We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour


Father Almighty, we give You all the Glory; we give You all the Honour and we give You Adoration.

Thank You for Your Goodness, Thank You for Your Mercy, Thank You for Your Faithfulness, Thank You for Your Support.

Thank You for January, Thank You for February, Thank You for March, Thank You for April, Thank You for May, Thank You for June and Thank You for bringing us to the Second Half of the Year.

Father, accept our Worship in Jesus Name.

Father tonight, like You have never done before; send down Your Fire, Refuel our Fire and let everyone of us have a Taste of Your Fire afresh.

Oh my Father and my God, this Month (July); is the Seventh (7th) Month of the Year – The Month of Perfection.

In Your Own Miraculous Way; Perfect our Healings tonight, Perfect our Breakthroughs tonight, Perfect our Joy tonight and Perfect our Testimonies tonight.

Do much more than we dare Hope for.

And at the end of it all; take all the Glory.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: God will revive you tonight – Amen.

And then, you may all be seated except those who are born in the Month of July.

DMC NOTES: Special Happy Birthday Instrumental Song in Celebrating the Month of Birth of Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye.


Father, Thank You for Your Children born in the Month of July.

And because this is the Seventh (7th) Month; and seven (7) is the Number of Perfection.

Everything that has to do with them, make Perfect.

Give them Perfect Vision, Perfect Anointing, Perfect Joy, Perfect Progress, Perfect Service to God and let their Future be Perfect.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen,

Tell those that are Born in the Month of July – Fasting or no Fasting, we are going to wash ooo!


  1. Well at long last, our RCCG Annual Convention 2024 is around the corner.

So, from 5th to 11th August, 2024; by the Grace of God, we will be having our RCCG Annual Convention 2024 – DMC NOTES: The 72nd Edition.

And I am going to encourage you to make sure that you don’t miss a Single Day of the Convention because this Year’s Theme is: “HEAVEN”

Now, there have been quite a lot of Controversies about Heaven and we feel that we need to sit down and discuss about this Heaven.

WATCH OUT: Daddy then went on the give some illustrations on why you need to come and learn the Truth about Heaven – @ Dissvovery Media Crew, we will extract out this aspect for your reading Pleasure!

From Day 1, we will talk about: “Pure as Light”.

On Day 2; we will talk about: “The Power of Sanctification”.

Come all through all the Days of the Convention – Bring your friends and Enemies.

Because I am sure that if all your Enemies come; at the end of the one week, they will become your friends,

This Year’s Convention is a very serious one because we want to talk about Heaven.

Don’t worry about food – The Almighty God has been Providing for us all these Years. And He will Provide again as I trust Him.

No matter how many we are; He will feed us and there will be something leftover.

And who knows? There might be some of you here or reading now on the Label of DMC that God will speak to and will just say: Hey, you too can make Contribution!

During this Year’s Convention; the Almighty God is going to bless Someone Mightily!

So, in the Mighty Name of Jesus; I will see you in Heaven – Amen!

  1. I hope that you know that we are Fasting for fourteen (14) days in the Month of July – To Fast towards the Convention.

If you have not started your own, you better start tomorrow – And God will answer your Prayers!

From the Mountain Top – Part 6 (Refuelling Your Fire).

Exodus 15:1 and 22-25:

  1. Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
  2. So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water.
  3. And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah.
  4. And the People murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink?
  5. And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them.

When I bought my first (1st) Car – it was a second hand Dodge Avenger. As the Elderly man from whom I was buying it from was handling over to me the Car Keys, he said to me: Young Man, keep an eye on the Fuel Gauge, otherwise you may be stranded by the roadside.

He said, before you had a car, you took Taxi, you took bus; so it’s none of your business whether there is Petrol in the tank or not. But now you own your own car – Keep an eye on the Fuel Gauge. Before it reaches ‘Reserve’ branch at the nearest Petrol Station and Refuel.

He thought he was just talking about the car! But I learnt a Lesson that say: “Before you run out of steam, Refuel.”

I Pray for everyone of you listening to me today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, you will never be stranded – Amen.


