Let Us Pray!
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehovah the Man of War
Your Mercy endureth forever and ever
Oh, Praise His Holy Name
… Repeat!
Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – We worship You.
We Thank You Lord God Almighty for everything that You have done for us since the beginning of the Year.
We Thank You for Your Mercies from January all the way to December.
We Thank You because it is of Your Mercy that we are not consumed; that this Mercy has been renewed everyday.
Father; Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Almighty God, we are committing into Your Hands all Your children Particularly those who are born in the Month of December; Please Lord let it be well with them; give them a New Beginning.
And Lord God Almighty; draw them closer and closer to You. Let them remains Pillars in the House of God.
And Lord: That You who has kept us thus far; You will keep us all the way through the rest of the Year.
And by Your Special Grace; we will enter the New Year Flying.
Father, we are also Praying for Your children who has been Faithful in the Payment of their Tithes and the Giving of their Offerings – Even before the New Year; embarrass them with Your Blessings. Everything they need, give to them abundantly.
Whatever is it that Your children will want; Lord God Almighty – Something Good, something Glorious, something Powerful; before the end of the Year give to us all.
All Your Promises concerning us Lord God Almighty that are Great ones; Lord even before this Year runs out; give them to us in Jesus Name.
Thank You Father.
For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen
Praise ye the Lord – Hallelujah!
We thank the Almighty God that we are kept alive to the very Last Month of the Year – Hallelujah!
And I am sure that by the First Sunday of the New Year (Year 2021); I will see many of you again in Jesus Name – Amen.
Whether the devil likes it or not; we are going to see the New Year (Year 2021) in Joy, in Peace and on Higher Grounds – Amen.
We will be looking at: 2 Chronicles 20: 20-23:
20 And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his Prophets, so shall ye Prosper.
21 And when he had consulted with the People, he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should Praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his Mercy endureth for ever.
22 And when they began to sing and to Praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten.
23 For the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir, utterly to slay and destroy them: and when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, every one helped to destroy another.
Today is a Great Day of Thanksgiving and I’m decreeing to everyone of you listening to me today or reading on the Label of DMC that your Victory will be Absolute – Amen!
That the Almighty God Himself will step in and give you Victory that is Complete so that by the time you are entering into the New Year (Year 2021); even as a Word of Prophesies that came during the RCCG Holy Ghost Service in Abuja (Nigeria); You will be one of those shouting: Ha; my Testimony is now Complete – Amen.
DMC EDITORIAL NOTES: You can access the Full Text of all the Prophesies from the RCCG Abuja Holy Ghost Service below:
- He said: be informed, that the LAST of those Pursuing you will be forgotten soon.
- There is someone who would be listening to us today or reading now on the Label of DMC; for quite a while you just find yourself afraid. And you don’t know specifically, what you are afraid of.
He asked me to tell you that the spirit of fear that has tormented you for long, is gone now.
- He says be ready: As soon as I open a New Door to you – JUMP IN!
I’m sure you know the implication of that: He’s about to open a New Door to someone!
- He said (and I would love to join this one) – He said there is someone listening to us today or reading now on the Label of DMC: you would NEVER again be referred to as a FAILURE – Amen!
- He said by Next Year (2021) you will Show Off the evidence that you have a NEW WOMB.
- He said (and I believe this is for me also) – He said there is someone listening to us today or reading now on the Label of DMC: you would soon shout ‘MY TESTIMONY IS COMPLETE’ – Amen!
- This one DEFINITELY is for me – but I’m sharing it so that someone could join in.
He said: I will lift you so high; you would be beyond the reach of any enemy – Amen!
- I also believed this is for me and some very Special People too.
He said: I will Pay a very SPECIAL VISIT to your family before the Year ends!
… And the last one; which I believed all of us should just key in to it.
- He said: My Hand is on your head, and My Anointing would flush out every impurities in your System – Amen!
Please get to read the Full Text of the RCCG Abuja Holy Ghost Service on this Link:
You can read the whole Story in 2 Chronicles 20: 1 to end.
But since this is Thanksgiving Sunday; the sermon won’t be long – So, we can’t read the whole Chapter.
But what happens briefly was that: There was this Young King called Jehoshaphat – Who loved the Lord and he was minding his own business and living in Peace.
