Thank You Father.

Glory be to God – Hallelujah.

Tonight is Deliverance Night. And you’ll discover that all those who got Deliverance from the Lord Jesus Christ, started by Worshipping Him.

So, I’m going to give you five (5) Minutes; on your own – Worship God the way you want. You want to Sing, Clap, Shout; do so for five (5) Minutes.

Go ahead and Worship the Lord of Host. Worship the One who has never lost a War; the One who has never failed; the Own who will never fail.

Worship Him, Adore Him. Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration

Oh LORD, Thank You!

Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.


You are the Mighty God
The Great I AM
Hallelujah – Hallelujah:
You are the Mighty God
The Great I AM
Hallelujah – Hallelujah.


Our Father and our God, the Unchangeable Changer; the One who has never lost a War.

The One who said, Let there be Light and there was Light – We Worship You, we Magnify Your Holy Name.

Accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

Tonight, in the lives of all Your Children, demonstrate Your Almightiness.

Defeat every Adversary tonight, Silence every foe tonight and Glorify Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.


As at 6pm this Evening, the number to Babies born during this Convention had risen to Fifty Seven (57). And today, we have Three (3) Sets of Twins.

Well, it seems the Girls have buckled up now.

So, as of now we have Thirty (30) Boys and Twenty seven (27) Girls.

Let the Boys shout Praise the Lord!

And let the Girls shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Glory be to God!


It is obvious now that we can’t have the Main Altar here tomorrow – We have to move to the New Arena, because this one is already Overflowing.

And some Wise People are already at the New Auditorium.

So, tomorrow (Friday 9th August,2024) this would be the Overflow – The Main Altar will be at the 3 by 3 Auditorium.

And I want to advice you; because the crowd tomorrow is going to be beyond expectations.

“How do you know?” I’m Sanctified!

And like I told you yesterday:

  • If you are Sanctified, you Know what People don’t know.
  • You can See a little bit of the Future.

So, take advantage of this inside information. And if you choose to stay here, no Problem. Just make sure you get a seat on time. Because, this Place will still Overflow. And yet, the 3 by 3 Auditorium will Overflow also.

DMC NOTES: You can read the Full Text of the Day 3 Evening Message on this Link:

Who said so? My Daddy told me. And He doesn’t lie.

Tomorrow, Heaven itself would be Paying us a Special Visit – Amen.

But tonight, the Almighty God wants to set some People Free:

And believe it or not, you might be one of the People – Amen.

You see, when we talk of Deliverance, many of us always think, Oh! Deliverance is for somebody who is Possessed by the devil.

Possession is the Final Stage of the activities of Satan in a Man’s Life.

I don’t have time for a long Bible Study tonight; I would have talked to you about Seven (7) Stages of the Activities of Satan.

I would have talked about things like: Oppression, Regression, Repression, Obsession, etc. Before we finally come to Possession.

Possession is when the enemy has already taken over completely – But that’s the last bit.

What God wants me to tell you very briefly; I’ll be very brief because tonight as we used to say when I was Young, “we shall see what we shall see.”

1..Every Day begins with a Night.

It is we who human beings who begin our day from the Morning.

That is not the way God does His own reckoning.

If you read Genesis 1:5, 8, 13 and so on, you will hear God saying “…and the Evening and the Morning were the first Day.”

As far as God is concerned, every Day begins at Night.

In Genesis 1:1-3, you will discovered that before Light came, Darkness came first.

When the Bible said, “the Earth was without form” you know what that means?

It means the Earth was confused: it was out of Order.

  • Confusion always comes before Order.
  • Storms always come before Calmness, according to Mark 4:35-41.

Are you in a Storm tonight? In the Name that’s above every other name I say, Peace Be Still – Amen.

  1. Every Testimony begins with a Problem.

The bigger the Problem, the bigger the Testimony.

If you have not shared a Testimony in the Past three (3) years, it is because you have never had a crisis.

Every Testimony begins with a crisis.

There was a Testimony somebody shared yesterday (Day 3) – I know some of these Testimonies I had to tell myself, “Sit Down, you are the General Overseer.”

