Let Us Pray!


Glory be to God in the Highest (Amen)
Glory be to God in the Highest (Amen)
For His Mercy endureth forever (Amen)
For His Mercy endureth forever (Amen)


Glorious God, All Sufficient God, the Ancient of Days Himself – We Worship You.

We Magnify Your Holy Name Lord – We are forever Grateful for the Grace that brought us Salvation. We Thank You because You Paid it all.

Oh Father, Thank You for giving us Your Blessed Son; Thank You that we obtained Mercy – Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name

Today, as we gather before You; we Pray that You will send Your Words to us and that Word will bring us Healing and bring us Deliverance and bring us Victory.

So that at the end of it all, Your Name and Your Name alone will be Glorified.

Thank You Almighty God.

For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, shake hands with whoever is near you and say: “The Almighty God will bless you Mightily today” – Amen and Amen!

And then, you may Please be seated,

We move on to Part 53 of our Series on: “For Whom The Heavens Open”.

And we have been using Joshua as our Case Study – And being on this for over a Year.

Well steadily, we are moving to close of the Series.

But in the Past couple of weeks, we have been talking about a Man called “Caleb” – Who happens to be Someone whose Destiny is connected to that of Joshua.

And we have been looking at Joshua 14: 6-14.

Today, I just want to look at Verses 12 and 13 there:

Caleb was talking to Joshua and he said and I quote:

Joshua 14: 12-13:

  1. Now therefore give me this Mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the Cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.
  2. And Joshua blessed him, and gave unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh Hebron for an Inheritance.

Usually, when you are discussing with children; and you begin to ask them how much of the Bible they know:

☆ You ask them who was Moses?

They will Probably tell you that Moses was the Law Giver – The one who brought the ten (10) Commandments from God to the Children of Israel.

☆ If you ask them who was David?

Almost invariably, they will tell you that David was the Giant Killer – The one who killed Goliath.

☆ If you ask them who was Daniel?

They are likely to tell you the Man who spent a Night with the Lions in the Lion’s Den and came out without any hurt.

☆ Now, if you ask them who was Caleb?

I. A Young Christian will Probably say that Caleb was that Colleague of Joshua – They were friends.

II. The one who is a bit more Matured will Probably say that he was the Old Soldier that never died.

Because at the Age of 85 years, he was still ready to go to war because he was still Strong at 85 as he was at 40.

III. But if you asked a really Matured Christian who was Caleb?

The answer that you are likely to get is a Man who asked for a Mountain!

That was one of the very Big Lesson that we learnt from Caleb – “The Man who asked for a Mountain”.

And so, we come to a very, very important aspect of this Particular Passage and we learn some very serious Lessons here – Basically that: “Not all Mountains are to be Moved!

☆ Yes, according to Mark 11: 22-24; the Bible did say that: If you have Faith in God, and you don’t doubt; you can Command Mountains and Mountain will be moved and cast into the Sea.

☆ Yes according to Joshua 6: 1-21; some Mountains are to be demolished.

You know that the Wall of a Jericho is like a Mountain because you always think of a Mountain as an Obstruction to our Progress or Obstacles.

And in Joshua 6: 1-21; the Mountain was demolished.

☆ But there are some Mountains that you may just need to bore your way through – Like the Red Sea case in Exodus 14: 1-28.

When the Red Sea Parted, the Children of Israel Passed through and then the Sea Close again.

In other words, the Mountain was still there but the Children of Israel were now on the right side of the Mountain.

As a matter of fact, one of the reasons that the Sea closed again is so that they won’t be able to go back to Egypt again.

So, some Mountains are not actually to be wiped out – They may still serve a Purpose if you are on the right side of the Mountain.

And that mean that some Enemies, yes are to be completely annihilated.

1 Samuel 15: 1-33 – When God was sending King Saul to go and deal with the Amelekites; He (God) said that he (Saul) should wiped them out completely.

When he (Saul) saved the King; Samuel the Prophet completed the job – He (Samuel) killed the King.

Some Enemies are to be Dead and Buried!

According to Numbers 16: 23-34; Korah, Dathan and Abiram, with all their Supporters were buried alive.

Even according to Joshua 7: 19-26; Achan and his entire family were not just killed, and they were not just burnt after they were killed; a heap of stone was raised over them.

Some Enemies are to be killed, burnt, buried and sealed off forever.


  1. Some Mountains are for Climbing.

… There are some Mountains that you have to Climb.

Why? Because they serve some God Purpose.

For Example: In Exodus 17: 8-13; when the Amelekites came against the Children of Israel on their way to the Promise Land; Moses climbed a Mountain. And from there, he Controlled the war in the Valley below.

