Let’s begin to Worship the Name of the Lord:

Worship the King of kings, the Lord of lords and the Ancient of Days.

Give Him all the Glory, give Him all the Honour, give Him all the Adoration for all what He has done for You.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour.


Father Thank You, Ancient of Days Thank You, the Father of all fathers Thank You.

Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June, Thank You for July, Thank You for August, Thank You for September, Thank You for October.

Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for our Elders, Thank You for the Youth, Thank You for the Young Adults, Thank You for the Teenagers, Thank You for the Children – Thank You for everything.

Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.

Tonight, the only way You can do it; give everyone of us Dominion.

Before we leave here in the Morning my Father and my God; let there be Evidence that You have given us Dominion.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God will bless you Mightily tonight (Amen).

And then you may Please, be seated except those who are born in the Month of October.


If you are Born in the Month of October, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Father, I commit Your Children born in the Month of October into Your Hands.

October is the Tenth Month of the Year and ten is the Number of “Double Grace”.

I commit all these Your Children into Your Hands – And for each of them, I have asked from the bottom of my Heart that You will give them: Double Blessings, Double Promotions, Double Anointing, Double Miracles and Mighty Testimonies.

And today especially give them Dominion.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Those of you Born in the Month of October, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


  1. The RCCG November 2024 Holy Ghost Service by the Grace of God will take Place on Friday, the 1st of November 2024.

And it is Entitled: “WIND OF CHANGE”.

Of course, that will be the Last Holy Ghost Service for the Year 2024.

  1. By the Month of December 2024, we will have our RCCG Holy Ghost Congress for Year 2024.

And the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2024 will take Place from Monday, 9th to Sunday 15th December 2024.


  1. And because we have the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2024 in the Month of December; I hope you know that all Workers must be at the RCCG November 2024 Holy Ghost Service so that we can discuss our Preparations for RCCG Holy Ghost Congress in the Month of December 2024.

The Bible Text that everybody read is the one that I am going to read.

This afternoon, while I was Praying; the Lord laid it upon my Heart to lay hands on all the Youth.

The Senior Pastors here will be laying hands on you.

Genesis 1:28

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be Fruitful, and Multiply, and Replenish the Earth, and Subdue it: and have Dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every Living Thing that moveth upon the Earth.

There is this thing called the Law of Priority.

Law of Priority means that whatever is uppermost in your heart is what you are likely to speak first.

Because, according to Luke 6:45, the Bible says, For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

The first (1st) time God spoke to man, He said the following:


And so I’m repeating it on behalf of my Father in Heaven to everyone who is a Youth.

… And you are a Youth if you are less than a hundred (100) years old.

To everyone who is a Youth here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; in the Mighty Name of Jesus, be Blessed – Amen!

Now, “Be Blessed” is a very serious business, as I have already told you. I would just remind you very quickly what that carries.

If you read Genesis 27:22-33, “Be Blessed” really means, let all the Forces in Heaven, all the Forces on the Earth, all Forces Underneath the Earth cooperate for your Success.

I. It means, let all the Forces in Heaven cooperate with you to Success.

So when God says “Be Blessed” – That means, you must Succeed at all cost.

When you go through the Scriptures, you would see a situation where, for example, the Heavens cooperated with Joshua.

In Joshua 10:12-14, Joshua was fighting a battle and the Sun was about to set, and he commanded the Sun to stand still and the Sun stood still.

I want to assure you that the Almighty God can cause things in the atmosphere to cooperate with you to Succeed – Amen.

I am tempted to tell you a Story, which some of you Probably heard long, long time ago:

When most of the Redemption Camp was bush and I was going for a walk in the bush Paths, and I took with me my torchlight. The battery was this rechargeable type. You know, you Charge it, use it, when it runs out you recharge. The battery was rechargeable.

When I left home the Light of the torch was bright. But when I got far into the jungle – And one of these days I will show the Place to someone. It’s no longer bush now, it’s in a town.

Suddenly, the battery ran out of Power and the torchlight went out! And I was far in the bush. Everything became absolutely black. How do I get back? Because the bush Paths were very narrow.

