint himself, you know?

You can go to the Supermarket and buy a gallon of Olive Oil; call your children together and say, “I hereby Anoint myself, Senior Apostle” – It’s alright!

So, there is that Special Oil for Ordination.

But then, there is another Oil we can anoint everybody with, so that you can have Dominion.

But before we come to the Table of the Lord, the Bible says, you must not come to the Table unworthily.

Because, whether you believe it or not, the Holy Communion is not an Ordinary Meal.

When you come to the Table of the Lord worthily, as we break the Bread and you eat: you can get healed.

Because Jesus Christ said, “This is my Body broken for you.”

And the Bible says, by His Stripes we were healed.

When you drink the Wine, the Wine is Symbolic of the Blood of Jesus that He shed for you.

And the Bible made it clear: By the Blood of the Lamb, they overcome the devil.

So, it’s a very Special Meal. And you don’t come to that Special Meal unworthily.

The Bible says clearly: if you eat it unworthily, you may even die.


Before we come to the Table therefore, I want to appeal to those of you who might be here or reading now on the Label of DMC, who have not yet Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ.

You don’t eat this Bread, you don’t drink this Wine, unless your sins have been washed away by the Blood of the Lamb.

So if you are here or reading now on the Label of DMC, and you are not yet Born Again; or you are not sure of your Salvation. Please, before we come to the Table, kindly come and surrender your Life to Jesus.

We would call on Him – His Blood is available to wash away your sins.

And then as soon as your sins are washed away, your name would be written in the Book of Life; you will become a Child of God, and then you qualify to Participate with us.

So, I’m going to count from one (1) to seven (7) – If you have not given your Life to Jesus and you want to do so now, Please, come quickly before I say seven (7).

I’m counting now.

This is a great opportunity for you, don’t miss it.

This is your day of Salvation, come quickly, don’t delay – Tomorrow may be too late.

God spent a great effort to make sure that you can be here today, come!

Thank You Father; Thank You Lord.

Please, I want you to talk to the Almighty God Genuinely and say LORD; I’ve come to Surrender my Life to You; Please, save my Soul, forgive my sins.

I want to give my Life to You anyway; I want You to be my LORD; I want You to become my Saviour. And I will continue to serve You from today onward. Have Mercy on me.

Go ahead, talk to the Lord. Pray to Him.

And the rest of us, Please let’s Stretch our hands towards these our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your Soul would save their own Souls also.

Pray that God would forgive all their sins, and give them Genuine Salvation.

Intercede for them Brethren; intercede for them.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


And so Father, I want to say Thank You very much for these Your Children who have given their lives to You Genuinely today.

Please, remember Your Word that: Whosoever would come unto You, You will in no wise cast out.

They’ve come to You now Lord, Please receive them.

Have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash them Clean and Please, Save their Souls.

Write their names in the Book of Life, Please, receive them into the Family of God.

And Daddy, I’m requesting that from this moment onward, anytime they call on You, You will answer them by Fire.

I Pray that from today onward, they will know that God has become their Father.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now, those of you who have just Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, I rejoice with you.

And I Promise you by the Grace of God I’ll be Praying for you. And you’ll soon be receiving Miracles you didn’t even ask for.

Then you’ll know somebody somewhere is Praying for you – That Somebody will be me.

So I need your Names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You – Amen.

Come on, clap for the Lord!


For few Minutes, you are going to Pray.

You see, when I talk about having Dominion, remember I said, it’s not going to be by your Power; not by your Might; not by your Wisdom.

For Example, what is it that I have said now that caused these so many People to give their lives to Jesus Christ?

It’s not what I said; it’s not me – it’s God.

So, when we talk about Dominion, it is God and God alone.

So talk to the Almighty God and say LORD; during this Convention, the Door to my having Dominion, let it Open .

Do it Your own way, so that the Door to my Dominion will Open.

Please, help me Almighty God: in Your own Miraculous and Easy Way, Open the Door to my Dominion.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I know You answer Prayers.

And I know Lord God Almighty, that when You have made up Your Mind to do something, there’s nothing anybody can do to stop You.

In this Convention of Dominion: The Door to Dominion for all of us, Please Open wide.

