DATE: 21ST JULY, 2024



We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


Ancient of Days, we Worship You; the Beginning and the Ending, we Magnify Your Holy Name.

Thank You for the Salvation of our Souls, Thank You that thus far You have helped us.

Thank You for what You did on Thursday,, Thank Yiu for what You did on Friday, Thank You for what You did Yesterday ((Saturday) and Thank You for what You are yet going to do today (Sunday) – Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Nane.

My Lord and my Saviour; I am Prayimg that very soon, we will be departing; but Please abide with Your Children – Never leave them alone, Stand Up for them Lord, scatter all their Enemies, let Your Light Shine and let there be no more Shade of Darkness in their lives.

Please my Father and my God, in Liberia forever let there be Light.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Let’s shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell them: “God is about to give you the Best!”

And then, you may Please be seated – God Bless You!


DMC NOTES: You can Watch the Live Recognitions and Prayers on this Link:


Today, I want to Pray for one Young Man – Pastor Pat Akem-Vingir. Please come forward.

He came very well as you know as a Soldier from Nigeria through ECOMOG (DMC NOTES: “ECOMOG” stands for “Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group”)

Then he looked around – There is no Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Church here where I can go and Fellowship.

And he said that if there is no one, why don’t I start one – That’s my kind of boy.


I want you to Please help me Stretch out your hands towards him and say:

Almighty God, continue to bless this Your son and continue to make him a Vessel unto Honour.

Please bless him, bless his family and use him for your Glory more and more – Just continue to be with him Oh Lord!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


And so my Father and my God, I commit this your son into Your Hands.

Thank You for the Seed You sowed through him that has now grown all over Liberia.

Now, I am asking Lord God Almighty that You will Reward him:

Reward him with Good Health, with Success, with Promotion, with Joy, with Victory, and with Overflowing Anointing.

Let it be well with him and let it be well with his family.

For the rest of his Life, don’t let him ever know Sorrow and let him serve You till the End.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

God Bless You my son – Congratulations!!!

DMC NOTES: ABOUT PASTOR PAT AKEM-VINGIR – He is currently the Pastor-In-Charge of RCCG Jesus House Abuja Nigeria. Just in Year 2023, during the Day 4 Evening Session, 6th of August 2023 and while rendering of The RCCG’s Governing Council Report for the Year by Pastor E.A Adeboye, he was announced as “The Special Adviser to GO RCCG on Security Matters!

Isaiah 6:1-8:

  1. In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the Temple.
  2. Above it stood the Seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.
  3. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of Hosts: the whole Earth is full of his Glory.
  4. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.
  5. Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a People of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of Hosts.
  6. Then flew one of the Seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the Altar:
  7. And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.
  8. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

Let there be Light can also means: “Let my eyes be opened”.

Because according to Matthew 6:22; the Light of the Body is the eyes.

  1. So when I said: Lord, let there be Light, it means “Open my Eyes”.

Open my eyes like You did for Isaiah – Because there are three (3) types of eyes:

I. We have Physical Eyes.

In Mark 10: 46-52; Bartimeaus was blind Physically.

And so when Jesus Christ asked him: What do you want? I want to see and his Physical eyes were opened.

II. And there is what is called “The eyes of the Soul”.

You know that Man is a Trinity – Body, Soul and Spirit.

The eyes of the Soul is called “The Eyes of Understanding”.

You know when Somebody has been trying to explain something to you and suddenly you understand; then you say: “I see”.

That means that my eyes of Understanding has been opened.

The Bible says in Ephesians 1:18 – It says that I Pray that your eyes of Understanding be enlightened (Be opened).

In 2 Chronicles 1: 6-12; when God asked Solomon to ask for one thing.

All he asked for is: “God give me Wisdom” – Open my eyes of Understanding.

III. And then of course, there is what we know as “The Spiritual Eyes”.

In Psalms 119:18; David Prayed – He said: Open thou my eyes that I may observe Wondrous Things out of thy Law.

Some People have asked me again and again – How come will you read a Passage of the Bible, and we have been reading this Passage for years and then you begin to bring out some Truths about the Passage – How do you do it?