And then I remembered, once my Teacher taught me in the Primary School that if Light goes out suddenly and everything became dark; if you close your eyes for about two (2) Minutes, by the time you open your eyes, they would have adjusted a little to the darkness and you would be able to see lightly.

So I closed my eyes – And of course I was Praying. It was a Prayer Walk. After two (2) Minutes I opened my eyes, and everywhere became bright. “Well Lord, Thank You. I didn’t see this Moon when the Light went out, but Thank You.”

So I came back to where there was Light – As soon as I got to where there was Light, it occurred to me, “there is no Moon at this time of the Month.” So I looked to see the big Moon and it was no longer there.

I Pray for someone here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

If the Almighty God has to send the Moon to Lighten your Darkness, so shall it be in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

“Be Blessed” means, let all the things in the Heavens cooperate with you to Succeed.

II. It means, let everything on Earth here cooperate with you to Succeed.

When you read Genesis 26:1-16, you would discovered that in the time of famine, when everybody was in famine; the ground of Isaac Produced abundantly.

So abundantly that he became greater than a whole Nation. And the King had to come to him and said, we don’t know how you are doing your own; but go away from us, because you are greater than us.

And I am Praying for all of you here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: When others might be crying ‘Famine’, you will be shouting ‘Surplus’ – Amen!

Do you know when you read Daniel 3:1- end; it was an Idol Worshipping King that created an idol and said Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego and everybody must worship that idol or they’ll be thrown into the fire?

At the end of the Story, it is this Idol Worshipping King that Promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

The Almighty God is so Mighty, that He can even use forces that are not what you would call ‘Forces of Heaven’ for your Promotion.

You see, the devil has to take Permission from Him before he can touch you.

I’m sure you know the Story of Job: And the Almighty God is the Lord of Hosts – He controls all the Hosts in Heaven, on Earth and Underneath the Earth.

And when He says “You are Blessed” – it means all these Forces must come round and Support you so that you would Succeed.

I was telling my children in the Morning Devotion some days ago how the Almighty God used a Witch in our Compound to speak something that I am sure Probably led to the Preservation of my Life.

You say how come?

Well, when I was Younger, I don’t know about now. There are several ways that your enemy can kill you:

  • One of the ways is that they’ll put Poison in your Palm Wine, so you drink it and you’ll go!
  • Another way is, they’ll give you Kolanut that has been Poisoned. You eat it and you’ll die.

And in those days when I was in Secondary School; those of us who are from poor home, we don’t have money to buy coffee and yet we want to study at Night.

And Kolanut does the same thing as coffee would do – So I was always eating Kolanut, so that I would stay awake and study at Night.

One day, a Self-Confessed Witch in our Compound (well known) just looked at me and said, “Dejare, stop eating Kolanut.”

Of course, you know that was the last time I ate Kolanut: Because I know she wasn’t the one speaking, it was the Almighty God speaking through her.

I Pray for you in the Name that’s above every other name; every Force that may want to stand in your way in one way or the other becomes a Stepping Stone to your Success – Amen.

… The first (1st) thing God said to man is “Be Blessed!”


He decreed that you will be Fruitful.

That is why He said in Exodus 23:26 that “there will be none barren among my People.”

And I say in the Name that’s above every other name; it doesn’t matter how impossible it may appear now, none of you People will die barren – Amen.

And like I’ve told you before, Barrenness is not just dealing with the Fruit of the womb alone, it means Fruitless Efforts.

So when He says, “Be Fruitful” it means, no more Fruitless Effort.

In Deuteronomy 28:8, the Almighty God made a Promise that He will Command the Blessing upon all you do. That means, you will no longer fail.


Not just ‘be Fruitful’ He said, Multiply!

And I think I have explained that one to us before – The difference between Addition and Multiplication.

  • Ten plus Ten (10 + 10) is going to give you twenty (20).
  • But Ten multiplied by Ten (10 x 10) will give you hundred (100).

So ‘Multiply’ means, Increasing very rapidly.

And when you look at the fact that in Genesis 46:26-27, the total number of Israeli that got to Egypt were seventy (70) Souls.

