Let Us Pray!


You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Hallelujah, Hallelujah


Almighty God, the Great I am – We Worship You.

There is no one like You – All Power belongs to You, You are the All Sufficient God, You can answer all Prayers and You can even do more than we can ask.

We give You all the Glory Lord – Please, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

My Father and my God; again we Thank You for the Salvation of our Souls, Thank You that we obtained Mercy and Thank You for Your Grace.

We are asking Lord God Almighty that today again, You will send Your Words to us and that Your Words will Perform Mighty Miracles in our lives.

And those of us who are asking You for Great Things Lord, Please by Answering us immediately, surprise us all.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, why don’t you greet one (1) or two (2) People near you and say: “God will Surprise you today!

You may Please be seated – God Bless You!

We have come to Part 54 in our Series on: “For Whom The Heavens Open”.

And as you know, we have been using Joshua as our Case Study.

And then somewhere along the way, we came across Caleb – And like we learnt in the Last Series, one of the biggest Lesson that we learnt from Caleb is that: He is the Man who asked for a Mountain and got it.

But we want to wrap up our Section on Caleb – Not that there isn’t much to learn but we just want to learn one thing more from Caleb before we move forward.

And we have been using as our Bubke Text – Joshua 14: 6-14.

But again today, I will ask you to read the Passage yourself (DMC NOTES: Joshua 14: 6-14); as I will just focus on Verses 12 to 14.

Joshua 14:12-14:

  1. Now therefore give me this Mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the Cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.
  2. And Joshua blessed him, and gave unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh Hebron for an Inheritance.
  3. Hebron therefore became the Inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day, because that he wholly followed the LORD God of Israel.

I will focus more on Verse 12 – As from there, we will Pick another Lesson.

There Caleb said: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.

… If the Lord is with me, I will Possess this Mountain.

The remaining Verses just told us that – Yes, he did Possess the Mountain.

There are some very deep Lessons here – I wish that we still have much more time to discuss Caleb.

Because if you look at Verse 13, there you will see Joshua bless him – That’s a big Story in itself.

Because here we have two Colleagues and here you now have one blessing the other.

You have two Colleagues – And you have Joshua who was chosen instead of Caleb to take over from Moses et cetera, et cetera.

But whatever I can’t cover, the Holy Spirit will tell you – Amen.

“If God be with me; I will win” – Here we are learning some very serious Lessons:


I. Because you have no Strength against the One who is called “The Almighty” – Psalms 91:1.

Psalms 91:1 calls Him the Most High; the Almighty.

“Almighty” means the One who has all Strength.

So, how Strong are you that you want to call Him to a fight?

II. You can’t fight against the One who is called “The Lord of Host” – Psalms 24: 7-10.

And I believed that God is talking to somebody in Particular – Someone who right now listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC that is angry with God and want to fight Him.

You can’t fight against God and win because He is “The Lord of Host”.

Oh, who told you that I am fighting against God? I can’t even see Him!

Oh well, if you are fighting against His People, then you are fighting against Him.

You don’t believe me; all you need to do is to read Acts 9: 1-end – A Good Reading.

Paul the Apostles was Saul of Tarsus at that time – He was going to Damascus to go and arrest Christians and bring them to Jail. He met Jesus Christ on the way.

And Jesus Christ said to him: Saul, Saul, Saul; why are you Persecuting me?

He (Saul) said: Who are you? How can you say that I am Persecuting you? I can’t even see you!

Jesus Christ said: It is my People that you are Persecuting.

So, if you are one of those who have made up your Mind that you will Persecute the Church of God; you are in danger – You can’t fight against God and win!

Because in Philippians 2: 9-11; the Bible says that at the Name of Jesus Christ, every knees should bow.

Sooner or later, your knees will bow to Him either Voluntarily or Compulsorily.

III. You can’t fight against God and win because the Very Ground on which you are Standing belongs to Him – Psalms 24:1.

Psalms 24:1 says: The Earth is the Lord’s and the Fullness thereof.

The Book of Judges 5:4 tells us that when God is Passing by, the Earth trembles.

… That’s the One you want to fight!

And He can tell the Ground that you are walking upon to open up its mouth and swallow you – Numbers 16: 1-33.

Here, some People ganged up against a Man of God and they said that we will do everything to reduce him to Nothing.

At the end of the Day, the Ground swallowed them.

Long after the Enemies of God are gone and forgotten, His Children will still be Marching On!

He made it clear – He said that I will build my Church and the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against it.

And there is a Saying that: “If you can’t defeat them, then join them.