The first (1st) Speaker had done a great job already. She made my job much easier.

She mentioned the fact that the Bible says your Fire must not go out (Leviticus 6:12).


The Fire on your Personal Altar must be burning for ever, it must not go out – It must be burning Morning, Afternoon, Night; burning all the time.

Why? One major reason is in the Bible Text that I read to you (Exodus 15:1, 22-25):

After one Victory you will need the Fire again to confront the next battle.

The Children of Israel had just crossed the Red Sea, God has done Marvellous Things for them, and they Refuelled.

Moses did – He got them to Sing, to Praise God, to Thank Him for what He had done.

So when they now came to Marah, shortly after the great Victory, they met another Problem.

This one is not Pharaoh, it’s not the host of Egypt. This one is an energy as sure as any – Thirst!

They came to a Pool of Water, they wanted to drink, and it was bitter.

But because they had Praised God for what He did in the Past, He came to their aid again.

*If there is anyone here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, who has ever received a Miracle from God – If God has ever in any way helped you in the Past, let me hear you shout hallelujah (Hallelujah).

When I listened to the Testimonies this Evening; when I saw that child lifted up – That the Doctors put a lot of Pressure on the mother: Terminate this Pregnancy!

I said Father, Thank You they didn’t terminate my Pregnancy.

Aren’t you grateful to God that your Pregnancy was not aborted?

Let me hear you shout another Hallelujah – Hallelujah.

When I heard the Testimony of the one Doctors said: Listen, you are already too old. Glory be to God!

And my God who knows all things said, alright, they say you are too old; I subtract five (5) years from your age.

I decree to Somebody here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, whatever God has to do to make sure that your Joy is full, may it be done tonight – Amen.

After every Victory, get ready for another Battle – That’s the way the world is made!

You remembered David in 1 Samuel 17:34-51: First, it was a Lion, he defeated the liyon; then a Bear came, he defeated the Bear; then Goliath, he defeated Goliath; and then the father-in-law – One battle after another.

Like I told you yesterday, Life is a series of Victory. But every Victory comes after a fight.

Everytime we Pray and we say, God will give you a Testimony; do you know what that means?

It means that the next battle that is ahead, God would already fight it and give you Victory – Amen.

Consider Samson:

In Judges 15:14-15, he was untouchable when the Fire was there. But when the Fire went out (Judges 16:18-21), that Mighty Man of Valour; ordinary Human Beings were toying with him, Plucking out his eyes.

You know yourself – When the stove is burning, anybody who touches the stove is going to get hurt. But when the fire has been out for a long time, and the stove has become cold; flies, cockroaches, can move around, walking up and down the stove.

One of the Prayers we are going to Pray tonight is: God make me so Hot that the enemy won’t be able to touch me – Amen!

… And I believe Somebody would say Amen to that – Amen!

Your Fire must not go out, why?

My daughter who spoke before me referred to the Ten (10) Virgins – How the fire of five (5) was going out, and they had no Oil with which to Refuel. Before they came back from buying, the Bridegroom had come and the door was shut.

There are certain doors that do not remain open for ever.

There are certain doors that you must go in as soon as they open.

I have a rough idea of what I am talking about.


The reason why your Fire must keep burning is that, Life is in degrees.

John 10:10 says, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have Life, and that they might have it more Abundantly.

If the thief (that’s the devil) comes and he finds that your fire is out, he would first of all start by stealing; then Proceed to killing; and then Proceed to destroying.

On the other hand, Jesus Christ says, I have come that you might have Life, and have it more Abundantly.

In other words, He is saying:

I. There is Life: that’s when you are barely surviving.

1 Kings 17:8-16 tells you the Story of the Widow of Zarephath – Everyday she had food, but what kind of food? Bread! Because there was Oil, and there was flour. And so, she made bread.

What kind of Life is that? Bread in the Morning, bread in the Evening; bread today, bread tomorrow. Like that for more than two and half (2½) years.

But she was living!

II. And then there is Abundant Life – That means, at least you have Sufficiency.

2 Kings 4:1-7 tells you the Story of the Widow of one of the Sons of Prophet, who was in debt and God intervened.

The Bible says she Paid off the debt, and had enough to live on – Herself and the sons for the rest of their lives.

