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The Almighty God said in His Word – If my People, which are called by my Name, shall humble themselves, and Pray, the Almighty God Promised that He would hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their Land. – DMC NOTES: 2 Chronicles 7:14

How many of you believe that it is Possible for God to heal our Land? The DMC Family Members.

But the People that He will use to heal the Land; the People who must humble themselves, who must Pray are the People who He calls “My People” who are called by “My Name”.

If you put two and two together, the People who are called by the Name of Jesus Christ are the Christians.

I Thank those of you who have been Praying along with me for Nigeria. But it is clear that the battle is not over.

I mean, when you look at what is going on in our Nation (Nigeria) you will know we need Prayers.

How many of you believe Nigeria needs Prayer? How many of you would say, “I will continue to Pray? The DMC Family Members.

Thank You!

And then, this very People who are supposed to be United in Prayer in Nigeria at least for now are always arguing.

And the Elders have a saying, “An Elder cannot be in the Market and the neck of the baby at the back of the mother will be twisted.”

Among the Men of God in Nigeria today, I am one of the Oldest.

I am not saying I am the Greatest – Please, don’t misquote me. All I said is, “I am one of the Oldest.”

There are very few Men of God in Nigeria today who are older than Eighty two (82) years.

It just occurred to me that I must do something:

I. So that all these arguments would come to an end.

II So that we Christians, Particularly we Pentecostals can be United, and our Prayers would be heard by God.

And I found out that one of the most contentious issues that have been causing a lot of arguments here and there in the past, is the Issue of Tithes.

So I’ve made up my Mind that I am going to Publicly ask for forgiveness, for anything in Particular, I might have said wrong about Tithing.

I told my children on Thursday (3rd October 2024) Night that I said something – “That if you don’t pay your Tithe you won’t go to Heaven” – I said that is not in the Bible. And I said, I apologise.

I said, what is in the Bible is that: You are to follow Peace with all Men, and Holiness, without which no Man shall see the Lord – DMC NOTES: Hebrews 12:14

Within an hour, it was already on the Internet, that Pastor Adeboye said, don’t pay Tithe.

I didn’t say that! Fortunately, everything I said is on record.

I went further to tell my People that it is wrong to tie you down to Ten Percent (10%); at a time when by the Grace of God, you should be far, far above Ten Percent (10%).

I told them a Story – Not a New Story; but a Story they have heard several times.

That several years ago I went to Tulsa, USA to attend Kenneth Haggin Camp Meeting. And they wanted to take an Offering for their Bible College. One Man came to the Altar with his wife asked for Permission to speak, and they gave him the Microphone.

And he said, I beg all of you who are here today – Give very well. Because
whatever all of you Give, that is what my wife and I alone would Give. And we were about seventeen thousand (17,000) People.

What is this Man saying? He said, “anything all of you put together, can Give, that’s what my wife and I alone would Give.”

Some People said, this man is in trouble – Those who didn’t want to Give before now began to Give. At the end he said they should count everything.

They counted and it was 3.5 Million Dollars ($3,500,000) that was contributed.

They announced it and we thought, “you are the one who got yourself into trouble.”

He took the Microphone and said, Brethren, is this all you can do?

So I said, “this Man knows something I don’t know.”

As soon as the Service ended, I cornered him, “Sir, Please I came all the way from Africa; tell me your Secret: Because you must know something that I don’t know, for you to do this kind of thing.”

He said, you want to know? I said Yes Sir.

He said, five (5) years ago, I started a Company with five hundred Dollars ($500). And I told God, “You are my Senior Partner, the Business is Yours. Prosper the Business and I will not insult You with Ten Percent (10%) – I would Give you Ninety Percent (90%). So it’s up to You to bless the Business.

He said, that was five (5) years ago.

He said, this Year, the Turnover of that little Company is Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000).

Hey! I said, Thank you very much. And I came back home.

And from that day onwards, I began to increase the Percentage I Give to God.

I told those of my friends who were around me – This is what I learnt over there.

Today I am not close to Ninety Percent (90%) but I am far from Ten Percent (10%).

… I am telling you the Story I told my children on Thursday (3rd October 2024).