Instead of fighting against God, come to the Side of God.

IV. He can fight you with Water.

When you go through the Scriptures – In the Book of Exodus, you will found out that once upon a time, He Changed water to blood.

They had to beg Him before He Changed the Blood back to Water when the Egyptians were almost dying of thirst.

☆ He can fight you with the Water you drink.

Some of you remembered when I told you the Story of when I was at the University of Lagos as a Lecturer; and one of my Students had this little Problem of body odour.

That whenever he is sitting by you, within 5 Minutes, you will relocate because he smalls like a Dead Body.

And the Doctors had tried everything and he has used all manners of drugs; but things kept on getting worst.

Finally, he came to me for Prayers and God told me that he has a Restitution to make – I have told you the Story before.

And we found out that he was a Teacher in a Primary School before he came to the University. And the children there were contributing Penny, Penny to him.

Before the end of the Year when the Students were going to have the End of the Year Party with their Money, he gained Admission to the University and left with the Children’s Money.

The children came back to School to discovered that the Teacher had gone with their Money and they reported him to God.

God; You know where this Teacher is now – He ran away with our Money.

And we told him – God says that you should go and Restitute.

He went back – He Restituted and Paid back the Money with a Shilling each for the Student instead of a Penny.

DMC NOTES: The Shilling is subdivided into twelve (12) Pennies. 1 shilling = 12 Pence.

He came back and I was about to Pray for him and God said – There is no need now; just tell him to stop drinking Ice Water for two (2) Weeks.

He stopped drinking Ice Water and he became Completely Whole.

We are not talking of an Ordinary Person; we are talking of the One whose Name is the Consuming Fire.

☆ He can block your way by using Water.

You know the Story of Jonah – Read Jonah Chapter 1.

Jonah was trying to run away from God and God sent a Storm and blocked his way.

As a matter of fact, he ended up in the belly of the fish.

Ask Pharaoh and his Host in Exodus 14: 21-28; He drowned a whole Army in the Red Sea.

V. He can fight you from the Air.

So, if you think that you can fly at Night against the Children of God – When you read Joshua 10: 10-11; you will know that God was the first Person to throw Bombs.

VI. He can fight with Rain.

Amos 4: 7-8 – He says: I can cause Rain to fall on one side and refuse to fall on another.

In Deuteronomy 32:39; hear Him speak – He said that I am God, there is no one else. He said that I can kill, I can make alive. And He said that there is Nobody who can rescue you from my hands and who is going to come to your rescue?

VII. He can fight with Worms.

Acts 12: 20-25; tells us that a King was trying to obstruct the work of God. And God cause some Worms to eat him up alive.

One moment, he was sitting in his Throne boasting.

And God said: Worms, eat him.

There was no flesh left on him by the time he hit the floor.

VIII. Daniel 4: 28-37; there you find out that He can turn a King to a Mad Man.

  1. But there is something much deeper than that – “DON’T GO TO WAR WHEN YOU KNOW THAT GOD MIGHT BE NEUTRAL!

Many atimes one Child of God is trying to fight against another Child of God; do you know on whose Side He is?

There are two (2) of you – Both of you are His Children and now you want to fight. And God becomes Neutral – You can’t win when God is Neutral.

When God is Neutral, you can’t handle the devil.

1 Peter 5:8 tells us clearly: You have to Submit to God first, before you can deal with Someone who is going about like a roaring Lion, seeking whom he may devour.

James 4:7 says: You must first of all Submit to God before you can resist the devil and he will, flee from you.

I have told you before that my Daddy used to tell me that when the Lion wakes up in the Morning; the Prayer he Prays is that: God, show me the animal that I will eat today and leave the two of us alone – Don’t help me or help the animal. Just leave the two of us alone.

If the devil ever Prays and he cries to God – And he says: Show me the Christian that I will destroy and leave the two of us alone. You know what the result will be.

The devil is older than you and he has destroyed quite a lot of Great People before.

When God departs from anybody; that Fellow is finished.

… If God is Neutral, you can’t go far.

You know the Story in Judges 16: 4-21 – Samson got up and said that I will go out as before.

The Bible said that he didn’t know that God has departed from him.

I Pray for everyone of you today; may the Almighty God never depart from you – Amen!

Because when God is Neutral, the Enemy will finish the rest of the Story.

When God departs, there is Nothing you can do to Succeed.

If God is Neutral, don’t fight.

That is why it is even dangerous for one Anointed Man of God to fight another Anointed Man of God!

