BIBLE TEXT: MARK 10: 46-52

Well, let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and begin to bless His Holy Name.

Let’s Worship the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords; let’s give Him all the Glory and Adoration.

Adore Him – Tell Him there is no one like Him, He is the Almighty God. Praise His Holy Name.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Worship – Amen!


What a Mighty God we Serve
What a Mighty God we Serve
Heaven and Earth Adore Him
Even Angels bow before Him
What a Mighty God we Serve.


Almighty God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords; the All Sufficient God, the One who can do All Things, the Unchangeable – We Worship You.

We give You all the Glory and Honour for bringing us together today so that You can show us once again how Mighty You can be.

Accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

We commit everyone here today inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC into Your Hands; meet all our Needs and let Your Name be Glorified.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

I want you to turn to your Neighbour and tell him or her – Say: Neighbour, I love you but tonight, my Miracles will be Greater than yours!

And then, Please be seated – Thank You very much.

Tonight, we want to have a Family Bible Study!

We want to Study the Word of God together and then Individually, we will Pray.

And I’m believing God that after tonight, your Life will never be the same – Amen!

We want to talk on: “LET THERE BE LIGHT”.

And the Bible Text will be Mark 10: 46-52.

When Bartimeaus cried to Jesus, his cry was: “Let There be Light”.

This world that we live in is Controlled by two (2) Major Forces – Darkness and Light.

When you look at the Big Computers, you will see that when they are working, it will appear as if they are blinking because the Computer works by two (2) important Forces – Light Off and Light On; Darkness and Light.

The Bible made it clear that all through Life, we Struggled against Forces of Darkness:

☆ When you Succeed, there is Light.

☆ if we failed, it means that Darkness Prevailed.

Tonight, we want to talk on: “Let There be Light”.

In other words, we want to say that in the Name of the Almighty God; there is Someone here listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC who will never fail again – Amen!

  1. Let there be Light is crying to God and saying to Him: Please, Command Darkness to leave me alone.

In Genesis 1: 1-3; at the very, very Beginning of the History of Mankind; when God created Heaven and Earth, the Bible tells us that the Earth was without form and void – Everything was confused and empty until God spoke and said: Let There be Light and there was Light.

It was then everything became orderly and full.

And I’m saying to Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, every forms of disorderliness in your Life will end tonight – Amen!

In Matthew 15: 21-28; the woman came to Jesus Christ and cried for Help – She said: My daughter is grievously vexed of the devil.

That tells you that there are some Sicknesses and Diseases that are not Physical in Nature.

When the devil is behind a Sickness or Disease; there is very little that the Doctors can do because:

☆ If they X-rayed you, they would discovered that demons don’t appear on X-ray Machine,

☆ If they MRI you from the Top of your Head to the Sole of your feet, they will not find what is responsible for the Problem.

DMC NOTES: “MRI” means Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is a Medical Imaging Procedure that uses Magnetic Field and Radio Waves to take Pictures of your Body Interior.

In situation like that, you need to call on the One who is called “The Light” to come to your assistance.

And I have come with the Good News for Someone tonight – If you have a Problem that Science cannot deal with; today Jesus will take care of it – Amen!

  1. When you say: “Let There be Light”; you are saying to God: “Change my Night to Day”.

Because Night Stands for Darkness and Day Stands for Light. And everyday starts with Night.

When you read Genesis 1: 5, 8 and several others there (DMC NOTES: Other Verses like 13, 19, 23 and 31).

You will see the Bible saying: And the Evening and the Morning the First Day; and the Evening and the Morning the Second Day – Everyday starts with Evening.

Every Testimonies starts with a Problem!

The Sister who Testified told us that she was bleeding for years – That was a Problem.

That was a Problem the Doctors were not able to handle.

But when we called on Jesus Christ, He dealt with the Demon that were causing the Problem – And Night becomes Day!

Now, the Bible tells us that God has a Time Table for everybody’s Life.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 tells us that God has a Time Table for every Person.

But then, in Psalms 102:13; the Bible says that God will arise and have Mercy on Zion because the Set Time to favour her has come.

You know that God has a certain Plan for your Life – There might be something that He has Planned for your Life maybe in 10 years. But God is Sovereign and He does what He wants, when He wants. He has the Power to bring the Future to the Present.

If He decides to be Merciful unto you today; your Night will become Day!

So, I am Praying for Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – The Day you have been waiting for and the Day you have been Praying for will come before you leave this Place or finish reading on the Label of DMC (Amen).

