BIBLE TEXT: 2 KINGS 2: 19-22

Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Before I Proceed, I think since Mummy is here, she will love to say “God Bless You” to you.



Titi titi aye mi (All the Days of my Life)
L’emi o ma yin o (I will be Praising You)
L’emi o ma yin oooo (I will be Praising You ooo?)
Titi titi aye mi (All the Days of my Life)
L’emi o ma yin o (I will be Praising You)

That Song is a Prayer – Forever Oh Lord, I will Praise You (Titi aye mi; L’emi o ma yin o).

Is there anyone here or reading now on the Label of DMC that, that Song is applicable to? – Yes for The DMC Family Members!

Praises will never cease in your Life.

Kindly be seated!

We know that today is a Day of “Great Joy”.

And if Nobody is rejoicing, I am rejoicing.

First and foremost, I want to Thank God for Preserving my Life and He has allowed me to see this Day – Takimg me back to the Memory Lane.

I want to say Thank You to Pastor Akinmulewo (DMC NOTES: Pastor Obed Isaiah Akinmulewo is the PICP LP 51).

After 21 years – While this Place was Ordinary Ground Floor and they put some Pillars around. No block was here then – And that was when God brought me here.

After 21 years, I am entering here today – Please, Celebrate with me that I am alive: That I can dance and I can rejoice (Hallelujah).

The devil has not put us aside and we are still very much relevant in the things of the Lord – So also you shall be (Amen).

That is why I am leaving this Scriptures with you – 2 Corinthians 15:58.

It says: Just be unmovable, be ye Steadfast because whatever you are doing now, the Reward is coming.

Those who are here 21 years ago, many has been Transferred – They are now PICP because they were Steadfast.

And all of us that are here – It is not because of the worldly Position but who are you before the Lord?

We need to take our Stance – The more you are with Him, the more you enjoy Him.

Psalms Chapter 91 tells us that those who are under the Shadow of the Almighty God, they shall abide. And they shall say of the Lord, He is my Refuge.

Please abide in the Lord and be ye Steadfast!

Whatever may be happening, don’t allow anything to take you away from God.

For 21 years, we have been in so many circumstances but we Thank the One who has Uphold us till today!

And so, He will do for you in Jesus Name – Amen!

I want to Salute our Kabiyesi (King) and the High Chiefs in the House – You have worn Crown here in this world; in Heaven you will not miss your Crown (Amen).

Church, what is the Day for you?

A Good Day or a Joyful Day or a Beautiful Day!

God Bless You indeed!

Thank You Daddy.


Titi titi aye mi (All the Days of my Life)
L’emi o ma yin o (I will be Praising You)
L’emi o ma yin oooo (I will be Praising You ooo?)
Titi titi aye mi (All the Days of my Life)
L’emi o ma yin o (I will be Praising You)



We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


Ancient of Days; we Worship You.

King of Kings and Lord of Lords; we bow before You.

The One who never grows Old, the Unchangeable Changer, the I Am that I Am – Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Thank You for bringing us here today; Thank You for a New Beginning and Thank You for Ketu Land.

Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Today, in the lives of all Your Children; Please do something Mighty, and do something Unforgettable.

Please Lord, heal Ketu Land – Let this Land begin to Prosper.

Take care of all our Traditional Rulers and take care of their families.

You are the Burden Bearer, help them to bear their own Burdens.

Father, I Pray that Nobody will leave here without a Testimony.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Morning, God will bless you today – Amen!

And then, you may Please be seated.

Let me once again Salute all our Royal Fathers – Thank You so, so much for coming. The Almighty God will continue to take care of your Kingdom – Amen.

Let’s go straight to the Word of God because I believed that God wants to Perform some Miracles here today – Amen!

2 Kings 2:19-22:

  1. And the men of the City said unto Elisha, Behold, I Pray thee, the situation of this City is Pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren.
  2. And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him.
  3. And he went forth unto the Spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren Land.
  4. So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake.

In Ketu Land, from now on – No more Barrenness, no more Premature Death, no more Sorrow, no more Tragedy; as we will only hear Good News (Amen).

Whenever God Pays you a visit – When He sends His Servant to go and Pay you a visit; it is because He wants to do something very, very Deep. He doesn’t want to handle what you see on the Surrface and He wants to go the root.

  1. When Elisha said: Bring me a New Cruse, he was actually saying: Let us have a New Beginning.

And so for Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Your Day of Joy is Beginning (Amem).

You know in 2 Corinthians 5:17 – The Bible says that if any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature; Old Things has Passed away, behold all things has become New.