But by the time we are talking about Exodus 12:37, the number of Souls that left Egypt, according to that Passage, is about six hundred thousand (600,000) Men, without counting children.

That is called Multiplication!

So I have Good News for somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

Very soon, your Greatness will be so Mighty that everybody would ask you, “how can this be?” – Amen!

I can go on explaining that Genesis 1:28 – And I’ve decided to take that a little bit.

You would find out that of all the Blessings that God Pronounced on Man the first time He spoke to him, the one that He reserved till the end is:


He says, above all that I have said, “Have Dominion” – Be in Charge.

I. Dominion Physically:

To have Dominion Physically means, from now on, you won’t have to worry about Sickness.

According to Exodus 15:26, you do what God God asked you to do, you will not need to be sick.

It is Possible that you don’t know Sickness until you die – You don’t have to be sick to die.

When you have lived all your days on Earth, you can just go.

I have told you how I want to leave when my time comes – if Jesus tarries: I’ll go to Church on Sunday: Sing, Dance, Rejoice. And then come home, eat Pounded yam and go!

So that everybody would be saying, we saw him in Church this Morning.

And I am Praying for every one of you here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

When your time to go comes, they will not be carrying you from one Hospital to another – Amen.

II. Dominion Mentally:

Mentally, you can have Dominion.

Because according to James 1:5, the Almighty God says, If you want Wisdom, ask God; He will give it to you Liberally – Generously.

The Almighty God can give you Dominion Mentally and Academically.

I’ve told you the Story of a boy, the son of two (2) Professors – The father a Professor, the mother a Professor. But he boy was just dumb.

In any Class they put him, he would come last. Move him from a Class of twenty five (25), put him in a Class of thirty six (36) People, his Position would Change from twenty fifth (25th) to thirty sixth (36th).

Then the Parents brought him – We Prayed a Simple Prayer. The next Examination he wrote, he came First (1st). The teachers said, “it’s not Possible.” They said they know that even if they gave him the answers to copy, he would copy it wrong.

But the Almighty God has touched that boy! So they gave him another Test, and he scored higher.

And so for those of you who are Students, listening to me today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

The Ability to Dominate Academically, receive it in Jesus’ Name!

III. Dominion Emotionally:

You can have Dominion Emotionally.

In other words, for the rest of your Life you don’t need to know Sorrow.

In Philippians 4:4, the Bible says, Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to explain to you the difference between Daily Bread and a Feast.

Daily Bread is something in the Morning, something in the Afternoon, something in the Evening – Well, at least in those days:

I think Majority of People now, if you can get something in the Morning, something in the Evening, you’ll Praise God.

That’s Daily Bread!

A Feast is when something Big is happening – Marriage or something, and there is abundance of food.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, “Praise me for you Daily Bread, because your Feast is Approaching – Amen.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:16 the Bible says, Rejoice evermore.

John 16:24 says you can ask until your Joy is full.

And I am decreeing in the Name of my Father in Heaven, that there is someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, who will never weep again – Amen.

IV. Dominion Materially:

You can have Dominion Materially.

In 3 John 1: 2, He says: Beloved, I Pray that you may Prosper in all things and be in Health, just as your Soul Prospers.

The only thing I need to warn you about is that, when you Prosper, some People would be angry – You need to understand that.

I understand that someone gave a Bishop a car and some People got very, very offended, that how can a Bishop be riding a Rolls Royce: as if once you are a Bishop you must die of hunger.

Let me tell you, my beloved children: If you die Poor, they would blame you. They would say, “after all these days of your Service to God, is this how you’ll end?”

If you can’t Pay your rent they would say, “where is your God?”

If all of a sudden you begin to ride a Rolls Royce, they will attack you.

So, which of the two (2) do you choose? – To live in Abundance!

They are going to attack you any way – Whether you die of Poverty or you live in Abundance.

How many of you Prefer to live in Abundance? The DMC Family Members!

And I decree in the Name that’s above every other name; very soon, your Neighbours will envy you – Amen.

Oh! Thank You Father.