III. There is also Abundant Life with a ‘But’:

In 2 Kings 3:8-17, there was a Shunamite Woman; she had abundant of everything, except a Child.

In 2 Kings 5:1-14, Naaman was great, rich, successful; but he was a Leper.

That’s Abundant Life with a “But”.

IV. And then there is More Abundant Life – That’s Life full of everything, without a “But”.

And I am Praying in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, that before this Month (July 2024) ends; you will know the meaning of Life More Abundant – Amen.

… It is not only Life that’s in degrees;


Some of you are already Great – Praise the Lord!

Keep the Fire Burning, because you can move from Great to Greater.

Not only you; but you can be Great, and then your children can be Greater than you.

… Which has been my Prayer all along.

And I am Praying it again for you tonight, that all of you, my children: you will be Greater than I, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He said that He is about to turn your Night to Day – Amen.

  • The Bible makes it clear in Genesis 24:34-35 that Abraham was Great;
  • In Genesis 26:12-16, the Bible says, Isaac was “Very Great”;
  • In Genesis 30:24-43, the Bible says Jacob was “Exceedingly Great”;
  • In Genesis 41:1-44, Joseph (one of the sons of Jacob) was Practically the Man who became the Controller of the world; because he became Prime Minister of Egypt, and Egypt was Controlling the world.

So Greatness is in degrees!

You are Great – Amen!

In the Name that’s above every other name, your Children will be Greater than you – Amen.

Your Grandchildren will be Greater than your Children – Amen.

Your Great-Grandchildren will be Greater than your Grandchildren – Amen.

If I were you, I will say Amen to that – Amen!

But then, like I told those of you who came to July (2024) Divine Encounter – You can read the Full Text of that Message on the Label of DMC:

How come that Isaac became Very Great? It’s because he kept on Refueling:

The first year he sowed, he had a hundred fold Returns.

So when he was going to sow the second year, he sowed a hundred fold Seed, and he had another hundred fold Returns.

By the second (2nd) year he had moved from one seed to a harvest of ten thousand (10,000).

Then the third (3rd) year again, he sowed, this time ten thousand (10,000) Seeds. And he kept on sowing higher Seeds, and getting higher Harvest.

… He kept on Refueling!

I’ve told you of how I Pray for my friends who give me Gifts – When I bless them, I say: “Next Time will be More.”

I’ve told you the Story of a Young Man who attended one of my Teachings – Very Small Boy, compared to the People who were there (in Ikoyi Lagos Nigeria).

I finished Preaching, he came to me and said Sir, I’ve never heard this kind of Sermon before. He gave me a Gift of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000).

I looked at him and I said, Thank You Sir: Next Time will be More!

He left my Presence full of anger – What kind of a Greedy Man of God is this? I gave him ten thousand Dollars ($10,000) and he is saying “next time will be more.”

He thought I was saying that it’s too small.

But the next year when he came, he said: I didn’t understand your Prayer.

He said, last year I had (I think) eleven (11) Petrol Stations. By the following year he had one hundred and ten(110) Petrol Stations.

He brought another Gift; this time, not ten thousand Dollars ($10,000).

I know you want to know, but it’s done of your business (Laughter)!

And I Prayed the same Prayer for him,”Next Time will be More!”

By the following year when he came, he told me he had a Depot; because his Tankers were so many – Instead of going to queue anywhere, he had his now Depot.

And so he sowed again! And I Prayed the same Prayer. By the following year, he was not just selling Petrol in Nigeria; he was already selling Petrol in the United Kingdom.

I Pray for Someone here today, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, you will get Richer by the Day – Amen!

… But you must keep on Refuelling!


In 1 Samuel 16:11-13, David was anointed King among his Brethren – He was King within the Family.

By the time we get to 1 Samuel 22:1-22, he was Captain of about Four Hundred (400) Men – He was already on his way!

Those People, even though they were Ruffians and Vagabonds, they became the Mighty Men of David.

