Let your Amen be Dominating – Amen!


Pass me not, O Gentle Saviour
Hear my humble cry
While on others Thou art Calling
Do not pass me by

Saviour, Saviour
Hear my humble cry
While on others Thou art Calling
Do not pass me by


Father this Evening, this is our Heart-Cry – In this Place, in Your Space, on Your Redemption City and across the Globe where People are Watching and hearing me inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; we ask Almighty God that You will not pass us by in Jesus Name.

Wherever you find a “Believing Amen”; answer that Person first in Jesus Name.

Thank You for all You have done for us so far; Thank You for the many Months before now; Thank You for the Many Months to come; Thank You because our Status will Change – We will become Redeemer-In-Charge in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Father tonight, as You have used my Brothers ahead of me, Please use me also in Jesus Name.

Thank You for our fathers that have gone ahead of us; our mothers that has shown us the way; Thank You for the Privilege and Shoulders to Stand and Feathers to fly on.

We ask that none of us will miss Your Kingdom in Jesus Name.

Thank You Almighty Father.

In Jesus Precious Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

I will like to appreciate and Celebrate our father-in-the-Lord, our mother-in-the-Lord, the Governing Council and the Leadership of this Great Mission – We do not take this for granted.

The Youths in the house – Can we appreciate them?

Our RCCG International Youth Convention 2024 has been Successful.

Daddy and Mummy, we are Grateful – And Thank You for this opportunity!

To our Intercontinental Youth Pastor – Pastor Belemina Obunge; we appreciate and Celebrate you sir.

The National Youth Pastor – DMC NOTES: Pastor Sola Owoeye (NYP NYAYA); his Assistant – DMC NOTES: Pastor Olaoluwa Abioye (ANYP NYAYA) as well as their Wives, we say Thank You.

And to all the Youth Pastors everywhere across Board – We say God Bless You in Jesus Name.

Very quickly, according to Ephesians 1: 15-16 – Please jump up quickly as we need to make some Declarations:

I will tell you why those Declarations were Powerful:

The Last Time that I was on this same Altar, I was on a “Certain Level”. But by the time I left this Altar, we were called to come and collect a Letter.

And when the Letter came, it was a Letter of Promotion.

So, your Humble son, Brother, Cousin, Nephew is now a Pastor In Charge of Province (PICP) of Youth Province 1 to be Precise!

You cannot come to this Altar and your Life will not be “Altered” for Greatness

  1. So grab your Head and say, my Head:

☆ You will not loose your Crown.

☆ No one will replace you.

☆ On your Day of Promotion, you will not be missing.

☆ Receive Wisdom and Knowledge.

  1. Touch your Mouth and say, my Mouth:

☆ You will no longer Gossip.

☆ You will no longer lie.

☆ Every Prayers that you Pray and every Declarations that you make will come to Pass in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

  1. Pull your Ears and say, my Ear:

☆ You will Only hear Good News from now on.

☆ You will be hear Clearly from God.

☆ You will hear the Word for you in this Program.

  1. Touch your Eyes and say, my Eyes:

☆ You will Only see Good Things

☆ You will see the Projects that will be collected by you.

☆ You will see a Good Alert.

☆ You will see Heaven.

  1. Touch your Heart and say, my Heart:

☆ You will no longer be Broken but you will be Restored.

☆ You will receive Joy and remain Happy.

  1. And for some of us, we will say, my Stomach:

☆ You will no longer be Hungry as you will be fed Spiritually and Physically.

  1. Touch your Legs and say, my Legs:

☆ You will carry me to my Dominion.

☆ You will carry me into my Husband house.

☆ You will carry me into my Promotion.

☆ You will carry me into Heaven.

  1. Then make a fist and say:

☆ I receive Strength.

☆ I receive Power.

☆ I receive Might over Weakness.

☆ I receive Grace to Dominate.

And so shall it be in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen!

My Brothers ahead of me had done an amazing work – One came with Action, one came with Fire and they are just going and going.

Please Celebrate God on the Graces that we have Experienced here this Evening!

What is Dominion?

Genesis 1:26 says: And God said, Let us make Man in our Image, after our likeness: and let them have Dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth.

So, if we are talking of Dominion, we are talking of an area where Someone has Control – A Sphere of their Control!

Like a King, it is the Kingdom – A King’s Domain.

For a President, it is a Place where he Presides over.

Ecclesiastes 8:4 says: Where the word of the King is, there is Power.

So, Domain for a King is his Kingdom – A Place where he has Power and he has words over.

Now, there is an item that separates the Kingdom from every other Subjects that he may have around him.

Infact, in a King’s Domain, there will be Persons that might be Richer than him; that might be more Educated than him; that might be more Popular than him but they don’t have that same item.

Therefore, if you are seeking Dominion or you are a King or “Intending King”; there is one thing that you should seek – That is the Crown!

And thanks to the Drama Department that did that Wonderful Drama Ministrations this Evening – And so I had to borrow their Crown.

Now, if you want a Crown, then you must seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness!

