
The Bible encourages us to Sing in the Holy Spirit. Some of you may don’t understand the Song sang by the Choir; but whatever you understand – If you understand the dance, that is a Victorious and a Joyful one.


Siyabonga Jesu,
Siyabonga Ngonyama Yezulu (We Thank You Jesus, Lion of Heaven)
Siyabonga Jesu, Siyabonga (We Thank You Jesus, we Thank You).

I’ve taught my People in Nigeria how to sing that Song – “We Thank You Jesus, we Thank You Lord. You have been walking with us.”

Has God not been walking with us? He has! We’ve just finished Praying, as led my Mummy Odesola.

When we look at our lives, we have no other work to do than to give Him Pleasure. All we have come to say is to remind ourselves of how to give Him Pleasure.

If not, why the Convention? It is just to gather together and remind ourselves again about how Great and Mighty our God is.

Let’s begin to Thank God now!

Give Him Praise, give Him Honour. Let Him know you are here and you appreciate Him. Words do not qualify to appreciate God.

Right from our Mother’s Womb, He has taken care of us. Look at us, we are whole, our legs, hands, eyes and every part of our body is complete.

Let’s give Him Honour – He has brought us to the Path of Salvation, where our names are written in the Book of Life and we can make Heaven.

Let’s give Him Praise, Honour and Gratitude from our heart – “Siyabonga Jesu!”

I Thank You Jesus. You are too Good, You are too kind.

In You we live and move and have our being. If not for You, where would we have been? Many of us would have been in the Prisonyard, or living a Meaningless Life.

Look at us, we are in the Presence of the God. Jehovah, we Honour You. Be Thou exalted for ever and ever.

In Jesus’ Name we have given Thanks – Amen.

Kindly sit in your Dominion.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.

First and foremost, I want to salute all our Mamas in the house – Wife of the Intercontinental Overseer, my Special Assistant, and our Able Women Leaders – Mummy Helen, Mummy Esther, Mrs. Funke and Mummy Ayinoluwa.

And all great Mummies in the house, including Mummy Boniface (I call her husband Boniface) – I want to say welcome.

Thank You for all you are doing in this Great Nation (Bahrain).

I bring you Greetings from the General Overseer – For all you have been doing for the Lord. He said we should tell you that he is Praying for us.

It’s always a Pleasure for me to be in your midst anywhere you are gathering.

I may not be able to recognise everybody after leaving this Meeting but at least, the Heaven recognises us. So, let’s give Him Praise!

And I sincerely want to Thank God that it’s not only the Good Women that are here; I can see our Single Sisters here – If you are not married here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, wave your hands to Jesus.

Oh! Glory be to God.

So, it’s a Unique Setting.

And we want to Thank God for the Country Coordinator’s Wife – Pastor (Mrs.) Jide and all her Supporters, the Female Ministers.

The Lord Himself will support you all – Amen.

Brethren, we are talking about Dominion.

Last Night (Day 1 of the Convention), the General Overseer talked to us briefly about Dominion. And all those leading Prayers have been talking to us about Dominion.

But this Morning, we want to talk about: “WOMEN OF DOMINION.”

Brethren, I have Good News for you, that even in this Convention, our Dominion is registered – Amen.

If you believe, say Amen – Amen.

We Thank the Lord because when He was creating the whole Earth in Genesis Chapter 1, He made it something that is so liberal.

In Genesis 1:26, He gave Man Dominion over all His Creations – There is no Gender in anything that is of God. “Male and Female created He them.”

So you cannot say, “this Portion of the Bible is only for Men – All Promises of God are for Men, not for Women only.” We are all Men, Women and Children of Dominion.


Dominion is to have Authority, and to be able to govern or to conquer. It is to have a right – That is what is called Dominion.

If God did not do it like that, the world would not have been Orderly.

  • The Elephant would have said it is the Master of all Humans.
  • Giraffe, because it is tall and has long neck, should have govern over Human Beings.

But God in His Infinite Mercy and Sovereignty said we have Dominion over them.

I thought somebody would shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

My Bible Text is in Luke 10:19; because Genesis 1:26 has been read to us by our Mummy who led in Prayers earlier.

