Shall we just lift our hands to the Almighty God and bless His Holy. Let’s go ahead and give Him all the Glory, Honour and Adoration.
Praise Him – Praise the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Go ahead and Magnify His Holy Name as He is Worthy to be Praised and Adored; there is None like Him.
Thank You Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we Worship – Amen.
Glory be to God in the Highest Amen.
Glory be to God in the Highest Amen.
For His Mercy endureth Forever Amen
For His Mercy endureth Forever Amen.
Ancient of Days, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the Ending; the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come; the Almighty God – Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Thank You for Year 2024, Thank You for seeing us through, Thank You for all the Victories, Thank You for all the Journey Mercies, Thank You for Your Protection, Thank You for Your Support, Thank You for Your Faithfulness.
Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
My Lord and my Saviour, by Your Grace we are in the first Sunday of the New Year.
We are Grateful that by Your Grace today that we are not in the Asylum, and we are not in the Prison. But we are here in Your Church, we are here in Your Presence and we are here to Praise You.
It is not all those People who are in Prison that are Guilty.
But in Your Own Miraculous Way, You Preserved us from all the Conspiracies of the Enemies.
Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Today, all we have come to do is to say Thank You – Thank You Father, Thank You Son, Thank You Holy Spirit, Thank You Blessed Trinity, Thank You Alpha, Thank You Omega, Thank You All Sufficient God, Thank You our Saviour, Thank You our Healer, Thank You our Deliverer, Thank You our Provider, Thank You our Preserver Thank You our Promoter and Thank You our All in All.
Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
All I am asking Lord God this Morning for all Your Children who has been Faithful in the Past in the Payment of their Tithes and in the Giving of their Offerings – This Year (2025); like never before, embarrass them with Your Blessings.
The kind of Blessings that they will say: Father, this is becoming “Too Much”; Father release unto Your Children.
And just take all the Glory again Lord.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Now, I want you to shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People and say: ‘Happy New Year’, it is going to be well with you.
And then, you may Plesse be seated.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:
- Rejoice evermore.
- Pray without ceasing (Because God is going to hear your Prayers this Year)
- In every thing give Thanks: for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
… In everything, give Thanks!
If we are to talk about all the things that we should give Thanks for; we won’t leave here today!
But I want to be as brief as much as Possible because we really don’t need to be Preached to on a Day like this before we Thank God.
But some of us might need to be reminded that we should Thank God because we are alive this Morning.
If you know everything that the Enemies did Last Year (2024) to make sure that you won’t see this Year (2025); it will amaze you.
If you know how many battles that God fought for you without you knowing about it at all; it will amaze you.
But apart from that, one Major reason why we should Praise God that we are alive today is because according to Ecclesiastes 9:4, the Bible made it clear that as long as there is Life, there is Hope!
It says that: “A Living dog is better than a dead Lion”.
it doesn’t matter the situation that you may be in now, one thing is Clear: Because you are still Breathing, there is Hope for you.
There is no way that they can bury you when you are still Breathing.
And if they can’t Bury you then you can still give them a Surprise.
That is why in Psalm 150:6, the Bible says: “Let everything that has Breathe Praise the Lord”.
There are so many things that we take for granted:
- And one of the most essential thing that we take for granted is Breathing – The Ability to breathe in and breathe out easily.
And if you want to know the importance of the Ability to breathe, I want you to remember what happened during the Coronavirus Epidermic.
The reason why that disease was so fearsome was that it attacks the Ability to breathe.
That is why anyone who had that attack, they begin to quickly look for Oxygen mask, Oxygen bottles etc so that the very little that he is able to take in might keep him alive.
But you Survived that.
For one reason or the other, God did not allow that to attack you!
For the Ability to breathe, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
You remembered the Story of one Young Man:
There was this Festival of Arts in Kaduna and they were returning and their bus had an Accident and several People died.
But there was this Young Man – He didn’t die but was so badly injured that he went into a coma. And for days in the Hospital, he was in a coma.
Once in a while, he will come up and say: Jesus. And then, he will relapse again – First day, Second day, Fifth day and so on and so forth.
The Doctors saw that this is Practically a Hopeless Case; but they couldn’t bury him because he was still Breathing.
And then one day came, and he said: Jesus! And he came out of it and suddenly became Completely whole.
