DATE: 2ND JUNE, 2024



  1. Well, let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name. Let’s give Him Glory, Honour and Adoration as He is Worthy to be Praised, Worthy to be Adored and there is no One like Him.

Thank Him for all He has done for you since the Beginning of the Year – Particularly for what He did for you Last Month. Thank Him that you are alive and well.

Thank Him that you are still alive till today; Thank Him for your Family: Your Children and your Relatives.

Give Him Glory that all those People who could suffer anything and you will share in the Sufferings, God has kept them from evil.

Thank Him for His Mercy because it is of the Mercy of the Lord that you are not Consumed and that Mercy has been renewed everyday since January till now.

Praise Him because He is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever – He has done Good Things for you in the Past, He will do the same today and He will do in the Future.

Thank You Father.

  1. And then go ahead and Pray for all Civil Servants, all those working in the Private Sectors; Pray for all the Youths generally including Corpers; Pray for all those who are Job Seekers – That God will Surprise each and everyone of them this Month and bless them Mightily and grant them all the desires of their Hearts.

Pray that it will be well with them; that the Almighty God will continue to Protect them from evil, meet all their Needs and let their Joy Overflow.

  1. And then Pray for yourself that this Month will be a very, very Successful Month for you.

Pray that God will give you the Grace to serve Him this Month like you have never done before.

That as you have started this Month well, you will end it well and that your tomorrow will be alright.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


Ancient of Days, we give You all the Glory; Alpha and Omega, we Worship You; the Unchangeable Changer we bow before You.

Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May and now Thank You for June – Father, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

My Father and my God; since You are the Unchangeable Changer; whatever may be causing any of us Sorrow, today Change it to Joy.

You are the Lifter Up of our heads; in Your Own Miraculous Way, whatever may be causing our heads to be bowed, Please Lord remove it in Jesus Name.

Let this Month be Extremely Successful for us.

Please Lord, Your Children who has been Faithful in the Payment of their Tithes and in the Giving of their Offerings, this Month embarrass them with Your Blessings.

That kind of Blessing that they will say God this is becoming “Too Much”; Please pour it upon Your Children.

Stand by them and Support them.

Everywhere Your Children will go this Month, let them find Favour with You, let them find Favour with Men and just let all be well with Your Children.

And Lord, I Pray that like never before; we will serve You.

And Lord I’m Praying especially for all Civil Servants – In Your Own Miraculous Way, in their Individual lives, Please intervene.

And all those in the Private Sectors – All Traders, all Business Men/Women and all who are Self Employed; Father open the doors of Blessings to them.

And all Your Youths including the Youth Corpers and those who are seeking for job – This very week, Pay them a visit, put Laughter in their mouths, show them that You are the Almighty and let Your Name be Glorified.

And Please Lord, in all Your Churches today: Let Souls be saved, let the Sick be Healed, let the Captives be Set Free and let everyone of us end today with Tremendous Joy.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God will Surprise you today.

And then you may Please be seated.

Psalms 3:1-3:

  1. LORD, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me.
  2. Many there be which say of Soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.
  3. But thou, O LORD, art a Shield for me; my Glory, and the Lifter up of mine head.

If this is for you, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

In Exodus 3: 13-14; Moses asked God – He said that You sent me to Your People. When I get there, and I say that the God of your fathers has sent me to you and they asked me what is His Name?

God said to him – Tell them: “I Am that I Am”.

What kind of Name is that – “I Am that I Am”?

Well, Bible Scholars – Those who knows the Bible very well and not like boys like me; they said that means God is saying: Whatever you want me to be to you, that is what I will be.

Because you can hear David saying in this Bible Text – “God, You are my Shield, You are my Glory and You are the Lifter Up of my Head”.

God is simply saying:

  1. If you are sick, call me “The Great Physician”.

Exodus 15:26 says: I am the Lord that Healeth thee.

If you are sick, you call the Doctor.

But God is saying that if the Doctors has told anyone of you listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC that there is Nothing more they can do for you; turn to the Almighty God and say that: You are my Doctor and the God that can heal me.

And I’m Praying for Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; before this Day is out, the Doctor’s Report that is Negative will be Completely destroyed – Amen!

  1. If you feel you need a Deliverance?

Some of us knows! We do as we are afraid each time that we go to bed – Afraid of Nightmares, afraid of some Visitors that kept on visiting us every Night, afraid of one Demon or the other that just will not let us go.

Turn to the One who is called “The Lord of Host” – Psalms 24: 7-10.

If you need Deliverance, call the Lord of Hosts and He will arise and your Enemies will be scattered.

So, all the Evil Forces that has been bothering you up till this moment, just call on the Lord of Host today and you will never see them again – Amen!

