Seven (7) Years ago, we went on Go-A-Fishing.

By the third (3rd) day of the Go-A-Fishing; because the roads were very, very bad, my body couldn’t take it anymore and so it broke done completely.

For the first time in my Life; I spent Christmas Day in bed.

The devil was sure that he has gotten me at last.

I broke down completely in Ilesha (DMC NOTES: A Town in Osun State Nigeria), and to get me back to Redemption Camp, we had to Charter an Helicopter because I was so down that if I had travelled by road, definitely between Ilesha and the Redemption Camp, I would have died.

So we chartered an Helicopter – And then some People, shall we call them Area Boys decided that the Helicopter will not take off.

I managed to get in but they clunked to the Helicopter until one of the windows tore.

But somehow, I managed to get to the Redemption Camp – I had the assurance that if only I can get to the Redemption Camp; I know that I would recover.

Well, seven (7) years hav Passed and I’m still here!

I want you to Thank God for sparing my Life and that I could still be here Today!

Go ahead – Praise Him for me: Give Him Glory, give Him Honour and give Him Adoration.

Then Thank God for yourself – That He spared your Life also that you could be here Today.

Because this is a Day that we won’t forget – Praise Him!

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


Ancient of Days; the Alpha and the Omega; the Resurrection and the Life; the Unchangeable Changer – We Worship You!

Accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for all You have done for us in the Past; Thank You for thirty nine (39) Years of The Holy Ghost Service; Thank You for Uncountable Number of lives that You have saved and Thank You for Uncountable Number of People that You have Healed.

Thank You for Yesterday (Day 1); Thank You for Today (Day 2) and Thank You for our Tomorrow (Day 3).

Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.

All that I’m asking You to do Tonight is that You will Prove Yourself.

In the lives of everyone of us Lord, do something that we can never forget.

At the end of it all, take all the Glory and Baptize us in Jesus Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and Prophesy to them – And tell him/her that: “Your Joy will be full Tonight”.

And then, you may Please be seated except those born in the Month of March.


If you are born in the Month of March, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

My Father and my God, I Commit all Your Children born in the Month of March into Your Hands.

March is the Third (3rd) Month of the Year.

And I Pray for all these People born in the Month of March; make their Miracles Triple.

Let God the Father bless them; let God the Son bless them and let God the Holy Spirit bless them.

Give them a Brand New Beginning of Miracles in Triples.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

So, if you are born in the Month of March, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

You may Please, be seated!


The Report that I have says that as at 6.00pm of Friday, 7th March 2025; the Number of children born during this RCCG Special Holy Ghost Service are ten (10) – Six (6) boys and four (4) girls.

So, let the boys shout Praise the Lord!

And let the girls shout Hallelujah!


  1. Next Month (DMC NOTES: Month of April 2025); is the Special Month for our Children.

So their Holy Ghost Service will be in the Month of April as usual – That is when we bring all our Children for Special Anointing.

The Theme for The RCCG April 2025 Holy Ghost Service is: “GLORIOUS TOMORROW”.

And it will take Place on Friday, 4th of April 2025.

And since we are all Children in the Hands of the Ancient of Days; we will all come before Him as Children and we will all get blessed together!

  1. For those of you that require Counselling and Baptism of the Holy Spirits; the Elders will be here by 11:00a.m Tomorrow (DMC NOTES: Saturday, 8th March 2025).
  2. Tomorrow Evening (Saturday, 8th March 2025); there will be Holy Communion Service and Anointing Service here.

There is something called “The Oil of Gladness” – That will be available Tomorrow!

And I will want you to know that when there is Anointing Service, it is not the one that anoints you that matters but it is the Oil that matters.

Before you are Anointed; by the Power on us by the Holy Spirit, we would have Spoken on the Oil and told the Oil what to do.

The Holy Communion Service is going to be on the basis of what happened at the Wedding at Cana of Galilee.

When they ran out of wine and God Provided wine – The Comment then was: “You have Preserved the Best for the Last”.

