BIBLE TEXT: JOHN 21: 12-17
Praise God Hallelujah
Praise God Amen
Praise God Hallelujah
Praise God Amen
Almighty God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords; the Unchangeable Changer – Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You in Advance for what You will do Tonight and Thank You for what You will do this Month (February).
Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Tonight, my Father and my God, Please visit Your Children and Dine with us.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: “God is going to bless you Mightily Tonite – Amen”.
And then, you may Please be seated – God Bless You!
John 21:12-17:
- Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the Disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord.
- Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise.
- This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his Disciples, after that He was risen from the dead.
- So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my Lambs.
- He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my Sheep.
- He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my Sheep.
There are all manners of Meals – There are Meals that could be a “Landmark Meal”.
The first Meal you ate after you got married is a Landmark Meal – It is a Meal not to be forgotten.
As a matter of fact, the Meal you ate before you got married is a Landmark Meal because that is going to be your Last Meal as a Bachelor or Spinster.
In Genesis 3: 1-24; Adam and Eve, each one of them ate a Meal.
The result of that Meal is that they lost everything that God had given them.
In John 13: 21-30; Judas Iscariot ate a Meal and he lost everything after that Meal.
But here in the Bible Passage that we read – John 21: 12-17; Peter ate a Meal and recovered everything that he has lost.
Somebody is about to eat a Meal Tonight – As a result of which he/she will recover all – Amen!
Peter had denied that he knew Jesus Christ three times – And you know the Story very well.
You know the Story in Matthew Chapter 26 – When Jesus Christ was being Interrogated by the Leaders of the Synagogue.
If you read it from Matthew 26: 69-75; three times People asked Peter and Peter denied three times thar he knew Jesus Christ.
By denying Jesus Christ Publicly according to the Promise of Jesus Christ – Anybody who denies me before Men, I will deny him before my Father in Heaven (DMC NOTES: Matthew 10:33).
Peter lost any form of Entrance to Heaven because three times, he denied Jesus Christ.
On one occasion he even swore that he (Peter) never knew Jesus Christ (DMC NOTES: Matthew 26: 69-75 – The Event took Place at the Courtyard of the High Priest’s Home).
But then, Jesus Christ rose from the dead and Peter said: “I go A-Fishing” again. And the other Disciples say that: “We go with you” And then they fished All-Night and caught Nothing (DMC NOTES: John 21:3).
Jesus Christ appeared unto them and gave them Victory over Fruitless Efforts – By the time they got to the Beach, Jesus Christ had already Prepared a Meal (DMC NOTES: John 21: 4-9).
Amd when they arrived, He (Jesus Christ) just said to them: “Come And Dine” (DMC NOTES: John 21:12).
After they finished eating, Jesus Christ turned to Peter: “Peter, do you Love Me more than all this?” And Peter said that: “Lord, You know that I Love You”. Then Jesus Christ said: “Feed my Lambs” (DMC NOTES: John 21:15).
And Jesus Christ asked him (Peter) the second time: “Do you Love Me?” And Peter said again: “Yea Lord, You know that I Love You”. Then Jesus Christ said: “Feed my Sheep” (DMC NOTES: John 21:16).
Jesus Christ asked him (Peter) the third time: “Do you Love Me?”
And Peter realised what God was doing – He was giving him an opportunity to say “Yes” where he had said “No” before.
He had denied Jesus Christ thrice and now Jesus Christ is saying: “Confess me thrice”.
The third time Peter said: “You know all Things”. You know what happened to me – “I Love You” but it is just that I was faced with a Problem that I couldn’t Solve.
I was afraid and that was why I denied you three times (DMC NOTES: John 21:17).
Jesus Christ said: “I restore you three times!”
And so, you can now recover your Destiny:
- Because Jesus Christ had told Peter before in Luke 5: 1-10 – You will no longer be Fishing for fish but you will be Fishing for Men.
So, three times He (Jesus Christ) told him (Peter):
I. Feed my Lambs – Meaning: “Take care of the New Converts”.
II. Feed my Sheep – Meaning: “Take care of them who are Adults”.
III. Feed my Sheep – Meaning: “Take care of those who are even not ‘Ordinary Adults’ but those who are Old enough to be Ministers themselves”.
- He (Jesus Christ) was saying to him (Peter): “Recover your Position to be the Leader again”.
I. Because He has told him before in Matthew 16: 13-19 – He says that I am going to give you the Key of the Kingdom; whatever you bind on Earth will be bind in Heaven and whatever you loose on Earth will be loose in Heaven.
I will make you Number One (1).
- And so, He (Jesus Christ) is saying to him (Peter) again: “Be Completely Restored”.
And because of that Meal, Peter could now say: “Without any doubt, there is Glory Ahead for me”.
It wasn’t long after that – As you will read in Acts 5: 1-end; the Shadow of Peter was beginning to heal the Sick.
That Miracle – The kind that People has never known before began to happen through him (Peter).
It was a Landmark Meal.
And the Almighty God has Prepared a Table before you Tonight and He is saying to you as He said to Peter: “Come And Dine”.
Come and Recover:
☆ Come and Recover your Destiny.
☆ Come and Recover your Position.
☆ Come and Recover the Glory that has been meant for you.