But then in 2 Samuel 2:3-4, he became King over Judah – Going Up.

By the time we come to 2 Samuel 5:1-3, he became King over the whole of Israel.

But he didn’t stop there.

By the time we are reading Mark 10:46-52, he had become the father of Jesus – Bartimaeus said, “Jesus, Thou Son of David…”

Why? In Luke 1:26-32, when the Angel came to visit Mary, he told her, the Son you are going to give birth to; God will give Him the Throne of His father David.

This fellow kept going higher and higher.

How come? He kept on Sowing!

… We’ll talk a little bit about him later on.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

… You better pay attention to this, because apparently God has said it before, but maybe you didn’t believe Him.

He asked me to tell you: Your External Enemies will be Scattered – Amen!

Your Internal Enemies will be Frustrated – Amen!

He asked me to tell you – “Mark my words.”

… That means He must have said it before, maybe you didn’t believe.

He said: You will Testify very soon – Amen.


That brings us to the issue of Heat. Because we are talking of Refuelling your Fire.


No matter how hot you are now, you can be hotter.

And I am Praying for those of you who are here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: By the time you are leaving this Place, you will be so hot, the enemy won’t be able to touch you – Amen.

Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says, almost all doors have been shut against you.

But He asked me to tell you: Before the end of this Month (July 2024); the doors would begin to open rapidly – Amen.

I. When you read Daniel 3:1-6, there is what is called, Furnace.

If you want to know what a furnace is, go to any of these Steel Industrial Places.

There was a Steel Industry in Osogbo (Osun State Nigeria) some years ago; I don’t know whether it is still there.

I went to visit Somebody there and they showed me a furnace – You can see iron coming, red hot, soft; coming out.

They call it furnace – That Place is very hot.

II. But by the time you read Daniel 3:14-27, Nebuchadnezzar said they should make the furnace seven (7) times hotter.

It was already hot, yet he said, make it seven (7) times hotter.

III. By the time you read Daniel 3:20-27, there is Someone called the Son of Man.

He so hot that He swallowed all the heat of the furnace.

Such that those who were His Children, were just walking with Him, discussing, right inside fire.

And the King said, what am I seeing? We threw in three (3) People, now there are four (4) of them, and they have no hurt.

I decree in the Name of the One who Called me: From tonight onward, the Fire of the world will have no effect on you – Amen.

In 1 Kings 18:38, there is a Fire so hot that it drinks water.

Water is supposed to put out fire; but there is a Fire of God, when it comes down, it can even drink water.

Elijah was hot (2 Kings 1:9-12) – Soldiers came to arrest him. They said, Man of God come down, you are under arrest. He said, really? You know I’m a Man of God, you want to arrest me? He said, Roast! And immediately, they became ashes.

… I don’t know about you, but I like Elijah.

I’m Praying for Somebody here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: Before you leave this Place, any germ, any virus, any kind of Sickness; when they come near you, they will Roast – Amen.

Thank You Father.

I think I’m going to say Amen to this one before I tell you – Amen!

Because the Lord says there’s Someone here tonight, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

He says before the help that you are expecting from a Human Being arrives, His own will arrive – Amen.

Thank You my Father.

Daddy asked me to tell you a Story, because He wants to tell you something after it.

When we came to this Campground in 1983 – The Highway was being tormented by Highway Robbers. And this very Campground happened to be their Headquarters.

Those of you who are old enough to remember, you will know that if you are travelling at night and they throw something at your tyre, the tyre would burst, and they would come and rob you.

Our Carpenters were here, they were basically the People living here then.

When cars break down, the People inside would run into the Camp, because this was the only area with light (The other area was a Jungle).

And then some Policemen were Patrolling; and they saw the car that broke down. They knew Robbers had been operating, so they hid in the bush, waiting for the Robbers to come and rob the car.

They didn’t know that the Occupants had already come to the Camp.

The Carpenters followed these People to go and collect whatever luggage they had left in the car. But when the Police who were hiding saw the Carpenters coming towards the car, they thought, “here comes the Robbers!”

And their Leader gave the Order – Fire!

