- Why don’t you just lift up your hands to this Father of ours?
The Great and Mighty Father; the Father of the fatherless; the Living God Himself, the Almighty.
King of kings, Lord of lords. The Eternal One, the One who speaks, and it is done.
Worship Him; Praise Him from the bottom of your heart. Let Him hear your voice today.
He is the One You have come to meet in this Important Meeting – He has never failed; and He will never fail you.
Worship Him and exalt His Name!
Lord, we Worship You and we appreciate You today Oh GOD.
Thank You our Father.
Lord, we Praise You and we exalt Your Name.
Thank You Heavenly Father; Blessed be Your Name.
Glory, Honour, Majesty, Adoration to Your Name alone.
Thank You Heavenly Father. Be Thou Exalted forever O GOD.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have worshipped – Amen
- Daddy told us Yesterday (DMC NOTES: Sunday, 2nd March 2025, during the Day 1 Evening Session of The RCCG Solemn Assembly 2025) that each time we are not Praising God as we should, we are not Providing Habitation for our God.
This Morning, I want God to know that you want Him to inhabit your Praises.
This Morning, I want you to release yourself to Him as you have never done before.
Go ahead and Praise Him from the bottom of your Heart.
Let Him know that you are not taking Him for granted for what He has done for you.
He has visited us, especially during this Programme, over and over again over the Years.
You would say my Father; I have come to Praise You this Morning.
My Father, I want You to know how Grateful I am for who You are and for all You have done.
My Father, who can we compare with You?
You are Glorious in Holiness, Fearful in Praises, and always doing Wonders. Lord, I Praise You!
Lord, we are not taking You for granted.
We know You inhabit the Praises the of Your People. We have come to Praise You today, Oh GOD.
We open our Hearts to You, Oh LORD: the Lord that answer Prayers.
The Lord that inhabits the Praises of His Own Children, and we have come to Praise You Oh GOD.
My Father, Greater than the greatest – That is who You are.
Higher than the highest – That is who You are.
Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace – I have come to Praise You today.
Lord God, we Praise Your Name. We appreciate You.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, Blessed be Your Name.
Thank You Lord. Be Thou exalted forever, Oh GOD.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.
- The Bible tells us in Psalm 46:1-2, God is our Refuge and Strength, a very Present Help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the Earth be removed, and though the Mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.
I don’t know why you have come to this Meeting this Morning.
But the Bible says there is Someone who can take care of your fears.
You are going to cry unto Him; you are going to cry unto this God who is our very Present Help in trouble.
And you are going to say: Heavenly Father, I have come unto You this Morning, take care of all my fears.
Cry to Him!
The Lord who can give us Unspeakable Joy, take care of all my fears.
You have never Changed, You will never Change and You remain the same forever.
The very Present Help in time of need, take care of all my fears.
You are the very Present Help in trouble, You are the One who can give Joy Unspeakable:
Yes Lord, take care of all – Not some: take care of all my fears.
Thank You Heavenly Father. Blessed be Your Name Oh GOD.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.
Heavenly Father, we appreciate You this Morning – We honour You for who You are.
We give You Glory, Honour, and Adoration, because of Your Great and Mighty Name that You have released unto us.
The Bible says, At the Name of Jesus, every knee must bow.
We appreciate You Oh GOD, because You are the Great Companion; the One who is always there by our side.
We Thank You because You are our Sure Friend and there is no other Name like Your Own.
Father, Thank You in the Name of Jesus.
We have come for the Victory Hour of the Month of March 2025 – And without any doubt, we know this is our Month of Triple Miracles, Triple Breakthroughs, and Triple Testimonies.
Heavenly Father, as we have come today Oh LORD; You will take care of all our fears, in the Name of Jesus.
Do what You alone can do.
Thank You Heavenly Father.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.
Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
I want you to shake hands with at least three (3) People and Prophesy to them: This is your Month!
And then we can have our seats.
We want to take this opportunity to Thank God on behalf of our father-in-the-Lord; for the Privilege he has given to us to Stand in for him this Morning.
And we want to take this time to Celebrate him as he celebrates his 83rd Birthday.
We Pray that the Lord shall Increase his Strength on a Daily basis – Amen.
… And everybody would say a good Amen to that (Amen).
We are looking at Luke 18:35-43, for this Victory Hour today.
Remember, our Theme this Month is: “Joy Unspeakable”.
And the Almighty God is about to give Joy Unspeakable to Someone here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – Amen!
