Alpha, Omega
You are Worthy of our Praises today (Alpha and Omega).



Father Almighty we just want to bless Your Holy Name. We want to give You all Glory and honour for what You have done for us in the Past.

Thank You that You are the beginning of the Congress, and we know that at the end of it all; in that Congress that is going to be held in Heaven, You will also be the Omega. So we worship You.

And we say: Father accept our worship in Jesus’ Name!

Tonight, as we Your children have gathered together just to Praise You at this very, very Special Holy Ghost Congress; we ask that You will just take all the Glory and just let Your Name be Mightily, Mightily Glorified.

And Please Lord, during this Congress, even as we Praise You, we are asking that You will give us WINGS TO FLY.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Now we want to bless the Name of the Almighty God for bringing us to another Congress – The RCCG Holy Ghost Congress 2020.

… And by extension; we warmly welcome you all to the robust comprehensive Coverage from the Stable Discovery Media Crew (DMC)

People will wonder: why is it that we have decided to dedicate a whole night to PRAISING GOD at the beginning of this Year’s Congress?

Well, the African elders have a saying that: “If a child is grateful for what was done for him yesterday then he will receive more today.”

The Almighty God has been Good to us in the Previous Congresses and we are trusting Him for something very, very GREAT, something very, very MIGHTY during this Congress.

And we are trusting that everyone of us would really have cause to Glorify His Name, by the time this Congress is over, in Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.

Now our Bible Text today is: John 12:32.

Jesus Christ was the one speaking here and He said:

“And I, if I be lifted Up from the Earth, will draw all men unto Me.”

You can also listen to the audio here: Categories of Praise – Pastor E.A Adeboye


  1. There is a kind of Praise you offer to God when you want to say – I THANK GOD MY PAST IS GONE.

Exodus 15:1-21 – Moses led the children of Israel in Praising God after they crossed the Red Sea; after they looked behind them and they saw ALL their enemies DROWN in the Red Sea.

When they saw what had been bothering them for decades disappeared overnight – They Praised God.

There is this Praise that is offered usually by survivors – People who had survived and now saw that their survival is a “Settled Matter”.

It is a kind of Praise that every “True Believers” should offer because the Bible says: “If any man be in Christ, he is a New Creature, Old things are Passed away behold all things are become New. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

That is the First (1st) kind of Praise – The Praise of People who have survived; of those who are sure now that by the Grace of God Old things are gone!

And I am sure there must be someone reading this message today on the label of DMC, who can look back and say: Hey, THANK GOD all things are now NEW.

Such People, as soon as I finish my very first (1st) brief remarks tonight; will now go into this Praise that we are offering to God with new enthusiasm and Praise God as a survivor.

  1. The second (2nd) Category of Praise is offered why those who say THANK GOD MY SHAME IS OVER.

In 1 Samuel 2:1-10 – When Hannah was Praising God; she was saying: Now all those who were mocking me; where are they now?

Let them come and see all the Almighty God has done for me!

Those who said I can never have a baby of my own; come and see what the Lord has done.

I. This is the Praise that comes from those who are Successful.

II. The Praise from those People the world has written off that they can never become anything and all of a sudden the Almighty God is Proving Himself Mighty on their behalf.

And I am sure there are people like that reading this message today on the label of DMC: People that the world had written off; that they said you can never become anything.

But you are already on your way to “Tremendous Greatness”!

Or at least you believed that by the Special Grace of God those who are mocking you will soon see how GREAT Your God is.

If you are one of such People, you are going to Praise God tonight like you have never done before.

  1. Category number 3 of Praise is the Praise that is offered by those WHOSE ENEMIES HAVE BECOME THEIR SERVANTS.

… And so you can be sure their Praises must be on a HIGHER level indeed!

I mean for example in Acts 16:25-34 – When the Jailer who was supposed to keep Paul and Silas imprisoned, secured till the following morning (when they Probably would have brought them out to be killed).

