Thank You Father.

Go ahead, Bless the Name of the Lord. Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration.

Bless His Holy Name. Bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Worship Him, He is worthy to be Praised.

Thank You Jesus. Glory be to God – Hallelujah.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah, the Man of War
Your Mercy endureth forever and ever;
Oh! Praise His Holy Name (Amen).


The God of Abraham – The God of Blessings, the God of Greatness.

The God of Isaac – The God of Multiplication.

The God of Jacob – The God of Exceeding Greatness.

We Thank You, and we Worship You.

Please, accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for what You did Yesterday (Monday, Day 1); Thank You for what You are about to do now (Tuesday, Day 2) – Glory be to Your Holy Name!

Please, accept our Worship, In Jesus’ Name.

Today, amongst all Your Children all over the world who are connected to this Program or readin this Message now on the Label of DMC:

Do something New.

Do something Great.

Do something Wonderful.

And at the end of it all, take all the Glory Lord.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

And then, before you sit down, Prophesy concerning yourself to two (2) or three (3) People and tell them: By this time tomorrow, my Joy would be full (Amen).

Go ahead, tell about three (3) to four (4) People.

And then put your hands together for the Almighty God.

And then you can be seated.

Yesterday (Monday, Day 1), as we began to discuss the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob – We wedged war against any manner of Sickness and Disease. Any manner of Lack.

Today (Tuesday, Day 2), we want to wedge war, with the backing of the Almighty God, against any form of Barrenness; any form of Fruitless Efforts, any form of Failure.

Tomorrow (Wednesday, Day 3), by the Grace of God, we would wedge war against any form of Bondage.

So, tomorrow (Wednesday, Day 3) is really going to be a Deliverance Night.

That’s why I can assure you, as the LORD lives; by this time of tomorrow (Wednesday) your Joy would overflow – Amen.

Our Bible Text is Exodus 3:15:

And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the Children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my Name for ever, and this is my Memorial unto all Generations.

Barrenness is an Enemy! Fruitless Effort is an Enemy – And God does not want it for you.

In Genesis 1:26-28, when God created Man in His Own Image, the first thing He said is that, “you are to be Fruitful and Multiply.”

… And Barrenness says, “God, You are a Liar.”

And we know, anybody that says God is a Liar; himself is the Liar.

So, if in any area of your Life you have been making Efforts, and you are not getting results; I want you to lift your voice loud and clear and say to the devil; you are a Liar!

God said in Exodus 23:26, “None of my Children shall be barren.”

It is God who said that one – And you know what that means?

It means, “None of my Children will be a Failure.” (Amen).

Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me.

  • I can be Fruitful.
  • I can Multiply.
  • I can Succeed in everything;

Because Christ Himself is going to Strengthen me!


In Genesis 17:5, God turned to Abraham and said, “you shall be the father of Nations.

Not one Nation – Many Nations.”

According to Romans 4:17, while the devil is saying, “God you are lying, this Man is barren: He is not going to become the father of anybody.”

The Bible tells us that God calls those things that be not, as though they were (Romans 4:17).

Allow me to decree to Somebody here today, and all those reading now on the Label of DMC: That the Doctors have told, “you can never be Fruitful.” The devil is a Liar – Amen!

Why? Because God speaks and it is done.

Psalm 33:8-9 says, the reason the whole Earth must Fear before the God is that He speaks and it is done.

And He is speaking through me today – He is saying to Somebody near me, far away or reading now on the Label of DMC: In the Name that’s above every other name, Failure is going to become a Stranger to you – Amen.

God doesn’t lie – Numbers 23:19 says, God is not a Man, that he should lie; neither the Son of Man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

This same God – The God of Abraham, according to Genesis 18:9-14, this same God can turn Prophecies to a Decree.

For years He had made Promises to Abraham: “Your Children will be many.” But it looked as if nothing was happening.

Then a Particular year came, like Year 2025; and God Changed all Prophecies to a decree.

He said, within nine (9) Months, you will carry your own children.

I am His Representative to you, and I decree (Go and write it down): In less than one Year, you will come rejoicing with your own Children – Amen.