I said that I Prayed and God opened my Spiritual Eyes.

I Pray for all of you who are here today or reading now on the Label of DMC: Physically, God will open your eyes; Soulishly, your eyes of Understanding will be opened and more than that, your Spiritual Eyes will be opened – Amen!

In 2 Kings 2: 9-15; when Elijah was about to depart and he asked Elisha: What do you want? And Elisha said that: I want a Double Portion of your Spirit.

Elijah said that you have asked for a Hard Thing; but he said Provided you see me when I’m taking away from you, then you will get what you want.

If only God will open your Spiritual Eyes today; no matter how hard your Request may be, it will be granted!

  1. Open my eyes – That is the meaning of: Let there be Light – “That I may see what?”

Isaiah saw the Glory of the Lord!

I Pray for everyone of you here or reading now on the Label of DMC; today you will see the Glory of God!

When we talk about seeing the Glory of God; we are talking of God Performing for you a Miracle that you yourself cannot even believed for.

Remember the Story of when Lazarus died and he has been buried for 4 days and so all hope was lost. And then Jesus Christ said: Take away the Stone.

The Sister said: No, this Miracle is beyond God.

She said that if You had been here before he died or shortly after he died; but he has been dead for 4 days.

Jesus Christ said to her: If only you will believe, you will see the Glory of God.

To see the Glory of God, is to receive a Miracle beyond Human Understanding!

You know that there are Miracles and Miracles – There are some Miracles that you can’t even Testify about because if you tell them that this is what God did, they won’t believe you.

I can give you several Examples:

A Young Man was working in Lagos and then they told him that the Sister died in the Eastern Part of Nigeria. And he told them: Please, don’t bury her yet; I will get Permission from my Place of work so that I can come and be there.

By the time he got Permission and was able to arrive, the woman had been dead for 11 days – They had embalmed her and kept her in the house.

But he had an handkerchief that has been Anointed by us.

He entered carrying the baby of the woman who had died – He entered the room, laid the handkerchief on her and commanded her: I command you in the Name of “The God of Adeboye” rise. But Nothing happened.

He thought – Well, I just believed and I wasn’t expecting “Too Much” anyway.

And the baby was crying and he said: Get up now, your baby is crying – Nothing happened.

So, he turned and began to go out of the room in sorrow.

When he got to the door, he heard a Sound behind him and turned – And the Sister was sitting up.

And when you say that kind of Testimony; People will that that you are joking:

☆ They will say that you faked it and that Nobody was there when the Miracle happened.

☆ They will say that how are we sure that the woman was actually dead?

… They begin to ask Questions.

That is the kind of Miracle thar is called “The Glory of God”.

There is Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC: As the LORD lives, God will open your eyes and you will see the Glory of God – Amen!

And then in 2 Corinthians 3:18; the Bible says that when you behold the Glory of God as in a Mirror, then you yourself; you are Changed from Glory to Glory.

If only you can see the Glory of God, Nobody will be begging you not to sin because God will be Transforming you from Glory to Glory!

By the time He has Performed one Miracle after another in your Life, if there is a Temptation to sin; you will say: Ha, ha; after all God had done for me? No way!

You know – I believed very deeply that there is Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC who may think that he is already Great. Before the end of this Year, you will look back and say: I don’t even know the meaning of Greatness (Amen)!

… Isaiah got his eyes opened and he saw the Glory of God!

You know; in Exodus 33: 18-23; God gave an opportunity to Moses – Ask for one thing.

What do you want me to do for you? He said that I just want to see your Glory – That’s all I want.

After he has been serving God for almost 40 years; now God said: Moses, you are now my friend, you have found Favour with me, you have been a very good boy – What can I do for you Specifically?

He said that all I want is to see the Glory of the Lord!

  1. But when God opened the eyes of Isaiah, he didn’t just see himself – He saw himself the way God saw him!

He has been a Prophet for years before this incident happened.

He thought that everybody else in the Nation were all Sinners – I am the Prophet and I am the one telling them that you People are Sinners and so must repent.

Then all of a sudden, when he saw the Glory of God and he looked at himself; he said: “Hey, woe is me”.

