It is not every wife that the husband can slap.

It is not every wife that the husband can say: You are packing out of this house because the man knows if you pack, the curtain is going and the rug is likely to go.

So, when the man raises his hand and remember that, he will say we are not supposed to fight.

You are alive, your husband is sleeping with somebody. If you die, he will marry the girl – So, stay alive.

Don’t ever go to the girl and talk – You will bring yourself to her level.

If you think sleeping with another woman’s husband is good, then let us leave it.

The Lord will Judge.

The Lord will defend you – Don’t you ever go to her.

Please, as a woman, don’t be a liability because if you kill yourself, they will say we didn’t even know Elisha is more anointed.

Human being didn’t take time before they forget.

How can you as a woman carry the same hair for three (3) Months? – No washing, Nothing.

Choose to be happy.

There will be situation that will want to make you feel bad – Make up your mind that you will be happy.

Play games and watch Africa Magic – It is not only Prayer.

I Pray and Fast but that is not the only thing.

Laugh, pump blood into your brain so that you won’t labour in vain.

On your Children’s Wedding Day, nobody should represent you – Amen!

You see when we are made, a woman is Relational.

A man defines itself not by relationship but by his Job because when he was created; it was while at his Job that he (Adam) met her (Eve) in the Garden of Eden.

When a woman was created, it was relationship she met.

A woman was created to take care of everybody and you can forget yourself because you were created to meet Needs.

… A man was created because he was Wanted. A woman was created because she was Needed.

When we talk about Submission, Please hear me – The way we interpreted Submission is from the African Demonic Perspective not from the Bible.

What is Submission?

It is the “Strength put under Control” – That is Submission.

You shouldn’t be dormant, that is Subjugation.

Some will say, I have submitted to my husband and you are very Poor. The man will just sleep with you anyhow and will say: “Come here, why did you drive the car that way?”

You are not Submitting, you are Obeying.

There is a difference between the two (2):

Submission is: You are important; you are anointed; you have some things in your life and you can still Honour your husband.

There is no Human Being on Earth that I will give Honour that I have not given to my husband.

So, when you kneel and submit before the man, he knows that this is Heavy Weight Champion submitting to me.

They say there is one man in my Church – This man is Poor but very humble.

What else will a Poor man be?

When you are raising the kids, do something about your life.

My husband turns sixty (60) Years and I celebrated him for a whole week.

I imported a lot for him.

At a point, he said you won’t kill me.

If I didn’t have it I would not have been able to do it.

You can’t do a “Surprise Party” for your husband because he will know it is from the same account.

I have Joint Account with my husband but I have my own.

… May God give you your own – Amen.

I have come today to make you angry and to tell you to wake up and do something great with your life.

Some of you here, books are inside of you.

Some of you songs that will feed you is inside you.

Some of you just one idea, some of you catering.

Some of you, a small book that simplify Parenting.

Wake Up; the Lord Cometh!

Wake Up and do something!

God has been waiting on you. The Angels that will help you are lined up.

And hear this: For God to Change His Program, He will Change the mind so that you won’t hear tomorrow that somebody has started that thing you want to do.

… Do it now – Whatever your hands find to do, do it – There is time for everything.

Please, as woman be Neat – Don’t look sixty seven (67) at thirty seven (37).

Even if you always tie scarf, tie it to Church but not everywhere.

Once in a while, let fresh air comes into your hair.

See your husband – That is why the man can think because his brain is ventilated.

If you are in your house, madam get fresh air into your hair – Scarf won’t take you to Heaven!

Some of you are saying my Marriage is having a Problem. It is the devil – The devil will say I don’t know your address.

You must dress to Please your husband.

You must wear Night Wear.

… It is not that your husband us making love to you and cockroach is coming from under the bed because of used Papers and dirt.

Your bedroom should be free and neat.

Your kitchen should be neat.

Your bathroom should be neat.

At your age, you need to Push it up a little – Comb your hair and look Good.


Funke Felix Adejumo is a Nigerian Pastor, Teacher, Author, Marriage Counsellor and Humanitarian.

She is the President of Funke Felix Adejumo Foundation – A Foundation dedicated to making worldwide Impact.

With a great Passion for womanhood and Divine Purpose of ‘Honoring God and Blessing Humanity’. Funke organizes several impactful women Programs.

She is the Convener of Mothers’ Summit, Winning Edge Conference, Women in Leadership Conference, and many more.

Undoubtedly, Funke is one of the women who is so Passionate about the female gender and is gladly fulfilling her Purpose on Earth.

She is happily married to Felix ‘Remi Adejumo. They met in 1982 at Ibadan, and took their Marriage oath in 1984.

Bishop Felix ‘Remi Adejumo is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Agape Christian Ministries Inc.

The union is blessed with four (4) Biological children, grandchildren and adopted children.


Yours Always

© DMC 2020.

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