Let Somebody shout Fire – Fire.

Let somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.


Father, in the Name of Jesus!

Ancient of Days, the I AM that I AM,, Thank You for this opportunity to speak Your Word.

Thank You Father, because we know Your Word will baptize us with Fire tonight.

You sent Your Word and Your Word heals and delivers. Tonight, send Your Word to heal us in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Thank You Father because we know that You have answered.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Is Somebody ready for Fire tonight? Is Somebody ready to receive Fire tonight?

I want to use this Privilege to Thank God for the opportunity to stand here to speak the Word of God to us tonight.

At the same time I want to Thank our most esteemed father, Daddy GO for this opportunity and our Beloved Mummy, too

Thank you Sir, Thank you Ma.

And I also want to thank all our Spiritual Parents who are seated here.

The Lord Bless you Daddies and Mummies, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

To the Congregation; if you are ready for Fire, lift up your hand and shout Fire – Fire!

Tonight, the Massage titled, THE ROD OF FIRE.

I am going to be talking my Bible Text from the Book of Psalm 23:4 – Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, you will be comforted by the Rod of Fire – Amen.

… You didn’t hear me!

I said, the Rod of Fire will comfort you tonight – Amen.


I am going to take my definition from the understanding of a Shepherd.

A Rod is an instrument of a Shepherd, used for directing, for correcting and defending the Sheep.

It is the instrument of a Shepherd that is used to direct, to correct and to defend the Sheep.


I want to take the Definition of Fire from this context;

It is the manifestation of God’s Power.

How do I mean?

In Hebrews 12:29, the Scripture says, For our God is a Consuming Fire.

In fact, there is hardly any Place in the Scriptures where God moves without a deposit of Fire.


  1. In Genesis Chapter 4, the Bible says that God accepted the Sacrifice of Abel by Fire.
  2. If you read the whole of Genesis Chapter 19, the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by Fire.
  3. If you read Exodus 13:21, God was with the Children of Israel in a Pillar of Cloud to lead the way, and by Night in a Pillar of fire to give them Light, so as to go by Day and Night.
  4. In 1 king 18:7-38, the Bible says that Fire of the Lord fell on the Altar that Elijah built and consumed the burnt sacrifice; to Prove that God is the Almighty.
  5. In Malachi 3:2; the Bible records that He is like a Refiner’s Fire.
  6. And then when you go to Matthew 3:11, He is the One who will Baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire.
  7. And then you move from there, you go to Acts 2:3, the Bible says that even the manifestation of the Holy Spirit Baptism came by Fire.

The Bible records that: And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

  1. And then finally, even when God is going to destroy the Wicked People who refuse to repent; the Bible records that it will be done by Fire.

In fact, I love the way 2 Peter 3:7 puts it: This world is reserved unto Fire.


  1. The Rod of Fire is the Rod that carries Fire.

… Somebody say Fire!

  1. The Rod of Fire is the Rod of the Manifestation of God.
  2. The Rod of Fire is an Instrument of God’s Divine Power and Authority in the Life of a Man or woman who is set to achieve the Command of the Lord.
  3. The Rod of Fire is the Proof of God’s Calling upon a man.

How do I know that the Rod of Fire is an instrument of the Proof of God’s Calling upon a Man?

Moses, after considering himself and all the numerous disabilities surrounding him, that for years he could not be a Leader. He asked God a Question:

What Proof will you give to me that would be enough to Prove to the People that You have sent me?

And God told him in Exodus Chapters 3 and 4:

  1. I will be with you.
  2. In case they ask you, tell them that: I AM THAT I AM has sent you.
  3. In case they don’t believe that I sent you, tell them that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has sent you.

He said, what f they still don’t believe?

God said, stop there, no more Questions. “What is in your hand?” Moses said, “it is a rod.”

God said, “put it on the Ground.” He did, and the rod became a Serpent.

God said, “pick it up again.” He picked it up and it became Rod.

God said, in case that is not enough: put your hand in your bossom. He did, and the hand became Leprous. God asked him to put the hand back again. He did and it was restored.

God was trying to communicate: “In case they don’t believe your Explanation, they will believe your Manifestation.”

Because the Bible says in Romans 8:19, For the earnest Expectation of the Creature waiteth for the Manifestation of the Sons of God.

I Pray for Somebody here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, you will manifest – Amen.

Enough of explanations; from tonight you will manifest – Amen.


  1. The Rod of Fire is a Weapon of Victory.

How do I know?

In Exodus 17:13-19, the Amalekites wedged war against the Israelites. Moses specifically said to Joshua, “put take some men, go to the battle front, fight. As for me, tomorrow I will stand on the Mountain Top with the Rod of God in my hand.”

And the Bible begins to record that when Moses held up his hand, that Israel Prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek Prevailed.

As long as Moses’ hands were lifted, Victory was won.

I speak over the Life of Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, you will have Victory by the Rod of Fire – Amen.

In fact, when I read that Scripture in those days, I thought that it was the Ordinary hands that Moses lifted that brought them Victory.

It was while Studying that Scriptures again recently, that I saw that it was the Rod of God in the hands of Moses that were lifted that Produced the Miracle.

Tonight, you will not lift Ordinary hands – Amen.

  1. The Rod of Fire is the Sceptre of Authority.

How do I know this?

The Bible says that Moses was afraid because of the incident that happened between him and his Brethren; which made him flee from Egypt. But when he had the Rod of Fire, he was able to face Pharaoh who was a a terrible man.