I want to say Amen to this before I tell you – Amen!

Because the Almighty God asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

That beginning from tonight, all Lights have turned GREEN for you – Amen.

V. Dominion Spiritually:

And then of course, you can have Dominion Spiritually.

In 1 John 4:4, the Bible says, Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.

You are of God – So you are an Overcomer. He said, “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

That means it doesn’t matter who and who are there in the world, that do not want you to Succeed; you have already Overcome them – Amen!

You know it is Possible to win without a fight – That is the meaning of More than Conquerors.

And the Word of God says we are Conquerors.

From today onwards, for the rest of your Life, you will win without a fight: because the Greater One is inside of you – Amen!


How do we differentiate them from those who are Pretending?

  1. WISDOM:

The first Characteristic that you will want to notice is that, they are Wise People.

Proverbs 17:2 made is clear: it is the Wise that will rule over the Foolish.

Wisdom is actually the correct application of Knowledge.

Which is why those of you who are Students, study hard. Because it is the Knowledge that you have that you will apply for your benefit.


People who have Dominion live debt-free;

  • They do everything Possible not to borrow.
  • They cut their Coat according to the Cloth they have.
  • They don’t go beyond their means to acquire anything.

Why? Because the Borrower is Slave to the Lender – DMC NOTES: Proverbs 22:7

Don’t borrow, because once you borrow, you will become a Slave to the one you borrowed from.

Romans 13:8 says you should owe no Man anything except to love.

Don’t borrow, it’s a terrible thing. People who have Dominion don’t owe anybody anything.

Where I come from, when one ‘big’ man is trying to make ‘Yanga’ (DMC NOTES: “Yanga” means “To Show Off” or Pose) to a small Man, he would look at him and say, “Oga, we know you have money: but you are not the one feeding me.”

That’s another way of saying, “you have no Dominion over me; I don’t owe you anything.”

Let that idea come deep into you – Don’t borrow!


Those who have Dominion are always Diligent People – You will not find a lazy fellow who will ever Dominate in Life.


The Lord said there’s Someone hearing me now, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He asked me to tell you to write it down; because one day you will break a World Record – Amen.

Proverbs 12: 24 says clearly: The hand of the Diligent shall bear rule: but the Slothful shall be under tribute.

They are hardworking People!

Because of the Students here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, let me remind you once again a Story I have told a couple of times.

There was a time that Christian Students in a Particular University were always failing Examinations.

One day when I visited them, and when we started discussing they told me, “we spend quality time Worshipping and Praying to God.” I said, “in Examination time?”

They said, but it is written, the Holy Spirit is supposed to help us pass. I said, what is written is that the Holy Spirit will remind you of what you’ve learnt. They said, what is the Role of the Holy Spirit there?

I said well, He is the Comforter; if you fail He will comfort you and tell you, don’t worry, where there is Life there is Hope.

You must study! You must work hard, and then the Holy Spirit would remind you when the Examination time comes.

I want to add something that I am not quite sure any of my children mentioned. And that is;


After I have become the one in Charge, how do I remain the one in Charge?

  1. You must have Self Control:

Proverbs 16:32 says, He that is slow to anger is better than the Mighty; and he that ruleth his Spirit than he that taketh a City.

Have Self Control…

Oh LORD. Thank You Father.

There was a Testimony here tonight that almost brought tears to my eyes.

I think it was the last Testimony, when the Sister was talking about certain things that have been taken out of the body _ Some amendments that have been done that are Permanent.

My heart was crying to God that there might be some People under the same Category who have suffered some apparently irreversible situations.

But Daddy just said something.

He said I should to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

That there is no Science to Change ashes back to Firewood.

He said, but I should tell that fellow, “I will give you Beauty for Ashes”:- Amen.

… I’ll be waiting for your Testimony – Amen!

Oh! Thank You Father.

The one who already has Dominion must also have Self Control.

I. Control your Anger:

And one of the Major things you must control is your Anger – Anger can destroy your Dominion.

You know the Story of Moses very well – Numbers 20:1-12. Here was a Man who was a very Great Leader.

