Thank You Jesus for Joy Unspeakable.

You are the Only One who can give Joy that will last Forever.

I want that Joy Tonight – Lord give me that Joy Tonight.

Thank You Heavenly Father.

In Jesus we Pray.

Fountain of Joy – Great Joy; we call on You Tonight, open unto us and give us Individually and Collectively Great Joy Tonight.

Let every Sorrow be driven out.

Let Joy Overthrow Sorrow Tonight.

Let Peace Overthrow Trouble Tonight.

Let Life Overtake Death Tonight.

Let Light drive out Darkness Tonight.

And let there be Joy Unspeakable.

Receive Joy Unspeakable!

In Jesus Most Powerful Name we Pray – Amen!

Please be Seated!

You are Welcome to Joy Unspeakable and I know that this Night, you will go home with Joy Unspeakable.

Daddy and Mummy, may the Lord cause you to bubble and Overflow with Joy Unspeakable – Amen!

May everyone following after your Godly Examples have a Harvest of Joy in this Meeting Tonight – Amen!

I want to tell you that you are Welcome to Joy Unspeakable!

I have what I called: “The Capsules of Joy”.

The Capsules of Joy keep the Spirit, Soul and Body Healthy.

In Proverbs 15:13; the Bible says that a Merry Heart maketh a Cheerful Countenance; but by Sorrow of Heart, the Spirit is broken,

In Proverbs 17:22 – A Merry Heart doeth Good like a Medicine, but a Broken Spirit dries the bone.

I want you to know that the Merriment of the Heart springs from the Joy of the Lord!

Taking the Capsules of Joy on a Daily basis is the Secret of Life and living Life to the full.

Eating the bread of Sorrow is swallowing Poison on a Daily basis.

Sorrow kills, it Compromises your Immunity and it destroys your Well Being.

But Joy heals, it Strengthens and it fills a Man with Life.

Go and find Joy Capsules of Life wherever you can find them and stop eating the bread of Sorrow because it will destroy your Health.

It destroys Homes, and it destroys Marriages

Why must you not feed daily on a bread of Sorrow?

We heard it Yesterday (Day 1) and I repeat it today:

In Psalms 16:11 – Thou wilt shew me the Path of Life: in thy Presence is Fullness of Joy; at thy right hand there are Pleasures for evermore.

The Presence of God births the Fullness of Joy!

It is the Presence of God that fills every Space it occupies with Joy!

It is Jesus that is known to be the Spring Source of Joy

He is the Fountain of Joy.

Joy is not in the Beer Parlour, and it is not in the Dance Hall – What you have there is Chemically Induced Excitement and Happiness induced by Alcohol, by drugs and Sexual Loosenesss.

That is not Joy – That is Unclean Sweet.

Jesus is the Fountain of Joy – Everyone who encounters Jesus goes away with Joy.

Recall how Joyous you are – For those of you who have had Encounter with Jesus on the day you gave your Life Christ.

A certain Rich Man looked at me and asked me: Do you take Alcohol? I say No.

Then he said that when you get angry and you are sad, how do you recover?

I said that I have the Joy of the Lord – And he couldn’t understand.

He said that I must be a “Terrible Man” — That if People offends me that I will never forgive him because I don’t drink.

I said: No, No, No – Any Joy that is Chemically induced is a fake one and a dangerous one.

I have a Fountain of Joy inside of me and Jesus is the Fountain!

After brief arguments, he ordered for his beer while I was still Ministering.

The wife appealed to him – Please, Reverend Father is Ministering; don’t drink beer now!

I told the woman that beer doesn’t stop the Holy Ghost from working – Let him drink his beer.

When he took the first sip, he couldn’t continue.

At the end of it, his wife was dramatically healed and he sent for me the following day.

He said that: I have a Problem. And I said, what is the Problem.

He said that if I don’t drink myself drunk, I couldn’t sleep. And then, when I sleep, I wake up 2am and I have to get drunk again to sleep till the Morning.

He said that I tried to stop but I cannot stop – Can you help me?

Ii said Yes – All you need to do is to believe what I say.

And those of you listening to me Tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – If you follow me with your Heart and take the Words to your Heart; I assure you that as the Lord lives, that you will go home with Joy (Amen).

After doing what I said, he spent his first Night – And slept till Morning without a taste of Alcohol.