  1. Now, when you say that God Change my Night to Day; according to Psalms 30:5, the Bible says: Weeping may endure for the Night, but Joy comes in the Morning.

So, when you cry to God and said: Let there be Light – Which means Change my Night to Day; it means: “Put an end to my Sorrow and let my Joy begins!

And so, I am decreeing to Somebody here or reading now on the Label of DMC: Beginning from now, you won’t know Sorrow again – Amen!

  1. Now, when you say let there be Light as Bartimeaus was crying that Day; he was actually saying to Jesus: I know that there are a lot of People here – Because Jesus was followed by a Multitude.

But when Bartimeaus was crying to Him, he was saying: Pay Attention to me Specially.

We are many here tonight but God can Pay attention to just one Fellow.

If He is going to Pay attention to just one Fellow; who is that one Fellow going to be? The DMC Family Members!

In John 5: 2-14; the Bible says that there was a Pool called Bethesda – A lot of People were there and they had all manners of Problems.

And Jesus came there and He saw a Man who has been there for 38 years – He had a Problem for 38 years.

The Bible says Jesus went to that Man alone – He solves that Man’s Problem alone and then He left the Place.

It is Possible for Jesus to Pass through this crowd – And see the first fellow and say not this one; get the second, no not this one; get the third, no not this one and finally get to you and say this is the one.

Tonight, Jesus is going to Single Out one Fellow for a Major Miracles – Amen!

Several years ago – 1975 to be Specific; I came to Canada for the first time. There was a World Conference of Applied Mathematics and I was one of the two People that came to represent Nigeria.

It was a World Conference – People came from all over the world and so we were very many: Black People, White People, from all over the world.

But then we arrived in Canada at Night and we had to queue up to Register – We were very many and the queue was very long. And Canada was very cold at that time.

I was on the line outside Africa for the first time and I was shivering.

And then, a lady got up from where they are doing the Registering – Far away and began to come down the line and then she got to me and stopped.

She said: What is your name? I told her. Where do you come from? I told her.

Then she turned, went back to the Head Table and got a very big cup of tea and a Packet of Sandwiches. And she came all the way down and gave the two to me.

I didn’t look at anybody – I drank the tea and ate the bread.

By the time I was finishing, there were several People around me looking at me with envy but I didn’t pay attention.

She came back – She had gone to Register for me, brought my Documents and came with a Young Man that will take me to where I will stay.

To you, that may not sound like a Big Miracle. But to me, it was a Miracle Particularly as it happened to only me in the crowd.

There is Somebody here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC: Before we leave this Place or you finished reading on the Label of DMC, God is going to Single you out and give you a Special Miracle – Amen!

  1. When Bartimeaus says: Let there be Light, he was saying to God: “Send Help to me”.

And Jesus Christ heard him and “Stood Still” – Jesus Christ forgot everything else that He was about to do because of one Man who cried.

And He turned to the People around and say: “Go and bring him”.

He cried for Help and God sent Help – And the Help that God sent were the same People who were telling him to shut up.

You know, when God sent Light your way, your Enemies can become your Servant? Those who has been asking you to shut your mouth can now become the same People who will tell you: “Be of Good Cheer, God is calling you”.

Do you know that tonight, God can turn to Someone and say: All those People who has been working against you, will now begin to serve you?

Because the Word of God made it clear that when a Man’s way Pleases God, He can cause his Enemies to be at Peace with him – Proverbs 16:7.

And when you read Acts 16: 25-34 – When Paul and Silas were put in Prison and they told the Jailer to take Good Care of them because they were going to be killed the following Morning.

The Jailer put them in a very Secured Place.

But at Midnight, as Paul and Silas were Praising God, God Paid them a visit – He Changed their Night to Day.

When the Jailor (DMC NOTES: A Jailor is a Keeper of Jail) discovered that the Prison doors were opened, and was going to kill himself. And Paul said: No, don’t kill yourself as we are here.

And the Jailor said: What can I do to be saved? And Paul showed him the way to Salvation.

The Bible says that the same Jailor washed their wounds and began to feed them – The Enemy Number 1 became a Servant.

I want to Prophesy to Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC: Because you came/read, all those who has been working against your Progress will now begin to now help you to make Progress – Amen!

  1. When they called Bartimeaus and he was going to Jesus Christ, he did something – He removed his Garment.

He removed the Garment of a Beggar because somehow he knew that from that day onwards, he will never beg again.

There is Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC: When the Light of God Shines on you in a way Nobody can explain, you will discovered that you will never beg again.

