Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

If you are sure that whether the devil likes it or not, you are going to see the New Year, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


Almighty God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords; the Unchangeable – We Worship You!

Thank You so much for bringing us to Agbarha-Otor Kingdom; and Thank You for the Marvellous Things that You are about to do.

Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

It is written that He sent His Word and His Word heals them (DMC NOTES: Psalms 107:20).

As Your Word will be going forth today; Perform Miracles in all the lives of Your Children.

At the end of it all, let everyone of us sing a Song of Victory.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Shout another Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

God Bless You – You may Please be seated if you have a seat.

And if you don’t have a seat then no Problem – Because Blessings come from Above, it is going to reach those who are Standing fitst before reaching those who are sitting down.

I have brought Good News to you – And the Good News is based on: Luke 2: 9-10.

  1. And the Angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you Good Tidings of Great Joy, which shall be to all People.
  2. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

When Jesus Christ was born, the Angels came to the People and he told them – “Fear Not”.

I want you to tell your Neighbour – “Fear Not, all is going to be well”.

I have Good News for you – From now on, it is going to be well with you (Amen).


  1. The One who was born – Whose Name is Jesus, is like no other Person!

From the moment He was born, whenever He wanted to Celebrate His Birthday, the whole world Celebrates with Him.

There is no any other Man like that!

But the Particular Thing is that: He is a Great Physician.

And so, if you are here or reading now on the Label of DMC and you are Sick, before you leave this Place today, you are going to be Healed – Amen!

  1. The Good News is this: The One who was born, His Name is the Truth.

He says that my Name is the Way, the Truth and the Life (DMC NOTES: John 14:6).

And the Bible says that: You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free (DMC NOTES: John 8:32).

The Bible says that: Whosoever the Son shall Set Free, shall be Free indeed (DMC NOTES: John 8:36).

So I can decree that: If there is anybody here who has been under Bondage or if there are Evil Forces that has been working against you – Whether they are from your mother’s side or father’s side or from your husband’s side or wife’s side or in your Place of work; Today all those Forces of Darkness will loose (Amen).

Everything that has bound your hands such that whatever you touched has not been Prospering; whatever has bound your feet that is hindering your Progression – From Today onwards, they are gone (Amen).

  1. The Good News is: The One who was born is the One referred to as the Fruitful Vine.

Meaning what?

There is Good News for those of you that are considered Barren – Because of the One who was born, I can decree to you all those who are considered Barren: Whether you are here or you have Relatives who are considered Barren; inclusive even all those reading now on the Label of DMC; in the Name of the One called JESUS, within one Year, you will carry your babies (Amen).

  1. The Good News is: The One who was born is the One who said: Silver is mine, Gold is mine and the Cattle upon a thousand Hills they are mine.

And God said in His Words that: My God shall Supply all your Needs according to His Riches in Glory by Christ Jesus (DMC NOTES: Philippians 4:19).

So, I can boldly Prophesy to Someone – Very soon, Poverty will be a Stranger to you (Amen).

I decree that: Those of you who came here by Taxi; very soon you will be riding your own car – Amen!

I decree that those of you who are Tenants now, very soon you will be Landlords – Amen!

  1. The Good News is this: The One who was born is the One who is called “The Great Promoter”.

He is the One who said that: If I be lifted up, I will draw all Men unto Myself (DMC NOTES: John 12:32)

… He is always drawing People Upwards!

There are some of us who had been on the same spot for Years – We are working hard but no Promotion:

In the Name that is above every other names, your Promotion will come in the New Year – Amen!

  1. The Good News is this: That if there is anyone considered Hopeless; because of the One who has been born, things are about to Change!

Because Colossians 1:27 tells us Straighaway that: “Christ in you, the Hope of Glory”.

Now, Glory means: “No Shame”.

In the Name of the One who has sent me: For all of you who are here Today and those reading now on the Label of DMC; for the rest of your Life, there shall be no more Shame – Amen!

  1. The Good News is this: The One who was born is not just an Ordinary Person; the Angels said that “I brought you Good News of Great Joy”.

The One who was born is the One who said: Ask until your Joy be full (DMC NOTES: John 16:24).

Therefore I decree to you: In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, you will never know Sorrow again – Amen!

Now, I can go on and on and tell you what do we meant by Good News:

I. Good News means that: “It will be well with you”.

Ii. Good News means that: “Your Tomorrow will be alright”.