When I hear some of these Testimonies, I feel like jumping up and shouting Hallelujah.

She told you of a baby who was so sick that five (5) Doctors rejected the Boy – They said that the boy was going to die. They wouldn’t even treat him. They said his case was Hopeless.

But the Almighty God stepped in.

Let somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

  1. The Bigger the Problem, the Bigger the Testimony.

For example in John 11:1-end; Jesus wanted to show them that He is the Resurrection and the Life – He spoke a Word.

… And tomorrow (Day 5, Friday 9th August 2024); He will be Speaking – Amen.

And when the People saw the Man who had been dead for four (4) days jumping out of the grave, Nobody could doubt Him anymore.

Have you a Problem and you are here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC? Let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

You see, when the Problem is small and you Testify, People say, sit down let’s hear something Good. “Last week I had headache; I Prayed, Jesus healed me.” Ha! Sit down.

But when somebody was covered in fire and the dress he wore refused to burn; some of you; you won’t know when you begin to shout.

….When the dress refused to burn because it was a dress he wore one Night here.

Many of you will remembered that Night when God said, “the dress you are wearing from now on is Anointed.” And dress refused to burn because God spoke.

I am not saying Daddy asked me to repeat that now; I am just using my Position as Someone who is Sanctified to decree that the dress you are wearing now is Sanctified – Amen.

Jesus had raised the Dead before:

I. He raised the daughter of Jairus.

But the People said well, Nothing really happened; may be the girl just fainted.

I mean, you heard Him Himself when He came in He said, she is sleeping. You know, he just came in when the girl wanted to wake up.

II. Then He raised the dead son of the Widow of Nain.

They were already going to bury him and People said: well, it’s not really a Miracle – The Boy was in a coma. And so, as they were taking him to the Burial Ground, fresh air blew on him.

It was just when he was about to come back to Life that Jesus came – It was a Coincidence.

That is s why when they told him, Lazarus was sick, He said, this one, it won’t be somebody who fainted – He would have been buried, he will already be stinking; and I will bring him back to Life.

Then People will know that it is the Resurrection and the Life who is Living among them.

I have Good News for Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: Your Problem is “So Big” you can’t even think of how it can be Solved: You will get the Solution tonight – Amen.

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, the Creditors came and there was nothing they could sell in the house except her children – That was how Poor she was.

And My Father moved in – Within a day she Paid all her debts and had enough leftover; such that she will never need anybody’s Money for the rest of her Life.

… But the Testimony began with a Big Problem.

May I inform Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: Financially, your situation is critical: Next Year Convention (2025), you will stand on this Altar and tell the World that you have More than Sufficient – Amen.

… I am just giving you some examples of “the Bigger the Problem, the Bigger the Testimony.”

In Mark 5:2-15, the Madman there – He didn’t have just one (1) Demon; not seven (7), not ten (10), not one hundred (10) – A Legion!

He was so Mad, but Mad People called him Mad!

When my Father spoke a Word and all the Demons scattered; when the entire Country came and they saw the Madman in his right mind, wearing Clothes; the Bible said, they were afraid.

There are Testimonies that could frighten People.

I told you on Tuesday (Day 2 Evening) that if we Praise Him together as one, our God will bless us so that the whole World will be afraid of Him.

Let’s Somebody shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

I can give you Practical Illustrations but I don’t have time to tell Stories tonight.

Because, God wants to do something and He is in a hurry to do it.

Every Day begins with a Night; Every Testimony begins with a Crisis – It is when Night refuses to Change to Day, that’s when you need to call on Heaven to come and intervene.

That you have a Problem, that’s no Problem – That is the beginning of a Testimony.

But when the Problem refuses to move; when Night refuses to Change to Day – When by the time it is 800am, 9.00am, 10.00am and still, everything is still dark; then we need to call Heaven to intervene.

In Mark 5:25-34, the Woman with the issue of blood went to one Doctor; that one referred her to a second Doctor. That one referred her to a third Doctor. That One referred her to a fourth!

When she had spent all she had and instead of getting better, got worse; that is when she said, Heaven, you have to intervene.

That is why the Message for tonight is not for everybody – It is for those of us who know we have a Mountain.

