
May our lives be Purified by the Fire of the Most High God, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Let us Pray!


Our Father in the Name of Jesus, we Honour Your Name tonight.

We acknowledge Your Mercy and Your Goodness: You are the Beginning and the Ending of it all – The Yaweh of Judah.

Our Protector, our Deliverer, our Strong Tower, our Shield, our Saviour and our Buckler.

The Keeper of our Soul – Lord we Honour You.

The Ancient of Days – Father, we bless You.

Thank You for bringing us into the Second Half of this Year (2024) – We couldn’t have done it by ourselves but Lord, You watched over us.

You broke the snare of the fowler; our Souls have escaped like birds out of the snare of the fowler.

Through the Storms, through the Rain, through the heat and through the issues, we are still standing only by Your Grace.

Papa, we declare tonight that Praise waits for You at Redemption City.

Adoration waits for You here, my God.

Glory and honour wait for You, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

And Lord tonight; Stretch forth Your Hand and do that which only You can do.

Baptise us with Fire, raise the Dead, save Souls, Cleanse, Empower, Deliver, Uphold, in the Name of Jesus.

Let Nothing stand in the way of the move of Your Holy Spirit.

Thank You Lord Jesus because we know You are here.

Thank You Holy Spirit, that You will manifest Your Power.

Thank You Lord, that tonight is the beginning of the best of the rest of our lives; because You will do Awesome things.

Blessed be Your Name Eternal Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

… And everybody said – Amen!

Hallelujah! Please, be seated.

All the Glory and Honour be to our God and Saviour tonight.

And first of all, I want to Thank my Heavenly Father and Jesus my Saviour, for the Privilege of sharing His Word tonight.

Hallelujah to Jesus!

And to my Mom and Dad – The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); I thank you for the honour of Preaching tonight.

God Bless You Dad and Mom, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

We Pray that your Great Legacy will endure – You will finish well, you will end well and you will receive your Eternal Crowns of Glory, in Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.

The Theme for this Month is: Refuel Your Fire.

And my Anchor Scripture tonight is from Leviticus 6:13:

The Fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; and it shall never go out – Amen.

May your Fire continue to burn now and always, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Tonight I’m just wondering: What comes to your Mind when you hear the word ‘Fire?’

Light, Burning, Flames, Explosion, Fervency, and Passion.

There is nothing like a Timid Fire – Try a match stick, it will still burn you.

So when we talk about a Christian on Fire:

  • It is about Passion for the Things of God;
  • It is Zeal for the Things of God;
  • It s about Faithfulness for the Things of God.
  • It is about the Demonstration of God’s Power; and burning at both ends for God.

In Jeremiah 20:9(b), the Bible says, But His word was in my heart like a burning fire, shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not.

From now on you will spring forth Fire of God in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

You will no longer be Weak; you will no longer be Powerless, you will no longer be Timid, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Our Theme says: REFUEL YOUR FIRE.

So, when we talk about Fire tonight, it is Personal to you – “Your Fire”.

As a Divine response to God’s Vessel, it cannot be borrowed – You cannot borrow somebody else’s Fire to accomplish God’s Purpose. You cannot live on another Person’s Fire.

I remember the Five (5) Wise Virgins – When the Five (5) Foolish Virgins asked them in Matthew 25:6-9 to give them some of their oil; they said, No! Go and buy your own. It won’t be enough for you and I.

I want to say tonight that God is expecting that like never before, you you would Catch Fire, that you would go out there, and you would do Exploits in His Name, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

You need the Fire of Heaven.

God wants to contain His fire within us, so that we can become Men and Women of Great Passion who are continually filled with the Holy Fire – As it came on the Day of Pentecost.

Something happened on the Day of Pentecost – Fire came from Heaven. And the Bible says they were all filled.

Fire will come from Heaven tonight – It will not be denied you; It will not truncate you – Amen.

You will become a Carrier of God’s Fire, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

However, we need to constantly Refuel to keep the Fire Burning.


Very Simple: Re-Fuel!

It means when there is no fuel, the fire will go out.

What is Fuel to you tonight? Fuel simply means the Presence of God; the Power of God.

And I dare say to you tonight – It is that ability of God, that turns an Ordinary Man, turns an Ordinary woman to an Extraordinary Carrier of Power – Like He did for Elijah.

We were told yesterday night by our father-in-the-Lord that:

  • Elijah first of all called down Fire.
  • He called down Rain from Heaven; and he ran on that Strength for three (3) days.

There is something about Fire that God wants to put into you.