When that same Jailer became the one washing their wounds and Providing food for them; you can be sure the Praise of that night is a different kind of Praise.

And I just want to decree to somebody who is Participating in this Congress that: By the time this Congress is over your enemies will become your Servants – Amen.

And your shout of hallelujah would rend the Heavens – Amen!

  1. Category number 4 is when the enemies are THOROUGHLY HUMILIATED.

In the same Acts of the Apostles 16:35-39; the Bible tells us that after the Miracle that happened in the jail when Paul and Silas Prayed to God and the Prison doors were flung open, and the Jailers became their servants; the very Officers who said they should be kept in jail now sent and said: Release these men and let them go!

And Paul said me? – I’m not going anywhere! You threw me in Prison Come and get me out!

… Now I like that one!

The very People who threw them into jail came and BEG him to leave!

Do you know I have Good News for you? – That by the time this Congress is over your enemies will be begging you – Amen!

All those who have already made up their minds that they are going to finish you, will come and say no, no, no! we are sorry!

And I am sure you remembered the Testimony of one of my daughters? – I don’t mind sharing it with you again.

One of my daughters came and said daddy: I have fought very hard to save my marriage but a “Strange Woman” has taken over my husband.

My husband has packed out of the house, left me with four (4) children to go and live with a woman with five (5) children.

… Please Pray I have tried, I have fought but I have been defeated.

But I told her don’t worry my daughter; I will Pray and your husband will come back and beg.

She said: No, No, No; I am not asking him to beg, I will beg – Just let him come back home!

And we Prayed a “Simple Prayer” that the Almighty God will start a quarrel between my daughter’s husband and the “Strange Woman” – A quarrel nobody will be able to settle.

… And the Almighty God answered our Prayers!

And I can assure you during this Congress: Every Prayer that will be Prayed for you will be answered by fire – Amen!

And there was a quarrel between the “Strange Woman” and my daughter’s husband and the “Stranger Woman” said to the husband of my daughter: Don’t you know your head is not correct?

Because if your head is correct; how could you leave four (4) children at home and come and live with a woman with five (5) children and none of the children is yours?

Your head is not correct!

And the man said: It is true my head is not correct!

So quickly, he packed his things and then came and knocked at the door of the house where my daughter was staying.

And when my daughter opened the door and saw him, he prostrated: Please I am sorry take me back.

… My daughter said you are welcome back just come in!

In the Name that is above every other names; your enemies will come back to BEG you as you Praising God tonight – Amen!

  1. Then there is the other kind of Praise: That is when all of a sudden you discovered that YOUR ENEMIES HAVE DESTROYED THEMSELVES.

This is what we found in 2 Chronicles 21:2-23 – You know the story.

There was this Young King called Jehoshaphat who loved the Lord, who was doing the Will of God.

… He was reigning over a very small Kingdom.

And then three (3) Mighty Kings just decided – Let us go and wipe them out let’s take over his Territory!

When he heard it, he was FRIGHTENED; and he RAN to God.

And the Almighty God told him: Don’t worry yourself, I will fight the battle for you; you won’t even need to do any fighting. All you need to do is JUST PRAISE ME.

Oh, I have Good News for those of you who are reading now and ready to PRAISE God: The One Who is called the Lord of Host will fight your battles for you and you won’t even have to do anything other than JUST PRAISE HIM – Amen.

And you know the rest of the story: Jehoshaphat just got a Good Choir together and they began to sing and to Praise God.

And as they began to Praise God, the Bible said the enemies began to destroy one another until there was not a single one left alive.

Oh, you wondered how God could do it?

He is the Lord of Host. He knows what to do to get you out of trouble – Just Praise him wholeheartedly and watch what HE WILL DO.

  1. And then there is the Praise that comes when the ENEMIES WEALTH IS TRANSFERRED TO YOU.

Because in the same story in 2 Chronicles 20:24-25; the Bible says when Jehoshaphat now came to look at the People who were the terrorist before; everyone was dead.