My People heard the word, Fire; but didn’t understand. But nothing happened.

And again, the Officer said, Fire! But nothing happened.

The third (3rd) time he commanded, Fire! But nothing happened.

Until my children got to them and said, we are Innocent People.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone: Those hands that are trying to attack you, I will freeze them – Amen!

Elijah was hot! But you all know that Elisha was much hotter.

I mean, a King knew that Elijah was hot, when he was going to arrest him he sent Fifty (50) Soldiers and their Captain.

When another King wanted to arrest Elisha, he knew that this one is very, very hot; he sent a whole Army.

That’s how hot Elisha was.

So hotness is in degrees:

Some of you are hot now, but as you Refuel your Fire constantly, you can get hotter and hotter and hotter!

Like I told the Disciples yesterday (You can read Full Text of that Message Only on the Label of DMC), there are Categories of Flame:

I. There is Red Flame – Produced by Firewood.

It can burn because it’s a flame. But it would leave behind ashes and smoke.

II. And then there is Blue Flame – That is the flame Produced by your Gas Cooker.

And it burns faster, without much noise, without ashes and without smoke.

III. But then there is White Flame – That’s the flame of the Welder, that can cut two (2) irons.

My Prayer for you today is that, before you leave this Place, you will be White Flames – Amen!

And then like my daughter said, when you are talking about Fire, certain things come to your Mind – Light!

Because wherever there is Fire, there will be Light – You can Shine Brighter.

Thank You Father.

God says this is for one Special Family (The DMC Family Members):

He asked me to tell you: Your Small Family will one day become a Clan – Amen.


1 Corinthians 15:41 tells us that Glories are in Degrees: There is one Glory of the Sun, and another Glory of the Moon, and another Glory of the Stars: for one Star differeth from another Star in Glory.

And then even among Stars, there are Categories of Glories.

When somebody is Shinning, we call him or her a Star.

For example, a Football Star, a Movie Star, Television Star, etc.

Do you know it is Possible to Outshine all your Mates?

That you can be a Star amongst Stars?

That everybody in your Family is a Star, but you can still Outshine them?

When your Heat increases, your Brightness increases.

Proverbs 4:18 tells us: But the Path of the Just is as the Shinning Light, that shineth more and more unto the Perfect Day.

Every one of you my Children would be a Star – Amen.

And even among Stars, you will be a Star – Amen!

When you consider the Apostles, you’ll discovered that Peter was a Star – He shone among them.

And I believe this is Specially for one Minister of God: All Ministers will Shine, but you will Outshine them all – Amen.

When you read Acts 5:14-16, the Bible says, Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the Streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the Shadow of Peter Passing by might overshadow some of them.

… Peter was different – His Shadow was healing the sick.

And then, as bright as Peter shone, there was still somebody who shone brighter; so much so that the Bible said in Acts 19:11-12, And God wrought Special Miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the Sick Handkerchiefs or Aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the Evil Spirits went out of them.

I’ve told you before, a Miracle is a Special Intervention of God in the affairs of Men.

Now, to say “Special Miracle” mean – Special, Special.

So much so, his Handkerchiefs began to heal the sick; Demons would see his Handkerchief coming, they would run.

That Man Shone!

And in the Name that’s above every other name, one day it will be written about you that God Performed Special Miracles by your hand – Amen.


Again, my daughter had done a great job tonight already; I would just add my own little bit to what she has already said.

  1. You must keep Sowing:

Sow more, and more, and more – Don’t stop!

Just keep on sowing.

You can never trade with God and lose – It’s impossible.

I can tell you Stories upon Stories – I know Who He is and I have seen Him in Action.

Just keep on sowing.

Thank You Father.

Again, God is saying He has told Someone this before, but the fellow is still worried.

The Lord asked me to tell you, all your Children will end up well – Amen!

…But then, apart from Sowing:

  1. You must Show Progressively:

You must not just Sow, sow Progressively!

The Shunamite Woman started by giving Elisha food once in a while but then she moved on and said, I can do more than this.

She decided to build him an Apartment.

She kept on Sowing Progressively and when the time came, God rewarded her with something money cannot buy.