As long as I am still breathing, you can’t bury me.
So, all those who has written you off, all those who says to you that because certain things didn’t happen Last Year and so no Hope for you – They are in for a Surprise (Amen).
So, if you believed that simply because you are still Breathing, your tomorrow is going to be alright; let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
- Maybe some of you find it difficult to Praise God because you are not Rich or Wealthy!
You look at yourself and say all these Praise God self – You are not Wealthy, you don’t have much and somehow Last Year (2024) at least; everyday God Provided food for you to eat!
Matthew 6: 9-11 says: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name and so on and so forth.
And then it says: Give us this Day, our Daily Bread.
It says: Just make sure that today, I have enough to eat. When it is tomorrow, tomorrow will become this Day.
You know, there are some People who has a lot of food and can’t eat.
And Ecclesiastes 6:2 says: If there is a Man that God has given Surplus but He didn’t give him the Ability to eat – It says that is a Great Evil.
You may not believed it but there are some very, very Rich People who has Problems when it comes to eating.
I have told you of a friend of mine who was so Wealthy that in far away in Australia when he died, he has in the Bank there two hundred and fifty six Million Dollars ($256,000,000) – In those days long ago.
But do you know that the only food that he could eat was Milk? So many things had gone wrong with the Stomach that he couldn’t eat.
And I have told you of a friend of mine – For one reason or the other, I just find myself in his House overnight and then he said that will I wait for Breakfast? And I said no Problem – At least, I want to see how Rich People eat.
And then the Cook came: Sir, what will you have for Breakfast?
Oh, what did I eat yesterday? He told him.
What about the Day before? He told him.
Finally, he agreed that he will eat Bread and Egg.
What kind of Egg! Boiled, Fried, Scrambled etc. Finally, he agreed for Boiled Egg.
How do you want the Egg Boiled? Hard Boiled? Medium Boiled? Rear Boiled? – I have never heard those kind of Language before then.
And he said Medium Rear.
Okay, how many Minutes in hot water?
Ha! Almost 30 Minutes to choose what to eat. And I was sitting down there hungry.
When finally he had finished with him, the Cook turned to me and said: Sir, what will you eat? I said everything you have.
What kind of Egg? I said any kind.
How much Egg? As much as you have.
I don’t have Money but I can eat.
Is there anybody here – You are not the Richest but when they bring you food, you can eat it. Do I hear such Person shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
- You may not have many Clothes – Maybe you are not even able to buy a new one for Christmas but by the Grace of God, you are not Naked!
And not Naked means that you are not Crazy!
Because there are some People who has a lot of Clothes who are Crazy.
I mean take the case in Daniel Chapter 4 – Nebuchadnezzar was a King, there are all manners of Clothes in the house. But when something went wrong Upstairs, and he was walking about Naked among the animals.
And just in case you don’t know that there is a link between Nakedness and Mental Disorder.
All you need to do is to look around you – There are lots of People around you: They have a lot of Clothes but everything that the Clothes are supposed to cover, they exposed!
Am I lying or speaking the Truth!
I mean they go Practically Naked on Television and they are rejoicing – Everything that the Clothes were supposed to cover, they exposed.
But look at you – Decently Dressed. You may not have many Clothes but you are not Mad.
And I have told you the Story of a Professor.
I told you that when we were in Ilesha Grammar School in the 1950’s; there was a Mad Man by the Gate of the School.
Anytime that we really want to hear History; we buy a keg of Palm Wine and by the time he has taken a cup or two, he will say: What History do you want? British or European? From what Year to what Year? And then, he will begin until we will say alright we will come back next time.
Because he was a Professor of History in the United Kingdom and then something went wrong Upstairs.
He still remembered all History but when you ask him:
What is your name? He can’t remember.
Where is Address? He doesn’t know.
If I ask you now – What is your name? Can you remember?
If I ask you – When were you are born? Can you remember?
If I ask you – Where is your Address? Can you remember?
Then you have to shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
- You may say that I don’t have many friends? But you have Jesus Christ!
It is only in the time of Need that you will know whether even if you have a friend or not.
Proverbs 18:24 says that there is Fellow that is a brother that is Closer to you than friends.