You mean this is me? I am a Man of Unclean Lips and I have been Prophesying? Living among Men of Unclean Lips? – I thought that they are the only one with Unclean Lips.

You know that I have always said one thing – If you ask a Student to grade his Exam Papers, he will score himself 100% because what he wrote, he thought that was right and that’s why he wrote it down.

It is when you hand over the Papers to the Examiner, that he will suddenly discovered that I didn’t even score 10%.

There are many of us here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; who thinks that we are Holy Man of God or Woman Man of God – We win Souls, we Pay our Tithes, give our Offerings, we build Churches. And you say if God should come today, if He doesn’t take me, who else will He take?

Wait till God showed you yourself!

Then you will remembered that Isaiah 64:6 says: All our Righteousness, they are like filthy rags before the Almighty God.

I had a Vision several years ago in Kenya – There was this World Conference of Pentecostals and I went.

I was already a Pastor in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – Big Man of God!

And then, we had one of the Program they called “Meditation” – Everybody will sit down, you will close your eyes and begin to think about God. And there was a Musician who was Worshipping God on Guitar – Very Great Man.

So that you forget everything going on outside and you are either Worshipping God with the Guitarist or you are Praying.

… I mean, the Atmosphere was Solemn!

And all of a sudden, I was in a Vision – And I found myself in a very Big Hall; just like a Dove.

To my right, I saw Angels – Many of them; and to my left are Angels too – Very, very huge.

So, the next time that Somebody draw an Angel as a “Small Baby”; you should know that Fellow is drawing Demons.

When I turned to the right, the Angels moved back; when I turned to the left, they moved far away from me. And far ahead, I saw Someone sitting on the Throne.

And I wondered: Why are the Angels moving away from me?

Until I took a look at myself – And I saw myself “Totally Naked”. I saw myself as Someone who has been brought out from Sewers and covered with all manners of dirt.

Nobody said a word – The One on the Throne didn’t say a word and the Angels didn’t say a word.

But they have shown me what they want me to see!

When the Vision was removed; I made a Decision – Almighty God, one way or the other, I’m coming back to this Room and then I will not be covered in filths again.

☆ That is when Holiness became my Theme Song.

☆ That is why you find that there is no way I can Preach a Sermon and I will not ask you to be Holy.

You see: When God shows you who you are; suddenly you will become Humble because you will know that you are not anything near what God expects you to be.

… Isaiah saw himself how filthy he is.

When God shows you yourself; it will be like Joshua in Joshua 13:1:

The Bible says that Joshua was Old and Stricken in Age.

And then God said: Joshua, you are Old, you are well Stricken in Age but there are still many Lands to be Possessed.

Joshua, you think that you have Succeeded? You think that you have made it?

But God said: Joshua, you have failed me.

Because when I called you, I told you that you are to divide the whole Land to the People. But now, there are still so many Lands yet to be Possessed.

It is when God shows you yourself that you will know that whatever you think that you have achieved is Nothing compared to what God wants you to achieve!

God did not bring you to this world to be Small!

No, God does not make “Small Things” – He is the Almighty!

The African Elders has a Saying:

☆ The Lion does not give birth to dwarfs; the baby of a Lion will be a Lion.

☆ The Elephant does not give birth to dwarfs; the baby of an Elephant will be an Elephant.

A “Baby Elephant” many atimes is bigger than a cow.

And God is your Father – Your Father is not Small.

His Plans for you is not Small as He expects you to be Great!

I was crying when the Choir was Singing: “Liberia shall be Saved”.

Why was I crying? Because the Original Song says: “Africa shall be Saved”.

And here we are – We are still Struggling to see the Salvation of Liberia; whereas Africa is waiting for us!

DMC NOTES: AFRICA WILL BE SAVED – Song by Spirit of Praise

And Africa will be saved
And Africa will be saved

Africa yeah yeah (And Africa will be saved)
Yeah yeah yeah (And Africa will be saved)
The Holy Spirit must come down
And Africa will be saved

May God opens your eyes today and show you where you are compared to where you are supposed to be – Amen!

  1. Open my eyes Oh God, that I may see the Glory of God; that I may see myself as God sees me and that I may cry out for Help.