The Bible says in Romans 4:19-21, that God can even bring dead wombs back to Life – He can bring what is already dead back to Life.

Some of you would remember the Story of a woman who, when she was in the Secondary School, made a mistake – Became Pregnant.

She tried to abort it and the abortion failed. And she was bleeding profusely.

By the time they took her to the Hospital, the Doctors said the only way to save her Life is to take away her womb.

So they took away the womb, but she survived.

Somehow, she went ahead and got married – And because she had no womb, of course there was no Pregnancy.

She went to her Pastor – Please pray for me.

The Pastor had been Praying and Praying.

After sometime the Pastor said, everyone I Prayed for conceived, what about your case?

And then she told the Pastor her Story – And the Pastor said, you mean you have no womb and you are asking me to Pray for you to have Children?

And she said, Sir you are the one who taught us that, with God Nothing shall be Impossible.

The Pastor said, I see!

And from that moment on, anytime the Pastor saw the woman coming, he would turn towards another direction.

One day she discovered that the Pastor was dodging her, and she cried to God. She said, Oh GOD, I’m not asking the Pastor to Pray for me anymore; do it Yourself.

That Night, she had a Dream, and in the Dream she had a Divine Visitation.

Somebody is going to have a Divine Visitation tonight – Amen.

In the Dream, she saw herself standing naked in a room. And she saw a “Huge Man” coming in with the skin of an animal in His Hand. She was so frightened, she couldn’t move.

And the Man came near her, wrapped the skin of animal round her belly, and disappeared!

When she woke up, she was already Mensurating.

By the time we heard her story, she already had five (5) Children.


I want you to rise on your feet and cry to the Almighty God and say:

Oh God of Abraham, everything Good in my Life that had died; bring it back to Life.

Go ahead, cry to the Almighty God.

Thank You Jesus. Thank You Lord.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


What does that mean?

Genesis 21:1-7 tells us clearly, Isaac means Laughter.

I. The God of Isaac is the God of Laugher.

According to Psalm 30:5, the Bible says: Weeping may endure for a Night, but Joy cometh in the Morning.

I decree to Somebody today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: Your Weeping ends right now – Amen.

The God of Isaac is the God of Laughter – He laughs!

The Bible tells us in Psalm 2:4, He that sitteth in the Heavens shall Laugh:

Psalm 17:11 says, Thou wilt shew me the Path of Life: in thy Presence is Fullness of Joy; at thy Right Hand there are Pleasures for evermore.

In Luke 5;1-7, when this God encountered the Man called Peter, who had fished all Night and caught Nothing; by the following Morning his Joy began.

There are some of you who have toiled all Nights, Weeks, Years But in the Name of the One who sent me, your Failure ends Tonight – Amen.

Your Sorrow ends Tonight – Amen.

… And I am not joking.

I am telling you in the Name of the One who sent me: Whatever is causing you Sorrow will end Tonight – Amen.

But that’s not all.

II. If you read Genesis 25:1-24, you would discovered that Isaac was the first Man to have a Set of Twins.

The God of Isaac is the God of “Double Blessings” – Double Joy, Double Promotion.

There are many of you who have been denied Promotion in your Place of Work: As my God lives – The God of Isaac; your Promotion would be Doubled (Amen).


I want you to Stand on your feet and cry to the Almighty God and say;

Oh God of Isaac, Double my Blessings, Double my Joy, Double my Anointing, Double my Promotion right now.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


I. The God of Jacob is the God that Remembers.

According to Genesis 30:22, the Bible says, And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb.

II. The God that Remembers, when He remembers you, He Hearkens to your Prayers.

The Prayers you have been Praying without results, when God remembers you, suddenly He Hearkens to your Prayers.

Every Prayer you have been Praying without results, shall receive Answers Tonight – Amen.

Why? Because God is going to remember you – Amen.

III. And then He opened the womb of Rachael.

Ha! There is a God who opens and no one can shut. When He shuts, no one can open.

Every Good Door that has been shut against you shall be opened Tonight – Amen.