… Who is the next in line? The DMC Family Members!
There was a Man in the Bible who experienced Joy Unspeakable – He is the one that we are going to look at, for few Minutes this Morning.
Luke 18: 35-42:
35 And it came to pass, that as he was come nigh unto Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the wayside begging:
36 And hearing the multitude pass by, he asked what it meant.
37 And they told him that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
38 And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou son of David, have Mercy on me.
39 And they which went before rebuked him, that he should hold his Peace: but he cried so much the more, Thou son of David, have Mercy on me.
40 And Jesus stood, and commanded him to be brought unto him: and when he was come near, he asked him,
41 Saying, What will thou that I shall do unto thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receive my sight.
42 And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy Faith hath saved thee.
43 And immediately he received his sight, and followed him, Glorifying God: and all the People, when they saw it, gave Praise unto God.
Those who have been rebuking and resisting you will come and Celebrate with you – Amen.
What the Lord will do in your Life this Month, will make the whole world give Praise to Him because of you (Amen).
- If there is a Man who experienced Joy Unspeakable, it was this Man.
- If there is a Man whom the Almighty God decided to visit with a very Special Miracle, it is this man.
- If there is a Man who experienced Victory – Victory that lasted for the rest of his Life, it is this Story that we are looking at.
You know the Story very well – This was a Man who was born in Darkness and was born into Darkness.
For the most part of his Adult Life, he has been living in Darkness – He never saw Light until his Companion Changed.
And that Companion is the One who is called the Light of the World.
When the Light of the world came beside him, his Darkness disappeared.
I have a Good News for Someone who is here today, or reading now on the Label of DMC: That your Companion, who has answer(s) to all the Problems and all situations, is coming by your side to Change your situation this Morning – Amen.
As He Changed the situation of Bartimaeus, He will Change your own also for the better, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
If you believe so, let your Amen be louder – Amen!
This is a Programme called Victory Hour – Because there is Somebody who will Pray through.
I can assure you today, as we cry to Him; as we Pray to the God of the whole Universe according to His Word:
He will answer our Prayers today – Amen!
He will Change our situations for the Better – Amen.
There are Three (3) Things to examine from the Story:
- He Heard:
The first thing that we discovered from this Story was the fact that this Man heard – He heard!
The Bible says in Luke 18:36 And hearing the Multitude pass by, he asked what it meant.
He Heard!
There were several things that were being spoken around him that day but there was something that attracted his attention.
He heard the Multitude Passing by – He asked them, and they told him, it was about Jesus.
From the moment he heard that ‘it was about Jesus,” he didn’t hear any other thing anymore.
I don’t know exactly how many things you have been hearing around you today:
- Voices of Impossibility.
- Voices of Negativity.
- Voices of Hopelessness.
Several things that you have been hearing around you today; and that you have been hearing for several years.
It doesn’t matter what you have been hearing; this time round, it’s about Jesus!
And I can assure you: When you hear the right thing, the right thing will happen to you.
I. Remember, Moses heard his name:
The day that Moses heard his name – As God called him, Moses, Moses! And he answered, “Here I am.” That was the day his situation Changed.
In Exodus 3:4, the Bible tells us, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses – And he said, Here I am.
Remember, he had been going through that part of the bush for forty (40) solid years.
- For forty (40) solid years, his Life had been on Standstill.
- For forty (40) solid years, as he was growing older, his situation was be becoming more and more Hopeless.
But one day came, he heard God calling his name: Moses, Moses!
And he knew that his situation is about to Change.
For Someone who has come for this Programme this Morning;
For Someone who is listening to this Message all over the world, or reading now on the Label of DMC;
I have a Good News for you: You are about to hear God calling your name this Morning – Amen.
And when you hear the right thing, the right thing will begin to happen to you.
Bartimaeus was hearing several things:
- There were People who came there to jest.
- There were People who came there just to observe.
- There were People who came there just to see what was going on.
- There were People who came there: “Oh! This Jesus they are talking about, let me just go and see whether He is the one or not.”
But as far as Bartimaeus was concerned; all he wanted to know was about Jesus.
II. Remember, Joshua heard God:
Saying to him that he should: Arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all these People, unto the Land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.
When Joshua heard that, in Joshua 1:2; Arise! For forty (40) days he has been sitting down, mourning Moses.
But that day came, when God told him, “The time for mourning is over.”
Whatever may be your Experience of the Past; God has asked me to tell you: The time for mourning is over – Amen !