Luke 10:19: Behold, I give unto you Power to tread on Serpents and Scorpions, and over all the Power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

He has given us Power, Authority, over everything: and nothing shall by any means hurt you – This should register in our Heart.


How best this can be executed is what I would like us to know today:

  1. There is no Male or Female in the Things of God.

In 1 Corinthians 12:13 the Bible says, For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

… Which body? The Body of Christ!

Brethren, either Jew or Gentile, everybody is given an opportunity to receive Power.

Tell your Neighbour: “I am not in Bondage as a Woman, I am Free!

You better say it boldly, because whatever you are saying is being recorded.

Understanding is very important – When you understand who you are, you will be bold.

2 Timothy 2:7 says, “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee Understanding in all things.”

Once you have understanding in all things, especially in the things of the Lord, you will behave correctly.

And understanding will remove fear, inferiority complex, because these are what draw women back in Spiritual things.

While I was going through the Book of Acts Chapters 1 and 2, I saw there that on the Day of Pentecost, One Hundred and Twenty (120) People were in the Upper Room. And the last statement in Acts 1:14 says, including “Mary the mother of Jesus.” She received Power!

Among the One Hundred and Twenty (120) People, there were Men, there were Women.

So Women are not exempted from receiving the Power of God – Hallelujah!

The first time I read that Passage as a Christian, I was shouting. Because I want to operate in Power, in Strength.

I don’t want to be a nonentity in the things of God. I don’t want anybody to just brush me aside.

Because where I read in 1 Corinthians 12:13, the Bible says there is no Jew, no Segregation – We are all one in the Lord. Whatever is of the Lord that belong to the Heirs of the Kingdom, once you become Born Again, it belongs to you.

And I Pray that the Goodness and Mercy of the Lord will not leave us till the end – Amen.

  1. You should be a Believer.

That is the Foundational Principle – If you are not a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ; your name is not in the Book of Life; you have not confessed and forsaken your sins and become a Child of God, it may be a set back.

“A Blind Man can never lead a Blind Man”: No Sinner can have Authority over demons – It’s not Possible.

And our Power, our Strength, includes having Authority over Demons (Luke 10:19) and it comes from being Genuinely saved.

You say, “But we are Women of Dominion?” The first thing is to be Born Again.

And if you are not Born Again, wherever you are right now, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, feel free to tell Jesus:

“I have heard about you, I want to be a Child of Dominion. And I have heard that except I confess my sins and forsake them, my name cannot be in the Book of Life. But today I want my name to be there.”

Brethren, you don’t have to pay any amount of money, no ticket too – The Blood of Jesus cleanses from all Unrighteousness. That is the beauty of it.

So, to be recognised as a Woman of Authority, you must be Born Again.

Romans 6:14 – For sin shall not have Dominion over you: for ye are not under the Law, but under Grace.

Only those who have come out of Sinful Life can have Authority.

And John 1:12 says, But as many as received Him, to them gave He Power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name:

  1. You must Believe in His Word.

He gave us Dominion in Genesis 1:26; and if you don’t believe in that Word of the Lord, how are you going to receive?

That’s why I said Understanding is very important – You have to understand where you are.

Woman or Man, there is no Gender when we are talking about the things of the Kingdom.

You must be Born Again and then Believe His Word.

  • Do you Study His Word?
  • Do you Understand it?
  • Do you Believe it?

Because, it is one thing to be a Believer and another thing to believe the Word of God.

A Young Child, when the Mother is going out and asked, “what should I bring for you when I return?”

The Child says, “Mama Please get me Chocolate.” And the mother says, okay, I’ll get it for you.

I tell you, the moment you get home, what you would be hearing is, “where is the Chocolate you Promised me?” That is because the child believes in you.

That is the kind of Faith we should have in the Word of God, because the Word of God is very important.

And if you don’t believe that the chair you are sitting on will carry you, you won’t sit on it.

If it’s a chair that’s made with Ordinary wood you won’t have the confidence to sit on it, because you believe it is fragile and cannot carry you.

But because you believe the chair will carry you, that’s why you are sitting on it.

…Why don’t you believe in God’s Word?

Jesus Christ Himself said that the Words that He speaks are Spirit and they are Life – DMC NOTES: John 6:63.