Because that was what Isaiah did when he saw himself – He said: “Woe is me; I am undone”.

And God heard in Heaven and said: Alright, I will help you. He sent an Angel from Heaven with a coal of Fire.

And He said, alright now you have seen that your lips are dirty with all the Pride you have been operating in – We can take care of that.

You know that the Bible says in Jeremiah 33:3 – It says that when you Call on God, He said that He will answer you.

The Problem is: Many of us have not even been Calling on Him.

Some of us are already satisfied with where we are and so why do we still need to cry for more?

He Promised in Psalms 50: 14-15 – He says that if you will call on me in the day of trouble, I will answer you.

So, when it is time to Pray today – And I believed that they will allow you to do some serious Praying; you Pray and cry to God today because as He opens your eyes and you see God and you see yourself; cry to Him for Help. And He will send Help.

  1. Open my eyes Oh God, that I may see Your Glory, that I may see myself as You see me, that I may cry for Help, that You may send Help to me and that I may receive a “Kiss of Fire”.

That tongue of Fire, touched the Lips of Isaiah.

Ask the Scientists, they will tell you that the most Sensitive Part of any Human Being are the Lips.

That is why when you want to say: “I Love You”; what do you do? You kiss.

And when God wants to say to Isaiah: Alright, now we can become friends; He sent him Fire to kiss.

… You know that God Himself is a Consuming Fire.

A kiss of Fire? That might be a bit Painful maybe.

But you see, God can move you to a Level that is similar to that of Moses in Numbers 12: 5-8.

The Almighty God says: If I want to talk to the Prophets, I show them Dreams and Visions; but when I want to deal with Moses, I talk to him “Mouth-To-Mouth”.

The first time that I read that Passage, I thought God was saying: “I talk to him Mouth to the Ear” – Like when you want to whisper something to Somebody, you put your mouth close to the ear and talk so that Nobody close will hear.

No, God said that I talk to Moses Mouth-To-Mouth – I kiss him.

If the Almighty God gives you a kiss of Fire, the result is that from that moment onwards, whatever you say will come to Past.

You know that in 1 Samuel 3:19; the Almighty God said in His Words that He didn’t allow the voice of Samuel to fall to the Ground.

That means that when Samuel is saying something, before the saliva in his mouth can touch the Ground, what he says is already done.

There are not too many People like that, but you can be one of them.

Sometimes ago, a husband and wife came to us and say: Daddy, Pray for us we want children and we have been married for long.

So I said, before I Pray, tell me what kind of baby that you want?

Simultaneously, they answered – The husband said boy and the wife said girl.

So I said: Okay, you can have a Set of Twins.

A year later they came – The husband was carrying a boy and the wife was carrying a girl.

May I decree into your Life today – That your Joy will be Doubled (Amen).

  1. Lord open my eyes: I want to see Your Glory, I want to see myself as You see me, I want to be able to cry to You for Help and I know that You will send Help and I don’t mind a Kiss of Fire.

And then what followed – God now said to Isaiah: “Who shall I send? Who will go for me?

Isaiah said: “I Volunteered”.

I believed that God sent me to Liberia because:

☆ He is looking for Someone to send – Somebody who will be His Ambassador and who will take the Revival to a New Level.

☆ He is looking for Someone who will not need to lay hands on the People before they get healed.

☆ He is looking for Someone who He will talk to Mouth-To-Mouth.

☆ He is looking for Someone who will be Preaching and suddenly God will speak to him and he will stop the Preaching and say: Hey, there is Someone here …

And as soon as he finished talking, the Miracle happens.

Is there any Volunteer here today or reading now on the Label of DMC?

Is there anyone who will say: “God send me”?

Are you the one?

Isaiah had been a Great Man of God:

I. He is the one who Prophesised in Isaiah 1: 19–20 – If you are willing and Obedient, you will eat the Good of the Land.

But if you don’t obey Him, well whatever happens to you, take it.

II. He is the one who Prophesised in Isaiah 3: 10-11 – Say ye to the Righteous that it shall be well with him; woe to the Wicked, it shall be ill with him.