In the Life of everyone of you today – Everything will become New (Amen).

When God comes to Pay you a visit, He is not around to take care of Symptoms; He is around to take care of what is causing the Problems!

Many atimes, Somebody will be suffering headache and the Doctors will Prescribe one Tablet or the other. The headache may go for a while but it will come back because they have not found out what was causing the headache.

That is why when you get Healing from Jesus Christ, He doesn’t just take care of the Symptoms, He goes deep to look at what is causing the Problem.

Today, whatever is causing Problem(s) in your Life; God is going to Uproot it – Amen!

Because in Psalms 90: 1-2; the Bible tells us that before the Mountains were brought forth, there was God.

Before your Problems started at all, God was around – He knows what is it and the root cause that is causing the Problems.

Several years ago one of my former Students at the University of Lagos came to visit me because then I had transferred to University of Ilorin – I am talking of 1980.

He has a Peculiar Problem – The Problem was that anytime he ate rice, he will fall sick.

How can anybody fall sick for eating rice?

So, he came because he has been sent on Youth Service and over there there is no food other than rice.

So he ate rice and he was seriously sick – And something told him: Go to your Pastor.

He came and I was going to Pray for Healing; when God spoke to me and said: Don’t Pray for him yet; let us go to the root of the Problem.

To cut the long Story short, we discovered that when he was in Secondary School, he went home to collect School fees and his father stole a Neighbour’s Bicycle. He sold it and use the money to Pay the School fees.

When the owner of the Bicycle woke up and found out that the Bicycle was gone and the Bicycle was his own Rolls Royce; he Pronounced a Curse.

And said that whosoever stole my Bicycle, except that they don’t eat rice in his house; that is when it will be well with them.

The Man who stole the Bicycle didn’t know what had happened – He kept on eating rice and died.

And the children now – Anytime that eat rice; they fell sick.

So, when we discovered that; I said okay – Your father is dead? He said yes.

What about the Man who Pronounced the Curse? He is dead also.

But has he Children? He said right now, he has one in Secondary School.

Will you go – Buy a New Bicycle and give it to the boy?

He said that I will do that if only I can just survive.

Then I turned to God and said: Can we Pray now?

God said no Problem; now we know the root cause.

The root is going to be dealt with and so the Sickness was over.

Suddenly, the boy said that I feel hungry. I asked him to go to the Table and eat – And the food there was rice.

And he ate rice and instead of falling sick, he became well.

I believed that God has sent me to Ketu Land this Day so that every Curse in your Life and everything that is responsible for whatever Problems that you are having will be Uprooted in Jesus Name – Amen!

  1. And Elijah said: Don’t just bring me a New Cruse, bring Salt.

What is the Purpose of a Salt?

Salt does several things:

I. Salt Seasons

According to the Bible, Job 6:6 tells us that the “White Part” of an egg has no taste until you apply Salt.

Bring me a Salt means: Let us Season the Life of the People – Let us make what is “Not Tasty”, tasty.

When you read 2 Kings 4: 8-17 – The Bible tells us about a woman who is called a “Great Woman”.

She was so Rich, she was Influncier but there was something left in her Life that didn’t make her Joy Complete – She was barren.

But because she opened the door to a Man of God; the Man of God spoke only one word and her Barrenness was terminated.

I have Good News for Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Whatever remains to make your Joy to be Full; God is going to do it for you today (Amen).

Some of you have heard this Story before:

I went to Port Harcourt and one of the People that met me at the Airport was an extremely Wealthy Man.

I am talking of years ago when the Biggest Mercedes Benz in Nigeris was called Obokun.

DMC NOTES: “Obokun”Mercedes Benz is what some People also refereed to as “German Mistake” because of its Reliability, Durability and rarely has Mechanical Fault. In some circles, the model of this Mercedes Benz is “Benz 200/230 (W123). Mercedes Benz was first originally known by the name “Daimler-Benz”, as an homage to the founders. After Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler passed away, Entrepreneur and racing enthusiast Emil Jellinek was brought on by Chief Engineer Wilhelm Maybach.

He came to meet me there at the Airport with the Pastor – Driving a Brand New “Obokun” and He drove the car himself, taking me everywhere.

Then on one of the days, we went to his house – When I saw the house, I realised that the Man who has been driving me around is a Man who could buy me if I were for Sale.

And finally, he brought me back to the Airport to depart.

And as it is our Custom in Yorubaland – If Somebody has been so Good to you, you will want to “Tip” the Fellow.