It is your time to Arise! Because God is about to do something New in your Life – Amen.
That which He has Promised you that has not come to Passed, is about to become a Possibility – Amen.
God had Promised their forefathers for over four hundred (400) years – God had already said that He had given them the Land.
But when it was almost time for them to enter, they sat down because they didn’t know how it would happen.
So, God came through for Joshua – He heard God distinctly:
- It is your time to hear God distinctly;
- It is a time for you to Arise.
Get out of Despondency; get out of Discouragement; get out of Darkness; get out of every Negativity – Move forward! Because it is your time!
I want you to turn to your Neighbour and say: I am moving forward! It is my time.
III. Samuel heard God:
1 Samuel 3:10 says: And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy Servant heareth.
… That was the day his Prophetic Ministry started.
Something New is about to happen in your Life today – Amen.
- I don’t care how long you have been suffering;
- I don’t know exactly what is the thing that you have been passing through;
But you know without any doubt: There always comes a time when a New Beginning must begin.
For Someone here today, or reading now on the Label of DMC: Today is your New Beginning – Amen.
So, Bartimaeus hearing the Multitudes, he asked them: What is it that is happening around this Place? They told him, it was Jesus.
The moment he heard that, a Second thing happened in his Life:
- He Cried!
Tell your Neighbour, ‘he cried’ – And I am going to cry out to God this Morning.
Luke 18:38 says, And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou son of David, have Mercy on me.
… He cried for Mercy.
- You have not come here to complain this Morning;
- You have not come here to murmur this Morning;
- You have not come here to tell Jesus Story this Morning;
- You have not come here to repeat to yourself what the world has told you over and over again.
The world might have put a Label over you – it doesn’t matter what the world is saying. It is what the Lord is saying to you at this Point in time that matters.
He cried unto Jesus: Thou Son of David, have Mercy on men (Luke 18:38).
His Prayer was very Simple.
Over and over again, I have seen it written in the Bible; People that needed urgent intervention – Their Prayers are always very short. And whenever they cry, God answers them.
It does not matter exactly how heavy your Problem is this Morning; let that your Prayer be short; but let it be Intent – Cry to the One who sees into your Innermost Being.
And I can assure you that He would answer you today – Amen.
- There would always be Discouragements all around you;
- There’ll be People who would say, “Jesus is not looking for somebody like you.”
- There would be People who would tell you the reason why you are not the next one that God can visit.
But as far as this Man is concerned; when they stopped him; when they tried to discourage him; the Bible tells us in Luke 18:39 And they which went before rebuked him, that he should hold his Peace: but he cried so much the more, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.
*You must have cried before – This Morning you are going to cry so much the more.
You are going to tell God that you are still here.
For as long as you are still on your feet, and you are not buried yet, I can assure you: A Change is on the way – Amen.
The Bible reveals to us in 2 Samuel 22:7 – In my distress, I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his Temple, and my cry did enter into his ears.
He cried to God – This was David.
David was a Man who experienced Unusual Testimonies:
- The Giant Killer.
- A Man who became a King against all odds.
You will accomplish what God has destined for your Life – Amen.
What God has destined for your Life, you will accomplish it – Amen.
Where God has destined for your Life, you will get there – Amen.
It’s Possible in your Place of work that they have told you: There is a limit you can get to. Unless you do this, unless you do that, unless you join us, unless you bow to us; there is a limit you can get to.
I have a Good News for you: Because God is Limitless, Nobody can determine your limit – Amen.
You will get there – Amen!
Tell your neighbour: I will get there!
They have already put a mark upon David; that it was impossible for him to get to where God wanted him to be.
All things were working against him.
The most Powerful Man in the land turned against him; and raised three thousand (3,000) Soldiers because of one small boy.
May I tell you? It doesn’t matter the odds against you; it doesn’t matter how many People are bounding themselves against you – As the Lord liveth, all of them shall fall for your sake – Amen.
… I cannot hear your Amen well – Amen!
It doesn’t matter what Poverty has done concerning your Life – Remember there was a Man who was so Poor, there was a Man who carried his bed, without any comfort all the days of his Life; Until one day he cried to Almighty God. The Lord Changed his situation. His name was Jabez (DMC NOTES: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10).
The Almighty God that you are going to cry to this Morning; He will Change your situation, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen!
Psalm 34:4-6 says, I sought the Lord, and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.
This Poor Man cried, and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.
