Why don’t you just lift up your hands to the Almighty God and give Him Glory? Worship Him like you have never done before as He is Worthy to be Praised and there is no one like Him.

Thank You Saviour. Oh Glory be to Your Holy Name.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


What a Mighty God we Serve
What a Mighty God we Serve
Heaven and Earth Adore Him
Even Angels bow before Him
What a Mighty God we Serve.


Almighty God, the One who can make the Impossible Possible, the One who can reverse the Irreversible – We Worship You.

Thank You because when You open, no Man can shut; when You shut, no Man can open; when You say Yes, Nobody can say No.

Accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

In the lives of all Your Children here today inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; Father Please do the Impossible and reverse the Irreversible.

Every door that has been shut against Your Children, force them open.

The doors that has been opened to Your Children, keep them Permanently open.

Whatever may be their Request(s) today, Father before the Sun Sets, turn it to a Testimony/Testimonies.

Let this Day be a New Beginning for them – A New Beginning of Greatness, of Progress, of Promotion and of Joy.

And Lord, I am Praying especially for the Leadership of this Particular Parish – That You, the Greatest Promoter will Promote them all, You will anoint them Specifically and anoint them to do Exploits for You.

Father, I am Praying that within the next one Year, this Particular Parish will have at least a dozen Children.

And the Land that You have Provided for them, my Father and my God, I Pray that very soon I will come and dedicate a Big Church.

I have a very Special Request for each and everyone of Your Children here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – And that is:

Father, Surprise them and let them serve You till the end.

Multiply them Greatly.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

And then shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People and say: God will Surprise you today!

And you may Please be seated – God Bless You!

If you are looking for an Evidence that God is still working Miracles; that Evidence is that I am here today!

Because when your Pastor said: Daddy, can you Please come? Inviting me to your Church in December? And the Invitation is coming in November of that same Year? I just smiled and I thought that here is a Comedian!

But you have to be Polite – And so I ended up by saying that we will Pray about it.

And many People that knows me know well, knows that when I said that, it is a Polite way of saying: “No Way”.

But here we are today!

That which you think can never happen, the Almighty God will do it for you – Amen!

I have known Nathaniel Bassey for quite a while.

There is something about him that I am sure that you already know – He is very Submissive to Authority!

His Story is like that of Isaac that was farming in the Land. And Isaac was Planning to “Japa” (DMC NOTES: “Japa” literally means relocating to a Perceived Economically better Location than Present Location)

But then the One in Authority said: No, you are not going anywhere. You are staying and he stayed.

And God had Proved Himself!

I have Good News for you my son (DMC NOTES: Referring to Nathaniel Bassey) – You have not seen anything yet!

And Thank God for His wife.

Many Men had gone astray because they married the wrong Person.

So, if a Man remains Steady and Focused, you know who to Thank!

So, Thank You!

Let’s go straight to the Word of God:

2 Corinthians 3:18:

But we all, with open face beholding as in a Glass the Glory of the Lord, are Changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

When I was told that your Theme this Year is: “From Glory to Glory”; I wanted to Participate because I want God to move me also from Glory to Glory.

  1. From Glory to Glory implies from Wisdom to Wisdom.

Proverbs 3:35 tells us that there is a direct link between Wisdom and Glory:

I. The Wise shall inherit Glory.

II. And the Bible made it clear that Wisdom is the Principal Thing.

III. And so, if you walk with the Wise according to Proverbs 13:20; you will be Wise.

And who is the Wisest Person you can walk with? Jesus Christ of course!

That is why he said that as you are focusing on Jesus Christ, He will move you from Glory to Glory.

Which means that He will move you from Wisdom to Wisdom.

IV. Because according to Daniel 2: 20-22; it is God who gives Wisdom to the Wise.

V. And of course, Jesus Christ Himself is the Wisdom of God.

So I want to decree concerning everyone of you here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – In the Name that is above every other name, you will move from Glory to Glory and which implies that you will move from Wisdom to Wisdom – Amen!