So Great, today he is recognised in three (3) Religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam, where they call him ‘Anabi Musa.’

But in Numbers 20:1-12, his anger got the better part of him. He laboured for Forty (40) years and did not make it to the Promised Land.

I Pray for everyone of you who have Problem with anger; this very day the Almighty God will pull it out of you – Amen.

II. Control your Lust:

You must learn to Control your Lust of the flesh because it can rob you of Dominion.

Take the example of Samson in Judges 16:1 – end – You know what happened to Samson.

When you talk of a Man who had Dominion; a Man who could subdue Enemies, you don’t have to look far before you find Samson.

But because he couldn’t control his appetite for Strange Women, he died before his time.

Control your Lust, it can lead to some very serious consequences.

That’s why the Bible says in 2 Timothy 2: 22 that you must Flee also Youthful Lusts;

In 1 John 2:15-17, the Bible says, Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

If you want to retain Dominion, you must run from the Lust of the Flesh.

  1. Your Obedience to God must be Complete.

When you consider 1 Samuel 15:1-31, you will find a King – Saul. He was already a King, and he had Dominion.

But he wouldn’t obey God fully – That’s why he lost his Kingdom.

Your Obedience to God must be Complete!

… You want to retain Dominion?

  1. You must remain Totally Connected to God.

You can’t be one leg in the world and one leg in Jesus Christ and retain Dominion.

The Almighty God is never interested in Lukewarmness – It is either you are in or you are out.

I. You must be Connecred to the One who is the Most High.

Psalm 91:1 – He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.

II. You must be Connecred to the One who is Higher than the Highest.

Ecclesiastes 5:8 – If thou seest the Oppression of the Poor, and Violent Perverting of Judgment and Justice in a Province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.

III. You must be connected to the One who is seated above Principalities and Powers.

Ephesians 1:19-22 – And what is the exceeding Greatness of his Power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his Mighty Power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the Heavenly Places, Far above all Principality, and Power, and Might, and Dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

To remain forever in Dominion, remain Connecred to God; If you get detached from Him, you would lose your Dominion.

I would tell you one Story and I would close the Sermon, so that we can do a couple of things that we want to do.

I’ve told you the Story of Brother Sam – At least the older ones amongst us will remember him.

He was half educated, he couldn’t speak English. And then he became Born Again, and became filled with the Holy Spirit – he was on Fire for God.

And all manners of Miracles were happening through him. All manners!

On day they invited him to a Teachers’ Training College to come and Preach. He said well, when I get there I would tell them “I can’t speak English, so you have to get me an Interpreter.”

But as they called him forward and he got there; as he opened his mouth to say, “I can’t speak English.” Suddenly beautiful English began to Flow out of his mouth.

He himself didn’t even know what he was saying. All he noticed was that after one (1) hour, People were rushing forward, weeping to Surrender their lives to Jesus Christ – I mean, this boy, we can count at least three (3) People that he raised from the dead.

His mother happened to be a Leader among the Occultics.

One day when the mother was not around, he burnt everything that she used for Occultism and the mother decided, it’s better I kill this boy.

And she left home to go and tell Members of the Occultic Society to send something to go and deal with the boy.

He had just shut the door at night, he was about to sleep. He knelt down to Pray, when all of a sudden, through the “Locked Door”; a huge black dog came in. I mean, without opening the door, coming towards Brother Sam. And he shouted Jesus!

And something like a Thunderbolt from Heaven hit that dog and it died on the spot. When the mother came the following morning, Brother Sam was burning the dog.

But then, Brother Sam became Proud! Let’s go for Bible Study. Brother Sam would say, “who is going to Preach?” Oh! Brother “So and So” will be Teaching. “How many People has he raised from the dead?”

It’s a very sad Story – But Brother Sam ended up in a Lunatic Asylum because God left him

I Pray for all of you who are listening to me, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: The Almighty God will never leave you – Amen.

For you to have Dominion, you have to be connected to the One who controls all things; the One who is Higher than all.

When you know as a Child child of God that you are already given Authority over Darkness; you are already seated in Heavenly Places with the Lord Jesus Christ; it is compulsory for you to maintain that Contact.