Both of you are Anointed and God says: Okay, you want to fight? I leave the two of you alone and I won’t take sides.

  1. That brings us to another important Point – And that is: IF GOD BE WITH US, THEN YOU WILL WIN!

… Because that is what Caleb said.

In Exodus 3: 7-12; when Moses was saying that how can I, a Refuge; go and bring all the People in Bondage to Pharaoh? How am I going to let Pharaoh release all these People to me?

God said: Don’t worry, I will be with you!

In Joshua 1: 1-9; as we learnt earlier at the very beginning; God said to Joshua: Don’t worry, as I was with Moses, I will be with you.

In 1 Samuel 17: 34-51; the King said to David – From what you have said, that you have killed a Lion and a Bear; go and face Goliath and the Lord be with you.

When God is with you, you will win!

So, before you go into any battle, make sure that:

  1. You are not fighting against God.
  2. That God is not Neutral.
  3. That you have God with you.
  4. But then, as you know at least for the Purpose of reminding you; there is something better than God backing you in a fight – And that is: HE IS DOING THE FIGHTING FOR YOU.

In Romans 8:31; the Bible made it clear – If God be for us, who can be against us.

If if He is the One doing the fighting for you then, you will just be by the side Cheering Him on and say: Give it to him Lord.

In Romans 8:37; the Bible says that we are More Than Conqueror because God loves us.

If you will recall; in Exodus 14: 10-28; Moses said to the Children of Israel – Don’t worry, you won’t have to fight this battle.

God will fight for you and at the end of the day; the Enemies they saw, they never saw again because God fought for them.

In 2 Chronicles 20: 1-25; three (3) Major Kings combined their Armies against Jehoshaphat.

Jehoshaphat never fired an arrow and never used a sword but he won the battle because God fought for him and caused the Enemies to destroy themselves.

Several times, People have asked – When you see so many People attacking you right, left and center; why don’t you do something?

Why? It is better to let God do the fighting.

When God fights for you; He will do the job in a very clean way so that Nobody will be able to accuse you of damaging anybody.

Because in 2 Kings 7: 1-end; you will discovered that when a City is under a Siege and the Man of God Prophesised and said: Don’t worry, the Siege will be over within 24 Hours. It was difficult to believe.

But all that God needed to do was to cause the Enemies to hear a Noise.

Do you know one of the reasons that we kept on shouting Hallelujah?

It is that as you shout the Hallelujah to God, He will Pick it up in Heaven and turn His Mighty Loudspeakers on so that the Enemies can hear a Noise.

And when they hear a Noise, they will flee.

Remember that it is written: Let God arise and His Enemies will scatter.

Let God do your fighting or at the very, very least; be sure that He is with you as you are doing the fighting.

My Prayer for you is that from now on, the God who is the Lord of Host – The Almighty, the Owner of the Earth and the Fullness thereof, the One who made the Heaven, the Controller of Rain, the One who made sure that there is Water for you to drink; will be on your side. He will fight your battle for you and your Victory will be Absolute!

Now, if you know that there is a God who can do this fighting for you; how can you expect Him to be fighting for you when you are against Him?

Because you see, when you read Mark 9: 38-40; the Lord made it clear and there is no Neutrality in this case – It is either you are for Jesus Christ or you are against Him.

You can’t say I am Neutral:

☆ I am not a Christian but I am not against Christian.

☆ I am not for Christ but I am not against Him (Christ).

And if you are against Him, you have a Problem.

But if you are for Him, you can become More Than Conqueror.


So, if you have been listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC and you say you didn’t know its like that – I will like to be for Christ, I will like to be on the Side; Please Pray for me so that He will save my Soul.

Bow your Head now.

And cry to Him and say: Lord, have Mercy on me, save my Soul as I want to be on your side. I want to be one of your own.

Go ahead – Pray and I will join you in Prayer so that He can save your Soul.


My Father and my God, once again I want to say Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You for Deep Revelations from Your Words.

I want to Thank You very much that if You are for us, Nobody can be against us.

So, I’m committing all these Your Children who has decided to Surrender their lives to You into Your Hands.

Father, Please be Merciful unto them, forgive all their sins, let Your Blood wipe away their sins, save their Souls today and let them become Children of the Living God.

So that from now on, you will fight their battles for them and they too will serve You forever.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, I rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ – Now, you have a Great Ally and you will soon begin to experience Mighty Victories.

So, I will recommend that you will find the nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you – And ask the Pastor there that you have just given your Life to Jesus and he will tell you what to do Next.


And God Bless You in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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