BIBLE TEXT: MARK 10: 46-52
Thank You Father!
1. Let us lift our hands to the Most High God and begin to bless His Holy Name.
Give Him Glory and Honour that He has kept you until the very last moments. Give Him Glory and Honour for all the Blessings you get this week.
Worship Him for what He did on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Yesterday and Magnify His Holy Name for what He is about to do Now.
He is always reserving the best for the last so He is about to do the best now. Worship Him, Adore Him, Give Him Glory, Give Him Honour, Give Him Adoration, bless the Almighty God. Give Him Glory.
Thank You Lord. We bless You. Thank You Father in Jesus Mighty Name we worship – Amen.
2. Well lift your voice to the Lord God Almighty and say Father give me the best tonight.
Open your mouth and call Him tonight: I know you always reserve the best for the last Father; give me the best tonight.
Thank You Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name. Thank You Lord, in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
Alpha and Omega, we give You all the Glory. The beginning and the Ending we give You all the Adoration.
Thank You for starting so well with us. Thank You for Continuing so well with us. Thank You for the last Night of the Congress. Thank You for Your Goodness, thank You for Your Mercy. Please accept our worship in Jesus Name.
Now tonight Father, give us Your Best – The very Best You can ever release to anyone; please release to us now.
Thank You Almighty God, in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
… Now, let somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Now shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell him or her: Am going to get the Best from the Lord now.
And then you may please be seated.
God Bless You!
As at 6.00pm this evening, the numbers of babies born during this Congress has risen to forty seven (47).
Eleven (11) children were born today – six (6) boys and five (5) girls.
So the boys led all the way. So we now have a total of twenty eight (28) boys and nineteen (19) girls.
Well this time around, we will allow the girls to shout: “Praise the Lord” and let the boys shout: “Hallelujah”.
We give all the Glory for the Almighty God for great things He has done – He is a very, very Faithful God and He deserves all our Praises.
Let me hear somebody shout another Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
In the Bible Text that we have been looking at: Mark 10: 46-52; we will just read the last verse (Verse 52) and then discuss it for two (2) minutes and then begin to round up.
… After Jesus has asked Bartimaeus what do you want me to do for you? And the blind man has said unto Him that I might receive my sight and darkness leave me alone.
- And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy Faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus in the Way.
Then the last part of the story says that he followed Jesus in the Way.
He received a Miracle and did not as a result of that run away from Jesus.
It said that he followed Jesus in the Way – Very Wise Man.
Very Wise Man because he realised that it is one thing to get a Great Turnaround, it is another thing to retain it.
So, he chose that rather than grab the Miracle and run away. He will stay close to the One who gave him the Turnaround.
Tonight, we want to talk very briefly on: Anointing For Permanent Turnaround
The Anointing that the Almighty God is going to release to you tonight is so that your Turnaround will be Permanent – Amen.
We need Anointing for Permanent Turnaround like in 1 Samuel 16: 11-13.
When they brought David in from the field and he was anointed; suddenly the Shepherd boy became a King.
Whether, you believes it or not; since last night you are not the same Person you used to be.
When somebody is consecrated a King; when you looked at him on the surface, he doesn’t seems to have changed. But he has – His words now carry Power.
Since yesterday night, you have to be careful what you say because there is Power in your words now.
Whatever you decreed will be established – Amen.
There is Anointing for Personal Turnaround.
And then you need Anointing for Family Turnaround.
It is good for you to have a Turnaround, it is better for your family to have a Turnaround because if you are the only successful Person in your family; the rest of them will not let us rest.
I decree tonight in the Name that is above every other names; every member of your family will have a Turnaround – Amen.