I just told him to keep doing what I told him.

Tonight, you will receive Divine Instructions – Amen!

Recall the day you received the Holy Ghost – The Joy that you had!

Recall the first time you heard the voice of God and God speaking to you – The Joy that you had!

It is in the Presence of God that you can find an ever Increasing Joy!

There are some kind of Joy that you can have:

  1. The Joy of Giving to Kingdom Project.

This gives Joy!

1 Corinthians 29:9 – They had Great Joy when they donated and Give towards the Building of the Temple.

  1. The Joy of Giving to the Needy.

This can give you some Joy but that is not Great Joy.

Tabitha took care of the Needy – When she died the Needy did not let her die but they cried to Peter and Peter brought her back to Life.

The Woman of Shunem sowed Seeds into the Life of Prophet Elisha – And she had Joy.

She kept on giving him food – 2 Kings 4: 8-13 and then finally, she gave him a House.

When Elisha saw it, he was very happy!

There is a Gift that you can give and it will spring Joy in the Heart of Somebody!

Are you looking for Joy? Go and give Joy to Somebody!

So there was a Sorrow that has been forgotten; and there was a Joy lacking in the Llife of the woman – It was the Joy of a Child.

After Ellisha collected that house, he looked at her and said: What can we do for you? And the woman said Nothing. He said Stop that!

Then they told Elisha that she doesn’t have a Child.

He said: Come back here – You give us Joy with this house and so you are going to have Joy in a baby. By this Time Next Year, you are having a son.

There is Somebody going back home with Joy Tonight – Amen!

Elisha told her in 2 Kings 4: 15-17 – He said that by this Time Next Year, you will have a baby boy. And it happened!

… Joy started in that family.

There is a Miracle that you will receive Tonight – And the Joy will start in your family (Amen).

But there is a Man called Great Joy in the Bible!

In Luke 2:10-11; the Angel came and told the Shepherds, behold I bring you Good Tidings of Great Joy, which shall be to all Mankind. For unto you is born this day in the City of David, a Saviour that is Christ the Lord.

Listem to me – If you allow Jesus into the Space of your Life, Great Joy will come in.

And anywhere Great Joy enters, there is Rejoicing!

Luke 15:10 – Jesus said: There is Joy in Heaven over one Sinner who repents.

Even Angels get Joy only when Somebody accepts Jesus!

Repentance is actually admitting Great Joy into your Life!

Refusal to repent is keeping Joy out of your Life – It is rejecting Joy and embracing Sorrow!

Today, you will not reject Joy – Amen!

In Acts 8: 5-8; Samaria Welcomes Great Joy.

They listened to Philip as he Preached Jesus – They believed what Philip said and they obeyed him. They repented and ask Jesus Christ to come in.

Then in Verse 8 (DMC NOTES: Acts 8:8); there was Great Joy in that City (Samaria).

Joy will come to your family Tonight – Amen!

When you give Heaven Joy; Heaven in turn will Supply Joy to you in return!

Decide that you will be a Distributor of Joy!

How? By Giving out and making People’s Life Joyous.

Do like Dorcas and Tabitha did – Find a Worthy Anointed Servant of God to give Joy like the Shunamite Woman and then you will Harvest Joy!

  1. Find a Sinner to Evangelise.

Look for Somebody that is held down by the devil and bring him to Church or Preach to him and bring him to Christ.

There will be Great Joy and you will Harvest Joy!

  1. Find a City that is in the Dark and Needy and then Sponsor Crusades, the Preaching of Gospel and Soul Winning to that City.

When you do that – You Spread the Joy of God and you will see what happens in your Life.

I will never forget in recent times, the Bauchi Crusade.

The Souls that came to Christ, we kept on Rejoicing and Celebrating – The Joy was so Great!

And I am assuring you that as we begin to invest in Soul Winning from Today, there shall be Great Joy in our lives – Amen!

So, what role are you doing in Spreading Great Joy?

The moment God is absent in your Life, that is the beginning of Sorrow.

Eve went into sin and the moment she heard the steps of God, she ran into hiding.

How many times do we dodge Fellowship because of the things we do in Secret?

There are some things some of us hate to hear, there are some Prayers some of us hate to Pray, and there are some things that we hate to remember because they reminds us of our Nakedness before God.

The farter that you are from the Presence of God, the farter you are from the Joy of His Presence!