Who is the next fellow who is going to cry out to the Almighty God this Morning? The DMC Family Members!
Are you sure you are the one?
I want you to say to yourself – I will cry this Morning. The Lord will hear me and the Lord will save me from all my troubles.
So shall it be, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
For Somebody who has suffered for a long time; then it is Possible for you to be saying:
- Pastor, you don’t know how serious my Problem is.
- You don’t know the Enemies who have gathered against me.
- You don’t know the forces that Satan has Marshall against my Interest.
It doesn’t matter how many People are against you – What matters is the One who is on your side.
“If God be for us, who can be against us?” (DMC NOTES: Romans 8:31).
The One who is on your side this Morning is saying, all you need to do is to cry.
“This Poor Man cried, and the Lord heard him.”
When you cry to the Lord today, He will hear you – Amen .
He will save you out of all your troubles – Amen.
Remember, before you came to the world at all, the Almighty God knew what He will do concerning your situation – He knew all those People will come against you.
But He is more Powerful than them all. He can do all things – Nothing, absolutely Nothing is impossible for Him to do (DMC NOTES: Luke 1:37).
All the Testimonies of the People you have heard from the Word of God; they were all Normal People like you. But somewhere along the line, their Stories Changed.
The Changer of Stories is the One who is here this Morning – And He will Change your Story, in the Name of the Lord Jesus – Amen.
- He Received that which he asked of:
The third thing that I discovered from the Life of this Man is that he received that which he asked of.
Luke 18:42 says, And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy Faith hath saved thee.
… He Heard, he Cried, and he Received!
Jesus told him, “Receive thy sight.” And immediately, he received his sight.
What God is going to do in your Life today is going to be immediate – Amen.
It does not matter how long you have been asking, and it seems as if you have been denied;
But God of the Universe will do an Immediate Miracle in your Life today, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
I. Take Hannah, for Example :
- Hannah asked God
- Hannah cried to God.
- Hannah went to the house of the Lord.
She Prayed in such a way that only God knew what she was asking for.
The High Priest (Eli) said, come out of your drunkenness. Why are you Praying and only your lips are moving? You must be drunken.
And the woman said, No! Man of God, I am not drunken at all. I have not taken any wine. But I am speaking to God out of the Bitterness of my Soul. I carry a burden that only God can lift.
May I tell you: it is not the shouting that is going to bring your answer this Morning; but how you release your burden to the Living God.
Hannah carried a burden within her; and she began to Pray according to that burden.
Within one year, she came back with her Miracle.
I don’t know exactly how long they have declared you Barren – And they have said that you are Fruitless!
May I tell you this Morning, the Lord who answered Hannah will answer you – Amen.
The Bible tells us that Hannah came back to the Living God.
1 Samuel 1:19 says: And Elkanah knew Hannah, his wife; and the Lord remembered her.
“And the Lord remembered her” – Hannah received what she asked God for.
The Lord will Remember you today – Amen.
All your cries to God all these Years; and it appears as if God has forgotten about your situation.
There is a Good News coming to you at this point in time: God will hear you Today; He will remember you Today; He will send a Helper to you Today because your Miracle would be Immediate – Amen.
II. Jabez is another Example:
Jabez had been going to the House of the Lord, crying to the Lord. He was asking for a very Simple thing. But God is the only One who can break the Yoke of Poverty.
There are several People; just as this Man was born into Blindness: and Bartimaeus grew up in Blindness – They were born into Poverty.
There are many Opportunities that have come their way over the years – They have not been able to explore these Opportunities, because of Poverty. And because of that, they remain in Poor situation.
But there was a Man called Jabez, who made up his Mind – “I am not going to die with this situation.”
He went to the Almighty God, and he called on the God of Israel – He Prayed a Simple Prayer also:
“Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my Coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.” (DMC NOTES: 1 Chronicles 4:10).
You don’t need to be in the Bible College before you understand this Prayer – He just poured his burden to the Almighty God.
Is there a burden in your Heart concerning your situation? Pour out your burden to God: “Oh that You would bless me.”
Don’t just bless me – Bless me indeed!”
Bless me in such a way, everybody around will know, only God could have given this Blessing.
Enlarge my Coast in such a way that everyone that Passes by will know, God is the One who has done this.
For Someone who has come to this Programme today, or reading now on the Label of DMC. I have a Good News for you: Not only are you going to be Blessed; you will be Blessed Indeed! (Amen).
My Father will Enlarge your Coast – Amen.
