We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Jesus).
Thank You Father!
The Lord asked me to tell Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:
He said that this Year (2025), you will know the Full Meaning of “Open Doors” – Amen.
Thank You Father.
The Lord says there is Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:
He said, you will never lose another Battle – Amen.
Oh! Thank You Father.
The Lord says there is Someone listening to me right now, or reading now on the Label of DMC:
He said, “Your worse Enemies would come and Surrender” – Amen!
Thank You Jesus.
The Lord asked me to tell Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:
He said, “Knock again, and the Door will be Opened” – Amen.
Ancient of Days, I Bless Your Name.
King of kings and LORD of lords. The God of Year 2024, the God of Year 2025.
Thank You for all You did in the Past and Thank You for what You are about to do Today.
Please, accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.
In the lives of every one of us Today, including those reading now on the Label of DMC: Manifest Your Glory!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
Even if we go home now, I believe your case is Settled.
So, shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People and say: Glory be to God!
And then you can be seated.
God Bless You – Amen!
I give God the Glory for seeing you again this Year (2025).
And I am believing God that if the Lord tarries, I will see you again Next Year (2026) – Amen.
Why don’t you Prophesy to the fellow next to you and say: I am going to see you Next Year (2026).
I don’t know how God arranged it that Port Harcourt should host the first (1st) Holy Ghost Rally each year – There must be something Special about you.
If He has put you first (1st), then you will never be the Last – Amen.
Jeremiah 32:27:
Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?
When a Teacher asks a Question, it is not that he doesn’t know the answer. It is because He wants to find out if the Student knows the answer.
The Almighty God is asking a Question this Morning: “Is there any thing too hard for me?” You are not answering. No!
- Is your Problem too difficult for God to solve?
- Are you fighting a battle that God cannot give you Victory over?
- Is the Report of the Doctors more than the Ancient of Days?
*When we talk about Divine Manifestation, there are two (2) words there – “Divine” and “Manifestation”.
The Noun is the ‘Manifestation” and the Adjective is the ‘Divine.’
Very briefly: What do we mean by Manifestation?
In the Language that Market Women would understand, Manifestation simply means, “The Prove of my Identity, through my Action”.
The Prove that you are who you are.
For Example, I used to be a Boxer – You may not believe it, because I don’t look it now.
Whenever there is going to be a Boxing Competition, each one would be boasting – “I’ll knock you out in the first (1st) round.”
And then when the day of the Competition comes, the Referee addresses the People, and the bell rings. Then it would be time to Prove that everything you have been saying is correct.
You cannot determine how Strong your Opponent is, just by looking at them.
But when the first (1st) blow comes, and you start to see stars – That is Manifestation.
In the University, at one time or the other, Professors are called upon to give Inaugural Lectures – “Come and demonstrate it. Give us a Lecture that would show us that you know the stuff.”
The Bible says, when a Foolish man keeps his mouth shut, he is considered to be Wise.
Until they do something to illustrate otherwise, we can’t really tell the difference.
There are some People here this Morning, including those reading now on the Label of DMC; believing that something Great is going to happen.
When I ask those People to shout Hallelujah, you will know them better by the way they’ll shout.
If you ask the African Elders, they would tell you that when a Visitor stays with you, within nine (9) days you would discovered if he or she is a Thief.
But it takes you Seventeen (17) days for you to discovered if the fellow is a Witch or a Wizard.
Because everybody Pretends, or act up before they manifest.
That is why, when you attend a Deliverance Service and a Real Man of God lay hands on you; suddenly a well dressed Sister starts wrinkling like a snake.
What you see is not exactly what is inside.
Now, the Adjective – Divine: means that which is of God.
When we talk about Divine Manifestation, it means God is showing us who He is -by His Actions.
That is why Somebody hearing us today, including those reading now on the Label of DMC: You are going to have a Divine Encounter with God – Amen!
It is not just about what you have been hearing about Him; who He is can only Manifest through His Actions.