DMC NOTES: Tip is the way they extend a Thank You for your Service is by leaving a “Tip” – Technically they don’t have to leave you a dime, that’s why it’s called a Tip or Gratuity. It comes from the Latin word: “Gratus”, which means “Thank You”.

How can you Tip Somebody who can buy you?

But I took some Money and I gave it to him and say: Sir, Please give this to your Children – At least, he can’t refuse for his Children.

And he began to say: Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

So I looked at the Pastor – What is the Problem?

The Pastor says that he has no Child – And I said: Praise God!

You see: You can be rich but there are certain things Money cannot buy!

To cut a long Story short, the following year, I was back in Port Harcourt – The same Man was there at the Airport to receive me.

And as he was coming out of the car, he was carrying a Gift in his hand and said: This Gift is from my first son.

I decree to Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Whatever is not allowing your Joy to be Full, the Almighty God will take it away (Amen).

II. And when we talk about the Salt; apart from the fact that it can make what is not Sweet, sweet; it is what we used in the Olden Days to Preserve anything that is Good.

In those days when there is no Freezer or Fridge, if you kill an animal as an Hunter – You go into the bush, kill an animal and you can’t finish eating it in a Day; you will rob it with Salt to Preserve it.

Why? Because any fly that comes near Salt; that fly is going to die.

Which is another way of saying: From now on, God is going to cover you with Salt – Amen.

Any Witch or Wizard that tries to come near you, is going to die – Amen!

So, Salt is a Preservative – It keeps what is Good, good so that it will not become bad.

The Good News that I have for you today or as you read now on the Label of DMC is this – Whatsoever you have already that is Good, will never become bad (Amen).

You know that the Bible says in Proverbs 10:22 – The Blessings of the Lord, maketh rich and adds no Sorrow.

Anything that God has done for you that is Good, is going to Last Forever:

☆ Your Children will not die – Amen.

☆ Your Business won’t Collapse – Amen.

☆ Whatever that you have been seeing that is causing you Joy, will never cause you Sorrow – Amen!

III. And then, there is another Thing about Salt – And that is, it is a Fertiliser.

Many of you may not know that – But ask the Scientists, and they will tell you that the best Fertiliser of all is the Salt.

And what it does is – When it comes into your Life, that which has not been Productive before will start Producing.

☆ When Salt comes into your Life, if you have been barren, you become Fruitful.

☆ When Salt comes into your Life, if they have refused to Promote you, they will begin to give you Double Promotion.

☆ When Salt comes into your Life, suddenly you see your Business begin to Blossom.

… Because Salt behaves like a Fertiliser.

When you read Genesis 18: 9-14 – The Bible told you that God Paid Abraham a visit.

At the end of the visit, He made a Pronouncement – He said, within a year, your wife will have a son.

You know the Story – Sarah heard the Statement and Laughed.

Why? Because she was 90 years Old – Her Womb had died, that is what the Bible said.

But when the Soil is dead and you apply Salt; it comes alive again.

The Woman that never thought that she could have a Child; within a year had one.

I have Good News for Somebody that you are already beginning to loose Hope – Can I ever Succeed in Life? Will I Prosper? Those who met me in the Place of work they have become my boss as everybody seems to have forgotten me? Ha, your Day has come at Last!

IV. The Salt was applied by the Man of God – He went to the Source of the Problem and applied the Salt.

It takes a ” Special Servant of God” to cancel a Curse.

With all Humility – The Man Standing before you is here to Represent God!

I have come here today to make a Pronouncement that everything that is ugly in your Life will come to an end today – Amen!

About 4 years ago, one of my sons came to me and said, Daddy Please come – Come to my Town as we have a Problem there.

I said: What is the Problem?

He said that every year, as long as anybody could remember; at least one Prominent Member of the Community must die.

He said: Please come and I said that I will come.

When I got there, I Preached the Sermon that I’m Preaching to you today.

At the end of the Sermon, I made a Pronouncement – No more Death, no more Barrenness, no more Sorrow, no more Failure, no more Tragedies.

By the Grace of God, it is 4 years now and Nobody had died in that Town.

Ketu Land: God has sent me to you today – No more Death, no more Barrenness, no more Stagnation, no more Sorrow, no more Failure, no more Defeat.

But from now on – Joy alone!

Now, I have done my bit.

But you see, the Bible says: “The Just shall live by Faith”.

Oh, you may say that: Who is this “Small Boy” coming to make Decrees?

It will be to you according to your Faith!