III. Good News means that: “You will never fail again”.

IV. Good News means that: “Those who say that you will never become anything, they will be ashamed”.

V. Good News means that: “Those who are your Enemies will become your friends. And if they refuse to become your friend, they will become your Servants”.

But then, there is one Big Point – It is one thing to bring Good News to you, it is another thing for you to receive the Good News!

☆ Somebody can bring Good News to you and you say: Go away, who asked you for Help?

☆ God can bring Good News to your doorstep and you say: I don’t want.

God has gone to a long extent to bring about this Gathering at a time Someone like me should be resting and at a time Somebody who is already over 82 Years Old should be at home.

God knows that there is Somebody here in this Kingdom – Agbarha-Otor Kingdom; who needs Good News and He has sent me all the way to you.

But you can say: Who ask you to come? Who told you that I need Good News?

You can refuse!

He said in His Words that even if I come to your door and I knocked at the door; unless you open the door I will not come in (DMC NOTES: Revelation 3:20).

The Good News has been brought to you – It is up to you to receive the Good News!

Jesus Christ wants to give you Glory but you must allow Him to come into you!

☆ So, unless you are Willing to Surrender to Him and become one of His Children.

☆ Unless you are Willimg to say: Lord, just take over my Life as I will do Your Will from now on and will have Nothing more to do with the devil.

Unless you are Willing, He can’t force the Good News on you!

But you all need to know that a Day like this doesn’t come everytime!

I will like to come back to Agbarha-Otor Kingdom but there are so many other Towns waiting.

But you have today – You have the opportunity to receive the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ!


So, I’m begging you:

☆ If you have not really Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ

☆ if you really, really want Him to take over your Life

Then, you have to come forward today to Surrender your Life to Him.

I will be willing to Pray for your Salvation but you have to come first.

And if you come and you cry to Him for Salvation – Oh, He will save your Soul and everything will become New!

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, I’m going to count from one (1) to four (4) – Come and Surrender your Life to Jesus.

And you must mean it that you are Surrendering it to Him – That from now on, you will do His Will!

I am counting now!

Now, those of you who are already infront and those of you on the way; cry to Jesus now and say:

Please save my Soul now, forgive all my sins, take over my Life and I will do your Will for the rest of my Life.

Go ahead and cry to Him!

And the rest of us, Stretch your hands towards these People and intercede for them:

Pray that the One who saved your own Soul will save the Souls of these People also and give them Genuine Salvation.

Go ahead and Pray for them for one (1) Minute.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You for those who has come forward to Surrender their lives to You.

Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

They have come now, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, let Your Blood wash away their sins, save their Souls, write their names in the Book of Life, receive them into the Family of God.

From now on, let them do Your Will.

And from now on, whenever they cry unto You; answer them by Fire.

And don’t let them backslide Lord.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Now, those of you who believed that Today is your Day, will you Please Stand Up and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

I will Pray for you first and then you will Pray for yourself.


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You – Thank You for this very Special Day.

On behalf of all Your Children here and those reading now on the Label of DMC; accept my Thanks in Jesus Name.

I commit all those who are here today and those reading now on the Label of DMC into Your Hands:

Let it be well with them, answer all their Prayers and Solve all their Problems.

Very soon, they will be asking you for a Christmas Present, whatever they ask for; Father Please give it to them:

If they ask for Healing, heal them.

If they ask for Deliverance, set them Free.

If they ask for Breakthrough, give it to them.

If they ask for the Fruit of the Womb, answer them.

My Father and my God, in Your Name – I decree concerning all those who are here or reading now on the Label of DMC in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ:

It shall be well with you.

You will never fail again.

You will never weep again.

Your Promotion shall be rapid.

You will enter the New Year with Joy.

You will spend the New Year with Joy.

Whatever you touch will Prosper.

Wherever you go, you will find Open Doors.

The God who sent me to you will grant your Requests.

It shall be well with you.

And you will serve God till the End.

So shall it be.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Now, I have asked my Father in Heaven that whatever you ask Him today; He should give it to you.

So, I want you to ask God for a Christmas Present!

Ask Him for a Big Miracle that you want Him to deliver to you before Christmas Day.

I can guarantee you that before the Sun Sets Today, your Request(s) will become a Testimony.

So, you are going to close your eyes – Forget everybody else and just for 5 Minutes ask God for your own Special Christmas Present.

Go ahead and ask Him – He will grant your Request(s)!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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