And all of a sudden; three (3) Kings – Each one of them bigger than himself just decided that let us go and destroy this little Kingdom and divide his Kingdom between us.
Also listen to the audio here: Victory At Last – Pastor E.A Adeboye
… Three (3) of them – Each of them bigger than Jehoshaphat.
And when Jehoshaphat heard that these People were coming to attack him; he ran to God for Help.
And the Almighty God rose for him and cause his enemies to destroy themselves.
If there is any enemy or enemies still left in your Life – In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ; by the time this Service is over or you finished reading this on the Label of DMC; they would have destroyed themselves – Amen.
Now; it is an acceptable mode of warfare that when you face an enemy that you cannot defeat on your own – You should call on an Ally!
For example in James 5:14; the Bible says that: Is any sick among us; let him call for the elders.
… You are sick, you have Prayed on your own; maybe at times you have even fasted but the sickness or disease refused to leave you alone; the Bible says there is nothing wrong in calling for an Ally – Call for the elders.
2 Kings 4: 1-7 – When the widow of one of the Sons of the Prophet discovered that she was about to loose everything; she ran to the Prophet.
Call in an Ally – Don’t let Pride stop you from your Breakthrough!
In Acts 9: 36-41; the Bible tells us that there was a woman called Dorcas – Very Good Woman, very Generous, very Hospitable; taking care of a lot of Widows and suddenly, she died.
The Widow must have Prayed, they must have wept, they must have done everything that they knew.
Then somebody said to them: Hey, there is a Great Apostle not too far from here – Peter. Let us sent for him.
They sent for Peter and the one who was dead came back to Life.
When you are fighting a battle that you cannot win on your own; Call for an Ally!
The Ally you must call for however must be an Ally with a Track Record of success in warfare – Someone who knows how to solve your Problems.
Whether it be Physical – In form of ailments or Material or even Spiritual.
And you can never get a Greater Ally than God Himself!
He has a Track Record of fighting and Winning battles on the Land – Numbers 16: 23-33.
When some People gang up against Moses and he called on his Ally – God told the ground to open and swallow all his enemies.
I’m Praying for you: Whatever is it in your body that should not be there; before this Sermon is over or you finished reading on the Label of DMC, the ground will open and swallow them all – Amen.
In Exodus 14: 1-28; when the children of Israel looked back and they saw the Army of Pharaoh – The Army that has kept their forefathers in bondage for more than four hundred (400) Years; they cried to God and God drowned them all.
God knows how to fight by Sea.
If there are evil forces working against you and they are called “Mammy Water” or “Marine Spirits” or whatever – If you cry to God today; He is going to cause them to drown.
… He has the Track Record!
In Joshua 10: 1-11; when there was a fight going on between Joshua and five (5) Kings. And God told Joshua: I’m your Ally, I will deal with them.
When they are trying to run away; God sent “Heavy Stones” from Heaven to drop on their heads and smithen many heads.
There is a God who can deal with all those evil forces that fly in the Air – Witches and Wizards that may be working against you.
If you call for the “Right Ally”; He knows how best to stop them all.
Remember the story of the woman who came to the Church at Ebute Metta (RCCG, National Headquarters Parish in Lagos, Nigeria) several years ago.
And after some time; we didn’t see her again – Only the husband was coming.
When we followed her up; and ask her: Why are you not coming to Church anymore?
She said: Since I started coming to your Church, I could no longer fly at night.
I decree to all of you listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC: Every evil forces flying at night to discuss your destruction, they won’t fly again – Amen.
The Bible says in Philippians 2: 9-12 that God has given Jesus Christ a Name that is above every other names that at the Name of Jesus – Everything should bow whether in Heaven or on Earth or underneath the Earth.
… Call for your Ally; He can handle battles in the Air, battles on Land, battles in the Sea.
A very Good example you will find if you read Joshua 9: 1-5 – Some Nations when they heard about the God of Joshua; they came to Joshua and say: Hey, we surrendered to you.
When in Joshua 10: 1-11; when five (5) Kings came against that Nation – Gibeon; they sent for Joshua: Come quickly, we have a battle at hand that we cannot win on our own.
Joshua came speedily. The result was: They won the battle.
Now, your Ally must not only have a Track Record of Victories; He must be Constant.
… Not one who is Victorious today and a failure tomorrow.