I know that you live in a Country where you do a lot of things on Credit Cards.

But do I have the Privilege of announcing to you that from tonight onwards, in a way that you cannot explain; you will not buy on Credit again – Amen!

Because let there be Light means: “Put an end to Poverty in my Life!

I don’t want to owe anybody anymore and I don’t even have to rack my brain before I buy anything that I want to buy.

Some of us may find that one difficult to believe – Within a short Period of time, you will begin to have one Breakthrough after another. So much so that you could get to a Stage in your Life that you will tell God: These Blessings are becoming “Too Much”.

Oh Pastor, what are you talking about? How can I ever get to a Stage where I can tell God that the Blessings are too many?

God said so in Deuteronomy 28: 1-2 – He said: If you will just obey me, Blessings will be Pursuing you.

Do you know the meaning of that?

It means that you are so Blessed, you don’t want more and so you are running away and the Blessing is Pursuing you and Overtaking you.

☆ I know that there are some People here who really loves God and you will love to serve Him.

☆ I know that there are People here who so loved God that they will love to build Churches for God.

Is there anybody like that here? The DMC Family Members!

I Prophesy to you that very soon; every Year you will build Churches for God – Amen!

… Because when Light Shines on you, Poverty ends and Abundance begins.

  1. When Bartimeaus cried to Jesus Christ and He said: “Go and bring him”; he knew that if I got to Jesus, He is going to ask me what do I need?

Tonight, God is about to give you an opportunity to ask Him for one thing.

Remember that He made a Promise in John 14:14 – He says that if you ask anything in my Name; I will do it.

Many of us do not believe that Passage – That’s why we limit our Prayers to what we think that God can do. We forget that we are dealing with a God who can do All Things.

When God says: What do you want? As He is going to do tonight – Please, don’t ask Him for small things.

When you ask God for something “Very Small”, He feels insulted and He feels that you don’t know how Mighty He is.

God expects you to ask Him for Hard Things – Things that Nobody can do for you so that when it is done, Nobody can take Glory for it except God!

You remember, in 2 Kings 2: 9-15; when Elijah wanted to leave, he turned to Elisha and said: What can I do for you? Elisha said that I want a Double Portion of your Spirit.

Elijah said that you have asked for a Hard Thing.

But at the end of the day, Elisha got what he wanted.

There is Nothing “Too Difficult” for God to do.

When it is time for you to Pray very soon, Please don’t ask God for something small – Ask God for something so difficult that even you yourself will be almost afraid to ask.

I can guarantee you that He will do it for you.

How do you know sir? Because He has done it for me.

If you know me, you won’t believed that I can be sitting here talking to you

I was born by a Man who was so Poor that the Poor People in the Village call him Poor.

In other words, among the Poor, he was a Champion – He never could buy a bicycle all his Life.

As a matter of fact, I never wore a Pair of shoes until I was 18 years Old,

But I Prayed – God, I don’t want to die Poor as I want to be among the Richest in the world.

Anyone who heard that Prayer would have said: This fellow must be crazy.

But look at me here today, God has been Faithful – I came here in my own Private Jet and it is not the Cheapest of Private Jet.

I am just talking now about something Material, but I can talk of something Spiritual too.

I told God that I don’t want to be an “Ordinary Pastor” – I want to be a Pastor that will take Your Name to the whole world. And He did it.

He can do the same for you – Anything that you want, no matter how hard, ask Him and watch and see what will happen within the next one year.

Because when Bartimeaus got to Jesus Christ and He said: What do you want?

☆ He didn’t say I want Money.

☆ He didn’t say I want a New Jacket because I have just thrown away one.

☆ He didn’t say heal me so that I can begin to see a little bit.

What he said was that I want two brand new eyes- And this is what he got!

☆ Don’t ask God for “Ordinary Healings” tonight, ask God for “Creative Miracles”.

☆ Ask God to do the Impossible for you tonight,

☆ Ask God to make you one of the Greatest People who ever lived on Earth.

Because if you ask Him for something Big: He feels happy and He feels you know who He is.

There is a Relation of mine – One of the Richest Man ever in Nigeria.

If you go to him amd you say: Uncle, shall we say, give me $100! He will say I don’t have.

You go back next day and say: Uncle give me $1,000! He will say I don’t have.

But if you go to him and you say: Uncle, can I have a $100,000? He will say, now you are talking. Why are you insulting me by asking for $100? Do you know who I am?