You need Anointing for a City Turnaround – To turn around your City, Town, Village, you need Anointing.
For example: In 2 Kings 2: 19-22; when Elisha came to Jericho, fresh from the Anointing he received from Elijah.
Jericho People came to him and said: Help us and he turned around the situation for Jericho.
Am Praying for all of you who are here or reading: Am Praying Specially for the Traditional Rulers – Before the New Year, there will be a Turnaround in your various Towns and Villages – Amen.
And we need Anointing for National Turnaround.
When you read 1 Samuel 17: 1-51 – It took the Anointing on David to give Israel a Turnaround.
The Anointing on the Young Boy destroyed the terrorist that has Ben terrorising a Nation for forty (40) Days.
Am believing God for Nigeria, am believing God for all the Nations represented here – That because of your own Turnaround, there will be Turnaround for your Nation – Amen.
And then of course, we need Anointing for a Turnaround for Churches.
The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 15: 3-6; that by the time the Lord Jesus Christ was leaving; he left behind about five hundred (500) Brethren.
But when the Holy Spirit came and Peter Preached just one (1) Sermon. Just after one (1) Sermon, the Church grew from five hundred (500) to three thousand five hundred (3,500) members.
I am decreeing concerning every Churches represented here – As a result of this Turnaround there will be a massive Turnaround in all of your Churches – Amen.

But there is a bigger Need for Anointing – And that is to help you bring Turnaround to others.
When you read Isaiah 61: 1-6; it says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has Anointed me.
And then it begins to tell us what you will do with that Anointing – You will begin to Witness, you will begin to tell them Good News because in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ with this Turnaround, you won’t be able to keep your mouth shut – Amen.
It says that with that Anointing, you find it easy to Heal – You will begin to lay hands on the sick and they will recover – Amen.
It says with the Anointing, you find it easy to comfort all those in sorrow.
It said with this Anointing, you will even be able to anoint others.
With this Anointing, you will be able to encourage those who are depressed.
And then you will begin to Plant Churches – Amen.
… I thought somebody will say Amen to that – Amen.
When you are anointed, you bring Anointing to others. And the others will begin to Prosper and great things will begin to follow.
I thank the Almighty God for the Testimony of my brothers from Indonesia. They came here all the way from Indonesia (far from here my brother).
They came, they got a little bit of the Fire; they took the Fire home and things began to change.
They came back the second time for a second Touch.
They didn’t have time to share all their Testimonies with you.
By the time they returned after the second Touch; between there and here – They have raised at least four (4) People from the dead.
And there is something that they said I deliberately didn’t want to comment on it. But they said something.
And one of my children who is also a Judge said something.
When they came the second time, they decided to give a token.
My son who was the Judge said: The General Overseer doesn’t need anything.
Glory be to God – Yes I have all I need because God is my source.
But when you honour the Man of God with a Gift, what you sow you begin to reap.
They went home and Financial Breakthrough the kind they have never dreamt possible began to happen.
Am Prophesying to someone here tonight too that by the time you get home now, you will never be Poor again.
You get Anointing and that Anointing will cause you to begin to Anoint others and as you spread the Anointing there will be Turnaround for many.
But do you know the Greatest Turnaround?
It is the Rapture – when you leave this world and we go home.

Thank God for the Choir – Let us give the Choir a big round of applause.
They have done a fantastic job throughout this week.
You need to understand that these children spend hours Practicing, Preparing. And then they sang a Song tonight – There is a whole lot of People going home.
When the Saints begin to March on; I Pray you will be there – Amen.

Of what use is Miracles, Signs and Wonders in this world if you end up in Hell?
Jesus Christ said some People will come to Him on the Last Day and they will say: In Your Name, we raise the dead, we made the lame walk.
In Your Name, we did this in Your Name, we did that.
At the end, He will say I didn’t even know you.
The Greatest Need for Anointing is to Finish Well.