… Who is God?
Let Him Introduce Himself, and we will know Him better:
- The First (1st) time He Introduced Himself was in Genesis 17:1, He said: “I Am Jehovah El-shaddai – The God who is More than Sufficient.”
- The Second (2nd) time He Introduced Himself was in Exodus 3:13-14. He said, “I AM THAT I AM.”
Put in another way, He is saying, “I Am the God who does not Change.”
Hebrews 14:8 says, Jesus Christ the same Yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
… Who is God?
- In Jeremiah 32:27 He says, “I Am the God of All Flesh.”
He makes all Impossible situations Possible.
Thank You Father!
The Lord says there is Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:
He said, the Doctors have concluded: “You can never have a Baby.”
But He says, “By this time Next Year (2026) you will be Testifying with Twins.” – Amen.
… Who is God?
- Psalms 24:7-10 calls Him the King of Glory; the LORD of hosts.
In the next few Minutes – Because we are not here today for talk, we are here for a Divine Manifestation.
As People would say, “talk is sweet – We want to see Action.”
If you have any Challenge Physical, what should you do?
Call on the God of All Flesh.
Whatever Part of your body, whatever Sickness, whatever Impossibilities concerning your Health, He is the God of All Flesh; including yours.
And He is the One who says He can do All Things.
In 2 Kings 5:1-14, when He moved into Action concerning Naaman, every bit of his flesh that had been destroyed by Leprosy was fully Restored.
In John 9:1-8; it is the Story of a Man born blind, with not eyes at all.
He Proved Himself to be God the Creator – He Manifested Himself; and also demonstrated how He created Man.
So there is a God who can Repair or Recreate: and He is here this Morning.
Years ago, we had a Program in Lagos.
A young Man was born with only one Testicle. While looking for Solution for the boy, he was taken to an Herbalist. And the only testicle was damaged in the Process. And yet somehow, he got married.
But he was in a Program like this, and the Word of God came, “There is Someone here, you have no testicle at all: today, I am giving you two (2) brand New ones.” He jumped for Joy!
Because he knew, “Nobody knows my Secret.” God Manifested in his Life.
To cut a long Story Short; the next time he was in my Office, his wife was already six (6) Months Pregnant. Out of excitement he said, “Daddy can I show you the testicles?” I said, there’ll be no need, I can see the Evidence.
DMC NOTES: The Testicles, also known as Testes, are two small, oval-shaped organs that Produce Sperm and Hormone.The Testicles are covered by a sac of skin called the Scrotum. The Scrotum hangs below the Penis, between the legs. The Testicles make Sperm. They also make Testosterone, which is a Male Sex Hormone.
As the Lord lives, those of you with Physical Challenges, the Lord will Manifest with His Healing Power, and you will see the Evidence – Amen!
If you are having some Financial Needs, the One to call upon is Jehovah El-shaddai – The God who says: Gold is Mine, Silver is Mine (Haggai 2:8). Psalms 24:1 says, the Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.
There is a God who owns all the Oil Wells – He chose to just allocate some to those claiming they own it right now.
Do not mind them because with one sweep of His Hand, they can lose everything.
All the Riches of the wicked is laid up for the Righteous (DMC NOTES: Proverbs 13:22).
If my Father owns it all, and I have a Financial Need, I’ll call on the All-sufficient God” – Jehovah El-Shaddai show Yourself; demonstrate who You are and who You say You are.”
Years ago, a woman who needed help desperately visited us at the Redemption City crying.
We Prayed a Simple Prayer and asked to go and that God will show up for her.
She said, “I can’t.” Why? No Transportation fare.
I said, we have already called on the One who Controls Riches. So, we gave her Money for Transportation and she left.
Three (3) Months later, she came back to donate a cow for the Annual Convention.
She had nothing the Last Time she came; but she returned with Evidence.
In the Name that’s above every other name, by the time you come back Next Year (2026), you will return with Evidence – Amen.