And the Bible says in Hebrews 4:12, For the Word of God is quick, and Powerful, and Sharper than any twoedged Sword, Piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the Joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the Heart.

That is why Psalm 107:20 says, He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their Destructions.

The Word of God is so Powerful; it is one of the basic things you need to be able to have Dominion.

Psalm 119:105 – Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my Path.

Through the Word of God, we will not misuse our Authority.

It is not enough to know the Word; we must hearken to it.

When Joshua stepped into the shoes of Papa Moses, and the later was going to Pray for Joshua to step into his shoes.

And of course, when a house boy becomes a Prime Minister, how do you think he will feel? He would be more than timid!

Joshua was shaking, and then God told him in Joshua 1:5-6 – There shall not any Man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy Life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be Strong and of a Good Courage:

And then in Joshua 1:8, God admonished him to Meditate on the Word of God – This Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt Meditate therein Day and Night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way Prosperous, and then thou shalt have Good Success.

Brethren, if you don’t Meditate on the Word of God;

  • You’ll have no Power over the devil at all.
  • You would not be able to Command; and you would be timid;
  • You would doubt the Word: “if I say it and it doesn’t happen, what will I do?”

We need to Meditate on the Word of God Day and Night.

Proverbs 4:23 says, Keep thy Heart with all diligence; for out of it are the Issues of Life.

Those of you who don’t attend Sunday School in your Churches, Digging Deep (Bible Study), and Programs where the Word of God is being taught; after this Meeting, Please go and reschedule yourself! Don’t miss Bible Study again, because the Word of God in your Heart is what you will quote when Problem comes.

Jesus Christ Himself conquered the devil using the Word of God – After Fasting for forty (40) Days and forty (40) Nights, the devil still had the guts to tempt Him.

And Jesus quoted Scriptures, “It is written….” And He conquered the devil.

So, we need to believe in the Word of God!

  1. You need to Have Faith.

The next thing a Woman of Dominion needs is Faith -Have Faith in His Word, and operate in it daily.

Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things through Christ which (does what)? Strengtheneth me.

Some of us are Missionaries.

When I get into a Particular Land, the first thing I say is: “Jesus is Lord over this Land.” – And I am telling you, if any Demon comes to me, I crush it!

By the Grace of God, in Africa there are only six (6) Countries that I have never entered since I became a Missionary. And God has been giving me Victory anywhere we go, because we believe.

Psalm 24:1 says, The Earth is the LORD’s, and the Fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

Whether you are White, Black, etc; whenever I meet with you I know you are created by God. I don’t need to fear your Countenance or Colour.

Once God is the One who sent me, I believe in the Word of the One who has sent me, that Goodness and Mercy will follow me all the days of my Life and I will dwell in His Presence for ever – Hallelujah.

Brethren, we are Women of Dominion – Let’s have Faith in the Word of God, and it will work for us, in Jesus Name (Amen).

  1. Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit.

This is very essential, because He Himself is the Power.

The Apostles walked with the Lord Jesus Christ for Three and half (3½) years. And He told them, go and wait in the Upper Room for the Promise of the Father, and they gathered there.

In Acts 2:1, when they had been there for ten (10) days, the Bible says, And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

Oh! They were like birds out of the cage.

When Peter and John got to the Beautiful Gate, a Lame Man that had been brought there for forty (40) years got up and walked!

That Power is also for us today – Amen!

… Are you sure it is for you? Yes, Ma.

After this Convention, you will Raise the Dead, Heal the Sick, and the Lame will walk through you – Amen.

I’m sure you’ve heard about a Teenager who went to the Street of a town called Akure (Ondo State Nigeria) – She saw a Lame Man by the roadside and said to him, “Be Healed, in Jesus’ Name.”

The Man that everybody knew to be Lame,and was begging by the roadside, received his Healing, and was able to walk again.

It took the intervention of the Police to rescue the girl from being torn to Pieces by the People who were pulling her and saying, “we need our own Healing.”

That will be your Testimony after this Convention – Amen.

You will not attend this Convention without going back with Power and Dominion, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

My first Missionary Journey across the Boarders of Nigeria – That was maybe about forty (40) years ago: was in the West Coast Countries of Africa. School children lined up to welcome us. And I was like, “who asked these People to do this? I am not the General Overseer.”