  1. If you need Provision – If things are hard and I know that things are hard for quite a few of us; call on the One whose name is Jehovah El-Shaddai (The God who is More Than Enough) – Genesis 17:1.

Call on Him – The One who is More Than Enough and He will meet your Needs.

  1. Have you been told that you can never have a Child and that your own Barrenness is of the acute type?

Well, call on the One that is called “The Fruitful Vine” – John 15: 1-5.

There is One who is called “The Fruitful Vine” – The One who Promised that there will be no barren one among His People.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, call on Him today.

And in the Name that is above every other name; nine (9) Months from now, you will be carrying a Set of Twins – Amen!

… So, I can go on and on – He has many names depending on what is your Needs.

  1. When all ways are Closed, call on Him who is called “The Way”.
  2. When you don’t even know what is going on – My Counsellors are they telling me the Truth or lying to me?

Call on Him who is called “The Truth”.

  1. And when it looks as if Death is about to swallow you up, call on Him who is called “The Life”.

He has several names but today the Pastor has asked me to speak on: “The Lifter Up of my Head”.

The Question is: What and what are the things that could cause your Head to be bowed?


Because when you failed, you can’t lift up your Head.

In 1 Kings 19: 4-8; when Elijah felt that he has failed in Life and Ministry. He was so downcast that he asked God to kill him.

But God says that I don’t kill my Wounded Soldiers; instead I feed them.

If your Head is down today because you have failed; call on the One who is called “The Lifter Up of my Head” and He will Change your Failure to Success!

You can never see a Student who got his results and he failed woefully in the exams. It is difficult to ask that Fellow to shout Hallelujah.

But there is a God who can Change Failure to Success.

So, I’m decreeing in that Name of the Lifter Up of Head; from now on your Failures are over – Amen!


John 5: 2-9 tells us the Story of a Man who has failed repeatedly for 38 years.

When the One who is called the Liftee Up of Head got to him; that very Day, his head was lifted up.

I remember very well years ago when the Golden Eaglet of Nigeria (DMC NOTES: The U-16 (Later known as U-17) National Team of Nigeria is called Golden Eaglet) won the World Cup (DMC NOTES: They won the Inaugural Kodak U-16 World Cup as it was called then, which took Place in China, beating West Germany in the Final Match on the 11th of August 1985; 2 goals to Nothing and they were Captained then by Nduka Ugbade. The Tournament was later re-nomenclatured as U-17 from the Year 1991 Edition).

When they returned to Nigeria, they came during the Daytime – They Paraded all the way from Ikeja in Lagos State. There were all kinds of Noise because they won.

Not too long after that, they went for another Competition and they lost at the very beginning of the Tournament.

Nobody knew when they came back as they sneaked in at Night because defeat will cause your Head to be bowed.

I Pray for everyone of you listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC; you won’t know defeat again – Amen!


If Somebody is sad it is difficult to lift up the Head when you are in Sorrow.

But then there is Somebody who can Change Sorrow to Joy!

In Luke 7: 11-15; the Bible told us the Story of a Widow who lost her only son and they were going to bury the boy.

You don’t have to be there to know that, that woman was not shouting Hallelujah – Her Head was bowed.

Her Head was bowed because she has so many Questions – God why me again? I lost my husband, I have only one son, the devil didn’t go to the house of those who has seven (7) children but he came to my house with only one son.

She knew that all those People who are following her to the Graveyard; many of them are not really Sympathising with her but asking the Questions – Are you the only one in Town? Why is it that it is you that this kind of Tragedy is happening to?

But then, she met the Lifter Up of the Head on the way and He said: Stop Weeping.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I decree to Somebody that you will never weep again – Amen!


When you find yourself on the same spot Year after Year – You work hard but there is Nothing to show for it.

I remembered very well one of my son who said that every Year when it is time to write Report about me; they will write something very, very beautiful – Hardworking, Diligent, Faithful, Always on Time. But when it comes to Promotion, they will quietly forget me.

So, they left him there – Every Year, Good Report but no Promotion.

Then we call on the Lifter Up of Head and within two (2) weeks, they gave him Double Promotion.

Have you been Stagnant all these Years? Today, the Lifter of Heads will lift up your Head – Amen!

  1. And then many times, you find out that you are in Control of Forces that just will not let you lift up your Head.

When you read Luke 13: 11-17; the Bible spoke of a woman who was bent double and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t Stand Up Straight.

The Forces bending her down just won’t allow her to Straightened Up,

There are some of us who knows what I’m talking about – You know what is right but certain Forces won’t allow you to do it.