  1. Now from Glory to Glory means from Wisdom to Wisdom. But that means immediately from Knowledge to Knowledge.

Why? Because Wisdom is the Correct Application of Knowledge.

So, you must have Knowledge before you can apply it correctly.

Matthew 7: 24-27 – The Lord says that if you want to see a Wise Man, he is the one who will listen to what I am saying and do them.

… You apply the Knowledge that I have given to you and then you will be Wise.

So from Wisdom to Wisdom automatically implies from Knowledge to Knowledge!

I. I mean for example as a Young Christian, we were afraid of the devil because People like me had seen the devil in Action.

We grew up among Witches and Wizards and we have seen the havoc they can do.

And then, there was this “Little Fear” – And when we talk of Witches and Wizards, we tremble a little.

But then, we grew in Knowledge and we learnt that if you Submit yourself to God, you can resist the devil – The Chairman of all Witches and Wizards and they will all flee.

Ha, that solves a lot of Problems – Submit to God and I can look at the devil and say: Get out of here, and he will tremble.

Really! Knowledge is Power!

And from that time till now, the devil has been running from some of us.

II. There was a time when we thought that if you are going to make it to Heaven, it is Compulsory that you must be Poor.

Oh, you may not believed it, but around the time People like me got Born Again, you are not a Good Brother:

☆ If you wear this kind of beautiful dresses that you People are wearing.

☆ If you have a car at all, then it must be Third-Hand.

Whether you believed it or not, the day I discovered that what the Bible says is that: “Without Holiness, no Man shall see God” – Not without Poverty; things Changed!

All my Colleagues were buying Volkswagen – The best of them must be Second-Hand.

But I bought a Toyota Crown, fully Air-conditioned.

Whether you believed it or not, the Brethrens then said to me: Ha, you backslide so soon.

Years later, when Knowledge increased, one of the People who said that to me came to visit me and he came in a Brand New Peugeot 505 Air-conditioned.

And when I escorted him back to the car – I looked at the car and said: This is your car? I said oh God, you too has Backsliden?

That is why you find People like me – Even at my age, I am still Studying the Word of God in order to gain more Knowledge!

  1. And so from Knowledge to Knowledge automatically means from, hearkening to hearkening.

Because if you are going to increase in Knowledge, you have to hear the Word of God, and you have to learn more and more at the feet of those who knows better than you.

And when we talk about hearing, you must know the difference between hearing and hearkening.

If you want to move from Glory to Glory; you don’t just hear, you hearken.

To Hearken means to listen as if your very Life depends on what you are hearing.

I have given an illustration to my Senior Pastors in the Past – That when I was at ilesha Grammar Sxhool in the 1950’s; that is before Elders here were born.

We have a Geography Teacher – Wonderful Man. He will teach us throughout the Year and when Exams is comimg, the day before the Exams, he will call us together for what he called Revision and then he will ask us to ask him Questions.

And you will ask: What is the difference between Sahara Desert and Kalahari Desert? And he will explain.

Tomorrow, Question No 1 is going to be: What is the difference between Sahara Desert and Kalahari Desert?

So once we discovered that trick, we enjoy ourselves when he is teaching but during that Revision, we hearken – Everything he says we take Note because that is what is going to determine tomorrow.

DMC NOTES: The Kalahari Desert is a large Semi-arid Sandy Savanna in Southern Africa extending for 900,000 Square Kilometres, covering much of Botswana, as well as Parts of Namibia and South Africa. It is inhabited Primarily by Bantu Speakers and Khoisan-speaking San, with a small number of Europeans. The Kalahari is home to desert Specialties such as Meerkat, Bat-eared foxes, Cape fox and brown Hyena. Perhaps unexpectedly, all three African big cats can be found here – Cheetah, Leopard and the famous Black-maned Kalahari lions.

Some People come to the Church to listen, some come to hearken – We pay attention to everything that is being said; knowing fully well that our tomorrow depends on it.