To make matters worse (so I thought); they brought the Head of the Herbalists to the Church later that day – He was sick and his legs were swollen.

They brought him in a chair. After the Meeting they said, “Mama Please, Pray for this Man.” And I was told he is the Head of the Herbalists.

And I said okay! In Jesus’ Name – The Name of Jesus will work for any Child of Dominion; Baba, get up from your chair.

I didn’t have the Strength to raise him up; People helped.

In the next five (5) Minutes, Baba was walking from one end of the Church to another. And there was noise all over.

So, I quickly ran into the Jeep to go to my next Point of entrance because I was touring the West Coast Regions of Africa – It took me seventeen (17) days on the road.

Imagine how old I was then (says 35 years). God is no respecter of Persons – There were so many Miracles.

By the Grace of God; three (3) People have been raised from the dead through this young Girl.

The Word of God was not written for decoration.

The Power of God is for all of us – Male and Female. It is not for the Pastors alone, not for the Apostles alone.

The Word of God is for all of us, because we are Children of Dominion.

I want you to carry that Grace; carry that Power and that Strength with you as from now on.

Tell your Neighbour: Please receive it, you are a Woman of Dominion.

Acts 1:8 says: But ye shall receive Power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be Witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the Uttermost Part of the Earth.

I am Witnessing to you now, you have to go out there and Witness to other People & Make Jesus real to the People.

Our Jesus is real – He is not Somebody that can be caged. He is everywhere – The same Yesterday, and Today, and Forever (Hebrews 13:8).

That’s the confidence we have in Him. And He is in all Nations, and the whole world belongs to Him.

From now on, you are not timid and fearful; you will leave here with Boldness; you will leave in Faith and in Power, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

And so shall it be unto you, in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

Where I read to us in Luke 10:19, the Bible says if we carry any deadly thing, it will not hurt us.

You read from the Bible, all that happened to Apostle Paul – Before he became Paul he was a Persecutor.

But on his way to Persecute again in Acts Chapter 9, he had an Encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ – There and then, his Life Changed!

Before you know it, his Apron and Handkerchief were raising the dead and healing the sick.

That is the kind of Transformation we want to have after this Convention.

And it shall be your Portion, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

  1. We must not be controlled by the Flesh.

If we are going to be Women of Dominion, we must not be controlled by the flesh; because we are not of the world.

The Bible says in 1 John 4:4, Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.

That is why I said you must understand who you are in the Lord.

Tell your neighbour: Greater is He in you than he that is in the world.

*When you have Jesus in your Life, the Bible says; That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in Earth, and things under the Earth (Philippians 2:10).

Then that must make you stand tall and say, “I am of the Lord, there’s nothing evil that can come upon me.”

That is why you must be able to control your flesh.

In 1 Corinthians 9:27 Apostle Paul said something we all must learn: Put yourself under – “But I keep under my body, and bring it into Subjection: lest that by any means, when I have Preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”

He kept himself under Subjection – Which means he didn’t allow the flesh to rule over him.

Many of us are still seriously being controlled by the body.

And until we satisfy the body, we don’t have time for the things of the Lord – Who can kill and can make alive.

The most important thing we need in our Life is God; not the flesh.

Romans 12:1 says, I beseech you therefore, Brethren, by the Mercies of God, that ye Present your bodies a Living Sacrifice, Holy, Acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable Service.

Before you can Present anything, it must have been thoroughly scrutinized and found worthy to be Presented.

Present your body (how)? As a Living Sacrifice.

When you Sacrifice anything; like the other Religion do during Ramadan – When they Sacrifice a ram; does the ram talk again?

No! Why? Life has been taken out of it, and People begin to eat it.

When you become a Woman who has been Sacrificed, your Level of Holiness is now “All that I am is Jesus.” All that we are, every little bit of our flesh and bone, when you cut it – it’s Jesus.

Which means, a Life of Holiness & No more Struggling with any form of sin again.

Stealing, Corruption, keeping Malice; they are not our Portion. Because we have Sacrificed our body – Therefore, we are now a Living Sacrifice.