As long as an Electric Iron is connected to the Source of Electricity, it will remain hot; you pull it from the socket, it will become cold.

So Please take note of that!

If you feel that you’ve already arrived; that there is Nobody like you. That you can perform Miracles, Signs and Wonders, you slow down and you get detached from the Most High; you will soon discover that you are an Ordinary flesh.

I Pray for everyone of us once again, in the Name that’s above every other name, that thing that will draw you away from God will never happen to you – Amen.

But then, what about those of us who have not even been Connecred to Him?

We used to sing in those days: “All those who have been saved shout Hallelujah.”

And we would say, “We trample on Satan, we trample on Witches, we trample on Wizards.”

You can only trample on Satan if Jesus is dwelling in you.

If He is not dwelling in you and you say you want to face Satan; Satan will tear you to Pieces. Satan is an Old Warrior – He destroyed a lot of Great Men in the Bible.

But when the Greater One is in you, you can say, “I am an Overcomer.”


So I am appealing to those who might be here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – Who have been Pretending to be Christians, and you are not really, really Connecred to Jesus Christ.

Run forward now!

Come and Stand before the Altar and cry to Jesus Christ for Salvation.

Come and cry to Him to become your Lord and Saviour.

Come and cry to Him to dwell in you.

And if you used to be a True Christian, on Fire for God, but you know that you have Backslidden – Praying has become difficult for you, Studying the Bible is now a task.

Come back to the Lord, He will restore you and then you can continue to live in Dominion.

So those of you who want to Genuinely Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ and those of you who want to be Restored to Him, come quickly.

I’m going to count from one (1) to ten (10); but before I say ten (10) make sure that you are already Standing here.

I am counting now…

Thank you – Those of you who are clapping. You are clapping for the One who can give you Dominion.

Let us cry to the Almighty God and say Please Lord; have Mercy on me, save my Soul.

I want Genuine Salvation. I want You to forgive all my sins. I want You to come and dwell in me.

I want You to be my Lord and Saviour, and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

Cry to Him!

And the rest of us, Please let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved our Souls will save their own Souls also.

That the Almighty God would wash them Clean from all their sins with.

That the Almighty God woul come and dwell in them so that they will also become More Than Conquerors.

Please, Pray for them for two (2) Minutes.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name for Your Word.

I want to Thank You for all these People who have decided to Surrender their lives to You Genuinely.

Please receive them, in Jesus’ Name.

Have Mercy on them, in Jesus’ Name.

Let Your Blood wash them Clean in Jesus’ Name.

I Pray Lord God Almighty, that as You save their Souls, You will write their names in the Book of Life, in Jesus’ Name.

Come and dwell in them Lord: let them become True children of the Living God.

So that from now on, when they cry unto You, You would answer them by Fire.

Thank You Almighty God.

All those who have Backslidden that are now coming back to You; Please receive them and restore them.

So that they will never backslide again.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Those of you who have just Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

I Congratulate you today, because Jesus is your Lord from now on.

And I want to Promise you that by the Grace of God I’ll be Praying for you. So I need your name’s, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You!

By the way, the Choir as usual, did a great work tonight.

Now let’s give the Lord a big round of applause for them.

Few more things we need to do before we go;

  1. We need to Pray.
  2. Pastors are going to be laying hands on you.
  3. Our Graduands from Redeemer’s University (RUN) are worshipping with us tonight. And we are not going to send them out like other Graduands.

We will send them out Anointed; so that the Power of the Almighty God would go with them wherever they go.

These are a few of what we want to do – We will do them simultaneously, so that we will be on our way very soon.

Over to the Choir for a Session of Worship.


Maybe we can write down our Prayer Points:

  1. We want to Thank the Almighty God

You want to have Dominion? Then learn to Praise God Violently like David did with all his Heart.