… That will be for the Holy Communion Service Tomorrow!


  1. I want to really say Thank You to the Royal Fathers – That was a Wonderful Presentations.

The Almighty God has already started to Promote you – He gave me an Instruction to create a Special Altar for you.

And He will keep on Promoting you – Amen!

  1. I want to say Thank You for my children all the way from Liberia who came to sing for me.

God will bless you all and bless Liberia.

And you will come again – Amen!

  1. Now, what do you say about the Mass Choir?

Don’t you agree with me – Even if I’m the one saying it that they are the Best?

  1. What do you want to say about my son – Nathaniel Bassey?

Even when America is looking for Someone Special – They searched the whole world and they found Someone in Nigeria, in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), a Youth Pastor to Play at the Inauguration of their President.

I am sure that you know that my Tomorrow is alright!

Many of the People who spoke before had told you the origin of the Holy Ghost Service.

He is the One that says that I should bring you together and He will give you “Joy Unspeakable”.

I have requested on your behalf that I want at least eighty three thousand (83,000) Healings Tonight – And He has assured me that it’s already Settled!

So while the Service is going on – Keep checking and you will see something happening.

And I want to appeal to you all to Stretch further your “Antenna of Faith” Tonight because “The Just shall live by Faith”.

And when you go through the Scriptures, you will see that all those who received Miracles from Jesus Christ; that they got it by Faith.

He would ask you: “Do you believe that I can do it?” They would say: “I believe”. Then He would say: “Be unto you according to your Faith”.

Four (4) Places in the Bible God repeated Himself: “The just shall live by Faith” (DMC NOTES: Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38)

In 2 Kings 7 – The whole Chapter; the Prophet of God made a Declaration, and one fellow there said – A lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the Man of God, and said, Behold, if the LORD would make Windows in Heaven, might this thing be?

And the Man of God said to him, “you would see with your eyes only, you would not be able to eat thereof.”

I beg you Tonight, don’t think at all: “How is God going to do what He says He will do?” Just get ready to receive your own.

Because there would be those who would say, “we were there when the Man of God was speaking; we didn’t take him serious.” Don’t be one of those.

Now, I said all those things, because I had Prepared a Sermon – And you know I love Teaching. I have been a Teacher all my Life.

But then, God woke me up and said, Tonight put aside your Sermon – Just decree and I will establish it.

So, I am going to be decreeing -:I beg you, as you hear the decrees, let your Amen be loud and clear.

I Thank God that my son who took the First Talk has also handled the issue of Salvation very well.

In case there is any of you still not saved; decide straight away, and the Almighty God will save your Soul.



In the Name that’s above every other name, God will wipe away all tears from your eyes!

Because sorrow is a Destroyer – It can even make People lose their Vision.

When People are sufficiently sad, they can even consider Suicide.

… So I am repeating one more time;

The God I serve; the God who arranged for this Meeting, will wipe away all tears from your eyes – Amen.


In the Name that’s above every other name, God will cause you to Laugh!

Sarah said, “God has caused me to laugh; and all that hear would laugh with me.”

In the Name of the One who sits in Heaven; the One who says He would laugh at your Enemies: That God will cause you to Laugh – Amen.


Because it is written in Psalm 126:1-2, where it says: When the LORD turned again the Captivity of Zion, we were like them that Dream. Then was our mouth filled with Laughter, and our tongue with Singing: then said they among the Heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them.

I hereby decree in the Name of the One Who called me: God will turn your Captivity.

To be Captive means the enemy captured you, put you in Prison, or turned you to a Slave.

But Tonight, in the Name that’s above every other name, my God will turn your Captivity – Amen.


When Jesus healed the man who was born blind and People were asking: How can that be?

He said, whether Jesus is a Sinner or not, I don’t know. All I know is, “Whereas I was blind, now I see.”