  1. And then Learn to Praise God:

That’s Probably one of the Greatest ways you can Refuel your Fire.

I used to think that the Greatest Problem of Samson was his eyes; that he couldn’t keep his eyes in the right direction.

That’s true! That was his Problem.

That’s why when the enemies got him, the first thing they did was to pluck out his eyes.

But I discovered that his Greatest Problem was Ingratitude – He didn’t know how to say Thank You.

He never said Thank You to God all his life – Never!

A Lion came out, roared at him. The Spirit of God came on him and he just took the Lion, tore it into two (2) and went his way.

He didn’t say Thank You Lord. No!

When with the Jawbone of an Ass he Slaughtered a thousand Philistines; you would think he would say to God, Thank You for this Great Deliverance. No!

What did he say? “Samson, Oh Samson; with the Jawbone of an Ass you have killed a thousand Philistines.”

Not a word about Thank You God!

Deliverance after Deliverance, he never said, Thank You God.

Maybe that’s why God said, since you are the one doing it, maybe we should leave you alone and let you do it. Let’s see what you will achieve.

That’s why when the Spirit of God departed from him, he tried to go as before, and found that ordinary Human Beings can bind him and take him into Prison.

I Pray for all of you here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC: God will never leave you alone – Amen.

Samson’s Fire went out because he never knew how to say Thank You.

Even when he was going to say his Final Prayer – Because God is Merciful; as soon as Delilah cut off his hair, and the enemies came; God was already looking down on him with Mercy.

The Bible says, his hair began to grow again.

But when he was going to Pray his Final Prayer, he didn’t say God Strengthen me one more time; let me take Vengeance on these People for illtreating Your Servant so that Your Name will be Glorified. No!

He said, I want to avenge my eyes – It was himself all the time.

How come David grew Steadily from King in the Family to King in the Cave, to King of Judah, to King of Israel; to the father of the King of kings?

He knew how to Praise God!

Psalm 34:1-3 says, I will bless the LORD at all times: his Praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. Oh Magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his Name together.

He said, I’m not going to stop; I’ll just keep on Praising Him.

Look at Psalm 108:1-3 he said; Oh God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give Praise, even with my Glory. Awake, Psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. I will Praise thee, O LORD, among the People: and I will sing Praises unto thee among the Nations.

When you read 2 Samuel 6, you can read the whole Chapter (it’s a beautiful reading):

When he was coming to town with the Ark of Covenant of the Lord, he began to dance.

He danced so Mightily that the Bible says, his belly even came out of his Agbada.

And when his wife said, how can you be dancing like this, you a King? He said, I’m dancing for the One who made me King.

Before I became General Overseer – I got Born Again in 1973.

I was so glad that God saved my Soul that I decided that at least once a year, I would Sing and Praise God.

That’s when I started composing Ewi (DMC NOTES: Meaning Poem) several years ago.

But my first Ewi (Poem) that somehow remained an evergreen one is:

E ba mi yin Jesu logo (Help me Give Glory to Jesus) – Amen
E ba mi yin Jesu logo (Help me Give Glory to Jesus) – Amen.

The second one that followed, has also remained evergreen:

Olorun dara – eeh O Dara (The Lord is God – Yes He is Good)
Alpha, Omega dara – eeh O Dara (Alpha and Omega is Good – Yes He is Good).

I was expressing my Gratitude to the One who saved my Soul.

And I went on year after year since then, every year.

Then I became General Overseer; and someone came to me and said, you are now the father of all us, let this children Sing. You sit down, you are the King now (laughter).

I said, thank you! I will never stop Praising Him – I will Praise Him until I see Him in Glory.

Is there anybody tonight; instead of being begged, who will readily shout Hallelujah to God? Hallelujah!

  • A Lion came, David fought and won – He sang a Song.
  • A Bear came, David fought and won – He sang a Song.
  • Goliath came, David defeated him – He sang a Song.

He just kept on Singing – The whole world knew him for Singing; for Praising God.

That’s why, when King Saul was tormented by Demons and somebody said, you need a Musician to relieve you; Somebody said, I know someone (David, the son of Jesse); he was known for Praising God!