From today, you won’t be a weary Christian – Amen.

From today, you won’t be a Powerless Christian – Amen.

Fire makes the difference – Fire gives you the Capacity to Command; make decrees, exercise Power and Dominion.

To refuel is to Provide constant additional Power in your Life so that your Fire keeps burning.

  • To Refuel is to Top-up.
  • To Refuel is to Refill,
  • To Refuel is to Replenish.


  1. When you are in constant use of the Power that God has given you.

When you are there, raising the Dead, Evangelizing, Praying to God, when you are Witnessing; you need to Refuel.

Jesus our Lord and Saviour told us in Matthew 14:23, And when He had sent the Multitudes away, He went up on the Mountain by Himself to Pray. Now, when Evening came, He was alone there.

To recharge your Battery, you need to be alone.

There is something about Solitude that helps you to recharge.

Every time you expend Spiritual Energy, you need to go and Refuel, so that you do not burn out.

… Why do I need to Refuel?

  1. To ensure that you would have enough for the Assignment ahead.

The Assignment of today, you have sufficient Strength for it. For the assignment of tomorrow and in the days ahead, you need to consistently Refuel, so that you are not stranded.

Like the Parable of the Ten (10) Virgins that we spoke about in Matthew 25:4; the Bible says the Wise Virgins took oil in their Vessels with their Lamps.

Jesus told us in Luke 12:35: Let your waist be girded and your Lamps burning.

  • That is why you need to carry Extra Oil.
  • That is why you need Extra Capacity.
  • That is why you need to constantly Refuel.

… And No. 3 – which many of us may not be aware of:

  1. Sometimes the enemy could Punch Holes in your tank when you are not Spiritually Alert.

And the Person begins to leak, and you do not know how much fuel has been leaked.

In Matthew 13:25, the Bible says, But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.

The man didn’t know until his Servants called his attention; that there are tares amongst your wheat.

People may be saying to you that your tank is leaking – Pride might have set in, there may be disobedience, there may be arrogance, there may be self-delusion.

So what would a wise man do?

Before you refuel, you look for the Source of the leakage and then you deal with it.

Because it is Possible to carry your car to the Source of the fuel, but if there is a leakage, all the fuel would pour out.

From today, by the Power that is in the Blood of Jesus, every Source of leakage in your Life shall be sealed, in Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.

The early Disciples were constantly being refilled.

We are told in Acts 2:4, And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other Tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

They were all filled – Nobody was left out.

In Acts 4:31 it sad again, And when they had Prayed, the Place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the Word of God with Boldness.

God wants us to be constantly filled – He doesn’t want you to be empty.

Too many of us are empty

  • We are living and walking on empty tank.
  • We are walking as f there is not tomorrow.

But I want to reassure you that unless you catch the Fire tonight, things may not work out for you as you intended.

But the Lord will have Mercy on all of us in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

We need the active Presence of the Holy Spirit for the needful Fire at this time.

And the only way it would come is through Prayer.

The Word of God says that when they Prayed, Fire came!

I. How much time you devote in Prayer;

II. How much time you devote in Worship;

III. How much time you devote in Solitude to God.

This is what would bring the Fire that you need.

You are wondering why you cannot Evangelize as you ought to? It is because you lack the Fire.

The reason why you Pray for People and the results are not there, is because you lack the Fire.

But tonight, you will go out of this Place as an Extraordinary Man, an Extraordinary woman – Amen.

And as the Fire will begin to Fall: People will take note of you that you have had an Encounter with the Spirit of God tonight – Amen.

And the Fire is going to flow in your Life, in the Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.

Fathers and Mothers, my Brothers and Sisters; no one can be hungry or thirsty of Fire for you – You are the only Person who can be hungry for yourself; to win Souls, to be Bold, to Cast out demons, to exercise Divine Authority.

No matter the encouragement, you are in this Meeting tonight: Are you here in Spirit, Soul, and Body? Or you are just an Attendee?

Is your yearning for more of God?

Are you saying: “Lord, I lack this Power, lack this Fire? I don’t want to go out the same way that I came in.”

I want to tell us tonight that you are the only Person who can determine to be zealous for God.

That is why our Coach (Daddy GO) keeps Pushing us to seek more of God’s Power.

From the beginning of this year, we’ve been hearing about Fire – How many of us have caught the Fire?

Tonight, before you go, something will happen in your Life: You will catch the Fire – Amen.

You will experience a “Definite Expression” of the Spirit of the Living God, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

God created us to need continuous refilling.

Matthew 5:6 says, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness,
For they shall be filled.