But if you believed that God has sent me to you; if something within you tells you that this is not an Ordinary Day – That this is a very Special Day that God has arranged because of you? Before the Sun rises tomorrow, you will know that something has happened – Amen!

That is why I am saying to you because in Matthew 11: 28-30 – Jesus Christ gave an Invitation.

He said: Come unto me all ye that Labour and are heavy ladened and I will give you rest.

Stop Struggling, and stop Pretending that all is well when you know that there are Problems under the “Beautiful Dress”.

Somebody said that the reason some Big People go from Air-condition car to Air-condition Office and then back to Air-condition Bedrooms is because Fire is burning underneath.

There are Problems that you can’t even Share.

But if you will Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ today, one of His Name is Burden Bearer – He can carry away your Burden.

You may have Problems that you can’t discuss with anybody – On the Surface, everything may look Pretty but there is an Almighty God, the One who has the Power to remove all Mountains.

And He is giving you an Invitation today – Come, Surrender your Life to Him.

This is not a Question of “Who I am” but it is a Question of “Who God wants you to be”.

But you can tell Him – Leave me alone; who told you that I am tired Suffering. He won’t force you.

But like I told you before – A Day like this comes only once in a Lifetime. An opportunity like this may never come again.

It will be an Extraordinary Miracle for God to bring me back to Ketu.

You know why? In Lagos alone; as I’m talking to you; The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) numbers more than 5,000.

So, if I’m visiting one Parish Per Week, it is going to take more than 40 years before I can go round (DMC NOTES: Further checks by DMC even suggest taking more than 96 years for this).

If that is the case, how will I then say I love them so much in Ketu – Let me go to them the 2nd Time when some People has not gotten the first Time?

But at least, you have me here today – Don’t miss this Opportunity: Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ!


So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, like your Pastor said – As I was driving in, I saw several People in several Locations. And they said that infront of each Locations, there is an Altar.

So, if you are willing to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, go to the nearest Altar and I will Pray for your Salvation.

I’m going to count from, one (1) to ten (10) – Go to the Altar now as I’m counting now:

Now, those of you who are already here and those of you who might still be on the way; open your mouth and say: Father, I Submit my Life to You; save my Soul, wash away my sin with Your Blood, accept me into the Family of God and from now on, let me serve You to the very End.

Go ahead and Pray!

And the rest of us, let us Stretch forth our hands towards our New Brothers and Sisters and Intercede for them:

Pray that the One who saved our Souls will save their own Souls also.

Pray that God will give them a Brand New Beginning and that He will receive them into the Family of God.

Pray that God will forgive all their sins and everything will become New for them.

Go ahead and cry for them!

Thank You Father.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to say Thank You.

Thank You for sending me here today, Thank You for Your Words and Thank You for the People who has come forward to Surrender their lives to You.

You said in Your Words that whosoever will come to You, You will no wise cast out.

Please Lord God Almighty, receive them today, forgive their sins and let Your Blood wash them Clean.

As You have saved their Souls Lord, Please write their names in the Book of Life, receive them into the Family of God.

And from now on; anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.

Don’t let them go back to the world but let them serve You for the rest of their lives.

Thank You Father.


And now Almighty God, I’m committing everyone here today Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC into Your Hands.

Please Father, whatever they ask of You today; before the Sun Sets, let it become a Testimony.

Whatever that is in their lives that is not allowing their Joy to be Full; my Father and my God, Uproot it today.

Let Your Salt Seasons their Life.

Every Good Things that You have given to them; Father Preserve it.

Oh Lord God Almighty, I’m Prayimg that like never before; Your Children will become Fruitful.

Physically, let them be Fruitful.

Materially, let them be Fruitful.

In their Careers, let them be Fruitful.

Spiritually, let them be Fruitful.

Anything they ask You today – No matter how difficult, Father release it to them today.

Let this Day be a Day they will never forget.

Thank You Almighty God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


I have told you again and again that today is a Day never to be forgotten.

So, when you Pray now, don’t ask for Small Things from God – Ask for something Big and something only God can do!

So everyone of you, Stand on your Feet.

If you believe that today is your Day, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Lift Up your Voice to the Almighty God – And ask for that “Big Thing” that if only God can do this thing for me today; I know that my Joy will be Full.

Go ahead – Ask Him now!

Forget everybody to your Right and Left and cry to the Almighty God:

Today Lord, You have Chosen to visit me; Please Lord, that Miracle that will make my Joy Full; give unto me.

… Go ahead and ask Him – And you will get your reply from God today!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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