Concerning all of you who came with any form of Sickness, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: I hereby decree, you will Sing a New Song

When People ask you: Just like that Last Persom who Testified here Tonight – That Cancer had spread all over her body. She has spent all her money.

And then they did the Final Check; and suddenly found out that all the Cancer Cells had disappeared – The Doctors cannot explain.

As my God lives, in a way that Nobody is able to explain: You will Sing a New Song – Amen.


Which I am basing on 2 Kings 5:1-7; it is for those of you who are not okay Financially.

That Widow came to the Man of God, “The Creditors want to sell my children.”

The Man of God asked her, “What do you have at home?” Nothing! Just a little bottle of Oil.

She went back, did what the Man of God said. And came back to say, “My house is Overflowing with Oil.”

I say to all of you who are not where you ought to be Financially; I decree, you will Testify – Amen.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, every bitter water in your Life shall be Sweetened – Amen.


Which I am basing on Mark 5: 2-20 – Concerning the Mad Man of Gadara. After God set him free he became an Evangelist.

I am decreeing tonight, every one of you, you will fulfill your Destiny – Amen.

… And I am adding to that one:

Beginning from now, every Ground you have lost, you will Recover – Amen.

Thank You Father.

Daddy asked me to tell Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, Relax! I will Settle you – Amen.


Which I am basing on Mark 5:25-34.

I want to decree, from this Hour onwards, your days of Loneliness are over – Amen!


That I am basing on Acts 3:1-8 – To those of you who have been Stagnant.

I hereby decree from this Night onwards, your Promotion shall be Accelerated – Amen!


The Bible tells us in Luke 2:10, And the Angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you Good Tidings of Great Joy, which shall be to all People.

When the Angels appeared to the People on the field, they had Great Joy – Because the Angel said he has brought them News of Good Tidings of Great Joy.

I Stand Today as a Representative of the Most High God, I decree to all of you here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: You will never hear Bad News again – Amen!

If anybody is bringing Bad News, somebody would tell them: No! That’s not for him/her.

I decree one more time: No more Bad News – Amen!


Which I am basing on Matthew 2:1-10 – When the Wise Men finally arrived where Jesus was, the Bible tells us that they had very Great Joy.

And so I am decreeing; in the Name that’s above every other name, you will reach your Goal – Amen.

I decree, you will never Labour in vain again – Amen.

Thank You Father.

The Lord said there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said you would sing a New Song – Amen.

And the Song would be:

Come and see – Wonderful Jesus;
Come and see – Wonderful Jesus.

If you are the one, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Thank You Father.

I think this must be for one Man of God or the other.

The Lord said there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

Your Anointing has been decreasing Steadily.

The Lord asked me to tell you: “I will Reverse the Trend” – Amen.*

Thank You Daddy.

The Lord said there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, “I have noticed your desire; I will make you Special” – Amen.


Which I am basing on Isaiah 3:10, Say ye to the Righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

I hereby decree concerning everyone of you, your Tomorrow would be Alright – Amen!

Thank You Father.

The Lord said there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said: I will Transform you Greatly, that your Testimonies will be difficult to believe – Amen.


Let me say Amen to this one before I tell you – Amen!

The Lord said there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said: To mark this Occasion, I will cause my Light to Shine on you Day and Night – Amen.


I am basing it on 1 Peter 1: 3-9 – That is where you hear, Joy Unspeakable. It says: Whom having not seen, ye Love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and full of Glory:

And so, I am decreeing that; that God called Jesus, Whom you have not seen but believe in, will give you Joy Unspeakable.

You will be Praying very soon. I mean, if you go home now, at least God has already settled your Case.

But I have my own Special Requests. And I am still going to give you Father’s Advice, before we Pray.


I am going to tell you my Special Requests; and I would want you to join me by saying Amen!