Hunger and thirst are recurring appetites – You can’t say “I ate yesterday, or I ate five (5) years ago, and I’m not going to eat anymore.” The same way hunger for the things of God.

Psalm 63:1 says, O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my Soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.

In Psalm 42:1 the Bible says, As the deer Pants for the water brooks, so Pants my Soul for You, O God.

The Good News tonight is that there are refuelling Stops in our Journeys of Life – There are daily refuelling Stops.

And God expects us to refuel daily.

But sometimes, we Procrastinate –
Tomorrow I will do it; Tomorrow I will Pray; Tomorrow I will win Souls; Tomorrow I will spend time with God.

Or we are too busy doing stuffs.

Even in the Ministry, some of us are so busy that we don’t have time to Pray; or we are too lazy. Indolence in Spiritual matters – Half asleep or half awake, it’s difficult. The inability to rouse yourself to Pray. Negligence to Pray, to Fast, to Study.

God is saying enough of that: I want to do something New in your Life – Amen.

We are not to ignore the warning Signs – when your Gauge is on Red, it simply tells you that your tank is almost empty.

So when you find yourself becoming irritable; when you are focusing on the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the Pride of Life; when things that have never happened to you before are beginning to happen – It means that your Gauge is reading Red. You need to stop and refuel. You need Fresh Fire.

The Holy Spirit is our Refuelling Point!

So don’t miss the Word, don’t miss your Timing, don’t wait for the Altar Call – Now begin to tell the Lord how much you desire Refuelling.

Begin to speak to the Lord wherever you are right now, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

I don’t know what your Neighbour desires; I don’t know what you desire; but I am here for Fresh Fire and I am here for the Outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord.

I know there are People here who are hungry – So begin to prepare yourself because Fire will fall upon us.

The fuel that you need is available for Sale.

The Bible tells us in Isaiah 55:1-3, Everyone that is thirsty, come and buy without money.

Listen to me, there is an Invitation – He says come!

Proverbs 23:23 says: Buy the Truth, and do not sell it, also Wisdom and Instruction and Understanding.

So, it’s available for sale.

How would I buy it without money?

Jesus has made it Possible!

By the finished work of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary, everything that you need to Refuel and for Fire to begin to flow in your bones has been fully Paid for by Jesus Christ. All you need is to come to the Source.

God is the Source of Fire – He is the One who gives the Fire by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

And He is saying: “Come and buy tonight. Don’t be empty – I have more than enough, I am the God of Abundant Supply, I have more than you could ever desire or think.”

… And it is available unto you tonight, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.


  1. Access to God in Prayer by the help of the Holy Spirit.

Jude 20 says, But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your Most Holy Faith, Praying in the Holy Spirit.

Is there Prayer in the house of your Heart? We are not talking about empty words, but wholehearted Devotion.

Are you Praying and crying out to God?

What are your Prayer Points like?

He says in Matthew 11:28, God says come unto Me, all you who Labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

God is inviting us tonight – You and I, this entire Congregation.

Wherever you are watching from all over the world, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; He is saying, I want to Refuel you.

But you have to humble yourself and come in the Place of Prayer.

In Romans 8:26 the Bible says, Likewise, the Spirit also helps in our Weaknesses. For we do not know what we should Pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings that can not be uttered.

He helps you to Pray. He energizes you, He equips you:

Pray in the Spirit and in your Understanding.

Pray when it is Convenient, Pray when it is not Convenient.

Pray when you are tired, Pray when you are not tired.

Nehemiah was a Man who kept on refilling his tank.

In Nehemiah Chapter 1, Nehemiah Prayed seven (7) times – You can never pray too much.

Thank God we are in a Mission which Places emphasis on the Ministry of Prayer.

  • On your way to work, Pray – Instead of joining Conversations that you have no business with.
  • In your office, under your breath, be Praying.

Pray in the Spirit when you don’t know what to Pray for – Ask the Lord for help, He answers!

… And He will Refuel you, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

  1. The Word of God is your Potent Weapon.

Jesus Himself taught us in Matthew Chapter 4 and Luke Chapter 4; everytime the enemy said to Him, do this, do that; He would say, “It is written.”

Is the Word of God engraved in your heart? Or you only have it in your head?

If you have the Word of God only in your head, it won’t do you much Good – Soak yourself in the Word.

In Psalm 119:11 the Bible says, Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.

… Hide God’s Word in your heart.

Joshua 1:8 says, This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way Prosperous, and then you will have Good Success.