Matthew 6: 31-33:

  1. Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
  • What School will I go or when will the Admission come?
  • When will my Husband come?
  • What cloth will I wear for my Wedding Day?
  • When will I Pay my Rent?

He says:

  1. (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
  2. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his Righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I have a Word for one of our Brothers that was carrying a Flag – That flag of that Nation that you are carrying, you will soon enter there in Jesus Name (Amen).

Jesus Christ was Teaching us how to Pray – Just as my Brother mentioned.

He says in Matthew 6: 9-10:

  1. After this manner therefore Pray ye: Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.
  2. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

… It is about His Kingdom!

Of course, the Previous Preachers before me had shared so many Points.

But if I am taking a lead out of our father-in-the-Lord in this House, there is no way that I am not going to tell you a Story!

But the Story that I am going to tell you is this Story – But I have Modified it, I have Upgraded it and Changed the Software a little bit.

The Story talks about a Man that was running out of his days as a King.

And he has a son and he called that son and said: My Time is almost out; I need you to look at my Kingdom and look at everything that I have – All the Estates, all the Riches, all the farms; everything that is of benefit that I have been able to grow and Groom.

Then he said that you are allowed to Pick one item and after that, I will give every other thing to my Faithful Servant that have been serving me all these years – The one that has kept Custody of all these things and ensured that they were Profitable while my son is just enjoying being a son.

The son was obviously baffled and so went on a walk.

And while doing his walk, he bumped into an Old Wise Man.

I Pray that you will bump into Somebody that will give you Wisdom in Jesus Name – Amen!

And then, he greeted the Man and the Man asked him: What is the Problem?

The boy laid down the issues and the Man told him this is what to do.

So, when it was D-Day, the son came before his father, the King – And the father said: What will you choose as it is time to Pick one item.

And the Wisdom that was given was that he will Pick the Chief Servant.

And the son Picked the Chief Servant – And because if you own the Chief Servant, you own everything that the Chief Servant owns.

This is Absolutely Fantastic!

What happened to the Chief Servant to be Precise?

The Chief Servant out of shock did not have Dominion over his Emotions and so he accepted that fate.

The Bible made it clear to us that Wisdom will always rule over Foolishness – Ecclesiastes 9:17.

If you need Wisdom, you can always ask God.

The Bible says that He will not judge you but give you as willingly as you want.

When the time of the Chief Servant came, he was made to speak to the King because he was asked as well that what do you want as the Chief Servant even though you have everything here, you can actually still speak.

The Chief Servant made as error and didn’t say anything.

But tonight, we are going to Change that Story because if the Chief Servant had that Wisdom and connected to it, he would have Picked the Crown – Whoever has the Crown rules the whole Kingdom!

… The son only Picked the Chief Servant.

Now, this is what I cam to Present to you today!

I need you to jump upon your feet very quickly – I am going to ask you to speak to God!

But while you are Speaking to God:

If you want Riches, you will say I want Riches but I will advice you to say No!

If I ask you that do you want the Estate? What will you say? No!

If I ask you: Do you want the farms? No!

What will you rather Pick? The Crown!

Go ahead and speak to God Almighty with both hands up and say: I Pick Your Crown, and I Pick Your Kingdom upon me because if I have Your Crown, if I have You Crowned my Head, You will be able to Crown all my Efforts with Success, You will be able to Crown all my Prayers with Answers, You will be able to Change my Story, You will give me Wisdom above every other one else.

Because if I have Your Kingdom, if Your Kingdom is where I am surviving, and living in; then I have Dominion over everything else.

If I have Your Kingdom, then I will not need to worry over all these things because You will Automatically add them to me.

Wotever else You have Provided, this is this Altar and it is on this Altar that I can alter whatever Destiny or whatever has been written about me.

The Last Time that Someone came here, they were in one Position, the next time; they came they have been Elevated.

You have the opportunity now to Change everything.

God has been trying to get your attention – You had access to the Crown but you are Picking Mundane Things, you have access to the Crown but you are still behaving as if you are foolish.

Take Dominion over your Spirituality, take Dominion over your Health, take Dominion over your Finances, take Dominion over your Emotions, take Dominion over everything around you so that you are operating Completely on God’s Level.

With your two hands, ask Heaven to Place that Crown on my Head – I do not Pick anything else but Your Kingdom.

The Crown is the most important thing. If I wear the Crown, I will be able to wear it in Heaven and anywhere.

I want my Spiritual Crown to manifest as a Physical Crown.

I want Your Crown in every areas of my Life so that I can live as You want me to live, so that I can Dominate as You want me to Dominate.

I want Your Crown Almighty Father.

And so shall it be in Jesus Precious Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

I need you to find Someone that you will agree with – Look for Someone that doesn’t look like a Prayer Point but a Prayer Answered.

And then agree with that same Person that: The Next Time I see you on this Ground, you will be Dominating

I don’t know what you need to Dominate over but we will be Dominating.

Our Testimony will be so Big that Nobody will be able to deny it because the results will be there.

Keep Praying!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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