So I said, it is wrong to tie you down to Ten Percent (10%) when God would have taken you to a higher Percentage.

I said, at the beginning when you were just Born Again, Ten Percent (10%) is ok – It is the Minimum God expects from you. But since then you should have grown.

That as you grow in the Lord:

  • You should grow in Praising Him.
  • You should grow in Soul Winning.
  • You should grow in Prayers.
  • And grow in Giving to God.

In other words, I said that the Minimum for Beginners is what God calls Ten Percent (10%).

I told my children: from now on, begin to Increase what you Give to God.

You know the only thing they put on the Internet of all the things that I said, is that Pastor Adeboye apologised. Therefore, People should no longer pay their Tithes.

I said Ten Percent (10%) should be Minimum – It should be for Beginners.

What I didn’t tell them then is that there was a woman – Mrs Graham Douglas. She has gone to be with the Lord now.

… If you were close to her, you can check my Story.

She got Born Again and came to me and said Daddy, I know how much I have wasted on Parties before I got Born Again. “I am not going to be Giving God Ten Percent (10%). I will be Giving God at least Twenty Percent (20%) from now, till I die.”

She was in a very Poor situation at the time she took that decision – God looked down on her and began to bless her.

Before she died, she had become a Board Member of a very Big Bank.

Because when you trade with God you will not suffer any loss.

What the Word of God says is, when you sow Generously, you would reap Bountifully.

That’s the Bible.

So, I just want to make it clear, I did not say, “Don’t Pay Tithe.”

What I said is that Ten Percent (10%) should be your Minimum – That’s what I said.

Now to add to that; one of my Pastors went on the Internet, he said he wanted to Preach a Sermon on “Why People should not Pay Tithes.”

I watched him, in fact when he was talking about Preaching the Sermon, I saw the way he was adjusting his Jacket, so I thought, this Man is ready for something serious.

So I was ready, I quickly got my pen and paper; I wanted to learn some ‘heavy stuff.’ But I was disappointed. Because the Sermon he Preached was just a repetition of what other People have been saying.

Forgive me for saying so – It was a very, very Shallow Sermon.

He said we shouldn’t pay Tithe because Jesus didn’t collect Tithe.

I said Ha! Jesus was not a Parish Pastor – He was a World Evangelist. Is that correct?

And the Bible says there were certain women who just gathered themselves together and said, we will be the Treasurers of Jesus Christ; we will Maintain His Ministry – You can read it in Luke 8:1-3.

I know of a Bishop (he too is of Blessed Memory now) who said he too would gather some women together to Support his Ministry. So wherever he went, he would take these five (5) women along.

I didn’t ask whether they were married or not. But one day I cornered him, I Said Bro, who are these women following you everywhere? Your wife would be at home and these women would be following you everywhere.

He said, “they are Angels of Mercy.” I said Sir, I hope they are not Angels of sin?

Imagine someone telling you that wherever Daddy G.O goes, he would ask Mummy G.O to stay at home. And he would collect some five (5) Beautiful Women and take them everywhere he goes, and call them “Angels of Mercy.”

Would I be able to Stand before you and Preach Holiness again? No Sir!

And this Pastor went on to say, the Apostles never collected Tithes – I said, that is true. The Apostles were not Parish Pastors.

The Bible says all the Christians of the that time sold everything they had and brought the money and laid it at the Apostles’ feet.

There is going to be a very big Problem if that is the way we should be doing it now:

  1. If they say that is the way we should be doing it, then I should tell all of you to go and sell everything you have and bring the money to Daddy G.O.

It would mean that everybody who wants to become a Christian must be ready to sell everything he had and bring the money to Church. You know the kind of Problem that would create.

  1. Not only that, it was when the Apostles were doing that, that Politics first entered into the Church.

That was when certain People of a Particular Tribe began to feed their Members better than People who were not of their Tribe.

If we were to follow the Examples of the Apostles, then if the General Overseer is Yoruba, the Igbos would suffer some hunger; if the General Overseer is Igbo, Oh! God have Mercy on Hausa Members – It can’t work! It didn’t work then.

