DMC NOTES: We awesomely welcome you all to our 4th in the Series (Part 4) of our “Eye Opening” discussions on How to Build Confidence which incidentally is the last Part.
Should in case you missed out of any of the three (3) Previous Parts; kindly find them as stated below:
We welcome you once again to Part 4:
I have come to discovered that there is Power in words.
There is “Creative Power” in words – And if you are Religious you would have believed that God created our world!
There is Power in words – Words have shaped our world; words have caused or created Peace.
So, words “Well Spoken” with Confidence have tremendous Impacts – Give expressions to your Confidence by speaking confidently.
- Speak like you know what you are saying.
- Speak like you are in Charge.
There is Power that backs words like that!
So, you Pay a close attention to People that are really successful and you find out that they speak with Confidence.
They Master their Subjects – That is important because we have encouraged you earlier in the Series (Part 2) to function in the Area of your Genius.
So, when you speak with Confidence whichever way it is, you know something that somebody else doesn’t know yet.
If you don’t have Confidence in what you are saying, they will only “Mirror” Confidence in what you have that you are saying.
So, you have got to express Confidence when you speak.
There is Power in “Faith-Filled Words”.
Let me give you an example – Permit me to use myself as an example.
Many years ago after I graduated and I couldn’t get a job yet, I think I read something from a book.
I just have this “Paradigm Shift” about myself and I began to talk to People that I can never be Poor again for the rest of my life.
And I said it with Confidence because the way I saw myself had shifted.
I began to tell People I’m not a “Local Champion” – I’m a “World Champion” and I meant it because I have now discovered my Genius.
I was discovering myself.
For the first (1st) time; I read about Temperament and different kinds of Temperament and I discovered that the Strength in an Introvert – It was amazing!
It was “Eye Opener” for me.
And up till that time, I got guys that were friendly – They were the best guys around.
I just love to read and stay all by myself thinking.
I now discovered that the Power in that Thinking; I discovered the Creativity in that Thinking – It boosted my “Self Esteem”.
And then I found out I was getting “Visions and Ideas” and I wasn’t satisfied with my environment.
… I wanted something more, something bigger.
So, I began to say because that was what I saw in my Imagination – It is amazing!
Several years later when I began to have moved on quite a bit, then I had one of my friends commented and said: Oh, those things that Sam was saying; they are beginning to come to Pass – So, they are Real!
When I heard I said: Oh, you know what? – It was what I said yesterday you are seeing today.
I’m already saying “New Things” that you are going to see tomorrow.
Because I have discovered that the Power in words; the reason why sometimes we “Sized Step Greatness” or we “Sized Step Opportunity” for Breakthroughs because we despised the tangible resources in our words and words are “Intangible Resources”.
Speak with Confidence
Now, there is no Point speaking with Confidence when on your inside; you are thinking “Completely Differently”.
What you are saying must align with what you are thinking!
… It is then that you can get “Powerful Results”.
You should say what you believe – That is where the Power is!
So, speak with Confidence; Answer questions with Confidence – When you ask; ask or demand with what you want with Confidence.
There is Power in expressing Confidence through your Speech!
So, express Confidence from the inside; express it in your words.
And the amazing thing is that: When you speak; the Person you hear loudest is “Yourself”.
You hear “Yourself” before “Other People” hears you.
The Faith in the words that you speak will build your Confidence!
There is a way we can dress or appear and with Confidence. And there are ways we can appear and not with Confidence.
So, you need to be deliberate to be sure that you put on things that can boost your Confidence and that can help “Other People” to have Confidence in you.
You don’t need to be Ostentatious (Meaning Pretentious). You don’t need to be “Extravagantly Loud” to get Other People’s attention.
Actually you overdo it and you make People suspicious to you.
There is a reason why Lawyers put on “Dark Colour” most of the time; there is a reason why Bankers most of the time don’t put on dark or lousy colour – Because they want to have the Confidence of their clients.
So, you need to dress well!
To dress well, the Path to take of course is the best use of the resources that you have Per time but just make sure that you are not “Running Down” your “Self Esteem” with your appearance.
The other important dimension is your Posture.
It is Good for us to have a “Good Physical Posture”; It is Good for us to feel Healthy.
There are ways you stand and it doesn’t help your “Self Esteem”.
So, I tell People: “Sit with Confidence” – Sit like you are on Top of the Game; Sit like you are in Charge.
Our Actions impact our Thinking and our Thinking also impact on our Feelings.
It is an expression of “Inner Confidence” but at the same time it helps to boost that Confidence!*
I must emphasize this: If you try to do on the Outside what is not there on the Inside, it is fake and ultimately People are going to find out.
It is not going to be Real.
Always start from believing and then you act on the basis of what you believed – That makes it Authentic!
DMC EDITORIAL NOTES: We warmly appreciate our dearly beloved Readers in keeping Faith with us all through the four (4) Weeks of intently reviewing How to Build Confidence together with us!
Without any iota of doubt; it has been a “Great Journey” together and I am sure that we have learnt something Valuable of course as you Journey with us all through the Series.
In our Usual Style; Watch Out for the EBook on How to Build Confidence By Reverend Sam ADEYEMI from the Stable of DMC soonest!
This is where we wish to draw the Curtain on our Coverage – So Long Friends!
Reverend Sam ADEYEMI is the Senior Pastor, Daystar Christian Centre.
He is also the President of Success Power International, an NGO that among others things specializes in Organizing Financial, Leadership and Motivational Seminars and is President of Daystar Leadership Academy, a leadership School for Business Owners and Ministers of the Gospel.
Yours Always,
© DMC 2020.
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