Let us pray!
I know His Name
I know His Name
I know His Name.
Father Almighty God, we bless Your Holy Name. Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, we worship You.
We give You all Glory, we give You Honour for everything You have done for us in the past. And we are Thanking You for thus FAR You have helped us!
Almighty God, please, accept our worship in Jesus’ Name.
Father, we are Praying that again today, as Your Word would be going forth, the POWER in Your Word will reach out to Your children all over the world and bring healings and deliverances to each and everyone of them!
We Pray, Lord God Almighty, that as a result of today’s Service, there will be tremendous Testimonies coming forth, to the Glory of Your Holy Name.
In Jesus’ Marvelous Name we have Prayed – AMEN!
Praise ye the Lord –
Today, we want to continue with our Studies on the “WONDERS OF GOD.”
And we would be beginning what you could call a Series within a SERIES as we begin to talk about “THE WONDERS OF DIVINE CONTACT.”
When we talk about THE WONDERS OF DIVINE CONTACT, there is no way we could finish that discussion in one (1) Sermon.
So we are going to break it into Series: So it will be like a Series within a Series.
The Main Series of course, is the ‘THE WONDERS OF GOD.”
You can also listen to the audio: Wonders of Divine Contact (Part 1) – Pastor E.A Adeboye
Our Text would be Isaiah 41:10-13:
10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
11 Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.
12 Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought.
13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.
Without any doubt, we all know that our God is THE ALMIGHTY.
According to Psalms 91:1. It says: “He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY.”
Jeremiah 32:27 says: “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me to do?”
… He is not not only ALMIGHTY;
Genesis 17:1 and Psalm 24:1. He says: “The earth is Mine and the fulness thereof.”
- He is also UNLIMITED BY AGE.
… In other words; He doesn’t grow OLD.
In fact His Name, according to Daniel 7:9, is the ANCIENT OF DAYS.
In other words, He’s been around since the ANCIENT DAYS. And yet, in Exodus 3:15 He still says “I AM that I AM.”
… Unlimited by Aged
I mean, we can go on and talk about How God is Unlimited in Wisdom, Unlimited in knowledge, et cetera.
But on the other hand; MAN IS WEAK.
I. As a matter of fact, the Bible makes it clear that: “Man is an ORDINARY DUST.”
In Genesis 3:18, God said to man: You are an Ordinary dust, to dust you would return.
II. As a matter of fact if you read Isaiah 41:14; God compared man to an ORDINARY WORM.
But, whenever there is AN ENCOUNTER between God – Who is the ALMIGHTY, the ALL KNOWING; and Man – who is an ORDINARY WORM.
… A Wonder OCCURS! Any ENCOUNTER between God and man.
For example, Matthew 8:1-3 tells us the story of a man who was a Leper. Who came to Jesus Christ, and said: I know You can make me clean, if You are willing.
He touched him! Just one (1) Touch and the Leper became ABSOLUTELY Clean. COMPLETELY Clean!
I mean, a Single Encounter between God and man can Produce WONDERS!
So, you can imagine what would happen when there is: A DOUBLE ENCOUNTER BETWEEN GOD AND MAN.
And you would find a Good example in John 5:2-14:
A DOUBLE ENCOUNTER between God and man can Produce, not just Healing for somebody who had been sick for Thirty eight (38) years; but an Information was passed on to him, that would make sure he won’t be sick again.
He had been sick for Thirty eight (38) years; he had an Encounter with God, and immediately he became WHOLE.
Then he went from there to the Temple and began to Praise God.
And Jesus appeared to him A second time, and told him:
“Go and sin NO MORE – so you won’t have to be ever sick again.”
SECOND ENCOUNTER made sure that this man never RETURNED to the Pool of Bethesda.
He was LIFTED out of the class of the sick; never to RETURN.
If a man has THREE (3) Encounters with God, the Final Result would be an AMAZEMENT.
I will take just one (1) Example, like SAMSON;
The first (1st) time he had an Encounter with God in Judges 14:5-6, a lion ROARED at him.
The Spirit of the Lord came MIGHTILY upon Samson and he TORE a Lion into two (2) – as if it were a very small goat.