Listen to me carefully; you’ve heard me say it again and again that a Man came to us and said, “How much does it cost to hold the Annual Convention? Don’t announce it, I will Sponsor this Year’s Convention.”
I have a rough idea that one of you listening to me now, or reading now on the Label of DMC, will Sponsor the Annual Convention – Amen!
If you are the one, let me hear you say: It is me!
Are you facing Wars infront, behind, right, left; from your family, from your husband’s (wife’s) family? Your colleagues won’t let you rest, many of whom you don’t even know.
Who should you call on? You are to call on God who is the LORD of Hosts.
Because you will never lose any battle in Life when you call on Him.
Psalms 68;1-3 says, Let God arise and His Enemies would do what? Scatter!
Maybe you didn’t hear me: His Enemies would scatter.
In Judges 15:14-15, when they brought Samson bound; when the Relations of Samson brought him and God arose fr him, only one thousand (1,000) People died.
Do you know why? They were too stupid to run. The rest fled!
I decree in the Name that’s above every other name, by the time you get home, all those Standing between you and the Goodness of God will flee – Amen.
I have a Testimony on that. I remembered the Testimony of a Young Man who had Good Assessment at his Place of work for being a very Excellent Boy.
Then one day he was given a Sack Letter.
“What have I done? I have not even received a Single Query Letter before.”
He came to the Holy Ghost Service, and the Almighty God spoke that there is someone here: “Don’t weep, because the one Standing between you and your Progress is going to die.”
The following week the father died.
Any Parent who does not want you to make Progress in Life will be buried soon – Amen.
The second (2nd) day after his father died, he was given a Promotion Letter.
His father said, the rate at which this boy is going, he will be Greater then I.
You’ve also heard the Story of a Sister.
She attended one of our Programs at Ebute-Meta (DMC NOTES: This is The RCCG National Headquarters Parish).
The Lord spoke and said, There’s a Lady here, your mother is the one not allowing you to marry. If she refuses to release you, within seven (7) days she’ll be buried.
The following day, one woman came with her daughter to my Office – “Are you Pastor Adeboye? Yes ma. You are the one who told my daughter I am going to die in seven (7) days?”
I didn’t mention your daughter’s name?
The Lord said “There is a girl here, if the mother does not let her marry, the mother would die.
“Is it true that I’m going to die?” I said, I’m not talking about you Mama. But the woman who would not allow her daughter get married would be buried this week.
She told the daughter to excuse us.
She said, it’s not that I don’t want her to marry, it’s just that she is my only child – The very reason she should Pray for all to be well with her daughter.
“If she is married, there’ll be no one to take care of me.”
I said Mama, that won’t be a Problem – I’ll tell the husband to-be to take care of you.
She said, “you will do that for me?” Yes ma!
Six (6) Month’s time, the daughter was happily married.
I have Good News for Somebody listening to me now, or reading now on the Label of DMC: Any mother or father that wants you to remain Single, before the end of this Month (January 2025); we will bury her or him – Amen.
I want you to know in Life, that as you Journey through any Year at all, there could be an Unexpected Storm.
If there is a Storm, if there is an incident and suddenly the reality of Life rises against you and you don’t know what to do;:
- Call on the One who says He is I AM THAT I AM.
- Call on the One concerning whom the Bible says in Psalms 46:1 God is our Refuge and Strength, a Very Present Help in Trouble.
- Call on the One who can Still any Storm anywhere.
- Call on the One who, whatever He has done before, He can do it again.
If you have ever received a Miracle from God, you can receive another one – Amen!
And I’m believing God for Someone right now, that God will Still all the Storms in your Life – Amen.
Thank You Father.
The Lord asked me to tell Someone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:
He says, before the end of this Month (January 2025); you would receive Good News – Amen.
If He has ever done anything before – That’s the purpose of Sharing Testimonies.
If you have heard the Testimony of what God did for Somebody in times of trouble; and then trouble comes your way. Call on Him!
