Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
My own Assignment is just to give you a Father’s Blessings!
Tonight is the Eve of the Great Day.
And I’m believing God for you that within the next 24 Hours, you will begin to enjoy Joy Unspeakable – Amen!
My boys has done Excellently well again Tonight and I will not begin to talk about who said what.
But they are all very, very Good boys.
The Choir had been very, very Good as well.
Everything just Wonderful including the Fellow who came Last.
And I am saying that:
☆ Everything that is Negative shall Pass – Amen!
☆ And everything that is Possible shall never Pass – Amen!
Which brings me to a Passage that they all kept on repeating:
Psalms 30:5 – Werping may endure for a Night, Joy comes in the Morning.
A lot can happen in less than 24 Hours!
And when you Studied the Scriptures very well; you will discovered that the People who got what we could called “Joy Unspeakable”, they didn’t know the Day before that the following Day, things will Change.
I. Bartimeaus didn’t know that Jesus Christ was going to come to Jericho.
He didn’t know that while he was going to bed that Night that by the following Day:
☆ He will no longer be Blind.
☆ He will no longer be Begging.
☆ He will no longer be Stagnant.
☆ He will no longer have so many Enemies who will almost immediately the Day comes will become his friends.
II. The woman with the Issue of Blood who has been bleeding for 12 Years didn’t know that the Day before.
That by the following Day, all the crisis will be over.
There are many of us who are here Tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – And I’m speaking to you as a Child of God who hears from God!
If you know what God is about to do for you Tomorrow, you will already be Shouting for Joy!
Go ahead and shout a really Big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
So, I’m going to just Pray one Prayer for you and then you can go home Rejoicing and waiting for Tomorrow!
But then, my Children kept on saying: If you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ; whenever Daddy comes forth, then run to the Altar.
Well, they are correct!
So, if you are here Tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – And you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ; I give you only 2 Minutes; you run quickly to the Altar.
We will Pray for your Salvation and then we will receive the Father’s Blessings.
And then, we will be on our way!
So, if you want to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ – Like they have told you: Without Salvation, you can’t have this Joy Unspeakable.
Come very quickly as I am going to count from one (1) to seven (7).
So, if you are here and you want to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ so that you can have Part of the Joy; then begin to come now!
Alright, those of you who are already infront of the Altar and those on their way and those of you deciding for Jesus Christ even in your Living Rooms:
Cry to Him now and say:
Father, Please have Mercy on me, save my Soul, forgive all my sins and just take over my Life from now on.
Be my Saviour, be my Lord and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.
And the rest of us, Please let us Intercede for these People:
Pray that the God who saved our own Souls will save their Souls too and then give them the Joy of Salvation.
Pray that God will give them Genuine Salvation.
That from now on, they will never know the Sorrow of the Wicked but will begin to know the Joy of Salvation.
Thank You Father!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God; I want to give You all the Glory and Honour for these Your Children who has come forward now to Surrender their lives to You.
Father, Please receive them, save their Souls, forgive all their sins and let Your Blood wash them Clean.
And I Pray that from now on, they will become Members of the Family of God.
Write their names in the Book of Life.
And from now on, anytime they cry unto You; answer them by Fire.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, I want to Thank God on your behalf – Those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ.
I want to Promise you that from now on; I will be Praying for you.
So, I will be needing your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
The Counsellors will attend to you and I Promise you that I will be Praying for you!
But I want you to stay where you are now because I want to Pray for everybody.
I am going to ask God to answer your Prayers Tonight so that by Tomorrow, you already have Testimonies!
Just for 2 Minutes now, talk to God – Tell Him exactly what you want before the Sun rises Tomorrow.
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God – He is here and He answers Prayers.
Tell Him – Be Specific about the Miracles that you want Him to give you before the Sun rises Tomorrow!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You.
The Night before You spoke to me concerning what has become the Holy Ghost Service (HGS); I didn’t know what was coming.
But Lord God Almighty, within 24 Hours, You Changed everything.
Everything in my Life, everything in the Ministry You have Committed into my Care and everything even in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – You Changed it in less than 24 Hours.
And so Daddy: I am crying unto You Tonight – Concerning all these Your Children:
Before this Time Tomorrow, Change everything.
Change everything for the better.
Please my Daddy, I know that You Love me and I know that You have never disappointed me.
You told me that; the Theme for this Year’s Anniversary is: “JOY UNSPEAKABLE”.
By this Time of Tomorrow, let all of us be Swimming in Joy Unspeakable.
And just as a Token to these Your Children who are here Today or Connected with us right now all over the world, Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: Whatever they have asked for now, make it available to them.
Thank You Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
You are Blessed in Jesus Name – Amen!
By the Time I see you Tomorrow, you will already be Shouting for Joy – Amen!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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