Father we are Grateful.

Thank You for allowing us to see the sixth (6th) Month of this Year.

Thank You for this Holy Ghost Service (RCCG June 2024 HGS); Thank You for Your Guidance through Your Son – Our Father, our Cover, our Shepherd.

Thank You for Protecting us, Thank You for Showing us Mercy, Thank You for this Holy Ghost Service.

Be thou Exalted Almighty God.

Lord this Evening, as my Brothers ahead of me have said; let Your Fire fall in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Lord, wherever you find a “Proper Amen”; open their voice to be able to do better and give better Testimonies in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Thank You Father.

Let there be no distractions Oh God and let Your Presence and Spirit take absolute Control.

In Jesus Preciois Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

I will like to Please appreciate our father and mother in the Lord as well as the Leadership of RCCG.

Please, if you are Celebratijg them, help me Celebrate them for this opportunity for us in the Pastor Seed Family (PSF) that is Nonstop.

Thank You, Thank You; for taking care of the Future – Ensuring that the future is there. And Guiding us and Leading us in every Single Way.

Thank You to the PSF Choir – Please do not go too far as I will need Angelic Support and Voices too.

As it is the Custom to us in our Fellowship, there is something we do based on Ephesians 1: 16-18.

If you don’t mind, just Stand for a few Seconds – Shake those legs like Pastor Peter Amenkhienan (DMC NOTES: Continental Overseer, Africa Continent 5 based in Kenya) will say.

And wriggle a bit so that some of that “Tiring Blood” will move around.

Touch your head and speak to your head and say: My head, you will not loose your Crown; and that which is yours, you will not miss it.

Touch your eyes and say: You will not go dim and your Light will forever Shine.

Pull your ears should in case you are the Stubborn type and say: My ear, whatever is yours this Evening, you will hear it loud and clear.

Touch your mouth and say: My mouth, from now on everything you say will work for Good.

Touch your Heart, you will not be broken again and you will not receive Bad News.

Touch your tummy (Stomach) and say: You will never go hungry. And for those who needs the Fruit of the Womb, you will be Fruitful.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen.

Please Celebrate the Almighty God if you believed that as you take your seat!

Comimg after my Brothers that have come this Evening is a “Daunting Task”.

But my own Assignment is Simple!

The difference between Power and Authority!

During one of the Lets-Go-A-Fishing; our father-in-the-Lord took myself and my “Beloved Pdee” (DMC NOTES: Pastor Dare Adeboye, of Blessed Memory) and we went on a Lets-Go-A-Fishing with Daddy GO.

And while we were on the road, a Police Officer stopped us – That is one of the reason that I am wearing this Uniform this Evening.

A Police Officer stopped us and we stopped.

And while he was interrogating us and we were sharing Tracts to him. At the end he asked us – After I have received this Tract, will I also received menu menu because Man shall not live by Tract alone (DMC NOTES: A Gospel/Christian Tract is a short leaflet or booklet featuring a Gospel Message and a Call to Faith at the end).

While we were there, one of his Colleagues was on the other side of the road and there was this Trailer that was comimg with full speed. And he Stretched forth His hands towards the Trailer.

And as the Trailer came closer and closer and not reducing his speed.

He understood something as we in the South Western Part of Nigeria will say – “Ki oju ma ri bi, gbogbo ara ni ogun e (Meaning: For your eyes not to see evil; then the whole Body is the Antidote to it).

He (Referring to the Other Police Officer) decided to jump out of the way and jumped into the bush.

When he got back up, he looked at us – All of us looked at each other, we smiled and laughed that Thank God that you understood that while you have the Authority; that Trailer that was coming with full force has Power.

And so, one had to bow for the other.

I Pray that your Enemy will jump out of your way after this Holy Ghost Service – Amen.

So very quickly – “When Authority fails, you need Power”.

The Police Officer is allowed to arrest any Criminal as long as he/she is also backing that arrest with “Fire Power” – Like AK-47, P7 or a Six Gun.

DMC NOTES: “AK-47, P7 or a Six Gun” are various types of Guns and they are as described as below:

  1. The AK-47, officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikova (‘Kalashnikov’s Automatic [rifle]’; also known as the Kalashnikov or just AK), is a Gas-Operated Assault Rifle that is Chambered for the 7.62×39mm Cartridge.
  2. The Heckler & Koch P7 is a German 9×19mm Semi-Automatic Pistol designed by Helmut Weldle and Produced from 1979 to 2008 by Heckler & Koch GmbH (H&K). The P7M13, a variant of the P7 with a double-stack magazine, was Produced until 2000.
  3. A six gun or six-shooter is a Revolver that holds six cartridges. The Cylinder in a six gun is often called a “wheel”.

And of course in Matthew 28:18; Jesus Christ said that “All” Authority has been given to me in Heaven and on Earth.

On Power, Moses in his Song of Deliverance said in Exodus 15: 6-11 – He says that Your Right Hand Oh Lord has become Glorious in Power; Your Right Hand Oh Lord has dashed the Enemies in Pieces.