  • We have Commanded the Mountain to move, it didn’t Move.
  • We have Fasted.
  • We have Prayed.
  • We have invited Pastor to Pray – And Pastor has Prayed.
  • Some of us have written to the General Overseer – He had Prayed and the Problem is still there.

Tonight is your Night – Amen.

Everyday begins with a Night:

  • The Night is supposed to Change to Day.
  • Sorrow is supposed to Change to Joy -. “Weeping may endure for a Night, Joy comes in the Morning.”

And when weeping says it’s not going to Change; then we have to call on Heaven.

Because tonight, we are talking about: “THE LAND OF THE ENDLESS DAYS” – That is HEAVEN.

I am sure you will then say: Where do you find that in the Bible?”

Well of course, He knows!

Revelation 22:5, And there shall be no Night there; and they need no Candle, neither Light of the Sun; for the Lord God giveth them Light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

“No Night there” means: if your Problem started in the Night and the Night Changes to Day.

Does it mean that the Day will then go to another Night before we can have another Day?

That should be the Normal Cycle.

But the Place we are talking about called Heaven, once it is Day, it is Day forever.

Imagine you for the rest of your Life having no more Night. Experience just for a Day.

I mean, just come along with me – You know you want to Celebrate something, maybe your Birthday or something Pleasant.

You Prepare for the Day – A lot of noise, a lot of invitation, a lot of expectation, you are looking forward to the day. Then, the day comes!

Thank You Daddy.

My Daddy asked me to tell Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, your Day comes tonight – Amen.

So the day comes – You wake up in the Morning and everybody is singing Happy Birthday to you and your head is swelling.

Everybody is focusing on you – You are the Center of Attraction.

Before you knew it, the day is over; and you know on the day like that, time flies!

Before you know it, the 7 has changed to 8 and changed to… “wait day!” Day will say, I have to go.

  • Imagine how beautiful it will be if your Day never becomes Night.
  • Imagine how wonderful it will be.
  • Imagine how wonderful it will be if it is just Joy all the time.

May I decree to Somebody: In the Mighty name of Jesus, from tonight onwards, no more Sorrow for you – Amen.

You see, the Word of God says…

Thank You my Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Somebody here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said, the saying that “Not everyday is Christmas” will no longer apply to you – Amen.

I’m sure you understand that one? Yes Sir!

I mean, when you go abroad; I know one Big Store in London – When it is one hundred (100) days to Christmas, they begin to advertise it: Hundred days to Christmas. Tomorrow – Ninety nine (99) days to Christmas;

Because everybody is looking forward to one day in the year when they can have Joy.

Before you knew it, Christmas had come and gone.

It is in an attempt to hold on to that one Day that they say, December 26th is also a Public Holiday.

The Almighty God says: there is Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; for the rest of your Life, everyday will be like Christmas – Amen.

Do you know that the Almighty God can allow your Morning to last for a Thousand Years?

It’s there in the Word of God – Psalm 90:4 says: For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the Night.

Imagine that in your family; and I am claiming this for myself too – Amen.

Imagine in your family that there will be no Premature Death for one Thousand (1,000) Years – Amen.

You say, you mean that suddenly, we will have a family where People don’t die – No Premature Death?

The Bible says in His Word, in Isaiah 65:20 – There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the Sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.

He said, it is Possible that when somebody dies and he is a hundred years old, they will call him an infant.

In other words, Nobody will die Young – Amen.

I claim that for my own family (The DMC Family Members); and I decree it to your family – Amen.

*So, what God wants to do tonight, is to turn your Night to Day – And that Crisis that has resisted Prayers; that Problem that you have Fasted and Prayed about; invited Pastors to Pray about:

And some of you have gone from one Prayer Mountain to another; Prayer Mountain.

And some “Prophets” have been eating on you, because of a Problem that refused to be solved.

In the Name of the One who sent me, tonight you will get Deliverance – Amen.


There must be no trace of cooperation between you and Forces of Darkness.

Because, if God wants to deliver you and you are one leg in God; one leg in Satan; you have to choose.