The ‘To do’ is very important! – You must begin to Study the Word of God afresh.

The early Disciples focused on the Teachings and the Doctrines of God.

Don’t let anybody mislead you – The Word of God is Powerful. The Word of God in your heart and mouth is very, very Powerful.

The Bible says in Romans 10:10 – For with the heart one believes unto Righteousness, and with the mouth Confession is made unto Salvation.

Let the Words of your mouth and the thoughts of your heart agree with the Word of God that you are a Man and a Woman set on Fire, in the Name of Jesus.

  1. Develop the heart and Spirit of a Worshipper.

Psalm 34:1 says, I will bless the Lord at all times; His Praise shall continually be in my mouth.

When we Praise and Worship God, something happens – The Bible says God inhabits the Praises of His People.

Wherever God is; there is Fire, there is Power, there is Purity, there is Holiness, there is Grace, there is intense measure of His Presence.

So, spend time Worshipping God and spend time being Grateful unto God.

Paul and Silas Praised God in Prison – Acts 16:25 says, But at Midnight, Paul and Silas were Praying and Singing Hymns to God, and the Prisoners were listening to them.

They didn’t have Musical Instruments, they didn’t have Backup Singers, they didn’t have latest Gadgets – Just their mouth and hands; they began to Worship the Lord.

Can Somebody shout and say: Thank You Jesus?

As their hearts and voices rose up to God, there was a Powerful Visitation.

You want to see Fire? Begin to worship God more.

And the Lord will Visit you, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

  1. Associate with People who are already on Fire.

Why? So that they can tell you where to Refuel.

They would tell you, this and this and this, are the things I did to Refuel my Fire.

How Do You Know Those Who Are On Fire?

I. They are resolute in their Faith.

II. They are Men and Women with the Passion of Elijah.

III. Their lives are Fruits of what they Profess.

Let them Guide you, let them Mentor you, let them Push you, let them Encourage and Propel you towards your Goal.

The Bible tells us in Hebrews 13:7, Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the Word of God to you, whose Faith follows, considering the Outcome of their Conduct.

  1. Deepen your Consecration.

To keep your fire burning, the tempo must be ever increasing, not decreasing. No drawback in the Kingdom of God.

The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 1:14 – That Good Thing which was committed to you, keep it by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.

I. You must keep Returning to the Source of your Fire.

II. You cannot exist by yourself.

III. Terminate all Fire Extinguishers.

Anybody who would not help you to make Heaven is a Fire Extinguisher.

IV. Remove every Impurity.

I can reassure you that the Fire is Pure.

But the tank may be contaminated; it may be dirty or maybe there is even water in it; so you don’t get Optimal results.


You can Clean out the Tank: Sin kills Fire!

All forms of Unrighteousness and Ungodliness must be out of our lives, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

Therefore, I Plead with you toight: if you are in this Gathering, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, at the time our Beloved Daddy comes up to Minister in the Word, and gives an Altar Call; be the first (1st); to run out and Surrender your Life Genuinely to Jesus Christ – The number of years you’ve been coming to the Redemption City is immaterial tonight.

What is important tonight is that you recognise that you are empty and that you need Fresh Infilling.

And God will Genuinely save your Soul and put your name in the Book of Life – Amen!

As you begin to commit yourself to Prayer, to the Word, to Worship, to Divine Relationships;

Power will Flow!

Your Tank will be filled again.

There will be New Dimensions of God’s Anointing.

And Grace will be imparted unto you.

God will help you; He will be Gracious unto you:

So you will begin to open Blind Eyes, heal the sick, raise the Dead;

You will begin, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, Minister to People and they will give their lives to Jesus, in Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.

Please rise with me tonight and we are going to be making Declarations.

Shall we Please, Rise!


… Pleas Say with me:

  1. According to Acts 10:38, I would be Anointed with Fresh Fire.

The Holy Ghost would Brood upon me and release Tremendous Power.

I would go about doing good and Healing all that are oppressed by the devil for God is with me.

I carry God’s Fire: I would no longer be Empty and Dry.

So shall it be, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

  1. Now lift your right hand and say: Father; Please set me on Fire.

Help me to Hunger and Thirst for things of Eternal Value.

Help me to win Souls for You, in the Name of Jesus.

… Shall we lift our voices and begin to Pray!

Father, Please set me on Fire – I am Hungry and Thirsty for this Fire:

I will no longer be Weak and Powerless.

I will no longer be tossed about.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

  1. Finally, say: Father; turn me into a Burning Flame of Fire: Help me to Shine much Brighter just for You.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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