The next time, you read in Judges 15:14-15; he was TIGHTLY bound and brought to the enemies – the enemies began to rejoice.
He had another Encounter with God, and within minutes, a thousand of the enemies laid DEAD and the others FLED.
Then when you now get to Judges 16:22-30; even after his hair was shaven, and the enemies had CAPTURED him, plucked out his eyes, put him in chains:
The Bible said: “his hair began to grow AGAIN.”
And one (1) day when the enemies were rejoicing – ALL of them! The high and mighty among the enemies gathered together;
He cried to God and said ONE (1) MORE CHANCE LORD. Just one more ENCOUNTER. And God answered!
And the Bible said, at this THIRD (3RD) ENCOUNTER, the people he killed were far, far more than he killed in his death than he killed in his life time.
… It will be VERY DIFFICULT to describe.
PERMANENT ENCOUNTER with God will produce something VERY DIFFICULT to describe.
Isaiah 40:31(for example); it tells us about what happens to those who Wait on God; those who get HOOKED UP to God.
It says, no matter how they run, they won’t get tired. No matter how they walk, they won’t get faint. It says they will even be FLYING mountains with wings as an Eagle.
So today, as we begin a Series within a SERIES; we want to talk about –
Today we will be talking about what happens when you have a SINGLE ENCOUNTER WITH GOD.
… Just ONE (1).
My Prayer is that; if you have NEVER had a Contact with God before; Before the Service is over today or you are done reading this Message on Label of DMC; you will HAVE IT.
Just one (1) Encounter with God, and your Destiny can be ACTIVATED.
Oh, what do we mean by this? Well, Every person is born for a PURPOSE.
Jeremiah 1:4-5 tells us that before you were born, God knew you. While you were still in your mother’s womb, He has already settled your case.
It’s true for EVERYONE! Everyone is born for a Purpose! We call that Purpose – YOUR DESTINY.
Revelation 4:11 says God created you for His PLEASURE; you are not just here; there is something God wants you to do that will make Him HAPPY.
Now, some achieve this Purpose – the Purpose for which God created them. One way or the other, they would achieve it.
With God BEHIND the scene, orchestrating EVERYTHING. God will keep on working, intervening, maneuvering until that fellow finally ACHIEVES his Destiny.
For example JOSEPH. in Genesis 50:15-20; a day came, when ALL the brothers of Joseph came, fell before him and said: Sir, we are your servants. Jut do with us as you like!
Joseph said: No, No, No! Please, get up! You have helped me to achieve my Purpose. Oh, you meant it for evil, but God turned it round for good.
But for you I won’t even be here! The Purpose for which God sent me to this life is to preserve lives of many people.
On the way to Joseph’s achieving that Purpose; SEVERAL PEOPLE PLAYED THEIR PARTS.
The BROTHERS played their part (as you know very well).
You can read the story in Genesis 37:18-28. It was because they wanted to KILL his DREAM, that they finally decided: we better sell him to Egypt.
By selling him to slavery (in Egypt), they were rejoicing! They thought they had made a lot of Profit in getting rid of this Dreamer.
But God was sitting down in heaven, smiling; “you are just pushing this Boy to his DESTINY.”
Then, in Genesis 29:7-20; The Wife of Potiphar PLAYED her own part.
Through her, Joseph got to Prison. And it was in prison that Joseph met the man who was going to CONNECT HIM to the Throne.
… And you know the rest of the Story!
In Genesis 40:1 to the end; Joseph met two (2) people (coming from the King’s House). And the two (2) of them had DREAMS.
He interpreted the dreams to them: one interpretation is that one is going to loose his head. The other interpretation is that one would go back to his former Assignment.
And finally, in Genesis 41:1-44, through the dreams of Pharaoh, finally, Joseph got to the THRONE.
Now, there are some of you who have been wondering what’s going on?
Certain things have been happening in your life. You have been meeting some people in some strange ways; some of them were friendly, but some of them were not so friendly;
But they are ALL working together so that God may bring you to your PURPOSE.
As a matter of fact, I have a felling DEEP within me, that somebody, God has been moving you from one place to another; one Contact to another, till TODAY.