So, there are some Mountains you have to climb to get you closer to the Source of Anointing.

Not all Problems are to be wiped away.

There are many atimes that we do not get as close to God as we should be unless we have a really “Big Mountain” – A Problem “Sufficiently Big” that we will be compelled to draw Closer to God!

And then, there are some Mountains that are allowed in our lives by God to announce to the People that we are now Anointed.

In 1 Samuel 17: 34-51; it was when Goliath appeared and David handled him that everybody discovered that there is Somebody in our midst carrying an “Unusual Anointing”.

It takes some Mountains for God to announce that He has Anointed you!

David had been Anointed in 1 Samuel 16: 11-13 but Nobody knew about this Anointing until Goliath appeared.

Oh, the boy knew and his Relatives knew:

I. The boy had seen the Anointing working Privately when a Lion came to steal one of the Sheep and he grabbed the Lion by the head and box it to death.

II. And the Bear came and he did the same thing.

III. The boy knew that it wasn’t the Punch of an “Ordinary Boy” that killed a Lion; he knew that it wasn’t the Punch of an “Ordinary Boy” that killed a Bear – He knew thar it was the Anointing at work.

But Nobody knew until Goliath came!

I Pray that the Mountain that will announce your Anointing will come rapidly – Amen!

  1. Some Mountains are necessary for a Major National Revival.

In 1 Kings 18: 20-45; it was on Mount Carmel that Elijah had a Competition with Forces of Darkness and demonstrated that there is a God who can answer by Fire.

It was then that the whole Nation fell on their face and said: “Jehovah is the Lord”.

Anybody can call himself a Prophet; but it takes a National Crisis before you know that some Prophets are Genuine!

  1. Some Mountains are necessary for you to Climb so that you can hear God more clearly.

In 1 Kings 19: 4-13; it was on Horeb, the Mountain of God that Elijah heard the “Still Small Voice” of God.

At times, God has to get you apart from the Noise of the People in the Valley before you can hear Him more Clearly!

You can be sure that God has been talking to Elijah long before 1 Kings Chapter 19. But in 1 Kings Chapter 19, that was where he was able to hear God more clearly because God was speaking in a “Still Small Voice”.

At times, God has to get you away from the Hustling and Bustling of Business – Get you apart to Himself where everything is quiet and it is you and Him alone now talking. Particularly, when God wants to spell out your Future to you.

Because if you read 1 Kings 19: 14-17; you will hear God there now telling Elijah:

  • Elijah who thought that he has failed.
  • Elijah who was already asking God to kill him.

That is when God said that your Ministry is not yet over as your Influence is about to expand.

Oh, up till now, you have been fighting a King; now you are to Anoint Kings.

… You are to move on to a New Level of Ministry.

At times, it takes a Mountain to get you to a Place where God will be able to speak to you and tell you about the Future!

I remembered years ago when I was travelling to London in our Beloveth Nigeria Airways of Blessed Memory.

And we got to Heathrow (DMC NOTES: Heathrow Airport in London is the UK’s largest and busiest Airport as well as being the busiest Airport in Europe and the seventh busiest in the world based on Passenger Traffic. Located in the West of the City, in the London borough of Hillingdon, Heathrow hosts two runways and four Operational Terminal Buildings); and suddenly just before we began to descend, the Captain announced that the door at the belly of the Plane refused to open.

And the implication of that is that the tyres can’t come out.

And the implication of that is that unless something happened, we are going to crash.

And I’m telling you – Anointing or no Anointing, I was afraid.

And on that Particular Day like I have told the Story before, I was travelling First Class because Somebody bought the Ticket.

So, there are all manners of Big People there – And all of a sudden, we realised that the Rich do fear Death.

And there were all manners of Commotion – And I said: Oh God, You didn’t tell me that this is how it is going to end?

I was saying Goodbye to my children yesterday; You didn’t tell me that it is the Last time that I will see them.

And He spoke to me and said: No, No, No; I want to talk to you. Because I knew that as soon as you land, the People won’t let us have time together.

And so, the Plane kept on going round and round and round.

And the Pilot was even adding fuel to the Fire – Everybody be quiet now; afterall you know that the Fire Fighters in Britain are very efficient.

Fire Fighters? You mean we are not just going to crashland? We are going to catch Fire?

But during that Period of Commotion, when God saw that now I have gotten your attention; He told me some things to come.

May I Pray that the Mountain where you will be able to hear God more clearly; the Almighty God will bring it your way very soon – Amen!

Because on the Mountain where you can hear God clearly, He can even tell you about who will continue the work that you have been doing!