And they had come with a lot of wealth; all their Soldiers came decorated with all manners of Silver and Gold

The Bible tells us that it took the army of Jehoshaphat three (3) days to gather the spoil.

… Three (3) days! – The wealth of enemies was transferred!

You know the Bible says that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the Just!

… I am sure you have read that Passage.

Proverbs 13:22 says: “A Good Man leaveth an Inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the Just.”

I am sure you have wondered when can that ever happen to me?

Get ready for the Year that is coming (Year 2021) – All of a sudden you would discovered that all those who hate you will become Vessels that the Almighty God would use to Prosper you Mightily – Amen.

He has done it before and He would DO IT AGAIN – Amen!

… And then there is this Praise that I’m sure you know;

  1. The Praise that will DEMOLISH EVERY OBSTACLES that the enemies may put in your way.

You know the story in Joshua 6:20-26 – When the children of Israel were on their way to the Promised Land and then there was the Wall of Jericho blocking their way.

And the Almighty God said all I want you to do is just shout a “BIG, BIG SHOUT”; and they shouted Hallelujah!

… And the Wall of Jericho came down flat.

Not only was the Wall down, the Bible said: Joshua decreed that day, that wall will NEVER AGAIN be rebuilt.

You know occasionally in a man’s life, there is someone or a Group of People that has made up their mind that you won’t succeed.

They have made up their minds that they will do everything Possible to make sure you never ever succeed.

Now how glad would you be if all of a sudden you discovered that they are all gone?

I will give you one illustration: One Young man who was very hard-working; every year when they gave him the report of his assessment; it was always very, very Good, Excellent, Wonderful.

And then all of a sudden he got a Letter of Sack. “What have I done?” Well, you are sacked – Period!

And it happened to be the Holy Ghost Service Night. He brought the Sack letter to The Holy Ghost Service;

… We were still in the very first (1st) Auditorium then.

And the Word of God came that: There was someone there that in the coming week his father would die suddenly; that he shouldn’t mourn.

Because the fellow who is going to die is the one who had decided: ‘You just won’t make it.’

Already the father had decided: “The way this boy is going, he is going to be Greater than I.”

And I would have thought that every father’s Prayer will be: “God let my children be Greater than I?”

Anyway to cut a long story short – Some of you know the fellow I am talking about. You know the Testimony.

The following week, his father died.

It was as if they heard in his Place of work; because the day after his father died he got a Phone call: Come back to office!

… He got back to office and they Promoted him.

I decree in the Name of the One Who sent me: Every forces that has been standing against you, even as we shout a BIG Hallelujah now; those forces will be destroyed in Jesus’ Name – Amen!

May I hear you shout Hallelujah even though you are FAR away – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

  1. And then there is a kind of Praise that will ensure that YOUR PROMOTION IS PERMANENT.

In 2 Samuel 6:14-22; the Bible tells us of something that David did.

You know the story of David – He was a Shepherd Boy, he himself never even thought he could become anything.

The day the Prophet came to his father’s house to Anoint a King; nobody Presented him.

… But then; he became a king anyway!

And then in 2 Samuel 6: 14-22, the Bible said: He was Praising God, he was Dancing like an “Ordinary Man”.

The wife saw him and said: Look at you! You are supposed to be the King; look at the way you were Praising God today!

And he said: I am Praising the One Who made me King; I am Praising the One Who took the Kingdom from your father and gave it to me.

You know, occasionally; some of us we Praise God when we are “Small”; and then when God begins to Promote us; Praising God becomes a Problem.

We can’t Dance before God anymore – You believed that well it is “Small boys” who should be dancing!

But you know what? – Because David Praised God that day, if you turn to the next Chapter in 2 Samuel 7:1-16; the Almighty God Promised David and said: It doesn’t matter what happens, your Kingdom will be established FOREVER.