So that today, by the time you hear this Sermon, suddenly, that Contact with God would come that will IGNITE that Destiny that had been lying dormant in you.
… And suddenly, you will begin to fulfil the Purpose of God for your life.
You see, because some people NEVER fulfil their PURPOSE – For one reason or the other, they WON’T!
A very good example is found in 2 Kings 5:20-27. It tells us the story of a young man called GEHAZI.
That young man would have ended up probably, the most POWERFUL Prophet of the Old Testament.
He was a Servant to a Man of God who had a DOUBLE Portion of the Anointing of ELIJAH.
This Boy was set to become someone who could have a Double Portion of the Spirit of ELISHA.
You can imagine, how MIGHTY that Boy would have become. But he ended up a LEPER.
OH, I pray for everyone of you listening to me (reading now on the Label of DMC); the purpose of God for your life will be fulfilled – Amen!
Well, let me just take maybe one or two Examples to just illustrate:
… And then I release you to go and cry to God for that DIVINE ENCOUNTER.
- Let’s take MOSES
LONG before Moses was born, there was a Prophecy. Genesis 15:13-16.
God spoke to Abraham, long, Long before Mose was born. God said: Abraham, your children would go into a Foreign Land;
And in that Foreign Land, they are going to serve people for YEARS. And these people would torment them. And then after Four Hundred (400) years, I will bring them out!
… That was before Moses was born.
When the time drew NEAR – for that Prophecy to be fulfilled; Moses was BORN. And the devil knew that a Deliverer is coming – that would take the children of Israel out of bondage;
So, he PREPARED death – to wait for MOSES.
… You know the rest of the story!
So, King Pharaoh decided, the way this people are multiplying, we better deal with them.
And then he told the Midwives: Any time the Hebrews are about to deliver, if it’s a Girl, don’t bother about that.
… That Girl cannot lead anybody out of my Dominion.
But if it is a Boy, make sure you kill that child, even before the mother would know she had put to bed.
The Egyptian Midwives FEARED GOD; and they refused to obey the King.
When the King asked them, they said: Before we can even attend to this Hebrew Ladies – they are very FAST. The Baby would have come!
So he said alright! If we can’t kill them while they are giving birth; EVERY BOY that is born, KILL – after they have been born!
And then, MOSES was born – a Child of DESTINY.
And one way or the other – you know the story (I won’t waste your time); GOD PRESERVED HIM.
Do you know the reason why you are listening to me today (reading now on the Label of DMC) is because God PRESERVED YOU?
Do you know how many times you have slept and the enemy had made up his mind that you won’t wake up?
Do you know that every morning when you wake up, and you say Glory be to God! There are some demons that are very, very unhappy?
But then you know – later on, something happened; in Exodus 2:11-21.
… Read it today, and read it with understanding.
The Bible said, Moses went out to see his brethren. And he saw an Egyptian beating up an Israeli.
The Bible said, he looked right and left; saw that nobody was watching, and KILLED the Egyptian.
That should tell you: Ha Ha! You could at least have separated them. Or if anything at all, if you wanted to defend your relation; then maybe you could have dealt a blow or two – to the Egyptian!
No, No, No! There’s something within him that ROSE UP. And instead of just defending the other fellow, he committed Murder.
And then of course, he had to RUN. He RAN and for Forty (40) years, he was a Fugitive.
Only God knows how many years you have been a Fugitive!
Only God knows how many years some of us have been home last!
… Running from Forces who are determined to destroy us!
But then, Exodus 3:1-15 came! AFTER Forty (40) years, the time God HAD IN MIND came; and Moses had an ENCOUNTER WITH GOD. Just one (1) ENCOUNTER!
There was a Bush Burning, and the Bush was not consumed. And from that day onward; the life of Moses was never the same AGAIN.
I’m believing God for someone: from today onward, your life WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN – Amen!
… Now let me take, maybe another example;
- Take JOSHUA.
… You will find his case very, very interesting!
The children of Israel were coming out of Egypt; they were on their way to the Promised Land.
And then we came to Exodus 17:8-14; and there was the need to FIGHT the Amalekites. The Bible said the Amalekites attacked them!