You see, when you read Deuteronomy 28: 1-13; some People had read it several times but never hearkened to what is there.

What God said is that if you hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, and to observe – Because when you are hearkening, you are taking Notes to do everything that I say, then you have it made.

You don’t even have to worry about your Enemies – They come against you one (1) way but they will flee seven (7) times.

One way or the other in a way you can’t explain, somehow you will reach the Top.

It is there – Provided you Hearken.

  1. So from Glory to Glory means hearkening to hearkening; which automatically means from Faith to Faith.

Why? Because Romans 10:17 says: “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”.

How come that some People seems to have more Faith than others?

Because they have been hearkening, they have been Paying attention to what God says and somehow along the line, they discovered that whatever God says is Settled.

Trying to understand how God will do this thing is a waste of time.

I have said this before – Your brain is too small to understand how God works.

When God says that He is going to do something for you, go to bed as it will happen.

When He told me when I was staying in one Room in Mushin (A City in Lagos State Nigeria): Son, don’t ask me for a house because I have decided to build you a City.

It doesn’t make sense – How can you go from one Room in Mushin to having a City?

In any case, where is the City going to be? Are you going to drive the People in Lagos out of it?

But He said it and the day He took me to where Redemption City is now, He choose a Place where Nobody will contest with me.

Why? Because it is a Place full of Pythons, Poisonous Snakes and the Headquarters of Highway Robbers.

Who wants to buy a Land there?

And then, He took me there and said: That is the Place – 2.2 Acress, God said that is the City.

Once God has Spoken, don’t worry yourself about the details.

People come from all over the world now to the Redemption City and say: Are you telling us that this Place started with 2.2 Acres? And I say: Ha, liars won’t go to Heaven.

It doesn’t matter what some Preachers may say – You say that you are Born Again and you are still lying and you say that you will make it to Heaven?

Who is deceiving who?

When it is written – Outside are Liars.

So, if God says that He is going to do something for you; Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

I Pray for everyone of you that in anytime of Need, the Word of God that you have been hearing will come to your Remembrance – Amen!

I have told you the Story of the first time that I went on a Cruise – My children wanted me to rest and so they said: Go on a Cruise, Nobody can come and disturb you there.

And I have said it before – You want a really beautiful Holiday, go on a Cruise. You can’t beat that.

Because in the boat (Talkimg of something that is a Giant – Sheraton Hotel in size) – They have several Restaurants and everything that you eat there is a buffet (Morning, Afternoon, Evening or even at Midnight).

And I went on this Boat Cruise – And I was enjoying myself until the 5th Day and then the Storm came.

And when there is a Storm on the Sea, the biggest ship becomes a toy – And the Plates were flying off the table and everything became a bullet.

It got so bad that the Captain called us together – Ladies and Gentlemen, we are having a little Problem. But don’t worry, we have had worst things before.

Storms at Sea are in Twelve (12) Categories – Category One (1) is the Smallest Category while Category Twelve (12) is the Biggest Category.

And now, we are only in Category Ten (10).

Then he said, just go and stay in your Cabin (DMC NOTES: A Cabin is a Private Room on a Ship or Boat that is used for Sleeping or Living. A Cabin or Berthing is also an enclosed Space generally on a Ship or an Aircraft. A Cabin which Protrudes above the level of a Ship’s deck may be referred to as a Deckhouse)

I got back to my Cabin – God, what am I doing here?

Because the largest River in my Village, you can jump over it.

Suddenly, I heard God Speak – Son, when I was here on Earth and I was in a boat and there was a Storm, what did the Bible says that I was doing?

I said You are Sleeping.

He said, then go to bed.

That is all I needed to hear – 2 Minutes later, I was fast asleep.

By the time I woke up, the Storm was over and we were already at the Landing Point.

Anytime I tell the Story, People will say: How could you sleep in that situation?

What else could I do? I couldn’t swim but God has Spoken.

May I be audacious and say to Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – That Storm in your Life is over (Amen).

I have said it before that God is not a Talkative – He doesn’t have to repeat Himself.