Don’t insult God – The Almighty God, the All Sufficient God, the One who can never fail, the One who made Heavens and the Earth, the One who said let there be Light and there was Light!

If you can come to Him today – This is an opportunity of a Lifetime.

The Last time that I was in Brazil was 10 years ago and I don’t know if I will ever come back to Brazil again – Only God knows!

But we are together today, and so we can make use of today.

Today can be your day – Everything in your Life can Change today.

  1. And when God granted the Request of Bartimeaus, his Life was never the same again: ☆ He never begged again

☆ He was never Blind again.

☆ He was never a Burden to anybody again.

Because he followed Jesus on the way!

Your Life can Change Completely – Physically, Materially, Maritally and Spiritually.

Today can be a New Beginning for you!

But all you need to do is that you must Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ and you must be ready to be connected to Jesus Christ forever.


So, if you are here – Oh, you have been going to Church but you have not really Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ; before we Pray, the first thing that you must do is to come and Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ.

You must be willing that from now on, whatever Jesus Christ says, that is what you will do – You will obey Him in all things.

So, if you are here or reading this now on the Label of DMC, and you want to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ so that everything in your Life can Change.

Because the Bible says that if any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature; Old Things has Passed away, behold all things has become New (DMC NOTES: 2 Corinthians 5:17).

If you want everything in your Life to become New, come and Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ now.

I am going to count from one (1) to seven (7) – Before I say seven (7), Please come and Stand before the Altar here and I will Pray with you and Jesus will save your Soul.

God Bless You.

So keep coming as I count!

Now, those of you who are already infront – Cry to Jesus Christ tonight.

Thank Him for bringing you here, Thank Him for sending Somebody all the way from Africa to come and talk to you.

And then ask Him to come and be Merciful unto you; ask Him to save your Soul, ask Him to become your Lord and Saviour. And Promise Him that from now on, you will follow Him all the way.

Go ahead and talk to Him in your own Language.

And then, the rest of us, let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them:

Pray that the One who saved your Soul will save their own Souls also.

Pray that God will have Mercy on them and forgive them all their sins.

Pray that each and everyone of them will become True and Genuine Christians.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You for these People who has come forward now.

Because You Promised that whosoever will come unto You, You will no wise cast out.

They have come to You Lord, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away their sins.

Save their Souls Oh Lord, write their names in the Book of Life, receive them into the Family of God.

And from now on, anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire and don’t let them ever backside but let them serve You till the end.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


First of all, I want you to talk to the Almighty God:

Ask for something “Very Big” – Something Only Gid can do.

Go ahead – Ask Him now; believing that He will do it for you.

And tell Him that you want it done very, very quickly – That before the end of this Month, you want to be able to Testify.

Let the Almighty God Prove Himself in your Life as the One who can do All Things.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!


Now, we are going to do something:

I want you to take your Smart Phone and switch the Torchlight there On.

You see, when Bartimeaus got to Jesus Christ and He said what do you want? He said that all I want is give me Light.

If you give me Light – My sorrow will be over, my Stagnation will be over, my Poverty will be over, my Night will be over and my Morning will begin.

  1. You are going to lift your Light as an Act of Faith and you are going to cry out to Jesus Christ and say:

Jesus, send Your Light into my Life.

Please go ahead and Pray that Prayer.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!

  1. Then you are going to Pray another Prayer – And you are going to shout louder.

You are going to say: Don’t let my Light ever go out.

Go ahead and Pray!

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!

  1. And then, you are going to Pray.

You see, it took only a few People to Change the whole world.

We are more than enough here to Change the whole of South America if we let our Light Shine.

You will cry to Jesus:

Let my Light Shine forever.

Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we Pray – Amen!

Now, I’m going to Pray for you but you still have one more Prayer to Pray!

Keep your Light still up:


My Father and my God, I Thank You very much for tonight.

I Thank You for what you have already done, I Thank You for the Testimonies that will come – Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

Concerning these Your Children, let Your Light Shine:

Let Your Light Shine into their families.

Let Your Light Shine into their Businesses.

Let Your Light Shine into their Towns.

Let Your Light Shine in Brazil

And let this Light continue to Shine.

Don’t let their Light ever go out.

And that Hard Thing they have asked for, give it to them tonight so that very soon, the world will hear their Testimonies.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Pray – Amen.

Now, wave that Light and let the devil knows that you have gotten the Light!

Glory be to God!

Now, the Last Prayer that you are going to Pray – You are going to Pray it angrily.

You are going to say:

In the Name of Jesus, satan I Command you; stay away from me!

Go ahead and Pray!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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