Joshua 24:15 says, Choose you this Day whom ye will serve; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

In Numbers 23:19-24, a King (Balak) invited a False Prophet (Balaam) to come and curse Israel, so that they can be weakened and be destroyed. The Prophet came, as he opened his mouth to curse, Blessings began to flow.

The King got angry; “I asked you to come and curse these People, you are blessing them.”

The Prophet said: Behold, I have received Commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it..

He said, God has not seen any iniquity in these People + He has examined them up and down.

You know, I was talking to you on Tuesday (Day 2 Evening) and I said, be as Pure as Light.

Some of you would say, you are taking that too far.

That’s why Jesus Christ said, you must be without spot, without blemish; without any such thing – Be Clean inside out.

Balaam said, I can’t curse them – God has not seen anything evil in them.

You’ve heard the Story before – Just for illustration.

It is the Story of a woman who came and said she had been barren for so many years. Somebody told her, go to Pastor Adeboye, if he Prays for you, you will become Pregnant.

You’ve heard so many Testimonies about children being born – Wait till tomorrow (Holy Ghost Night) and you will see the People who were barren last year; who would be bringing their children here. You will see them tomorrow; I guarantee you, they would be in hundreds.

It is a Special Anointing, by the Grace of God. Because God knows, I love Children.

If my wife had no Problem giving birth, we would have had a dozen (12) – I love Children. So, the ones my wife could not Produce, other women are Producing them now.

Glory be to God!

She came, and we Prayed!

The following year she returned – I’m not yet Pregnant. They told me that if I come and you Pray for me, I would be slain in the Spirit. I would fall down. You Prayed, I fell down…

People don’t fall down anymore now. We are able to Control the Anointing a little.

She asked, what’s wrong?

And God spoke to me and said, ask her “how many Boyfriends she had besides her husband – You know the Story!

If I didn’t know the Voice of God – How do you say to a very “Big Lady”: “How many Boyfriends have you?”

I had to starmmer: “Sister Please, don’t be angry, it’s not me. It is my Daddy who said I should ask, “how many Boyfriends have you besides your husband?” She said Six (6).

You have Six (6) Boyfriends, apart from your husband? And you want a Miracle from my God? My God is a Holy God.

You want Deliverance tonight? You want to be Completely Free? You want your Night to Change to Day? You want Sorrow to Change to Joy? You want that Mountain to Move?

You must make up your mind: Absolute Purity, Absolute Holiness – That is what is Required.

It’s like I told you on Tuesday (Day 2 Evening) – “it’s not my Standard.”

When People say, “your Standard is too high; you are making the journey to Heaven so difficult.”

It’s not me! The God we serve is as Pure as Light. And He said His Children must be Perfect, even as He is Perfect (Matthew 5:48).

As soon as we settle the issue of sin, Deliverance will follow: And you need to take note of that.


Two (2) Simple Steps:

Step 1: We will Praise Him

Step 2: We will come against Forces of Darkness, in the Name that’s above every other name.

Like I told you at the beginning, all those who got Deliverance; they got it by Worshipping God first.

The Madman of Gadara couldn’t talk – The Demons won’t allow him to talk.

But as soon as he saw Jesus coming, he Worshipped!

And frrom that moment onward, he got the Lord of Host Committed.

“Oh! We have been Worshipping?” The one we are going to do tonight as you know, when it comes to Deliverance, it’s not a Question of “I am a Big Man.” No! Cancer has no respect for your degrees.

It doesn’t matter how many PhD’s you have; when it is time to worship, we are going to do it like little babies.

Because, if a Madman could Worship God, what is your excuse for not Worshipping Him?

Then we would come against these Forces of Darkness, in the Name that’s above every other name.

When David came face to face with Goliath, he said: I come against you in the Name of the Lord.

… And we would see what God would do!

And I’m sure by tomorrow Morning (Day 5 Morning), everybody would be Singing a New Song – Amen.

I want to get out of the way, so that God can do what He wants to do.


I’m going to give those of you who have not Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ few Minutes.

I will count from one (1) to twenty (20) – and you better hurry up because the rest of us, we have an Assignment with Heaven tonight.