And if you are going to Finish Well, raise your hands to the Almighty God and say: By Your Special Grace Lord at the Greatest Turnaround of all; I will be there.
That is why somebody like Apostle Paul; who saw Jesus Christ; who had an Encounter – An Encounter so Powerful that he was blind for three (3) Days and three (3) Nights. He still needed to be Anointed so that he can Finish Well.
He said in Philippians 3:12-14. He said that I have not yet attained, am not yet there but am still Pressing on.
The Anointing to Press on, the Anointing to Finish Well may you receive it tonight in Jesus Name – Amen.
Before Anointing, the Bible says in Psalms 23: 5-6. It says: Thou Preparest a Table before me in the Presence of my enemies.
First of all eat at the “Table of The Lord”. It was after then that he now said He now anointed my head, my cup runneth over.
And he now went on to say: Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me – For how long?
… All the days of my Life and I will dwell (I won’t be a Visitor, I will be wise like Bartimaeus) – I will dwell, I will abide, I will stay close – To the One who is called: “THE ANOINTED”
… I will dwell in the House of the Lord Forever!
There is something God told me and am afraid to say it but throughout the night after we left here, the Spirit won’t let me rest. I will say it now so that it can let me rest.
He wants me to announced to all those who will stick with His Son Adeboye; that there is no way they will end small.
I know what He said but who am I? Who is Adeboye?
In the Hand of Jesus Christ, am just an empty Vessel. But what He has said is what He will do.
As far as am concerned, I will follow Jesus Christ all the Way – Amen.
Now, He is saying that as many as will remained attached to this little boy, there is no way you will end small – Amen.
The Table of The Lord is only for those who are members of the family. You are not a member of the family of God until you have given your Life to Jesus Christ.
Because He said to those who believed Him, to them that gave them Power to be called Sons of God.
If you have not been thoroughly, genuinely Born Again, don’t take the Holy Communion – It is a Meal meant for only True children of God.
So, am going to give this last opportunity. There is always a Possibility that there might be somebody, all these weeklong that the devil has blocked their ears but all of a sudden, the very last moment – Like the thief on the Cross, you can surrender to Jesus and He will save your Soul.
Or there could be somebody who is coming only for the first time today because today is Saturday and that is the only time he could come without getting Permission from the Boss at the Place of work. And you have come and you are yet to give your Life to Jesus Christ.
Am going to count from one (1) to ten (10). If you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, come forward. I will Pray for your Salvation and then you will be free to partake of the Table of the Lord.
… So, am counting now:
Thank you those of you who are still on the way keep coming.
Those of us already in front and those of you who are on the Way: Cry to the Lord now, ask Him to be Merciful, ask Him to forgive you all your sins.
And the rest of us, let us stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them. Pray that the One who save your Souls will save their Souls also. Let us intercede for them Brethren.
And those of you coming, hurry up and Pray as you are coming: Ask the Lord to forgive you, clean off your sin and He wash you clean with His Blood, that He will receive you into the family of God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Father, I just want to Thank You: Thank You once again for Your Words and Thank You for these People who are coming in even in the twenty forth (24th) Hour.
We bless Your Holy Name. Father, please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Father, please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash their sins. Write their names in the Book of Life. Let them become members of the family of God.
And please Lord, don’t let them ever backslide again. From now on, anytime they call on you answer them by Fire.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
… Praise the Lord!
Now, those of you who has come forward; I rejoice with you and those of you on the way – Keep coming. May the Prayers include you.
From now on by the Special Grace of God I will be Praying for you. So I will need your name, address and Prayer Request.
The Counsellors will give you some cards now. I want you to fill it very quickly and then give it back to them.
We will wait for you before we proceed.
God Bless You!
TAKING OF THE BREAD: Now, when you take the Bread tonight, you are going to Pray to the Almighty – Let the Turnaround from sickness to Health that He has done in your body be Permanent.
The Assistant General Overseers (AGO’s) will help me to serve on the Altar so that we can do it very quickly.
Because after the Holy Communion – That is when we go to the Anointing Service proper.
The Lord Jesus, the very Night in which He was betrayed took Bread and when He has given Thanks, He broke it and said: Take, Eat; this is My Body broken for you do this in remembrance of me.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – Amen.
… So, you take it and Pray that the Great Turnaround that has taken Place inside your body will be Permanent.
TAKING OF THE WINE: Can you please Stand.
Our Prayer when you drink the wine: That Fresh Fire from Heaven, Fresh Fire of the Holy Spirit; will come down upon us to empower us, to maintain this Great Turnaround that the Lord has given to us.