It is in the Presence of God that you can have the Fullness of Joy!

There is Sorrow for every Backsliders as there is Sorrow where the Presence of God is absent

Ahaz, the King of Jerusalem in 2 Chronicles 28:1-2; decided to shut the house of God and to go away from the Presence of God.

By the time you get to 2 Chronicles 28:23; the Binle said the he Sacrificed to the gods of Damascus because the gods of the Kings of Syria helped them.

He said that I will Sacrifice to them but they ruined him and of all Israel.

The more that you go away from the Presence of God, the more you have Sorrow.

King Ahaz shut the house of God and led Judah away from God and Sorrow overwhelmed Judah.

But his son – Hezekiah took over in 2 Chronicles Chapter 29 – He opened the house of God, brought the Priests back and the Presence of God returned.

2 Chronicles 30: 25-27 – Verse 26 says that there was Great Joy in Jerusalem because Hezekiah brought back the Presence of God.

Tonight, you will make a Covenant with God to always abide in the Presence of God!

The Prodigal son left home and went on to enjoy the dainty of sin and he ended up with Pigs in the Piggery.

The day he returned home, that was the day that Joy returned back to his Life.

Somebody will recover Joy Today or as you read now on the Label of DMC – Amen!

☆ How much longer do you want to Struggle with things that make you sad and unhappy?

☆ How much do you want to live the Life of External Conflict?

David has reason(s) to be Sorrowful.

In 1 Samuel Chapter 30, he discovered that his Village has been burnt down and their wives with children has been taken away and all their Goods gone – They wept!

But suddenly, David said: What am I doing? I will stop this Weeping as this cannot bring anything back.

Stop Sorrowing, stop Weeping!

☆ Your mother died – Will Weeping bring her back?

☆ Your Husband died – Will Weeping bring him back?

No! What did they do? He turned his Weeping into Prayer.

Tonight, you will not weep anymore!

Weeping is a Proof that you don’t believe that God will turn your situations around.

Stop it because God will cause everything to work for your Good Tonight!

That Sorrow that you have; God will turn it around for your Good – Amen!

☆ Weeping is an Evident of Unbelief!

☆ Weeping is denying the Sovereignty of God.

☆ Weeping is Stopping God from working out His Goodness in your Life,

… Weep no more!

So David stopped Weeping – He went into the Presence of God and God spoke to him and he recovered everything,

The Struggles of Paul for years Prevented him from the Joy of the Lord.

In Romans 7: 14-20; he said that what I am doing, I don’t understand.

Maybe you are like Paul – What I want to do, I am not able to do; what I hate to do is what I do.

Then he said that if I am doing what I don’t want to do and I am unable to do what I want to do; it is no longer I that is in Control but some other things in Control.

Whatever is Controlling you to do what you do; whatever is Controlling you from doing what you want; that Conttrol shall be broken Tonight – Amen

So Paul said in Romans 7:20 – That if I do what I do not want to do; it is no longer I that is doing it but sin.

☆ It was Satan that told Eve to do what she did.

☆ It was Satan that Provoked David to Number Israel.

☆ It was Satan that entered into Judas to betray Jesus Christ.

☆ It was Satan that wanted Peter to be sifted like Wheat.

☆ It was Satan that went into the Lord Jesus Christ and enquiried Him whether He is the Son of God.

Every areas that Satan has been Manipulating your Life, to Control you to do what you do not want; that Manipulation ends Tonight – Amen!

So, you need a Deliverer – And that Deliverer is Jesus!

☆ Do you sometimes desires sin – You Plan it, Execute it and then regret it?

☆ Do you hate what you are doing and you are not able to stop it?

There is Good News for you!

☆ Are you doing what you are always ashamed of doing openly?

There is Help Tonight!

☆ Are you being assaulted by Powers that are Stromger than you – Harassing you Night after Night and you are Helpless to do anything about it?

☆ Are you Struggling with Bad Habits – You tried hard, you Fast and you Prayed and yet you go back?

The Good News that I have for you Tonight is that the Champion of all Champions will Set you Free – Amen!

I met a girl who said taking twelve (12) Bottles of Beer was no big deal – She will take it and walk Straight.

She asked me: Will I go to Hell if I don’t quit it? I said surely you will go.

She said: What do I do?