  • The Door of Progress shall be opened unto you!
  • The Door of Greatness shall be opened unto you!
  • The Door of Joy shall be opened unto you!
  • The Door of Double Blessing shall be opened unto you!

I’ve told you the Story before: A Young Lady got married, but the mother-in-law didn’t like her.

One day the mother-in-law came back from the Market, the Lady ran to meet her, “Mama you are welcome!”

And Mama gave her a loaf of bread and said, “Take, eat and use it to stuck your womb.”

And the Lady said, what kind of joke is this? But foolishly, she ate the bread.

And from that moment on she stopped Menstruating.

… It happened in the Town of Oyo (Oyo State Nigeria).

And then God sent us to Oyo to hold a Program. And the Lady decided, “Oh, I will Fast and wait on God. Maybe He will answer me this time.”

In the afternoon, before the Program began, she fell asleep. And in her dream she saw some White People walked through the door, dressed like Doctors. And they laid her on the bed, and Performed an Operation on her.

And she saw them pulling out a rope from her Private Part; and they kept pulling the rope.

At the end of the rope, there was something that looked like a loaf of bread.

By the time she woke up, her bed was wet – Because she started Menstruating.

Everything the enemy has Planted in you, that is blocking the door to your Fruitfulness, to your Progress, to your Greatness, shall be Uprooted Tonight – Amen.


Rise on your feet and cry to the Almighty God and say;

God of Jacob, Remember me today; and everything blocking my Progress, Uproot it now!

Thank You Father. Glory be to God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

… Please, be seated!

We have the God of Abraham:

  • The God who can turn Prophecies to a decree.
  • The God who can bring Dead Wombs back.
  • The God who can never lie.

We have the God of Isaac:

  • The God of Laughter.
  • The God who can Change Sorrow from one Evening, to Joy the following Morning.
  • The God of Twins: Of Double Blessing, of Double Promotion, of Double Anointing, of Double Favour.

We have the God of Jacob:

  • The God who Remembers.
  • The God who hears Prayers and answers them.
  • The God who can Open Wombs.
  • The God who can Open Ways.
  • The God who Opens and Nobody can shut.

That’s our God!


What does He expect from us?

One very simple word – Partnership with Him!

  • He wants us to be His Partners.
  • He wants us to put Him first.
  • He wants us to show Him like in Genesis 22:1-18 that if He gives us Children, the Children will not be idols, who would replace Him in our Heart.

The God who answered Hannah when she said in 1 Samuel 1:1-20;

  • O God give me a son and I will give him back to You.
  • Give me a son, and You can have a Prophet.
  • Give me a Special Son, and he will be Yours for Life.

God wants us to Partner with Him like in Luke 5:1-11, when Peter said, we’ve toiled all Night, we’ve caught nothing.

And God said:

  • Alright! You think there is no fish in this river? I’ll open door.
  • You think there is no Blessing in your Land? I will open the door.

And Peter ended up with two (2) boats full of fish – More Blessings than he could carry alone.

But he was willing to Surrender all, to follow Jesus Christ – to be His Partner.

Oh! You want to be Blessed beyond measure?

I. You want to be Blessed so much that when you threaten your Bank Manager that you will withdraw your Account from him, he would come running to beg?

II. You want that kind of Blessing that those People who thought that you can never become anything in Life, would suddenly see how far God can take you within a Year?

He wants you to be His Partner.

He is looking for People who would say: Lord, open doors for me and I will show You that You have a “Good Boy”, a “Good Girl” in me.

He is looking for Partners!

The Question is: Are you willing to Partner with Him?

Please, believe me: This is a Year none of us will ever forget – Amen!

But are you Willing to be His Partner?

If you are Willing, He expects you tonight, according to John 16:24 – He expects you to ask till your Joy be full.

When it is time to Pray; don’t Pray a Small Prayer – Pray a Big one.

Ask God for something you yourself will be amazed if it is done for you.

Ask till your Joy be full.

Ask for as many Children as you want.

Ask or as many Promotions as you want.