After the same manner; after they have sup – they took the Cup saying this Cup is the New Testament in my Blood. Please do it in remembrance of Me.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Thank You Father, Oh Lord. Glory be to God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
So shall it be in Jesus Name – Amen.
Please, let us be seated and remain in an Attitude of Worship and please pass the cups to the Aisles so that the Ushers could help us collect.
Now, we want to go straight to the Anointing Service.
I will be Anointing my wife and she will kindly help me anoint the Assistant General Overseers (AGO’s) and Retired Deputy General Overseer (DGO). And they will help me anoint all those who are on the Altar.
Now, if you look around you; you will see where some Pastors are – The closest one to you is where you will go for your Anointing.
Now as soon as you are Anointed, your cry to God – Your deepest cry to God is that the Almighty God will use to bring Turnaround to others.
If the Almighty God can use an eighty (80) old woman to raise the dead, He can do the same thing through you.
But He will use you to bring Turnaround to others and you will Finish well.
Pray the Prayers desperately and the Almighty God will grant your request.
- Shall we please stand:

Under this Fresh Anointing, I want you to decree: That every yokes in your own Life will remain Permanently destroyed; that every yokes in your family right now the source will be Permanently destroyed; that every yokes in your Place of Birth – Your Village, Town, City will be Permanently destroyed.
That at this very moment, the Almighty God will turn the Tides against the enemies of your Nation.
Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God.

Thank You Father, Thank You Saviour. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
- Please join your hands together because we want to Pray this Prayer and I want you to Pray it desperately.
Make sure that you hold someone – Including all Ushers, Cameramen.
And cry to the Almighty God and said: Father, whatever it is going to cost; let me see this your child in your Kingdom.

Go ahead. Pray for the one that you are holding – Join hands together.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen
My Father and my God, the Consuming Fire Himself. Tonight because of this Fresh Anointing; every yokes in the Life of all these Your children consumed in Jesus Name.
Every yoke in the family they represented consumed in Jesus Name.
Every yoke in their Places of Birth they are consumed in Jesus Name.
Every yoke in the Churches they represent they are consumed in Jesus Name.
Every enemies of our Churches – All over the world, let the Fire consume them in Jesus Name.
Every enemies of your Nations, let Your Fire consume them in Jesus Name.
Father all these Your children in one way or the other, whatever it is going to cost let me see them in Your Kingdom.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Let me hear another shout of a big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
God Bless You. Let us be seated for a few minutes.
- Now, let me make an Appeal to those of us who are Ushers and other Workers.
There are some Prayers that are more important than whatever assignment you are carrying out.
The Elders says that you cannot watch others while you allow the Eagle to take your own Destinies away.
When I say join your hands together to Pray, it doesn’t matter – Camera or no Camera, you want to make it to Heaven that is the first thing.
The Bible says that you are to like your neighbours like yourself.
That means you love yourself first.
As much as I love you, if I have to choose between you and Heaven I will chose Heaven first in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!
- Tomorrow (Sunday 15th of December, 2019); by the Grace of God; my family and I will be having a Special Thanksgiving Service here.
Those of you who are still around and may want to join us, you are welcome.
Now, we want to say Thank You to the Almighty God for what He has done during this Marvelous Congress – From Monday till today.
So, let us get our Thanksgiving Offering ready and we sing, we dance, we rejoice, we go to the nearest basket to drop your offering and then I will pronounce the Final Blessing and you will be on your way.
Father, once again we say Thank You.
Oh, what a wonderful God you are. Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus, Thank You Holy Ghost – Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Father, Your children has brought You a Thanksgiving Offering, please Lord receive it, bless it, sanctify it, use it for Your Glory.
And Lord I decree that these Your children will always have something to thank You about.
Even as they go now, my Father and my God let them become Agents of a Mighty Turnaround.
And in the Last Day in Your Kingdom don’t let anyone of us be missing.
Thank You my Father and my God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Now, you go in this Mighty Anointing and begin to Perform Miracles for God in Jesus Name – Amen.
Let me hear somebody shout a really, really big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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