III. He has been Prophesying but now after that Encounter, he was the one who said in Isaiah 7:14 – Behold, a Virgin shall conceived and bear a son.

If you are not a Prophet that knows your stuff; in Israel in those days, you Prophesy a lie then they Stone you to death.

But because this Man had a kiss of Fire, when he said that a Virgin shall conceive; they said that we believed because he has received a New Commissioning.

Today, the Almighty God is going to find a Representative among you and He is going to empower you so that the work of the Ministry will become easy for you!

Let me Conclude:

How can I see God?

Hebrews 12:14 – Follow Peace with all Men and Holiness; without which no Man can see God.

The Almighty God is willing to reveal Himself to anybody – Anybody who will be committed to a Life of Holiness!

It doesn’t matter what other Preachers may be saying – God says: “Be ye Holy for I am Holy”.

If only you can make up your Mind that whatever may be happening or anybody doing is not my business – My God says that I should be Holy and I will be Holy.

And like I have said before – Holiness is not a difficult thing and not a Complicated Theology.

Holiness is Simply Obedience!

The Original Sin was Disobedience – When God says: “Don’t eat this Fruit and Adam and Eve ate it. That is what caused the sin.

Liberia was not in my Plan for this Year (2024).

I always finished my Plans for the Coming Year by the end of June of the Current Year – Year 2025 Calendar is now Concluded.

When I was finishing my Plans for Year 2024 by June 2023; Liberia wasn’t even in my Thoughts at all.

But then, a couple of Months ago, two Pastors here came to my Office and said: Daddy, maybe one of these days, you will come to Liberia.

I looked at them and laughed – You are talking to me when I am already Concluding my Plans for 2025.

But after they left my Office, God said that you are going to Liberia.

I said: “Yes Lord” – And so I told them that I am going.

How many of you will obey God Completely without any arguments and without listening to Theologicians.

So today, you are going to Pray – And your Prayers will be: “God open my eyes”.

☆ Show me Your Glory and Perform Miracles in my Life that I won’t be able to share it openly.

☆ Let me see Your Glory and let me see myself and stop deceiving myself that I am what I am not.

☆ Help me to cry for Help and send Help to me.

☆ Give me a Kiss of Fire and re-commission me and move me to a Higher Level of Ministry.


But then, you can’t be talking of Holiness if you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ.

I mean if we are talking of Holiness, it is as if we are asking you to apply Body Lotion.

But do you put Body Lotion on a body that has not been washed?

You are just wasting your time.

So if there is anybody here or reading now on the Label of DMC; and you are not yet saved, I beg you to come to the Altar now.

Come and bow to the Almighty God so that His Blood can wash away your sin.

I am going to count from one (1) to five (5) – Before I say five (5), come and stand before the Altar.

Now, those of you who are infront and those on the way; cry to the Almighty God and say: Lord, save my Soul, have Mercy on me, let Your Blood wash away my sins Lord and I will serve You for the rest of my Life and obey You in everything.

And the rest of us; let us Stretch our hands to our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them:

That the One who saved our Souls will save their own Souls also.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


And so my Father and my God; I want to say Thank You – Thank You for Your Words and Thank Yiu for these Your Children who has come forward to Surrender their lives to You.

Please Lord, receive them, let Your Blood wash away their sins, save their Souls, write their names in the Book, of Life and let them become True Children of the Living God.

And from now on, let them serve You.

And whenever they Pray, answer them by Fire and don’t let them ever go back into the world again.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen,

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!


Almighty God, I commit Your Children into Your Hands.

Very soon they will be Praying:

Whatever they asked of You today, no matter how hard; Please grant it unto them.

Any Miracle that they asked for now; before the Sun Sets today; let it become a Testimony.

Please my Father and my God, Show them Your Glory.

In Your Own Miraculous Way, that kind of Testimony that will be hard to Share, make it available unto them.

And among them Lord God Almighty, I want You to raise some Mighty, Mighty Evangelists and through them, let Liberia be saved.

Very soon, let the Revival here spread all through Africa.

Answer them their Prayers Oh Lord and Uphold each and everyone of us to the very End.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Now, you want to cry to the Almighty God and say:

Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, open my eyes!

Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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