Because it was on that Mountain that God told Elijah: Hey, there is a boy called Elisha – Go and get him.

  1. There are some Mountains that will put you beyond the touch of the Enemies.

Some Mountains, you have to climb so that the Enemies can’t reach you easily.

For Example: In 2 Kings 1: 9-12; when a King wanted to arrest Elijah; Elijah was sitting on a Mountain.

And the Soldiers came and said to him: Man of God, come down!

He was on a Mountain – And it was from that Mountain that he was raining down Fire on them.

So, there are some Mountains that are necessary to put you beyond the reach of the Enemies!

And if you read 2 Kings 6: 8-23; when another King wanted to arrest Elisha and he sent an Army to go and arrest him.

Elisha was on a Mountaintop – And from there, he was able to demonstrate his Superiority.

The Army was comimg and he was telling his boy – Don’t worry, those who are with us, are more than those who are with them.

And when they came to him, he asked God to blindfold them and then lead them to the Enemy Territory and then ask God to open their eyes and they saw that they were surrounded by a Mighty Army.

But instead of killing them, he just said: Let us feed them and send them back to the Sender.

The Bible said that from that day onwards, the Enemy that sent them never attempted it again.

There is a Mountain from where you can show that the Almighty God (Your Father); is really the Commander-In-Chief of the Host of Heaven!

  1. There are some of Mountains from where you might be able to see the Glory of God clearly!

Matthew 17: 1-10; the Bible tells us that when Jesus Christ was going to be Transformed before His Disciples; He took three (3) Disciples with Him to the Mount of Transfiguration. And He was Transformed before them.

… He Climbed the Mountain, took three (3) People with Him!

I remembered the first time that we went to Israel and we got to the Mount of Transfiguration – We all wept.

I. We wept because I told the People that: What was the offence of the remaining nine (9) Disciples that they were not allowed to come up here and see what the three (3) saw?

Because He (Jesus Christ) told those three (3) Disciples (DMC NOTES: Peter, James and John) – Don’t tell anyone what you have seen here.

II. We wept because I said to them: You know that there was a lot of Announcements about you going to Israel; but at the end of the Day, only fifty (50) of us went.

I said that we must be some Special People that God Choose us to come up here.

But then, this Man asked for a Mountain!

Another Big, Big Lesson from that is: “God feels honoured when you ask Him for Big Things!

He doesn’t feel very comfortable when His Children ask Him for Little Things.

Psalms 78:41 warns us not to limit the Holy One of Israel.

In 2 Kings 4: 1-7; when that Widow ran to Elisha for Help because she was in debt. The Man of God told her to borrow Empty Vessels and borrow not a few.

The Bigger your Problem, the Bigger your Testimony will be.

Don’t forget Ephesians 3:20 says: God is able to do Exceedingly Abundantly above “ALL” that you ask for or even think of.

☆ Don’t forget that our God owns the Earth and the Fullness thereof.

☆ Don’t forget that Silver and Gold belongs to Him.

☆ Don’t forget that the Cattles upon a thousand Hills are His Own.

Feel free today to ask for even what Money cannot buy.

Remember that Solomon asked God for Wisdom and he got not only Wisdom but several other things in Addition.

☆ Finally, don’t forget that if you don’t ask; then you won’t get.

James 4:2 says: You have not because you ask not.

Caleb asked for a Mountain and he got it.

Whateger you asked God for today, in the Name that is above every other name; no matter how big, my God will give it to you – Amen!


Which is why those of you who are not yet Born Again; you don’t know what you are missing.

Come to Jesus Christ – He answers Prayers!

All those things that you are looking for – The Word of God says: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and every other things you can think of, will be added unto you,

So, why don’t you come to Jesus today and let Him give you a Brand New Beginning.

And so, if you want to Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, will you Please bow your head wherever you are and cry unto Him.

At least first of all, ask him for Salvation and then you get every other thing.

Bow your head now and ask Him to Please save your Soul, have Mercy on you so that you can become one of His Children.

And anything that you ask after that, He will also make it available to you.

Let Us Pray!


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You because You are there to answer any Prayer no matter how difficult or no matter how Big.

And so today Lord God Almighty, all these People who are asking You for Salvation; Please answer them, grant their Requests, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, let them become Members of the Family of God.

From now on, anytime they call on You, answer them by Fire so that very soon, they will know that You are the All Sufficient God.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!

Well, I rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ today.

I will encourage you to go to the nearest Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you and ask the Pastor there that you have just given your Life to Jesus Christ.

And he will tell you what to do next!

God Bless You!

I will be hearing Good News from you very soon in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen.

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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