Even as we come to the Table Lord God Almighty; I Pray that our coming would be for just Celebration.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.


The Pastors will come round and serve you the Bread.

And then when I give you the Signal, you will go ahead to eat.

And you would Pray to God – From now on; just like the Man who introduced me said: That every Sickness that has been dominating your body would disappear immediately.

And when they serve you the Wine, of course you will hold unto it untill we have all been served, so that will drink together as one.

When we about to drink, I will teach you how to Pray.

Shall we Please, Stand!

The Lord Jesus Christ; the very Night in which He was betrayed took the Bread and when He has given Thanks, He broke it saying: Take, Eat; this is my Body broken for you; do this in Remembrance of Me.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

When you drink the Wine, you are going to ask God for Inner Strength.

When Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13; he was talking about the Strength that comes from the Anointed One. The Strength that comes from within.

So you are going to cry to the Almighty God tonight; because there are some Prayers you don’t Pray quietly. There are some Prayers you Pray like Lions and Lionesses;

After you’ve got your Miracles, you can get back to being Ladies and Gentlemen.

This time round, when you drink this Wine, you’ll cry to the Lord and say: The Inner Strength to have Dominion, Please release unto me, Lord.

After the same manner also; He took the Cup when He has sup, saying: This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, Please do ye as oft as you drink it in Remembrance of Me.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!

  • Amen!

Go ahead and cry to the Lord.

Thank You Lord. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

And so shall it be, in Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.

Please be seated! And remain in an attitude of Worship. As we go to the Anointing Service.


Now, we have already Blessed the Oil.

We now want to move on to the Anointing Service Session.

As soon as the Pastors have taken their Positions, you will go to anyone of them closest to you – They would Anoint you and then you will go back to your seats.

As as you are going, you’ll continue to Pray that: The Fire of the Almighty God – That Kind of Fire that gives Dominion to the one carrying it, will come upon you.

Over to you Choir.

Thank You Father.


And so my Father my God, I want to Thank You.

I want to Thank You for the Bread of Life; I want to Thank You for Your Heavenly Wine and I want to Thank You for the Anointing.

I’m Praying Lord God Almighty, that in every facet of the lives of these Your Children, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

They will have Dominion!

That everything that is not of God in their Bodies, Souls and Spirits, will disappear tonight.

That the Strength to have Dominion; that Inner Strength that only You can give will be deposited in them now.

That they will overcome every Force of Darkness, in every facet of their lives, that they will have Dominion.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let me hear Someone shout a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

You may Please, be seated.

There is still one more Prayer you are going to Pray for yourself with the Anointing still fresh on you.

One of the Promises of the Almighty God is that in the Last Days, He will Pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. And then the sons and daughters will Prophesy.

You are going to be Prophesying to yourself before you leave this Place today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC.

And you are going to be mentioning your names and then begin to tell the Heavens to hear loud and clear, what’s going to happen to you.

I mean, for Example you will say: The DMC Family Members, it’s going to be well with you. Doors will open unto you. You will find Favour with God; you will find Favour with men; and you will have Dominion.

That kind of Prophecy!

Believe me honestly, God Himself said, as I’ve heard you speak in my ears, so will I do unto you.


But before we go to that Session of Prophesying to ourselves, we want to say “Thank You” to the Almighty God for the Holy Communion and Anointing Service.

Very quickly, let’s take our Thanksgiving Offering and dance to the nearest basket and drop our Offering (Online).

Over to the Choir!


The Almighty God would receive your Offering.

You would never Lack.

Finally, you will have Dominion.

For rest of your Life, you will keep on s/Succeeding.

It shall be well with you.

Daddy, Please receive the offering of Your Children, Sanctify it and Use it for Your Glory.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now you go ahead, Prophesy to yourself.

Lay your hand on your head and begin to Prophesy to yourself.

Make it loud; make it clear – So that even the Heavens would hear.

Oh Yes, The DMC Family Members, from now on:

The Heavens would remain wide open over you.

You will move from Victory to Victory;

From Glory to Glory.

From Joy to Joy.

It’s going to be well with you.

And you will have Dominion!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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