His Hand will be upon your Life – Amen.
He will keep evil far away from you – Amen!
Beginning from now, evil shall no more grief you, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
And the Bible says, God granted him that which he requested.
*As you shall be going to the Place of Prayer very soon, I want you to know: If this God has Promised, He is more than able to fulfill His Promises.
The God that you have come to cry to this Day is the God that you have heard about.
Some of you have heard and read about what God is doing here in the Redemption City of God – This is a Place of Miracles, Signs and Wonders. God has done Exceeding and Mighty Things in this Particular Place.
You have heard, you have come, and you are about to cry to that same God;
And I can assure you: You will receive, and you will come back with your Testimony – Amen.
Before we begin to Pray, I need to mention to you that this Man did something – The moment he heard that Jesus was Passing by:
He cried out for Mercy and he Followed Jesus.
If you follow Jesus, beginning from this Morning, I can assure you that you will have Testimony like Bartimaeus.
He followed Jesus!
That’s the reason why, the first thing you must make up your to do, is not about receiving from Jesus;
… It’s about following Jesus!
He followed Jesus, and up till today; over two thousand years after, the whole world is still talking about him.
His Joy was Joy Unspeakable.
What God did in his Life remained a Permanent Testimony for all Generations.
Your Testimony would be a Permanent Testimony for all Generations, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
It is time for us to begin to Pray – Wherever you are, I want you to rise on your feet (if you can).
Because we are going to cry to the Almighty God; just as this Man cried to the Almighty God, and God answered his Prayer.
Wherever you may be Standing at this Point in time: If you are one of those People who knows that it is only God that can deal with your situation; and you want to follow Jesus from this moment onward.
You want to follow Him because He is the Only One who can solve all your Problems.
All the Examples we have given to you; they were the People who followed God, and there was no doubt that God touched their lives.
He is going to Change your own situation this Morning.
Wherever you are reading this Message now on the Label of DMC, and you want to follow Jesus, you want to Submit to Him;
I want you to step out and begin to come towards the Altar – The Living God Himself is waiting for you.
Wherever you are, follow Him.
When you follow Him, everything about you would Change for the better.
Thank You Lord Jesus!
Let’s begin to wave our hands to the Almighty God – Give Him all the Glory, give Him Adoration.
We want to Pray some serious Prayer that would Change our Situations this Morning.
- You are going to cry for Mercy.
You are going to say: Heavenly Father, show me Mercy today.
- Moses heard when God called unto him. And on that day, his Wilderness Experience came to an end.
- You are going to cry Heavenly Father, let my Wilderness Experience come to an end Today.
- You know very well, when David cried to the Lord, the Lord answered him. And where they thought he would not reach, he got there.
- You are going to cry Heavenly Father, every Embargo upon my Life, remove it Today.
- Jabez called on the God of Israel. His Prayer was a Simple one. And this Prayer is crucial at this time.
- Several People who had been carrying other are now being carried.
- Financially, many People have gone to the Lowest of the lowest.
- Many People, their situations have become so bad – Businesses have been wipped out. Employments have been lost, hope has been dashed.
You are going to cry to the Lord: I am not crying to anyone, but I am crying to You.
- You will say Heavenly Father, Bless me, and Bless me indeed!
Go ahead and cry to the Almighty God this morning.
Thank You Lord!
So shall it be, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Let me hear your Amen – Amen!
This Morning, before we go, we want to give our Offering. And I want you to know that the hand of the Giver is always on Top.
I want you to give to the Almighty God what He will See, when He will Visit you and He will do something with it.
I want you to dance before the Almighty God; and I want you to move around, even as you Give your Offering.
After you have dropped your Offering, Praise Him with all your Heart – Because God loves a Cheerful Giver.
Worship Leaders – Please go ahead!
Those of you who have just surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, we will Pray for you first; before we Pray on the Offering and for every other Person.
God is putting a Priority on your case this Morning – As you have Surrendered to Him Genuinely today, and you have made up your Mind to follow Him; you will discover suddenly, that everything about you is taken over by Him – Amen.
Precious Father, we want to Thank You for these Your Beloved Children who have come unto You to follow You.
My Lord and my God, we ask Oh LORD, even as they open their Hearts to You today:
You would come in; You would save their Souls, You would deliver them from every form of sins, in the Name of Jesus.
We ask Oh LORD, as they confess You with their mouth today; we ask King of Glory that everything about them, You would take it over, in the Name of Jesus.