Your Enemies will be dashed into Pieces in the Mighty Name of Jesus – Amen!

In Psalms 62:11; the Psalmist said that God has Spoken once, twice have I heard it that all Power belongs to God.

Just in case there is Someone here or reading now on the Label of DMC that is having difficulty hearing, the reason why He said “Twice have heard it” is because both ears are working.

If you are in the house today or reading now on the Label of DMC and you know that you have Challenges with your ears; just hold those two ears – God has Spoken once, twice you will hear it today in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

As a Child of God, you have Authority to use the Name of Jesus. But you also need that Power.

Hence we are talking about “Rod of Power” that enforces that Authority every Single Time you need it.

Luke 10:19 says: Behold I have given you Power to thread upon Serpents and Scorpions.

Jesus Christ said to them that you must tarry in Jerusalem until you are endued with Power when the Holy Ghost has come upon you.

Luke 29:49; the Purpose of this Power is for you and I to Witness.

Some of us receive visas and we were given the opportunity to leave our Green Pastures to one that may appear as a Greener one.

Please don’t mistake the fact that you are allowed to “Japa” as you going there for no reason – It is for you to go there and Witness across the world.

DMC NOTES: “Japa” is a Yoruba word meaning “To run away.” That’s what many Nigerian Youths are doing in the search for Greener Pastures and better job opportunities.

Acts 1:8 as my Brother quoted a few times, makes this clear – That the Power that is given to you is for you to be a Witness across the world.

From that Story that I told you; when that Man was stopping us, he used the Authority on his left hand.

But then, you need that Power that comes from the Rod on the Right Hand.

So, we are going to do a bit of demonstrations tonight as my time is almost up.

So, anytime that the devil and his Agent throws an arrow towards you; you will catch it with your Left Hand and then in that same way, you will go grabbed it with your Right Hand and send it back to the Sender.

So when the Enemies throws an arrow of Sickness; you will grab it with the Left Hand and of course, after telling it ti stop; you will then send it back to the Sender with the Right Hand.

And every other things that the Enemies might throw – Rejection, Emotional Issues, Mental Issues, Psychological Issues, “Sapa”, Barrenness etc.

Whatever the name might be, once they send it to you – You will tell it to stop and then you will grab it, transfer it and send it back to Sender.

DMC NOTES: “Sapa” is a Nigerian Slang term that has gained Prominence in recent years, Particularly among Young Nigerians. It is used to describe a state of Financial Incapacity or extreme Poverty, often resulting from excessive Spending and Poor Financial Management.

But I need to warn you because the Bible makes it clear that – Who will ascend to the Hill of the Lord? It says that it is he who has a “Clean Hand” and a “Pure Heart”.

The Truth is this – Everything that you do in this Life; you will need the use of your hands.

So, you have to look at these hands and speak to them and say: Father, Please Cleanse my hands.

Because the only reason why you hold the Rod of Fire like my Brothers has said ahead of me is if you are Fire yourself – If your hands are Clean yourself.

So therefore, if you are ready; jump up on your feet because our Declarations this Evenimg will be done and then we will backed it up with Speaking in Tongue when we were done.

Are you ready?

  1. So when the Enemies send the arrow of Sorrow towards you; you will tell him to stop and then say “Back to the Sender”.
  2. So when the Enemies send the arrow of Poverty towards you; you will tell him to stop and then say “Back to the Sender”.
  3. So when the Enemies send the arrow of Rejection towards you; you will tell him to stop and then say “Back to the Sender”.
  4. So when the Enemies send the arrow of Barrenness towards you; you will tell him to stop and then say “Back to the Sender”.
  5. So when the Enemies send the arrow of Death into your Family; you will tell him to stop and then say “Back to the Sender”.
  6. So when the Enemies send the arrow of Lack into your situation; you will tell him to stop and then say “Back to the Sender”.


With that in your Mind, find your Neighbour because we are going to back it up with Speaking in Tongues right now in the Holy Spirit.

That everything the Enemies can send in my way, I am using my Authority and I am using my Power to send it back to the Sender.

Go ahead and speak in the Holy Ghost.

And if you are yet to be Baptised in the Holy Spirit, open up your Heart and open up your Mind and receive that Baptism of the Holy Spirit here today.

If you see Somebody speaking in the Holy Ghost already, grab their hands and catch that Fire.

Pray like your Life depends on it!!!


Like Fire, like Rain
Let Your Glory fall
Like Fire, like Rain
Let it fall
Like Fire, like Rain
Let Your Glory fall
Like Fire, like Rain
Let it fall

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

STOP PRESS: Out and ready for Pick Up – Our Year 2023 RCCG Programs covering all Programs, Inclusive Weekly Messages of Pastor Mensah Otabil, Apostle Joshua Selman, Bro Gbile, Pastor Paul Enenche and Pastor Poju on a 16GB Flash from our Stable. Call/Text/WhatsApp 08023604721/08066497178/08059821748

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