That is why in the Bible Text we read; Jehoshaphat told the People saying: We are Praising You because Your Mercy endureth forever – Your Mercy is Constant.
And the Ally I’m asking you to call upon today is the one who said in Malachi 3: 6 – I am the Lord, I change not.
Hebrews 13:8; the Bible says: Jesus Christ the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.
… Call on the Ally who is Constant!
The Ally who said in Revelations 1:8 – I am the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the Ending; the One who is, the One who was and the One who is to come – The Almighty!
… The Ally who is Constant!
Now, this Ally that you want to Call upon will demand a Prize!
That is the way it is done in war: You go to your Ally; you say: I’m fighting a battle I can’t win – Come and help me!
He will say: Fine, it is your war. What are you going to Pay me for coming to help you?
You don’t believe me; read 1 Samuel 17: 25-27.
David came to the battle front; he saw everybody running away from Goliath.
What did he say?
Hey, what will you give the one who supports you to win this battle? What are you going to give me?
They said to him: Ha, help us defeat this Goliath; take him away from us:
- You will get Plenty of money – He said fine!
- Your family will never Pay Taxes again – He said: Really? They said Yes.
- They said not only that: You see that beautiful daughter of the King is yours – He said: Goliath, you are dead, your head is gone.
You say: Where are you going daddy?
Oh simple: You want God to arise for you and be your Ally? You want Him to arise and scatter all your enemies? – He will ask you for a Prize!
What does He wants? – Praise!
In John 4: 23-24; the Bible made it clear: If you want to worship God; you must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth because He wants such to Worship Him and He will seek out a Worshipper.
… You want God to arise; Praise Him!
Up till this moment; when it is Thanksgiving Sunday and we ask you to come and Praise the Almighty God; some of you will Praise Him little because some of you say there is no need to Praise Him as He hasn’t done much for me.
We are not just talking about what He has done for you now; we are talking about the war that you are still fighting.
You want your Ally – The Greatest of them all to arise so that your enemies will be scattered – Praise Him!
That was what Jehoshaphat did – As they were Praising Him; the enemies destroyed themselves.
And so I’m encouraging you today: Like never before, Praise Him.
Oh, some of you say: But I’m not fighting any battles?
Ha, there might be some battles that you are fighting that you don’t even know about.
If you will come to the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2020 (Or follow Proceedings Online); and I’m sure you will come on Friday. By the time you get to I think by Wednesday, you will discovered that one of the Greatest Deliverance that God can give you is Deliverance from the enemies that is coming that you didn’t even know is coming.
Praise Him – You don’t know how close you are to danger!
Praise the Ally; so that He can arise for you and scatter all your enemies!
And so, those of you who Probably have not even given your lives to Jesus Christ; your own danger is so great because you don’t have any Ally to cry to.
But if you surrender your Life to Him today; then you can cry to Him and He will arise for you and scatter all your enemies.
So, you will bow your heads now.
If you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; cry unto Him: Ask Him to have Mercy on you; ask Him to save your Soul, tell Him you have enemies you can’t defeat on your own and you need Him as your Ally.
Tell Him you want to surrender to Him Completely so that He can fight the rest of your battle for you.
And I will Pray for you in a moment and He will save your Soul today.
Thank You Father!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God; I want to give You all Glory and Honour again for Your Words.
I know that you always heard me but I’m Thanking You because I know that You have heard me again.
I’m Thanking You on behalf of those who has decided to surrender their lives to you today – Father, Please receive them all, save their Souls, rescue them from forces of darkness, write their names in the Book of Life.
From now on; begin to fight their battles for them and let it be well with all of them.
And Lord God Almighty; even as your children will begin to Praise You today – Like never before; arise for them, fight their battles for them and give them “Complete Victory”.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, those of you who has given your Lives to Jesus Christ; Please contact me as soon as Possible so that I can begin to Pray for you.
And Please find a Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) close to you, talk to the Pastor – Tell him that you got Born Again listening to me Preach and you want them to guide you so that you can become Baptized by Water and you will then go on to begin to become Baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Now, the rest of us: Please, Please, Please; like never before, Praise God.
Because the Most Dangerous Part of the Year is when the Year is just about to end.
Praise Him now – You don’t know how many enemies are closing in.
Praise Him so Mightily today so that He will arise and scatter all those enemies for you.
And all will be well with you in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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