You know what can lead to your Joy but certain Forces will only ask you to do what will lead to your Sorrow.

You have certain Forces working so hard against you that you have even Surrendered.

But I have Good News for you today – The Day that woman met the Fellow who is called the Lifter Up of Heads; that very Day, every Forces bending her double just disappeared.

In the Name that is above every other name, every Forces that has been holding you down; they will let you go today – Amen!

And I decree in the Name that is above every other name, I decree in the Name of the One who called me; if they will not let you go; the Fire of God will consume them – Amen!

  1. SHAME

When you are ashamed, it is not easy to lift up your Head.

The Elders has a saying – They said: Shame is heavier than load.

If you are carrying a load and you are feeling uncomfortable, you can put it down. But shame, it stays there.

But there is Someone who is called “The Ever Present Help in Trouble”.

Whatever is causing you shame, the Almighty God will take it away today – Amen!

I have told you the Story before:

I have just became the General Overseer, I went to my Village and there was quite a lot of Celebrations.

And then one Wealthy Man in the Town came to me and said: Well now you are General Overseer and a Big Man but you have no house in the Village – Your father’s house is Nothing to write home about. We are talking about 1981.

He said just in case you have something to do now, and your friends decide to follow you home; where will you show them as your house?

He said that I will Supply you all the Blocks you need to build the house. When you finished building, whenever you have the money you can pay me.

Ha Lord, Thank You – This must be God!

I said that God has sent Help to me – And my God will send Help to you (Amen).

And so with that encouragement and he Supplied all the Blocks; I looked for little money here and there and got the house built.

The day that I roofed the house, he sent a Messengee to me – “I want my money”. And I have spent everything I could, to just get the house roofed.

I was sitting down at the Redemption Camp – At that time all the houses at the Redemption Camp are less than 20.

I had been there Praying All-Night and I was sitting down in my Little Office when the Messenger came – I said Oh God, I have never gone beyond my Limits before. I didn’t say that I want to build a house o – This Man got me into it o and now I’m being put to Shame. Have Mercy on me.

I Pray for Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC who needs Mercy; God will have Mercy on you – Amen!

I finished Praying and because I have Prayed All-Night, I put my head on the Table and fell asleep.

When I woke up, there was a woman Standing by my office – She said that I’m looking for the Head of this Organisation. I said that the Head of the Organisation is in Heaven.

She said I know – I’m talking of His Representative here on Earth. I said, yes I am the on.

She said that God told her three (3) days ago to leave North, take so much money, travel to Lagos. And that when she gets to a Particular Spot on the way to Lagos, I will tell you where to get down.

She travelled, got to the front of Redemption Camp and God told her to get down here, cross over to the other side of the road, ask for the one in Charge there and God said that I should give you this money.

I have never met her before and I have never seen her since then – I checked the money and it was the exact amount that I was owing.

If this Story that I just told you is true – And it is; that God who sent Help to me before I needed it, will send Help to you today (Amen).

And I Pray from the bottom of my Heart that you will never know Shame again – Amen!

But let me close because a Good Sermon is one that you can remember – And if it is too long, you will remember!

There is this God called “The Lifter Up of my Head”.

And what happens if you are the one responsible for your Predicament? If your Head is bowed because of your own misbehaviour?

What will you do to get “The Lifter Up of your Head” to come in and help you?

There is one word called Restitution – Put things right.

Go over what you have done that lead you into your Predicament and Restitute!

My God is a Holy God – He is not just going to see you having messed up and just said you are the Lifter Up of my Head.

He will said alright, I am there, all Power belongs to me and I can do anything.

But you get yourself into this situation and if you get out without your Restituting, then I will be condoling sin.

When you get home, read Joshua Chapters 7 and 8 – Read all the Chapters.

What happened?

God had just given Mighty Victory to the Children of Israel in Jericho and then He warned them – Everything you see in Jericho: The Gold and all the Silver, I don’t want you to touch any of them, they belong to me.

But then one Fellow said: Who is God and what does He see?

He stole some Gold, stole some Raiments and hid it.

And the People went to war – And God has Promised Joshua that everywhere the sole of your feet trode upon, I have given it unto you. No Man will be able to Stand before you all the days of your Life.

… That is what He Promised Joshua.

And then, now they went to war against a very small Town called Ai and they were thoroughly beaten.

The Bible said that Joshua fell on his face – His head wasn’t just down, his head was on the floor: God, what shall I do now?

There are many Enemies – Now, they will hear that God has knocked me down and the rest will gather Forces together and come.

God said that it was a very Simple matter Joshua – You can get up. I am the Lifter of Heads but everything you have done wrong you have to put right, otherwise I won’t go with you anymore.