  1. I have requested from God for Eighty Three Thousand (83,000) New Babies.
  2. I have requested for Students: At least Eight thousand Three Hundred (8,300) First Class Grades
  3. I have requested for at least Eight thousand Three Hundred (8,300) Marriages before the end of the Year (2025).
  4. I have requested for Eight Hundred and Thirty (830) New Billionaires within the Church.
  5. I have requested for at least Eight Hundred and Thirty (830) Billionaires joining the Church.
  6. I have requested that in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); and in all the Churches where they call me Daddy: No More Cancer!


As your father, I want to advise you:

  1. Please, Don’t Sell your Salvation at any Cost.

Because when David fell, his cry was: Cast me not away from thy Presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the Joy of thy Salvation; and Uphold me with thy free Spirit (Psalm 51:11-12).

Thank You Father.

I want to say Amen to this one too before I tell you – Amen!

Daddy said there’s Someone here Tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said: Very soon, the only word to describe your Life is “Radiant” – Amen!

Do not sell your Salvation!

… The Second thing has been mentioned by my son who took the first Talk.

  1. Don’t ever leave God’s Presence.

Because Psalm 16:11 says, Thou wilt shew me the Path of Life: in thy Presence is Fullness of Joy; at thy Right Hand there are Pleasures for evermore.

Stop this idea of being one kind of Person in the Church; and then Outside the Church you are Somebody else.

Please, take Tonight very seriously.

All those decrees are already working for you – Amen.

So, take my Advice seriously too.

Some of you would come to Church, dressed in a certain way and then as soon as you get out, on your way to work or somewhere else, there’ll be no difference between you and the People of the world.

Just imagine what would happen; supposed God says to you, “I will be with you today only for one (1) hour: the rest of the day, you are on your own.”

Will you step out of the house that day?

If God were to say to you, “Whenever you are in Church, I would be with you. As soon as you step out and become like the world again, you are on your own.”

You know how dangerous that would be!

Let us belong to God 24/7 – Don’t be one Person in Church and another Outside.

  1. Become Addicted to Soul-Winning.

I want to encourage you to become addicted to Soul-Winning.

Again, the Preacher who took Talk 1 mentioned this (DMC NOTES: Reverend Joe Olaiya) – “You cannot give Joy to others and lack Joy.”

Thank You Daddy.

The Lord said there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said: The Gang up against you shall Fail” – Amen.

In Acts 8:5-8, when the Bible says there was Great Joy in Samaria because of Philip – The whole City cannot be Rejoicing and the one who brought the Joy there is sad.

You know how far I travel during Go-a-Fishing – I mean, this Last Year (2024) for Example; I think I started in Ore (DMC NOTES: Ondo State Nigeria). Then we went to Okitipupa (DMC NOTES: Ondo State and from there to Agbarha Otor (DMC NOTES: Ugelli Delta State)

I am not deceiving myself that I am getting Younger – I am not getting Younger.

Many atimes when you get to one Place and your body is aching.

But then you see the Joy in the faces of the People, “Daddy has come!” And they are shouting for Joy.

Suddenly, their Joy will Permeate my body; and that Joy gives me Strength.

I decree to you Today: As you bring Joy to others, your Joy shall be Multiplied – Amen.

  1. Be a Progressive Sower like Isaac.

I’m advising you to be like Isaac. Isaac was somebody throughout his Life, who never knew Sorrow.

His name meant ‘Laughter.’

Each time they called him ‘Laughter’ – And he too kept on Laughing.

He had no Secret – He was a Progressive Sower.

He just kept on Sowing, and he kept on Growing until he became Very Great.

You see, there’s something called “the Joy of Harvest” – The Bible made it clear in Psalm 126:5-6, They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing Precious Seed, shall doubtless come again with Rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

I decree in the Name that’s above every other: By the next time you come here, you will be jumping with Joy – Amen!

I want to make a Suggestion – You don’t have to take it; it’s an Advise from your father:

I want to suggest that you go home and think of what I would call “A Seed of Joy” and send it to God.