  1. You will cry to God and say: Even as You have Decreed it, let me remain forever Blessed.
  2. You will cry to God and say: Father, let me remain forever Fruitful.
  3. You will cry to God and say: Father, Please enlarge my Coast rapidly and let me Multiply.
  4. You will cry to God and say: Father, give me Dominion in every facet of Life – Physically, Materially, Mentally, Emotionally Mentally and Spiritually,
  5. You will cry to God and say: Father, let me remain in You and with You – Far above Principalities and Powers forever.
  6. This is your own Private Prayer Request(s).

The Altar is Open!

We will cry to the Almighty God even if it is for 15 Minutes – But make the Prayer very Intense!

Like Someone said: Let today be your “Coronation Day”.

God will hear you and your Dominion will begin today!!!

Thank You Jesus. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


The Almighty God would grant your Requests.

Even as He has decreed it:

Remain Blessed.

Remain Fruitful.

Be Multiplied.

Have Dominion!

Physically, have Dominion.

Materially, have Dominion.

Maritally, have Dominion.

Emotionally, have Dominion.

Mentally, have Dominion.

Spiritually, have Dominion.

Far above Principalities and Powers, remain forever.

Oh Father! I request Specially tonight for everyone of Your Children:

Give us Beauty for Ashes.

Reverse the Irreversible.

Put Science to Shame.

Show that You are the Almighty.

And whatever may be the Private Requests of Your Children, grant tonight.

Thank You my Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

… Now we can go back to our seats.

… I hope someone would lead the Graduands to where the Elders would Anoint them.


Pastors go and line up so that as the People would be coming forward, you might lay hands on them for Impartation.

The Band will continue to Play as they bring down the Mantle to descend of these Young ones who are here tonight.

The Oil for the Anointing has been Prayed over.

Over to you Band!

Thank you very much!

… We will Thank the Almighty God for what He has done tonight, and I will Bless You to round up the evening.


Let’s take our Thanksgiving Offering to say Thank You to the Almighty God for all He has done for us.

Has anyone been blessed tonight? Yes!; For the DMC Family Members.

If you have been blessed, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

So very quickly, take your Thanksgiving Offering, dance to the nearest basket and drop your Offering (Online).

Thank you Band. You are doing well. Just continue.


Father Almighty, we want to Thank You once again for everything You’ve done tonight.

We trust You that any Minute spent in Your Presence is not wasted.

We believe very firmly that as a result of tonight’s Meeting, there will be Dramatic Changes in all our lives for the better.

Accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, Please receive the Thanksgiving Offering of Your Children; Bless it, Sanctify it, use it for Your Glory.

And from now on, my Father and my God, I Pray that Your Children will Dominate Financially.

That they will never Lack; they will never borrow – They will always have More Than Sufficient.

And everything they need to do Your work; everything they need to serve You. You will give to them Abundantly.

And I Pray that this Month in Particular (October 2024) would be a very Successful Month for them.

Thank You Almighty God.

If there is anyone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, who is still in need of one Miracle or the other; before the Sun rises, let the Requests become Testimonies.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

God Bless You!

Stand on your feet! We are going to Pray one more Prayer before we go home.

You are going to cry to the Almighty God and say Father; the Grace to serve You more than ever before, give it to me.

LORD, let me Praise You more, let me Serve You more, let me Witness more, and let me Give more!

And Please Father, let there be Unity in the Body of Christ:

So that our Prayers would not be hindered.

So that our Land would be Healed.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


The God I Serve; the One who has made me your father will establish it when I say, “You will be forever Blessed!”

Everyday of your Life, you will get Richer and Richer.

Your Pocket will never be dry.

You will never beg for Food.

Your Glory will Shine Brighter and Brighter; and you will never know Shame.

God will go with you as you go.

This Month (October 2024) will be full of Miracles for you.

By the next time I see you, you will be shouting “Louder Hallelujah”.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

God Bless You! You can go in Peace – Amen!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

STOP PRESS: Out and ready for Pick Up – Our Year 2023 RCCG Programs covering all Programs, Inclusive Weekly Messages of Pastor Mensah Otabil, Apostle Joshua Selman, Bro Gbile, Pastor Paul Enenche and Pastor Poju on a 16GB Flash from our Stable. Call/Text/WhatsApp 08023604721/08066497178/08059821748

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