The first (1st) Book somebody wrote about me, the Title of the Book was, “Let Somebody shout Hallelujah!”

So go ahead, shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

The Fire is going to Fall tonight, because we are going to Praise God – Amen.

You see, God has been good to us – All these Testimonies you are hearing every Month; this is not the same thing happening all over the world.

The Holy Ghost Service began in 1986; It is still counting; it’s still getting bigger and bigger.

And then somebody will say to me; Why do you begin your Sermon by saying, “Let Somebody shout Hallelujah?’


So if you are here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, and you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ;

If you want to taste and see that the Lord is Good – You Better come now.

You see, because God says the Praises and Sacrifices of a Sinner are abomination to Him – He doesn’t want to hear the Praises of Sinners.

So, if you want to be Praising Him; you want to be Refuelling your Fire; you want to grow bigger and bigger; greater and greater; you want to shine brighter and brighter; you want your future to just continue to be from one level of Glory to another;

The very first thing you must do is Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ: Let His Blood wash away your sins. And then you can continue from there.

So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ, come now!

I’m going to count from one (1) to ten (10) – Before I say ten (10) make sure you are already standing before the Altar, and we will Pray for the Salvation of your Soul.

I’m counting now …

God Bless You as you come.

Thank You!

Now cry to the Almighty God and say: Please, save my Soul, forgive all my sins and I will serve You from now on.

Let Your Blood wash me Clean – I want to be able to Praise You and I want to be one of Your Children.

Lord, have Mercy on me – Let Your Blood wash away my sins, save my Soul today, and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

Go ahead, talk to Him.

And the rest of us Please, let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your Soul will save their own Souls also.

Pray that God would give them Genuine Salvation tonight.

Pray for them; intercede for them!

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You very, very much for Your Word.

Thank You for all these People who have come forward to Surrender their lives to You Genuinely today.

Father Please receive them, in Jesus’ Name.

Have Mercy on them; Forgive all their sins. Let Your Blood wash them Clean.

Please, write their names in the Book of Life and receive them into the Family of God.

And Please Lord, anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.

And let them serve You till the end.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Those of you who have just Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ Genuinely, Congratulations!

Let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

From now on, I want to Promise you that by the Special Grace of God, I’ll be Praying for you.

So I’ll need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You!

Let’s clap for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank You Father.


Maybe you may want to write down your Prayer Points:

  1. You want to Thank Him for all that He has done for you:

☆ The Salvation of your Soul, your Health, His Provisions for you – Providing you with Clothes and somewhere to Sleep, Covering your Secrets – You don’t have to go begging before you can meet up with your Responsibilities.

☆ Give Him Thanks tonight like you have never done before for all the Victories that He has given you.

☆ Thank Him for His Mercy because the Bible says that it is of His Mercy that you are not Consumed. And they are renewed everyday.

☆ Thank Him for your Breathing – You may not know how Valuable it is to breathe until you see someone that is attacked with Coronavirus.

☆ Thank Him for the Ability to Sleep.

☆ Thank Him for the Ability to go to the Toilet easily.

☆ Thank Him that you can be here tonight and be Part and Parcel of tonight Service.

☆ Thank Him for all the Prophesies that has gone forth tonight.

☆ Thank Him for all the Testimonies we kept on hearing – Healing of Cancer, Proving that He is a Mighty Doctor and Proving that there is Nothing Too Hard for Him.

☆ Thank Him for the Holy Ghost Service that has been going on since the Year 1986 and still growing Stronger

☆ Thank Him that we are still hearing from Him accurately even with this Great Crowd.

☆ Thank Him that He is still making us Vessels Unto Honour in His Hands.

  1. Pray that God will make you so Hot that the Enemies would not be able to touch you at all – They will know: “Don’t go near”.
  2. Pray that He will make you so Bright that the Enemies will not be able to look at your Direction at all.
  3. Ask Him to make you so Fast that the Enemies can’t Catch Up with you.

He empowered Elijah and he outran the Chariot of the King.