I decree over Somebody here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, it doesn’t matter what you are afraid of; by the Rod of Fire tonight, you will face your enemies and you will defeat them – Amen.

In Matthew 21:23 the Bible says, And when he was come into the Temple, the Chief Priests and the Elders of the People came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what Authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this Authority?

That is why I know that Authority must be given – You don’t just assume Authority, it is being given!

Tonight, God will give you Authority – Amen.

  1. The Rod of Fire is an Instrument of Correction.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:15, Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him.

  1. The Rod of Fire is also an Instrument of Defence and Comfort.

In Psalm 23:4 (our Bible Text); the Bible says the reason I am not afraid is because I have a Defender. And it is because the Rod of Fire is with me.

Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy Rod and Thy Staff they comfort me

Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, the Lord will comfort you – Amen.

  1. The Rod of Fire is also an Instrument of Deliverance.

In Exodus 14:1-31, the Bible records that when Moses came face to face with the Red Sea, it was as though all hope was lost.

I can imagine Moses saying, “Anyhow e be, I don try! Even though na here we die, I don still try.” (DMC NOTES: Meaning – Moses saying: “Anyhow it is, I have tried. Even though we die here, I have still tried).

But God was not through with him yet – And the Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to Me? Tell the Children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the Children of Israel shall go on Dry Ground through the midst of the sea.

I don’t know who I am speaking tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, every Challenge that is confronting you hitherto; by the Rod of Fire they will give way – Amen.

  1. The Rod of Fire has no Limitation.

I don’t know why Moses did not not exercise that Authority when he came to the Red Sea – Maybe he thought the Rod of Fire could only be used in Egypt; not knowing that the Rod has no Limitation.

Tonight, there is no Limitation to your Rod of Fire – Amen.

  1. The Rod of Fire is also an Instrument of Destruction.

While the Rod of Fire is an Instrument of Deliverance for God’s People; it is also an Instrument of Destruction to the enemies of the People of God – Exodus 14:26-28.

Tonight, every enemy of your Life shall Perish, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.


Then what happens if a man loses his Rod?

  1. He loses his Authority
  2. He loses his Relevance
  3. He loses his Boldness
  4. He loses his Fire.

Tonight, you will not lose your Fire – Amen.

The Bible speaking in the Book of Judges 16:20; And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.

… He (Samson ) never knew that the Fire in his Rod had depleted.

Tonight, whatever will make your Fire to go down, the Lord will have Mercy on you – Amen.

I want you to take note of this: “A “Disobedient Man” who cannot resist sin cannot retain Fire in his Rod.”

I was imagining what would have happened if Moses had lost his Rod?

A whole Generation would have Perished because of that kind of Ignorance.

Anything that will make People Perish because of you will not happen, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.

In Genesis 38:12-30; the Bible speaking concerning a Man called Judah – In the Place of seeking Sexual Pleasure, Judah lost his Rod.

He lost his Rod of Authority to a woman, in exchange for Sexual Pleasure.

Genesis 38:18 says, And he said, What Pledge shall I give thee? And she said, Thy signet, and thy bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand. And he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him.

Let’s take note of this Scripture. The Records there that:

I. Judah gave his Rod to a woman.

II. He slept with the woman.

II. The woman conceived for him.

That is why I know that every time a man begins to dabble into sin, the sin always conceives something.

The Bible speaking in Romans 6:23 says, For the wages of sin is death, but the Gift of God is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

As much as it is good to talk about the Rod of Fire; I want to tell us that it is also good to talk about the Maintenance Culture of the Rod of Fire.

Because if you don’t Maintain the Fire that is in your Rod, you can lose the Fire; and you will just be going about with an “Ordinary Rod”.


  1. You must be fervently in Prayers.
  2. Have Faith
  3. You must be Consecrated.

There is always a Consecration for every advantage that God gives to you.

And if you are not ready to be Consecrated; where your Consecration stops, that may be where your Fire will stop.

But I Pray for you tonight: your Fire will not go down – Amen.

In Conclusion, God through the hand of Moses; Performed many Miracles and Fearful Signs – Not for Showmanship, not so that Moses could be called “the most Senior Prophet in the Land.”

It is so that:

I. God can Prove that He is the Almighty.

II. God can bring about Salvation.

How do I know?

In Exodus 8:1, the Bible says, And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my People go, that they may serve me.

In every Miracle, there is always Salvation Message in it.

In every Agenda of God, there is Salvation.

In fact, in every Deliverance, there is Salvation.

In every Success, there is Salvation.

Any anything that seeks to take you away from God is not from God.

Tonight, as our father-in-the-Lord comes up to Minister, just in case you have not given your Life to Jesus Chris; the right thing to do is for you to run out when our Daddy GO gives the Altar Call tonight.

Do not harden your heart Run to Him (God) tonight.

You will not harden your heart any more, in Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.


Can we be on our feet as we Pray these Prayers?

Psalm 125:3 says, For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the Righteous; Lest the Righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.

  1. You are going to Pray tonight. You will say: My Father; do not allow the Rod of the Wicked to Prevail over my Life, over my Family, over the Church, over Nigeria.

If you are here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, Pray!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.

  1. Finally, you are going to lift your voice and say: My Father; Baptize me with Fire tonight.

In the Name of Jesus, lift your voice and cry to God.

Thank You Holy Ghost!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


So Dear Lord, tonight let Your Fire spread among us.

Let many People carry Fire from this Altar, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Every Power that is trying to wedge war against us, by the Power of the Rod of Fire, we are Victorious in the Name of Jesus.

So shall it be!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we Pray – Amen.

Now, put your hands together for Jesus!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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