- He is the I AM THAT I AM.
- He is the Ever Present Help in the Time of Trouble.
- He is the Prince of Peace; He is the One who can say to any Storm, “Peace, be Still.”
I’ve told you the Story before – And with this one I’m Closing.
Because I’m sure by now you are ready to Pray.
I told you that I was traveling to Britain by British Airways.
I was in Economy Class – A Young Man, and hungry.
And in the Economy Class, they don’t give enough food – They just give you something small and ask you to begin to ask for as many cups of Coke as you want.
It was time to eat, when the Captain announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the Weather Boys have told us that by the time we get to Heathrow (DMC NOTES: This is the name of the London Airport); there will be a Storm. But don’t worry, we will manage to Land.”
The man by my side froze! He couldn’t eat.
I ate my food, and then I looked in his direction. All the time he was Pitying me – “Poor boy, he does not understand English.”
When I finished my food, I looked at him and I said, “Sir, you are not eating?”
He said, “You speak English?” I said, Yes Sir. “You heard what the Captain said?” I said, Yes Sir.
Then I asked him again, you are not eating? He said, No. “Can I help you?” (Laughter).
So I took his tray, I gave him my own. I finished his food and I went to sleep.
When we got to Heathrow – Just as they were about to begin to serve us Breakfast; the Captain came on again and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry the Weather Boys deceived us. The Storm that they said would be in London is in Scotland.”
I looked at my friend, he looked at me, and then both of us began to laugh – I was laughing because he can’t get his food back and he was laughing because, at least he was going to Land Safely.
What gave me confidence? Because I’ve been in a Storm before, and God has Stilled the Storm.
If He has done it before, He can do it again.
I say: He can do it again – Amen!
- Has He Healed before?
- Has He given Financial Breakthrough to Somebody before?
- Has the made the Barren Fruitful before?
- Has He Promoted before?
I laughed at the Testimony of that fellow who said, God if they don’t Promote me, I won’t go to work.
Who would lose?
There is Somebody here today, inclusive those reading now on the label of DMC: Any Storm that may want to come your way is diverted right now – Amen.
God spoke to me that day: “Son, the Weather Boys didn’t make a mistake. But because of you, I diverted the Storm.”
Every Plan of the devil concerning you this Year (2025) is Cancelled, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Let me Close with this:
Psalms 91:1 says, He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.
You have the Names of God – Two (2) of the Big Names of God there, put together;
- The Mosh High: The One who sits in Heaven and uses the Earth as His footstool.
The One who is in Control of everything on Earth, all the way to Heaven.
- The Almighty: He is the One who is called the Almighty. The One who has the Power to do absolutely anything.
He says, if you want that God to take care of your situations, you must dwell with Him:
The one who dwells with the Most High is the one who would Abide under the Shadow of the Almighty.
David said, Surely, Goodness and Mercy will follow me (for how long?) All the days of my Life. Why? Because I will Dwell in the House of the Lord.
God can Manifest Himself in any form whatsoever for you;
- Provided you are one of His Children.
- Provided you have fully Surrendered to Him.
- Provided you are Dwelling with Him.
- Provided you are not just a mere Church Goer; but that you are a Member of His Family.
That’s why I call on you: If you are here today, or reading this Message now on the Label of DMC, and you have not fully Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ:
… And I’m not talking about going to Church.
I’m talking that your Relationship with Jesus Christ is such that, whatever He says, that’s what you will do – Whether it is Pleasant or not.
You are here today, including those reading now on the Label of DMC, and you want the Word of the Lord to be your Order and you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, come now.
Come and stand before the Altar and let me Pray for you, so that God would save your Soul and then you can call on God to Manifest His Glory in your Life.
Because many of you are very far away, I’m going to count from one (1) to fifteen (15) – But you must be Standing before the Altar before I say fifteen (15).
Come now, as I begin to count…
Let Him come and Manifest to you that He is the Saviour.