Now you need to understand; the Children of Israel had been Brick Makers all these years. They did not know how to FIGHT.
They’ve never fought a War before! The King won’t even allow them to learn anything like Warfare – so that they won’t overthrow him!
But suddenly, Moses went to the Mountain Top; but before going, he selected JOSHUA – to go and Lead the Army of these people who were;
… Are we going to call them Recruits?
What MOTIVATED the Choice of JOSHUA?
I don’t know! But then you’ll see, as we continue, you will discover in Exodus 32:15-28;
The Bible tells us that whereas God had told Moses – anytime you are coming to meet Me on the Mountain; COME ALONE!
… And you can read that one in Exodus 24:2.
But when Moses was going to the Mountain Top, he took Joshua ALONG.
… What’s going on, Moses?
And then, because Joshua was a Child of DESTINY; a day came when he had his own PERSONAL ENCOUNTER with God.
HOW? Numbers 27:18-23; the Almighty God said to Moses: “Lay your hands on JOSHUA.”
When the hands of Moses landed on the head of JOSHUA that day: it was not an ordinary hand that landed on his head.
Because by the time you get to Deuteronomy 34:9; the Bible tells us that Joshua was FILLED with the Spirit of Wisdom.
… Because Moses had LAID HIS HANDS on him!
God works in MYSTERIOUS WAYS – His Wonders to perform!
Things happen in a way that you yourself would not understand UNTIL the final moment when the Contact COMES.
Before I give you the LAST example; let me just use myself, tell you a little bit about how this thing could really happen.
Some of you probably heard me say before. But not likely to be many of you;
SEVERAL YEARS AGO, I was Teaching in a Grammar School. And became I love Sports, I was the Game’s Master (in the school).
As the Game’s Master, we went to play another Secondary School – in a Town FAR AWAY. And then I met the Game’s Master of the other Team.
And as is usual with us (in those days) we began to Boast; “Oh, we will beat your people so badly, you will need a Basket to carry home the Goals.”
“Ah, we will so finish you here, you won’t even know your way home.” Et cetera.
We played the Games; I can’t even remember who won or who lost – it was immaterial to God!
… And we came back home, and I forgot about it!
Months later, I landed at the University of Lagos to do my Master’s Degree. Lo and behold, just two rooms from me – was the Game’s Master!
Ah! You are here? Oh yes! What are you doing here? Well, this and that. And of course, we now became close.
And then one thing led to another -THROUGH my Association with him; and FINALLY led to my giving my life to JESUS CHRIST.
Because (maybe I need to tell you this) when he was there; he was in the University of Lagos to to do PhD in Geography.
And then (you’ll find this interesting) one day, he wanted to collect SAND at Ebute Meta – because he was doing PhD on “The Coastline of Lagos.”
So I followed him to Ebute Meta to go and collect SAND from Ebute Meta Shore. And then I saw this Signboard;
I looked at the Church, I looked at the signboard. I said to my friend: “Look at how a BIG name can KILL a small DOG.”
… And we laughed!
Four (4) years later, when somebody talked to me about a small Church where Miracles are happening;
… Because I needed a Miracle urgently.
I said, what’s the name of the Church? And he told me. I said – I know that name, I know that Church.
I got to the Church, gave my life to Jesus Christ and I’m speaking to you TODAY as the General Overseer of the SAME BIG NAME CHURCH.
… The one that I said “a BIG NAME can kill a SMALL DOG.”
I met somebody, as a Game’s Master – Far, FAR in the West. We met again in Lagos, I followed him to Ebute Meta;
Not knowing that: one way or the other, I was walking into my DESTINY.
You don’t know how many people God has ORCHESTRATED to bring you THUS FAR!
But I have a feeling; THIS DAY is going to mark a TURNING POINT in your life!
Let me give my Last Example, and then allow you to Pray!
- And that would be ELISHA.
Do you know that ELIJAH had a servant BEFORE?
In 1 Kings 18:41-45; the Bible tells us, when Elijah told Ahab “go and eat, I have heard the sound of abundance of rain.”
It was his SERVANT that he was sending “go and check, can you see a cloud?”