So I am Calling – If you really, really want to give your Life to Jesus Christ Genuinely; you want the Almighty God to save your Soul, wash you Whiter than snow. You want the kind of Salvation that you will never again have anything to do with the devil, come!

I’m counting…

Okay! Go ahead, cry to the LORD: ask Him to have Mercy on you – Ask Him to wash you Clean and to wash away all your sins.

Promise Him that from now on, you will be serving Him all the days of your Life; That you will have nothing more to do with the devil.

Go ahead, talk to Him.

And the rest of us, Please let’s Stretch our hands towards these our New Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your own Soul would save their own Souls also.

Pray that God will give them Genuine Salvation – The kind of Salvation that would make them Brand New Creatures.

And that Old Things would be gone and everything would become New for them.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You once again for Your Word.

Thank You for speaking to us and Thank You for these People who have come forward, asking for Genuine Salvation.

Father Please, receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash them clean and save their Souls.

Receive them into the Family of God and write their names in the Book of Life.

And for the rest of their lives, let them serve You.

Father, I Pray that whenever they cry unto You from now on, You will answer them by Fire.

Don’t let them ever Backslide.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Those of you who have just Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

I Promise you that by the Grace of God I’ll be Praying for you.

So I need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

In the meantime, I think the Band can be Worshipping God; even as we Prepare for what will follow.

The Bible tells us in Joshua 6:20 – So the People shouted when the Priests blew with the Trumpets: and it came to pass, when the People heard the Sound of the Trumpet, and the People shouted with a Great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the People went up into the City, every Man straight before him, and they took the City.

  1. The first thing we are going to do is that, each and everyone of us would think of a Song of our own.

You would sing your own Song to God – You will Clap and if you want to dance, you would dance.

The Trumpeters would blow their Trumpets, and the Organists would play.

We would do all these, and it would become a Joyful Noise to the Lord.

Remember, we are not joking tonight!

Some of us are tired of a Night that has refused to become Day;

We are tired of a Problem that has refused to go.

Am I correct? Yes Sir!

So I will sing my Song; you would sing your Song. The Organists will Play his Organ. Also, we will call, dance, shout.

Now take Note: When you begin to do these, there might be one (1) or two (2) People near you who would say, “take it easy.”

Remember, that’s what they said to Bartimaeus – They told him to take it easy. If he had listened to them, his Night would have endured forever.

… That’s the first thing we are going to do.

  1. After that, we are going to Sing Warfare Songs – And then leave the rest to God.

Have you thought of your own Song?

Please, Stand if you can – And just go ahead: Sing unto God, Clap unto Him, Dance before Him. Do whatever you can.

Oh! Thank You Lord.

Now, we are going to sing a very Simple Warfare Song. It simply says:

In Jesus’ Name – Every knee must bow!
In Jesus’ Name – Every knee must bow!

And when we are Singing that Song (as Warriors) you’ll focus your Mind on that Mountain that has refused to move.

You would be Singing that Song; and in the Spirit you know the need that must bow tonight.

For five (5) Minutes, we will Sing that Song like Warriors – Warriors are not Gentlemen at the Battle Fronts.

When the battle is over, we can be Ladies and Gentlemen again.

So, over to you Brethren! We’ll go ahead and sing and we’ll go fast.

Thank You Father – Hallelujah!

I want us to Sing one more Warfare Song. It is a Song we all know very well;

Jesus’ Power – Super Power!
Jesus’ Power – Super Power!

You don’t Sing it gently; because we want the devil to know tonight that, “Power pass Power.”

So go ahead and sing…

Thank You Father.


In the Name of the Lord of Host; I decree your Deliverance tonight.

Your Night will become Morning today.

That Crisis in your Life will end tonight.

Before the Sun rises tomorrow, you will Testify.

So shall it be.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

… I had to stop you because the Move of God is already so Powerful.

Some People are beginning to manifest; and the crowd is such that we don’t have enough room.

So I want you to go back home tonight, Praising God.

Because, by Tomorrow Morning, you will know that the Wall of Jericho in your Life has fallen – Amen.

In the meantime, let me hear one shout of Hallelujah they would hear in Lagos – Hallelujah!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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