Those of you who are ready to Genuinely Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, let’s cry to God.
Say: Lord Jesus, have Mercy on me, and save my Soul.
I want to be one of Your Children; I want to Abide with You; and I want to live the rest of my Life in You.
Please, Lord save my Soul, make me one of Your Children today, Oh LORD, have Mercy on me, and forgive all my sins.
Let Your Blood wash me Clean and let me become a True Child of the Living God.
Thank You Father. Thank You Lord.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Word.
And I want to Thank You for these Wonderful People who have come to Genuinely Surrender their lives to You Today.
Father, Please receive them, forgive all their sins and let Your Blood wash them Clean.
Write their names in the Book of Life.
From Today onward, whenever they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.
And let them serve You till the very End.
Thank You Almighty God.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Okay, those of you who have just Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, let me hear you Shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
I want to rejoice with you, because by the Grace of God, from now on I’ll be Praying for you.
So I’m going to need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
And I Promise you, that I’ll be Praying for you.
But I want you to stay where you are now because I want to Pray for everybody.
And after I’ve Prayed for everybody, then you will be free to call on God to Manifest Himself in whatever area where you need His help: Physically, Materially, Maritally, Careerwise, Emotionally. In any area that you need the Manifestation of His Power and Glory.
Now, I can see quite a few People who are already Marching up around the door – If you leave now, I Pity you, because the Real Moment that we are waiting for is still a few Minutes away.
If you have come all the way from home to hear His Word; and now you are already on the way. Why Labour in vain?
Those of you who believe that Today, God is going to Manifest His Glory in your Life, Stand on your feet (if you can) and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You because one of Your Names is “YES”.
Another one is “AMEN”.
I’m Praying today that to every Request of Your Children, You would say “YES”.
To Every one of their Request, You would say “AMEN”.
You are the God who is More Than Sufficient;
Whatever Your Children may ask for today, do more for them than they ask for.
Don’t let anybody here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, forget this Hour.
Show them that You are the All Sufficient God.
Show them that You are the God of all Flesh.
Show them that You are the LORD of Hosts.
Show them that You are the Great Promoter.
They will be Calling on You Individually; because Individually they have their own Requests.
Oh! My Father and my God, before the Sun Sets today, let everybody here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: have a Testimony.
Thank You Almighty God.
Glory be to Your Holy Name!
In Your Name, I Bless these Your Children:
Everyone of you, You are Blessed!
In the Morning, You are Blessed.
In the Afternoon, You are Blessed.
In the Evening, You are Blessed.
In the Night time, You are Blessed!
And Father, I hereby decree:
That the Dress that these Your Children are wearing now, be Saturated with Your Blessings!
That if they wear this Dress to attend any Interview, they will receive Special Divine Favour – Amen.
And I Pray that together, we will Serve You till the End.
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Let me hear Somebody shout a really Big Halleluyah – Hallelujah!
Before you ask God to Manifest Himself; remember, when God has been Good to you, it is your duty to say Thank You!
So make sure you don’t leave this Ground without giving God a Thanksgiving Offering.
He’s not begging for Money but He’s watching everything we do.
He will Prove to you that He is the All Sufficient God – Amen.
Now, lift your Voice to the Almighty God and tell Him in what Area you want Him to Manifest Himself:
I. Is it in your Body? Tell Him, God of all Flesh, take over my body.
II. Is it in your Family? He is called, “Our Father who art in Heaven.”
III. Is it in your Finances? He is the Owner of everything.
Go ahead, call on Him and say:
- LORD of Hosts, Manifest Your Glory.
- The LORD that Healeth, Manifest Your Healing Power.
- The I AM THAT I AM, whatever You’ve done for anybody before, do it for me.
Go ahead, call on Him; ask Him to Manifest His Glory in your Life.
Go ahead and call on Him!
Discovery Media Crew (DMC) reporting Live from Adokiye Ameisimaka Stadium Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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