I said: Are you a Believer? She said No but I can give my Life to Jesus Christ.

I gave her one day Assignment – That was 30 Years ago; Today she is a Pastor and she has never returned to it.

I met a girl who said that Masturbation was Compulsory – That until she Masturbate herself to injury, she couldn’t stop.

But when she encountered Jesus Christ, that was the end.

I met another Man that was hooked on drugs.

All of them, Jesus took them to Victory.

Listen to me, Paul found the answer in Romans 7:24 – He said: Oh wretched Man that I am, who will deliver me from this body of Death? He said I Thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

How many of us wants to receive our Joy?

☆ You want to recover your Freedom.

☆ You want to break through the Dominion of Things that you don’t like to do but you find yourself doing it.

You need to be bold Tonight and you need to be Humble!

Paul was bold enough to say: I am doing what I hate to do and what I like to do, I am not able to do.

Paul was bold enough to cry out: Who will deliver me?

Paul was Humble enough to cry unto the Lord Jesus Christ!

Let Us Pray!


You want Victory Tonight?

You want to break loose Tonight?

You want Victory over that thing that you hate to do?

Come out right now because your Victory is waiting for you at the Altar.

If you want your Victory and Dominion over all those Struggles that you have been having; then start coming now.

And come quickly as I want to Pray for you now!

The Power that sets Paul free will free you Tonight.

So, if you are comimg; come quickly.

I am going to count from one (1) to ten (10) – And expects that all those that wants that Freedom will be out by the Altar whether in the Old or New Auditoriums.

☆ There is a Fountain here – It is a Fountain flowing with Blood.

☆ There is a Fountain here – It brings Joy into Human lives.

Those of you already infront – Begin to talk to the Lord:

This is my Struggle, deliver me. Let me not go back and do what I don’t want to do again.

Those things that I hate, don’t let me do them again – Deliver me Oh Lord!

I will call on Your Name Tonight and You will Set me free.

I want the rest of us to begin to Pray that Tonight, there shall be Freedom and Joy.


Those of you who are already here and those on the way; repeat after me:

My Lord and my God, Thank You for sending Jesus to bring the Joy of Salvation to me.

Jesus, You are the Great Joy; I want You in my Life as I am tired of Sorrow, Depression, Unhappiness and Hopelessness.

I Hand over my Life to You:

Your Servant has said that any Space You enter, You bring Joy into the Space.

Bring Joy into my Life Tonight as I Open my Heart to You.

I believed that You are the Son of God.

You died to take away my sin.

And You rose from the Dead.

Lord Jesus, take over my Life and I receive Forgiveness for all my sins.

I will call on Your Name now and You will Set me Free from every Bad Habits and from every sins.

Thank You Father, and Thank You Lord Jesus for granting my Prayers.

In Jesus Name – Amen!

Now, lift your Hands to Heaven as I Pray!


In the Name of Jesus; your sins are Forgiven.

In the Name of Jesus, receive the Mercy of God.

In the Name of Jesus, I Nullify every Claims and Hold of the devil over your Life.

In the Name of Jesus, I declare your Freedom.


Now at the Countdown of two (2); you are going to shout the Name of Jesus.

And every Bad Habits that has been Controlling your Life – The Chain will be destroyed (Amen).

I want everybody to Stand!

I don’t care how long you have had the Bad Habits – 15 Years, 20 Years or 30 Years; that Chain will be Broken – Amen!

The moment you hear I say: One! Two!! – You shout Jesus!!!

☆ You Chain of Bad Habits, you Satanic Chains and Demonic Influences.

☆ You Weakness that makes People unable to do the Will of God.

I come against you in the Name that is above all names.

And I Command that at the shout of the Name of Jesus; you Pack your Loads and go.

And I Command that every Chains will be destroyed.

One! Two!! — JESUS!!!

Chains break everywhere.

I loose you from every Chains and Bondages now in the Name of Jesus.

Shout: “I AM FREE!”

And so, you are Free in the Name of Jesus – Amen!

You will start Celebrating your Freedom and the Joy of your Freedom from Tonight in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!!!


There is a Fountain filled with Blood,
Drawn from Immanuel’s veins,
And Sinners Plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their Guilty Stains:
Lose all their Guilty Stains,
Lose all their Guilty Stains;
And Sinners Plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their Guilty Stains.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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