In Galatians 5:19-21; the Bible listed the Works of the Flesh as: Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lasciviousness, Idolatry, Witchcraft, Hatred, Variance, Emulations, Wrath, Strife, Seditions, Heresies …

ADULTERY: When you use your body in the wrong way, it is Adultery.

Some of us bleach – We Change our skin colour.

You are saying what God has done is not good. Whereas God looked at all He created and said, it is very Good.

Hence, the Bible says, we are Fearfully and Wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

Some of us buy cream and bleach our skin, because we are not contented with what God has given us.

FORNICATION: Some us are in another Person’s home.

We seduce, take our friend’s Spouse; and yet we come to Church to sing and shout Hallelujah. You are wasting your time!

You have not come to Worship God at all; because if you want to Worship God, you must do so in Holiness.

Your body is the Temple of God – So nothing like Adultery, Fornication, etc.

WITCHCRAFT: Some People would say, “I am not a Witch (Wizard).” But you behave like one – You are not happy about other People’s Progress, you backbite and do whatever will destroy another Person.

What is the work of a Witch? To steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Anytime you think along that line, you are Practicing Witchcraft.

It is not until you grow wings and fly in the air – You are already growing the wings inside.

HATRED: You hate your brother and sister.

Some of us hate our Spouses – Who else will you love when you don’t love your Spouse?

The Bible mentioned Variance, Emulation, Wrath, Strife.

Even in the Church, you hear People say, “don’t mind her, the Pastor is always calling her to do this or that; and we came here before here.”

You too, go and display your Gift.

God has given Gifts to all of us, but you are hiding yours.

Someone out there is using hers and you are envious and hating her – And it is very common among Ladies.

This ought not to be so, because we are all Fearfully and Wonderfully made.

“I am what I am by the Grace of God.”

We all have one thing God has given us to be Proud of – It might be your voice, your handwork, talents, etc.

DRUNKENNESS: Some Ladies drink and smoke Cigarettes and India herms, when we ought to be Women of Dominion.

If God says in Genesis 1:26 that we should have Dominion; why shouldn’t you enjoy the Grace to dominate, before you leave this world so that you will make it to Heaven?

I want you to make this Pronouncement with me – “Nothing will take my Dominion away from me.”

You better say it well!

… Deal with the Flesh.

  1. Be a Committed Worshiper.

As a Woman of Dominion, you must be committed to Worship.

When you Worship God you are saying, “God, You are my Owner. I humble myself before You.” Because when you worship somebody, you are on the floor.

The woman whose daughter was vexed of the devil in Matthew 15:26-28, when the Lord Jesus Christ likened her to a dog she said, “either dog or no dog, the dog can eat from the crumbs” – That’s Humility!

And the Bible tells us that she worshipped God.

Then Jesus said, even though I have said the Blessing is for children and not dogs, I will give you – because she worshipped.

You must be a Worshipper.

We should not leave Worship to the Choir alone – We all must be “Committed Worshippers”.

  1. Work Hard.

Women of Dominion must work hard – We must not be Lazy.

Many of us are Lazy:

  • You don’t want stress yourself – How are you going to have Dominion?
  • You want to conquer Poverty, yet you sit at home and you are Praying.

Food cannot come to you on your knees – You have to rise up, look for a job, sweat.

You may start from a very Low Income job – It doesn’t matter.

And from there, God will open your eyes to see what to do next.

Nobody started from the Top.

When you see Leaders, they have toiled: in Prayers, in Fasting, in Studying the Word.

I told you that I was on a Journey by road for Seventeen (17) days in the West Coast Regions of Africa, when God said I should go across the Boarder.

That which started then as Africa Missions West Coast; now, by the Grace of God, we are recognised Globally – And we have about Thirty five (35) Centers.

Just last year (2023), the United Nations honoured us – I don’t know how they did it.

They wrote us to come for an Award – I sent my Daughter in New York because we had a Program then somewhere else.

The next time they said, “you must come and defend all we have learned and known you for.

Whatever you do as a Woman of Dominion can never be hidden – God is going to broadcast you in the rooftop. Where you didn’t expect your name to be heard Globally.

I was weeping when finally, I saw the Award: “United Nations Recognize Folu Adeboye (for what?)”