  1. The first time Apostle Peter had to use his Power to kill was when a Couple (husband and wife) sold their Land and didn’t bring all the money.

I’m sure you know the Story? Yes. What’s the name of the Couple? Ananias and Sapphira (DMC NOTES: Acts 5:1-10).

This thing didn’t work then, how can it work now?

So, I didn’t say don’t pay Tithe. What I said is, “that should even be your Minimum (10%)”.

That you should ask God for Grace, that as you are Growing in the Lord, the Percentage that you are Giving to the Work of the Kingdom should be more than Ten Percent (10%).

That is what I said – That it is wrong for somebody to say you must not go beyond Ten Percent (10%). That it would be slowing you down.

And so, I want to make that one abundantly clear – I know before the Sun rises, this would be on the Internet all over the world again.

Let me add this one – I am begging all Christians all over the world; let this argument about Tithe come to an end.

Please, I know some of you know much more than I do – I know that Pastor of mine knows much more than I do. But let’s do it this way, Particularly you my Members:

If your Pastor says he doesn’t want Tithe, don’t leave his Church. If he says all he wants is Offering, Give your Offering.

But if your heart tells you that you should Give God at least Ten Percent (10%), find a Church nearby where the Pastor says, “we can collect Tithe” – We would use it for the Glory of God.” Then Give that Pastor your Tithe.

So you don’t quarrel with your Pastor, and you don’t quarrel with God – Your conscience will be clear.

I am making that appeal.

And I am making an appeal to all my brothers all over the world who believe that they know much more than I do. I agree!

I’ve always told you I don’t know much – I never went to Bible School; the little I know, most of it, the Holy Spirit taught me.

If you know the Truth much more than I do, the Bible says you are to speak the Truth in Love – You don’t have to quarell to tell me the Truth.

Tell the world, Adeboye is wrong – No Problem!

I’ve told you, Probably I’m the most Stupid of all People – That’s why God chose me to be a Pastor anyway.

The Bible says He chose the foolish ones – So I admit that.

I know there are some of my children who would say Daddy, if you talk like this, People would be insulting you.

Ha! Years ago when God took me to the School of Humility, one of the things He revealed, and I shared it with those who were around then, is that:

The word ‘Humility’ and the word ‘Humus’ – You know humus soil (black soil) they have the same root. For you to say you want to really be humble, you must be ready to be like the soil.

People walk on the soil, they smack it with diggers, at times they defecate on the Ground.

Does it talk? Does it fight back?

That’s humility! – Lay on the floor let People trample over you.

But the Bible says when you lay yourself on the floor like that, God would lift you up.

If you want Dominion – We didn’t talk about that during the Lecture: you must be Humble.

So let them call me names – There’s no Problem.

But just help me to Pray that they will forgive me for everything I’ve said that is wrong, and let there be Peace.

Let all of us become United, so that God can heal our Land when we Pray.

Before close, Thank You for your Attention.

There is one more thing that I need to apologise about – This one doesn’t concern many of those People outside, it concerns you in RCCG.

You know when I want to let you know how much I love my wife, I have always said that you can do whatever you like to me; but you dare touch my wife, I will kill you.

How many of you have heard that one before?

I’m sorry I said that because the Bible says, “Though shall not kill.”

You say, “in that case you are opening the door for us to attack your wife.” No! I have discovered a “Better Prayer”.

You want me to tell you the “Better Prayer”? I will only tell you in Proverbs:

You know in Acts 9, when Saul of Tarsus (now Apostle Paul) was on the way to Damascus, the Christians in Damascus didn’t know he was coming. They didn’t know trouble was coming.

But God stopped him on the the way.

By the time he arrived among the People that he was going to kill, and take to Prison, he had already become a Brother.

So you get the Story (Laughter)!

Let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Just one more thing before I forget; if you are my son, whether a Pastor or not a Pastor, and you discovered that I am wrong.

Because I have said it before, the first thing you learn in Advance Mathematics is that anybody can be wrong. I’m sure I’ve told you that one before.

Watch Out for the Full Text of the Message on the Label of DMC!

. . Discovery Media Crew; Reaching Out to the world through the Power of the Gospel!


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