You would write their names in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
And Beginning from now, my Father and my God, they shall be Your Children in Truth and in deeds, in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You Heavenly Father. Blessed be Your Name.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.
Let your Amen be louder – Amen!
Congratulations to all of you who have just Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ.
Our father-in-the-Lord has Promised to be Praying for you from now on, by the Grace of God.
So he would like to have your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
God Bless You!
Hallelujah – Glory to God.
There are some of us here, or reading now on the Label of DMC: who are in need of Special Prayer.
You believe that when you come to this Altar, and you are Prayed for; the Lord will touch your situation and you believe that the Lord will release your Miracle to you.
If you are one of the People who needs Special Prayers, kindly come to the Altar now, so we can Pray with you.
And after we have Prayed, you will come back and share your Testimonies very soon – Amen.
Thank You Father.
Begin to ask the Almighty God that which you want Him to do for you.
- Remember: Bartimaeus “Heard” what Jesus can do.
- Bartimaeus “Cried” unto Jesus
- Bartimaeus “Received” from Jesus.
You are the next in line this Morning – Cry to Him, ask Him in specific terms what you want Him to do for you.
Thank You Heavenly Father. Blessed be Your Holy Name.
Wherever you are hearing me right now or reading this Message now on the Label of DMC, Stretch your hands in front of you:
I have shared a Testimony with you from this Altar before; of a Man who came to us for Prayer. And he said: in this Country, I know someone who can help me and Change my situation.
But each time I go to him, he would just tell begin to tell me Stories and say, “Oh one day, I will attend to your case.”
So we Prayed on his hands. And we asked him to go back to this friend of his and He went back.
And when he told him exactly what he needed, his friend asked him, “How much do you need for this Business?” He mentioned it. And his friend said, “That amount cannot do this Particular Business; I will double it.”
And He brought out his Cheque Book and wrote a Cheque – And that wiped out his Poverty one time!
As we Pray on your hands today, God will locate you with your Helpers – Amen!
Father, in the Name of Jesus; Your Children have come unto You Today.
You are the One we cry unto: You are the One who can deal with our situations; and You are the One who can answer Prayers.
Even as we Stretch our hands unto You this Morning: my Father, touch our hands in the Name of Jesus.
My Father, raise Help for us in the Name of Jesus.
My Father, wipe out every Impossibilities in the Name of Jesus.
Every Evil Label upon every Life, everything the Enemy has said cannot happen to us;
Whatsoever it is that has Limited our Progress, Daddy, wipe it out today, in the Name of Jesus.
My Father, Bartimaeus cried to You when He heard that You are the One Passing by;
We know You are the One who has come our way Today.
Bartimaeus cried unto You for Mercy, You heard him and he received.
Father, show us Mercy today in the Name of Jesus.
My Father, as those who encountered You in the Bible, received answers to their Petitions: Heavenly Father, release Answers to our Petitions Today.
Let Your Name and Your Name alone be Glorified.
Thank You Heavenly Father!
Blessed be Your Name.
Thank You Lord, for locating us with our Helpers; because we will come for Testimonies very soon.
Blessed be Your Name Lord.
Father Lord, we Pray that You will accept our Offering this Morning.
We ask, Oh GOD of Heaven, that even as we have given unto You;
God of Heaven, You will release unto us Oh LORD, much more than we need, in the Name of Jesus.
We ask Oh GOD, even as we have come to You with all our Hearts today:
We Pray, that which You alone can do concerning our Prosperity, do for us in the Name of Jesus.
Thank You Heavenly Father!
When others are saying there is a casting down, we shall say there is a Lifting Up.
Thank You Daddy.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.
Just go home and begin to Rejoice. Because the Lord has answered your Prayers.
… Go back to your Place, give God all the Glory.
Adore Him and exalt His Name. He has visited you afresh.
He has done a New Thing in your Life.
He is the Lord that answers Prayers.
Let somebody shout a “Good Hallelujah” – Hallelujah
Somebody who knows that God has visited his case; visited her case, should shout a “Good Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!!!!
God Bless You – Amen.
Have a Beautiful Time!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
STOP PRESS: Out and ready for Pick Up – Our Year 2023 RCCG Programs covering all Programs, Inclusive Weekly Messages of Pastor Mensah Otabil, Apostle Joshua Selman, Bro Gbile, Pastor Paul Enenche and Pastor Poju on a 16GB Flash from our Stable. Call/Text/WhatsApp 08023604721/08066497178/08059821748
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