  1. Ask Him to lift you up so High that you will be well beyond the reach of the Enemy.
  2. Ask Him to make you so Great that every Enemies will be under your Feet.
  3. Ask Him to equip you more so that you can serve Him better.
  4. Pray that this Year’s Convention will be “Absolute Heaven” on Earth in every way Possible.
  5. Your Own Private Prayer Points – Everywhere you want the Fire of God to touch.
  6. Don’t forget to Pray for Pastor E.A Adeboye.

Now, the Altar is Open – Let us go ahead to Praise God!

Give Him all the Glory, all the Honour and all the Adoration!

Halleluyah! Glory be to God.

Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Father, on behalf of all of us I say Thank You.

Thank You for Breathing; Thank You for Health; Thank You for Strength; Thank You for Provisions; Thank You for Salvation; Thank You for Protection; Thank You for Appetite;

Thank You for Food to eat; Thank You for Ability to sleep; Thank You for all manners of Victories.

Please, accept our Thanks, in Jesus’ Name

Father, my Special Request tonight is that You will make Your Children so Hot, the enemy won’t be able to touch them.

Make them so Bright, the enemy can’t look at them.

Make them so Fast, the enemy can’t catch up with them.

Make them so High, the enemy can’t reach them.

Make them so Great, the enemy will be under their feet.

Anoint them so Mightily, so they will serve You better.

Grant their Requests; meet all their Needs; revive them; Strengthen them; Protect them and Promote them.

And Lord, during Your Convention, do Marvellous Things for every one of us.

My Father and my God, let our tomorrow be Greater.

Thank You for Answered Prayers.

For in Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

God Bless You! Let’s go back to our seats.


Now, it is written that Iron sharpeneth iron.

That’s another way of saying, Fire begets Fire.

So tonight, the Pastors are coming down – And their own Fire is going to Ignite with your Fire, so that the Fire will become bigger.

The Pastors are going to lay hands on everybody; so that the Fire will be Multiplied.

And this is going to give us an opportunity to Praise God the way we ought to Praise Him.

While the Pastors are laying hands, we will be Dancing, we will be Singing the way we should.

Once upon a time; before the Church became this big, there’s a Special Night for Deliverance Service.

By the Grace of God, that is going to be revived this Convention – Amen.

After we’ve done the Preaching and the the Praying, we begin to sing Warfare Songs and Powerful Praises to God.

And you begin to see all manners of Manifestations – All those who are one way or the other Demon Possessed, would begin to manifest.

People have to carry them forward.

By the time we finished, many at times we would have hundreds of People on the floor.

We stopped doing that because the Ushers couldn’t cope when the crowd became a bit too large.

But this year, we are going to ask God for Special Grace – If need be, we would ask the Deacons and Deaconesses, and even Assistant Pastors to join the Ushers take care of those who might need help.

But tonight, in the meantime, we will Sing, we will Dance; the Pastors will lay hands on us and we will Praise God the way we should Praise Him.

After which, we will be Closing

Pastors Please, take Position!

And as soon as they take Position, you will come, they would just Touch you – It won’t be a long Process. Fire touching Fire, and Fire would be doubled.

Now, over to you Band!

Pastors, God Bless You – Amen.


We want to say Thank You to the Almighty God before the Final Prayer – Before we will be on our way.

So let’s take our Thanksgiving Offering very quickly; and then dance like you have never danced before.

And the Fire will grow even hotter still.

So take your Thanksgiving Offering, and we will continue with our Singing and Dancing, to the Almighty God.

Over to you Band!


In the Name that’s above every other name, you will never know sorrow again.

Any enemy that tries to cause you sorrow, the Fire of God will Consume.

Poverty will become a Stranger to you.

You will never know Failure again!

From today onward, every Obstructions on your way will be consumed by Fire.

The Lord will receive your Offering, He will bless it, He will use it for His Glory and you will never Lack!

Before the end of this Year (2024), your Testimonies will be Complete.

By the time I see you, your Testimonies will be Great.

It shall be well with you; and you too will serve God till the end.

Go in Peace!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

I want you to shout Hallelujah like Fire – Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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