I. God has Spoken once, twice have I heard that Power belongs to God!

☆ Let there be Light and there was Light – He doesn’t have to repeat Himself. (DMC NOTES: Genesis 1:3).

He doesn’t have to repeat Himself as He is the Almighty God!

II. And when He wants to emphasis something, He repeats Himself.

“Verily, Verily I say unto you” … (DMC NOTES: John 3:3; John 3:5; John 5:24; John 5:25 John 8:34; John 10:1; John 13:16; John 13:20; John 14:12)

The moment you hear “Verily, Verily”; it means that God is serious!

III. And then on one occasion, He spoke three (3) times.

You can find that in Joshua 1: 2-9 – Three (3) times He said: “Be Strong and be of Good Courage”.

When He was saying it at the third time, there was a hint of Anger in His Voice.

And you can understand – You are telling a Messenger that is going to become President (No Preparation, Nothing) that he is going to become the Leader of a Nation.

A Nation that was so turbulent that the Leader who Practically saw God, after 40 years failed because those People are so tough.

And now, you called a Messenger and telling him that you will take over.

Of course, he trembled.

And so, three (3) times God said: I am the One who told you now to be Strong and be of Good Courage.

IV. But do you know that four (4) times; God said that: “The Just shall live by Faith”.

That will tell you the importance of that.

You can find them in: Habbakuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38.

… Four (4) times; the God who is not a Talkative says: “The Just shall live by Faith”.

From now on, if you want to move from Glory to Glory; live by Faith and never doubt God!

If He says that He will do this thing, He will do it – Don’t worry yourself but just relax.

People have always wondered – Wity the Responsibilities that the Almighty God has given to my Humble Self, how come your Blood Pressure (BP) remains Normal?

Because I am here now Preaching to you and yet I am concerned about what is going on in Russia and what is going on in Ukraine because whether you believe it or not, we have Churches in Russia and Ukraine.

Whether you believe it or not, we have Churches in Gaza, just as we have in Israel.

So anything that is happening in the world is Practically on my Table.

But do I worry myself?

No, I just look at the situation – I Pray whenever I need to Pray and after that, I enjoyed Pounded Yam and then Sleep.

You see, the Problem is that People worry for Nothing – You worry over things that you don’t even have Control over!

☆ Like I don’t know whether I will get Promotion.

Promotion comes from God and not from you.

☆ I am not sure whether I will get a job or not when I finished my Course.

It is God who said that if you are not working, you won’t eat.

Do you think that God wants you to die?

When I became the Geveral Overseer; in my first year, we have the Headquarter and thirty nine (39) other Parishes.

In those days, the thirty nine (39) Parishes gave me Horrors.

So, when I travelled to go and visit any of the Parishes, by the time I returned, my wife will have a List of those giving trouble – The Landlord in Kaduna is about to throw us out or your children in Ilorin were quarrelling etc.

When she finishes, I will say: Where is my food?

She will say: Didn’t you hear all I said? I will say I heard, won’t I eat?

And when I finished eating, I will say let us Pray because usually I will arrive in the Evening – Father, Thank You very much for all what You have done, Thank You for Journey.

And you know the kind of Prayer you Pray when you are tied – Father, see you tomorrow.

And my wife will say: Is that all?

It is written: Weeping, may endure for a Night, Joy comes in the Morning.

Why don’t I Sleep and wait for the Morning?

  1. From Glory to Glory; according to the Bible Passage that we read, it means that if you will focus on God, very soon you will become more and more like Him.

He is the one who said that the works that I do, you will do also. And He said that you will even do Greater Works.

Why is it then that some of us Pray for the Sick and the Sick recovered and some Pray for the Sick and they die?

It is because the one Prayed for the Sick and they died Probably didn’t even believe that they are going to be Healed anyway.

When I Pray for the Sick, He didn’t say that I will be the one to heal them – You will lay hands on the Sick and they will recover.

… These Signs shall follow them that believe.