He said: You will never lack somebody to sit on your Throne;

He said: Even if your children misbehaved like the children of King Saul; I am not going to take the kingdom away from you.

… And that is a Promise from the Almighty God!

And that is why till today; Jesus Christ is called “The Son of David”.

You know what that blindman said? – “Jesus the Son of David have Mercy on me.

The King of kings is of the tribe of Judah, and Judah is a descendant of David.

You know I have Good News for somebody reading this Message now: Not only would God Promote you, not only would God take you very, very high; you, your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, your great great great great grandchildren they will always forever be GREAT – AMEN.

Because you will Praise Him, you are going to Sing, you are going to Dance, you are going to Rejoice before the Almighty God.

  1. And then finally, there is a Praise that will CAUSE YOU TO FLY.

We know in our Text (John 12:32) – Jesus Christ said: If you lift Me up I will draw YOU to Myself.

And you know where Jesus Christ is now?

He is seated “Far Above” Principalities and Powers.

And He says: You keep on Praising Me, you continue to lift Me up and I will draw you higher and higher and higher everyday.

So, today and even as you are reading on the Label of DMC; my Beloved, let us PRAISE God the way we have never done before.

And you know what?

Even before tomorrow, you yourself; you will know deep within you: “I am on a higher level now; I am much higher than where I used to be”.

You will just wake up and something within you will tell you without any doubt: “I am not where I used to be.

It’s not only that; you will be able to understand that SONG that we used to sing:

I’m going higher yes I am
I’m going higher each day …

You will be going higher each day, going with Jesus to stay, going beyond the Heavens – Until you are there with Him permanently.

You know the only one as I have always told you; who shouldn’t even think of Praising God at all is the one who refuses to give his life to Jesus Christ.

Because the Bible makes it clear that: If you are a sinner your Praise is an Abomination to God.

He would say: You are not one of my children – Why are you Praising Me? Who wants the Praises of a sinner – who refuses to repent?

So, even though tonight all we want to do is Prsise God; I will still want to encourage all those of you who have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus Christ to do so!

Make yourself the FIRST FRUIT or Salvation for this Congress.


So, wherever you are, if you want to join us in the rest of the PRAISES for tonight;

If you want by tomorrow, to know definitely Old things are gone, now all things are become New? You are on your way Higher; Please, bow your head wherever you are.

Call on the Almighty God to save your Soul and I will Pray for you in a moment.

That the Almighty God in His Infinite Mercies will save your Soul and include you among those who can Praise Him; who can begin to FLY closer and closer to the Almighty God.

Bow your head now while I Pray for you!

But first of all talk to the Almighty God:

Ask Him to be Merciful unto you; ask Him to forgive your sins; tell Him you will serve Him for the rest of your life.

Oh, tell Him that you want everything to become New for you too. That you want to have a Brand New Beginning in Him.

… And I will Pray for you in a moment.

Thank You Almighty God! Your Holy Name be Praised forever.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God I want to say Thank You.

I want to give You all Glory and Honour for every Souls that You have saved in the Past during the Past Congresses.

Thank You for the Souls that You are about to save right now.

I’m asking right now, these People who have decided right now to surrender their lives to You; Please Lord, receive them, save their Souls, forgive their sins Lord, let Your Blood wash them clean.

Oh Father: Please, write their names in the Book of Life; receive them into the Family of God.

And Lord as they join us in Praising You now, Please Lord God Almighty; I Pray that You will begin to draw them higher and higher in Jesus’ Name.

Thank you my Father!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Now those of you who have given your life to Jesus Christ; I rejoiced with you. Please, contact me as soon as Possible so that I can continue to Pray with you.

In the meantime Brethren, let us begin to really Praise God like never before!

We, who are “True children” of the Almighty God, we can go from Category to Category of PRAISE;

So that by the time this night is over, God would have moved us to a HIGHER LEVEL.

Glory be to God – Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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