Ask for the kind of Anointing that the world has never seen before.

Ask Him for Favour that People would say, “what’s going on?”

I would tell you a Story, then we would Pray:

One of the Great Men of God in this Land came to visit me. And he began to tell me the Good Things God had been doing for him.

And as he was speaking I kept on saying, “Oh! Glory be to God. Praise God – Halleluyah!”

After some time he stopped; he said, wait a Minute, Daddy, I’m the only one talking, Sharing Testimonies; you have not said anything.

I said Sir, if I tell you all that God has been doing for me, you would say God is Partial.

You want that kind of Blessing that would make People say, God is Partial to you?

Let me hear you shout hallelujah then – Hallelujah!


So, those of us who have already made Contact with this God, make up your Mind Tonight:

  • That from now on, “I will be Your Partner, Oh God.”
  • Whatever You’ll give to me would be available for You to use anywhere, whichever way You want it.

Those of you who have not yet Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ:

This is an opportunity for you to come and join forces with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

This is an opportunity for you to come and say, “I Surrender my Life to You Oh God, I will be Your Partner.”

I’ll do whatever You say – From now on Oh God, I will do whatever You want.

Just save my Life and I will be Yours forever.

So, if you want to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, whether here or wherever you are reading this Message now on the Label of DMC; do so very quickly.

I am going to count from one (1) to ten (10) – Before I say ten (10) make sure you are already Standing; crying to Jesus Christ for Genuine Salvation;

And He will receive you and a New Beginning will start in your Life.

I am counting now…


Cry to the Lord Jesus Christ. Say Lord, have Mercy on me and save my Soul.

I Surrender my Life to You, Please, forgive me Completely. I will do Your Will, I will be Your Partner for Life.

… Go ahead, talk to Jesus Christ.

And the rest of us who are already sure of our Salvation, Please Stretch your hands to all the People before the Altar and Pray for them.

Pray that God would save their Souls like He saved your own Soul.

Pray that the Almighty God would give them Genuine Salvation.

Pray for them!

Thank You Father – Glory be to God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, we want to say Thank You for Your Word.

Thank You for these People who have come forward to Surrender their lives Genuinely to You.

Please receive them in Jesus’ Name.

Save their Souls; Let Your Blood wash them Clean.

As You save their Souls Lord, write their names in the Book of Life.

Receive them into the Family of God.

From now on, whenever they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.

And let them serve You till the end.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, those of you who have just Surrendered your Life Genuinely to Jesus Christ; let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

I rejoice with you.

I want to Promise you that by the Grace of God, I’ll be Praying for you.

So I am going to need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You – Amen!

Let’s give the Lord a Big round of applause.

Go ahead an Rejoice, because everything will Change for you from today.

Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus.


Now, we are about to Pray. And it is just one Prayer Point.

You have to Pray it with all your Heart.

I told you that the God of Abraham can Change Prophecies to Decrees. And He has also given us the ability to decree.

He said we shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto us (DMC NOTES: Job 22:28).

So you would Stand on your feet as if you really mean business; and lift your voice loud and clear and say: Oh God of Abraham…

… Let Him hear you.

Oh God of Abraham, Oh God of Isaac, Oh God of Jacob; in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I hereby decree:

I will no longer Fail;

I will no longer be Barren;

There’ll be no more Fruitless Efforts in my Life;

My Sorrow ends now!

Go ahead, decree!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


I am about to Pray for you. But in an attitude of Prayer, I want you to take an Offering for that God that you want to Partner with.

Lift it up and say:

Oh God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob; I will be Your Partner; Prosper me Mightily.

Very quickly, go ahead, drop your Offering (Online), and I will Pray for you.

Over to you Band!


In the Name that’s above every other name, I hereby decree:

You will never Fail again.

God will remember you today.

By tomorrow Morning, your Joy would be full.

The Impossible in your Life would be made Possible.

Wherever you go from now, there would be Open Doors.

Your Miracles will be in Doubles.

God will accept your Offering; He will Bless it; and He will use it for His Glory.

And you will Never Lack again!

So shall it be.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let me hear Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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