All I need to do is to believe Him for all what He said.

So, when you lay hands on the Sick and you believed; they will be Healed.

My Hands is not the one to do the Healing but God.

All He asked me to do is to lay Hands on them and I obeyed.

What if you lay Hands on them and they didn’t recovered? Don’t you feel ashamed?

Shame? If they get Healed, He will get the Glory. And He said that He won’t share His Glory.

If they die, He won’t share the Shame.

Do you understand that?

Do you know that Death is the Final Healing – That People who died never fall sick again?

And do you know that those who get Healed, they will still die one day or the other.

Otherwise, where is Lazarus? God raised him from the dead and he still died.

Do what He asked you to do and then leave the rest for Him.

The Just shall live by Faith – And so, as you decide to live by Faith; you will become more and more like Him.

Remember that it is said of Him in Exodus 15:11 – He said that He is Glorious in Holiness.

If you are more and more like Him, your Glory will move from one Level of Glory to another!

And because you are Living by Faith, because you are Hearkening, because you are Wise – You will run away from sin.

Because you know that when He says that the wages of sin is Death, He meant it.

And so, when you hear Him say: If you live Holy, if you love Righteousness and you hate Iniquities; He says that I will anoint you with the Oil of Gladness above your fellows.

And you want Anointing? You want your Anointing to become more than other People? You don’t want to be just an Ordinary Christian? And you want to be one that will be Mightily used of God.

Then you know what to do?

☆ Stay away from sin.

☆ Live Holy and live Pure.

He said in 1 Peter 1: 14-16 that the reason why I asked you to be Holy is because I am also Holy.

You are focusing on Him – He is moving you from Wisdom to Wisdom, from Knowledge to Knowledge, from Hearkening to Hearkening, from Faith to Faith.

And then, you begin to live your Life by Faith and Complete Obedience.

Very soon, People will look at you and say that there is something about you that we don’t understand.

☆ Where do you get your Strength from?

☆ How come that instead of growing Old, you are looking Younger?

☆ How come that your Anointing seems to be Superior to that of other People?

Then you will say that it is not me but God!


So, if you are here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; and you want to move from Glory to Glory – You already know the Secret.

The first thing that you have to do is to make up your Mind about it – That God who is Holy, I want to be like Him in every facets of my Life.

You have to make up your Mind that: No more fooling around anymore. I want to be a Christian and I want to be the kind of a Christian that will be even more Christianly from time to time, from day to day.

And then of course, how can you be Holy if you are still living in sin and you don’t want to say bye bye to sin.

The very first Journey to becoming like God is to have your sin washed away.

He made arrangements for that – He said in His Words that the Blood of Jesus Christ Cleanses from all sins.

But you have to come to Him first for Him to wash you Clean.

So, if you are here or reading now on the Label of DMC and you haven’t given your Life to Jesus Christ but Pretending and comimg to Church.

But now, you mean business as you want your sins to be washed away.

Why don’t you step forward – Come and stand before the Altar. And we will Pray together and you will begin your Journey today!

So, I’m going to count from one (1) to seven (7):

Those of you infront and those on the way; talk to the Almighty God that I want to live by Faith.

You say that if I come to You in Faith and Surrender my Life to You, that You will take over.

I’m Surrendering to You – Save my Soul, forgive all my sins and give me a Brand New Beginning. And I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

The rest of us, Please let us Stretch our hands towards our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them:

That the One who saved our Souls will also save their Souls; that He will forgive them all their sins and give them a Brand New Beginning.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amem!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Words – Thank You for the Revelation in Your Words.

Thank You for these People who has decided to come forward and Surrender Completely to You.

Father, Please receive them, save their Souls and let Your Blood wash them Clean.

And from now on Please Lord, anytime they cry unto You; answer them by Fire.

And give them the Grace to serve You till the end.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!


Well, the rest of us; it is now your Time to cry to God.

Mean every words of your Prayers, knowing the Implications.

Lift your Voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, beginning from now; move me from Glory to Glory!

Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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