… When he was sitting with his head between his thigh.
He heard the sound of abundance of rain, but he didn’t even have enough Faith to look to the sky himself – because there had been no rain for more than three (3) years!
But then, by the time we got to 1 Kings 19:1-3. He DROPPED the servant!
Do you know how many people have been DROPPED because of your Destiny?
Do you know people God HAD MOVED out of the way so that you can be on the way to your own Destiny?
Because it is in 1 Kings 19:15-16 that God now said: “I have chosen for you, a New SERVANT.”
And then, in 1 Kings 19:19-21; ELISHA had his first (1st) ENCOUNTER WITH GOD.
Listen to me my Beloved; no matter how FAR you try to run away from your Destiny, the Almighty God can FIND YOU OUT.
Moses was VERY FAR from Egypt, God located him at the BACKSIDE of the desert.
And no matter how FAST you are running – because there are some of you even as I am speaking;
Something deep within you had been telling you: you are a Child of DESTINY. “This is what I want you to do for Me; this is why I sent you to the world.”
But something within you is saying: leave me alone! I am doing well enough! After all I go to Church on Sundays. What else do You want?
No matter how FAST you are trying to run away from your Destiny, He has a way of KNOCKING you down from your horse to make sure His purpose is fulfilled.
You don’t believe me? Ask Saul of Tarsus! Acts 9:1-22.
I believe very firmly, that today is your day. I believe that before the sun rises tomorrow: my GOD would have visited you.
But there are some of you that He would even visit straight a way! Because He has been calling to you to Surrender your life to Him – and you have been saying, ‘leave me alone, I’m enjoying my fellowship with sinners.’
But since I started speaking (and you started reading from the Label of DMC); something has been beating in your heart, telling you ‘you can’t run any more!’ Surrender your life to Jesus NOW.
If you are one (1) of such, just bow your head where you are, and let’s pray together;
I will call on the Almighty God to have Mercy on you, to Save your soul, and give you that New beginning that will lead you to the Fulfilment of your Destiny.
… Shall we please, pray?
Just bow your head, talk to God and say: Lord, I am not running from You anymore, I run to You NOW. Save my soul please, forgive all my sins. And just let Your PERFECT WILL, be done in my life! Do with me whatever You WANT,
… And I will pray with you just in a moment. And He will grant your requests.
Thank You Almighty God! Thank You for Your word; in Jesus’ Marvellous Name we have prayed – AMEN!
My Father and my God I want to Thank You for Your word.
And I want to Thank You for the people who have just heard these words and they know beyond all doubts that You have been calling on them and they have been resisting;
… But they say “NO MORE RESISTANCE, LORD.”
Please, Receive them, Save their souls, let Your Blood wash away ALL their sins. And Lord God Almighty, just as Your word says;
“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away, behold all things are become new”.
Let EVERYTHING become NEW for them! Receive them into the Family of God, give them a Brand New beginning oh Lord.
And Lord God Almighty I pray that in their lives, You will begin to do something NEW.
Thank You Father!
Now, my Father and my God, I’m committing ALL OF US who are already Your children into Your hands.
And many of us, we know that we are PREGNANT with Destiny; somehow we know deep within us, that You made us for something far, far greater than we have been able to achieved.
You have used ALL manners of people and situations to bring us to where we are NOW.
I am crying to You my Father and my God, this VERY DAY; give us that ENCOUNTER with You – that will ACTIVATE our Destiny.
So that very, very SOON, the world will know – Ah! At long LAST; this fellow has found his or her PURPOSE. And Your Name will be Glorified as a result.
Thank You my Father; in Jesus’ Mighty Name we have prayed – Amen and Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, those of you who have just surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, PLEASE, get in contact with me as soon as possible.
… So that I can continue to PRAY FOR YOU!
And those of you who are already children of the Living God, Please, cry to Him and tell Him:
Please, VISIT ME today Oh Lord! Let me have that ENCOUNTER with You – so that my DESTINY can BECOME ACTIVATED.
… And He will ANSWER your PRAYERS, in Jesus’ Mighty Name – AMEN!
Praise ye the Lord – HALLELUJAH!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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