That is why I am appealing to those of you who are here Tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC:
☆ The Meal that you are about to eat Tonight is a Landmark Meal.
☆ It is a Meal that when you eat it, you can Recover All.
☆ And that is why it is not an Ordinary Meal because Peter was able to Recover All.
Because when he discovered that he messed up in Matthew Chapter 26 – When he had denied the Lord three times, the Bible said that he went out and wept bitterly.
And many of us who come forward and claimed that we are Born Again:
I. We come out without any form of Sorrow, and any form of Repentance for the way we had lived our lives in the Past.
II. Some of us come forward just because we see People coming forward.
III. Some of us come forward so that we can take the Picture of the General Overseer.
☆ Those who will need Salvation.
☆ Thoae who want to really, really be Forgiven.
☆ Those who want their sins washed away and Forgotten.
They can come out now with all Seriousness!
So, if you want to come and if you are not sure of your Salvation.
You claim to be Born Again but you are still enjoying sin.
But now, you mean Business – You want to really, really come to Jesus Christ.
I invite you now that you come Solemnly to the Altar!
Crying to Jesus Christ for Mercy and asking Him to save your Soul.
I am going to count from one (1) to five (5) – Before I say five (5), if you want to come, then you come. But if you don’t want to come, then it is up to you.
But if you really mean business and you really, really want to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, and you want to say bye bye to a Life of sin; come now as I count!
Now go ahead and cry to the Almighty God:
Ask Him to be Merciful unto you, ask Him for forgive all your sins, ask Him to become your Lord and Saviour and Promise Him that from now on, you will obey Him and stay away from sin.
Cry to Him and He will answer your Prayers!
The rest of us, let us Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them:
That the One who saved our Souls will save their own Souls also.
And that Today, they will get Genuine Salvation.
That the Almighty God will forgive all their sins and He will save their Souls and receive them into the Family of God.
Pray for them Brethren!
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I Commit all these Your Children into Your Hands.
I Thank You for Your Words, I Thank You for all those who has come forward to Surrender their lives to You Today – Those who are here and those who are Surrendering to You wherever they may be all over the world Inclusive those reading now on the
Label of DMC:
Please receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wipe away all their sins, save their Souls and receive them into the Family of God.
Write their names in the Book of Life and from now on, let them serve You and You alone.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Those of you who has come forward, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Now Tonight, as you take the Bread, we will cry unto the Almighty God that everything that I had lost Physically; be Completely restored back to me Tonight:
My Health, my Wealth and my Strength – Everything that I had Lost Physically, Please restore them fully Tonight.
When it is time to drink the Wine, I will tell you how to Pray!
The Lord Jesus Christ; the very Night in which He was betrayed took the Bread and when He has given Thanks, He broke it saying: Take, Eat; this is my Body broken for you; do this in Remembrance of Me.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!
Go ahead: Eat and Cry to the Almighty God for Total Recovery of your Health, Strength and Wealth.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Shall we all Please Stand?
One of my daughters said to me that when she became Born Again, God began to speak to her through Dreams – Vivid Dreams.
Then she backslided and the Dreams stopped.
She cried to the Almighty God for Restoration after she repented of her evil ways and the Dreams came back.
I don’t know what you have Lost Spiritually:
☆ Maybe it is the Joy of your Salvation.
☆ Maybe it is the Ability to hear from God.
☆ Maybe it is the Ability to read the Bible and Understand it fully.
☆ Maybe it is the Ability to lay hands on the Sick and the Sick then recovers.
Whatever is it that you have Lost; as you drink the Wine Tonight, I want you to cry to God:
Father, everything that I have Lost Spiritually, restore to me Tonight.
After the same manner also; He took the Cup when He has sup, saying: This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, Please do ye as oft as you drink it in Remembrance of Me.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
And so shall it be in Jesus Name – Amen!
Let’s be seated and remain in an Attitude of Worship.
Pass your cups to the aisles so that the Ushers can help us collect.
Then as it our Biblical Custom, we want to say Thank You to the Almighty God for giving us this Great Opportunity to dine with Him.
Particularly as we believed that after this Night’s Meal, there will be Full Restoration for us – Amen!
So, let us take our Offerings – Dance to the nearest Baskets in Faith that whatever we have Lost: Physically, Mentally, Materially, Maritally and Spiritually; all of them are now restored in Jesus Name (Amen).
So, we will dance to the nearest Basket – We will drop our Offerings and then we Celebrate with our Neighbours for this Great Landmark Meal.
Over to you Band!
Father, we want to say Thank You.
Thank You for being with us again this Evening and Thank You for an Opportunity to dine with You.
Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
My Father and my God, concerning all these Your Children, I make a Decree now:
Everything that the devil has stolen from you, you will recover fully.
By this Time Tomorrow (DMC NOTES: Friday, 7th February 2025), you will have Testimonies.
The Lord will bless your Offerings, He will Sanctify it and He will use it for His Glory.
And by this Time Tomorrow (DMC NOTES: Friday, 7th February 2025), you will be Rejoicing.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
I hope some of you must have noticed that our Traditional Rulers are not where they used to be because God has Promoted them.
And they are seated on their own Altar – To my right.
God is going to Promote Somebody here Tonight also Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – Amen!
Well, let me hear you shout a “Landmark Hallelujah” – HALLELUJAH!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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