  • Put it in an Envelope, write at the back “Seed of Joy.”
  • If it’s a Cheque, write at the back of the Cheque, “Seed of Joy
  • If it’s a Vehicle or Land, make it clear: “This is a Seed of Joy.”

… And you will Harvest Joy – Amen.

  1. Finally, I want you to keep on Praying.

John 16: 24 says: Ask until till your be Full.

Thank You Father.

The Lord said I should tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

… He said the fellow would understand.

He said, “The hair of Samson will grow again tonight” – Amen.

That is Good News!

It means, for Somebody that God has forsaken; there is going to be a Reunion – Amen!

I decree, everyone of you listening to me, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: God will never forsake you – Amen!

Oh! I decree from the bottom of my Heart, the Almighty God would not hand you over to the Enemy – Amen.

I hereby decree, the Enemy would never discover your Secret – Amen.


I want you to write down your Prayer Points now!

Pray with everything within you!

I know that by Next Year (2026) if the Lord tarries, what He will do will be Greater than this.

But the One who says that this Year (2025) is our Landmark Year and arranged for this Meeting; before this Month of March is over; you will sing a New Song – Amen!

  1. Give God Thanks!

Thank Him that you can even be Part of this Program Tonight.

  1. Cry to God and say: Father, Please don’t let me know Sorrow again.
  2. From now on Father, let me enjoy Joy Unspeakable.
  3. Father, let my Joy be Everlasting.
  4. Father, keep me Permanently by Your Side and don’t let me wander away from You,
  5. Father, let me Please You Continuously by Living Holy and Winning Souls for You.
  6. Father, Increase my Harvest Greatly.
  7. Father, everything that the General Overseer has Requested for; let each one Manifest before Tomorrow Morning.
  8. Your own Personal Private Prayer Requests.

The Altar is Open!

And Pray like you have never Prayed before!

It is not the Time for Quiet Prayer – This is a very serious Prayer Time!

Go ahead and Pray now!!!

… Let’s begin to bring our Prayers to a close.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


I decree that the Lord of Hosts would fight for you.

I decree that all your Requests would be granted.

I decree that very soon, you would know the meaning of Greatness.

I decree that you would not be tired.

I decree that you would not be weary.

I decree that you would not fail.

I decree that you would not fall.

I decree, in your Family there will be no Premature Death.

I decree, it shall be well with you.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name I have decreed – Amen!

We can go back to our seats now.

Oh! Glory be to God.

Thank You Jesus. Thank You Father.


We would get ready to say Thank You to Jesus.

Very quickly, take your Thanksgiving Offering, dance to the nearest basket and drop your Offering (Online) as the Band will minister.


In the Name that’s above every other name, I hereby decree:

In your Homes, there would be Peace.

In your Places of Work, there would be Peace.

In your Villages and Towns, there would be Peace.

In your Bodies, there would be Peace.

In your Souls, there would be Peace.

In your Spirits, there would be Peace.

Kidnappers will never come near you again.

When you go out, it shall be well with you.

When you come in, it shall be well with you.

From now on: On a daily basis, you would go Higher.

God would Bless your Offering.

I hereby decree; you will never borrow again.

So shall it be!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Please, be seated!


I have heard two (2) things from the Lord – My Joy is the ability to hear from Him.

And I am wise enough, never to disobey Him.

  1. The first thing I heard is that, you are to Dance for another Ten (10) minutes before you go.

And you are to really, really Dance.

If you have watched the Traditional Rulers dance; then you will know you have no reason not to dance.

  1. The second one I heard is not for everybody. But He said to me that there are some People here, or reading now on the Label of DMC:

Who are saying, “We want to give Daddy G.O a Birthday Gift, but we don’t know how.”

You know I have never asked you for Gifts and I have never heard God say so.

But He said to me, “Don’t deny them of their Blessing.

If you are among those who said that, locate a Basket (Online) drop your Birthday Gifts.

And I decree: My God will Bless you beyond your wildest Expectation – Amen.

Now, it is time to Dance. So go ahead!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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