Uf you have been Lazy, go and Strengthen yourself.

Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me.

As Woman of Dominion, you cannot afford to be lazy.

In Proverbs Chapter 31, one of the Qualities of that Woman is that her Light does not go out by Night.

So, you have to keep vigil, wake up earlier than everybody – You Prepare for your home, and you are not lazy in any area.

You want to Command People and situations? You have to work hard.

Tell your Neighbour: Work Hard! It’s very important. Be diligent.

We were told yesterday (Day 1 of the Convention) by the General Overseer that Isaac kept waxing Greater and Greater.

DMC NOTES: You can get to read the Full Text of that Message on this Link:

During the time of famine, he did not relocate, because God told him to stay in Gerar.

Through Isaac, everybody knows about irrigation – As the Philistines were blocking the well, he was digging another ones.

He would have said, “I have tried – As I am digging the well, they are blocking it. So I can’t dig it again.”

Diligence and Consistency.

You Pray five (5) Minutes today, tomorrow you increase to ten (10) Minutes. Then grow to one (1) hour daily.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says: We should Pray without ceasing.

You have to be rugged in your Christian Life.

By the Grace of God I’m already Seventy Six (76) years old. But I tell you, you are my Pride. Hence, I must leave Worthy Legacies for you.

By the Grace of God, check my Life, ever since I became Born Again I’ve never seen myself as a Woman.

I don’t know the height any Man can climb, that by the Grace of God, that Folu Adeboye has not climbed.

You are a Woman of Dominion – Take Control of your Domain.

In the Church, work hard.

All those who would be backbiting and gossipping – That is their headache.

In our days, we were in six (6) different Departments, doing so many jobs because “Learned People” were not many in the Church then.

One Person was a Sunday School Teacher, in the Choir, inviting People to Church, in Prayer Band, Church Department – And God was increasing our Gifts as we were using it.

John 15:2 says, Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

Tell your Neighbour: She is talking to me. “God will use me more and more!”

  1. Be like Deborah

Finally, remember Deborah – She arose as a Mother in Israel in the Nation:

  • She corrected bad behaviours.
  • She judged Israel for Forty (40) years.

As a Woman, where do you place yourself? I can see the President of a Nation amongst us.

  • Deborah led People to war. The men said, unless you led us, we will not go to war.
  • Men were consulting Deborah.

That is the Life God wants you to live. And that is the Mindset I want you to have after now.

Then we will be able to depopulate the Kingdom of the devil.

That is why you are living.

Acts 1:8 says, But ye shall receive Power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be Witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

You are not a Local Champion – Amen.

Matthew 18:18-19 says, Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven. Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on Earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven.

We have been given the Power to loose and to bind. And Heaven will open unto us – Amen.

Women of Dominion, rise up and shout Dominion – Dominion!

Promotion can come to you, because it comes from God. And He is no respecter of Persons.

There is no Alien, no Jew, and no Gender in the things of God – It is whoever is available that He will use.

Are you ready to go the way of Dominion? Yes!

… Sing this Song meaningfully with me.


Take my Life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days;
Let them flow in endless Praise.


The first step is to be enlisted in the Women of Dominion Chapter.

That means your Salvation must be Genuine. You must be sure your name is registered in the Book of Life.

If not, the Name of Jesus cannot work in your mouth. And it is only in His Name that you can do all things.

So, if you are not yet Born Again, say with me:

LORD, Please I have come to Surrender my Life to You; let Your Blood avail for me today.

Cleanse me Lord, and write my name in the Book of Life.

Please, I want You to Launch me into Your Dominion Lord. Make me a Woman of Dominion indeed.

Give me the Grace to Meditate on Your Word Day and Night.

Make me a Woman of Prayer, consulting You for whatever I need to do.

Make me a Woman who is Diligent. I don’t want to be lazy any more.

And I don’t want to entertain Fear any more; make me a Woman of Faith.

Lord, this is what I have come for. I don’t want to be under.

Please, subdue every Work of the Flesh in my Life;

No more envy, no more hatred, no more fighting, and nothing evil.

I want to have Freedom to Launch into my Dominion.

I am a Woman of Dominion, grant me that Grace today.

Help me Oh LORD.

Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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