Joshua got up, found out what went wrong, Restituted everything and then God said now we can continue the Journey. This People who defeated you, I will show you how to wipe them out.

There is Someone who is called “The Lifter Up of Heads” – You want Him to lift up your Head, Restitute your ways!

I have told you the Story before – Of one of my Students when I was a Lecturer at the University of Lagos. And he has this very Strange Problem – And the Problem was that he smelled like a Dead body. If he sits by your side, within 5 Minutes, you will relocate.

He used all manners of soap, the Doctors recommended every things and the boy kept on smelling.

And then, he came to me for Prayers and as I was about to Pray for him; God said don’t waste your Prayers – He has a Restitution to make.

He was a Young Fellow, he has not married and so I can’t say he married a wrong Fellow or whatever.

And then God asked me to ask Him some Questions – By then, we get the Point.

He was a Teacher in a Primary School before he came into the University and in the School the children were contributing a Penny each at a time when one Penny was money.

And the children were contributing the money so that at the end of the Year they will have a Party.

But this Fellow got Admission to the University of Lagos by September and disappeared. The children came back to School and the Teacher wes no longer there – And with the Teacher went their money.

So, they reported him to God – God, You know where the Teacher is; He took away our money. That is when he began to smell.

You can’t fight God and win.

I was telling some People not long ago: You can do whatever you like to me – Lie on me or mock me; but Please don’t touch my God.

Because if I say that I want to fight you, you can run away but if you want to fight God, where will you run to?

Boy, this is what God said – He said that it is true.

Will you go back to the School and go and give those children their money?

I advised him and said: If I were you, I won’t give them one-to-one Penny; I will give them one-to-one Shillings. It was in the days of Shillings and Pennies.

And a Shilling then was twelve (12) Pennies.

DMC NOTES: The Shilling was subdivided into twelve (12) Pennies. 1 shilling = 12 Pence. The Penny was further sub-divided into two half Pennies or four farthings (quarter Pennies).

He went back to the School – As soon as He arrived, the children saw him and say: Hey, our Teacher has come back.

And he said to them that do you remember the money you were saving with me? They said that they remembered and they told him how much.

He Restituted – He Paid a Shilling for a Penny.

Then he came back and said that I have done what God asked me to do – And I say, now we can Pray!

God said no need – Tell him not to drink Iced Water for two (2) weeks.

He stopped drinking the Iced Water and he became Completely Whole.

And he has been whole since then!

… God can fight you even with the water you drink.

When you find your Head down and it is as a result of your fault; Restitute your ways and then the Lifter of your Head will come into Action!


Which brings me to the Conclusion – There are some of you who hasn’t been saved.

There is Someone called “The Lifter Up of your Head” – He is ready to:

  • Lift you out of Sickness
  • Lift you out of Poverty
  • Lift you out of Bondage
  • Lift you out of Curses
  • Lift you out of Shame

… if you will come to Him!

Because He says in His Words – He said that if I be lifted up, I will draw Men unto myself.

Come and Surrender your Life to Him – He can solve all your Problems.

But Failure to come to Him means that you are telling Him that I don’t need You.

Well, if you don’t need Him; you can continue with your Problems.

But I appeal to you today – Come and Surrender your Life to the One who can remove your Shame and who can solve all your Problems.

I’m going to count from one (1) to seven (7) – Before I say seven (7); if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, come very quickly.

Now, those of you who are already infront and those of you who are on the way; cry to Him and say:

Lord, have Mercy on me, save my Soul, forgive all my sins Lord and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

I come to You Lord to Surrender my Life – I know that You can lift up my Head and I want You to do so.

And so, I’m asking You Lord – P.ease save my Soul today and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

And the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands towards these People and Intercede for them:

That the One who saved our own Souls will save their own Souls also.

Pray that God will have Mercy on them and that He will forgive all their sins so that they can have a Brand New Beginning.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You for the People who has decided to come and Surrender to You, the Lifter Up of Heads.

Please Lord, receive them in Jesus Name, have Mercy on them, and save their Souls.

Please Lord God Almighty, let Your Blood wash them Clean, write their names in the Book of Life and receive them into the Family of God.

And from now on, anytime they cry unto You, Please answer them by Fire.

And I Pray Lord God Almighty that they will never know Shame again.

Thank You my Fathwr.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

The rest of us – If you believed that God will answer your Prayers, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

I want you to cry to God from the bottom of your Heart and say:

Father, You are the Lifter Up of Heads; lift up my Head and don’t let me know Shame again!

Please Lord, lift up my Head and don’t let me failed or be defeated again.

Give me the Grace to Restitute everything that I need to Restitute!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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