And if you are looking for a “True Friend”; it is the One who made a Promise in Hebrews 13:5 – He says that I will never leave you and I will never forsake you,
Oh, you don’t have many friends; have you heard the saying of the Elders that if a fire burns you and burns your child; you will take care of yourself first.
Have you seen how they used to make Announcements in the Plane – If something should go wrong in the Plane, certain things will drop from above. You grabbed one, make sure you fix it with your mouth and breathe normally.
And then they add – Those of you with children, do your own first before you take care of the Child.
I know that they mean well; but I have always wondered the way the children will feel because they are simply saying: If a matter is a matter of Life and Death, even Mama (DMC NOTES “Mama” means “Mother”) will forget the Child.
But Jesus Christ said that: “I will never leave you and I will never forsake you”.
… You have no friends? But you have Jesus!
Before I was Born Again, I had many friends – Some of them were Sailors. And when they travelled all over the world, they come back and bring all manners of Hot Drinks.
So I have many friends so that whenever they are Passing by, they will branch and they will say that we can’t pass by the house of a King without saying hello to the King. And I will entertain them.
I mean we have all manners of drinks in those days and we even create some drinks.
You know when you hear of Dry Martini (DMC NOTES: A dry Martini is a cocktail made with gin and vermouth, but with a higher proportion of gin to vermouth. The term “dry” is used to describe cocktails with a higher ratio of higher-proof alcohol to a lower-alcohol mixer)
We have our own too – Something that we created.
Then one day, I got Born Again and one Evening I heard a Sermon here at The RCCG National Headquarters Parish in Ebute Metta Lagos State Nigeria about the Dangers of Alcohol and even the greater danger of entertaining People with Alcohol.
That day we got home and every Alccoholic drinks in our house, we pour them into the Gutter.
And then my friends kept comimg – When they have come to greet the Prince and I say what will you take? We have coke or Fanta?
What kind of joke is this? You know what we drink now – Scotch on the Rocks, Four Fingers etc. Oh sorry, we don’t serve that anymore.
DMC NOTES: Scotch on the Rocks is a popular Alcoholic drink made with Scotch Whisky served over ice cubes. Scotch is a type of Whisky that is Produced in the Whisky Regions of Scotland and has specific regulations for its Production.
DMC NOTES: “Four Fingers” is named after an unfortunate accident – The 1205 Distillery Four Finger Series commemorates the literal blood, sweat, and tears that went into building this company. On September 29th 2014, our Distiller and owner, Brad, was cutting a piece of wood for a door of our Distillery and cut his hand instead. This accident resulted in him losing his pinky and the knuckle of his ring finger. Unfortunately, the Doctors were unable to save the pinky, but the circumstance resulted in a fantastic name for a Whiskey series. Let’s raise a glass of your favorite “Four Finger Whiskey” to Brad’s finger.
In less than 2 weeks, all my friends disappeared.
But now, I have Jesus – He can never leave me and He can never forsake me. Whether you liked me or not, doesn’t matter,
You have Jesus Christ even though you don’t have friends!
- Finally, at least if you don’t want to Thank Him for anything at all, Thank Him for His Mercy!
Lamentations 3: 22-23; the Bible says that it is of the Mercy of the Lord that we are not Consumed – It is renewed every Morning.
The Bible says: Great is thy Faithfulness.
I. Do you know that you are not alive today because of your Ability or because of your Strength or because of your Wisdom or because you can Pray.
II. Do you know that you are Secured today not because you know how to drive?
Sometimes ago, it was in the Newspaper that in Ibadan (Capital City of Oyo State Nigeria), some People were sleeping in their house and there was this Trailer going from Ibadan (Capital City of Oyo State Nigeria) to Ilorin (Capital City of Kwara State Nigeria). And there was a Turn on the road and the Trailer lost Control. And the Trailer ran straight into the house.
The People were Sleeping – They were on their beds, they didn’t travel but they died on their beds.
It is not everybody who went to bed who wake up.
It is not everybody who didn’t travel who could have an Accident.
The Almighty God out of His Mercy Preserved you – You go up and down and you go about on the Streets.
If you have been reading the Newspaper, you would have read all over the world, somebody will just go crazy and drive his Vehicle into the Market and kill several People.
But here you are:
The People that wanted to kill you, God said No, this one is under the Cover of my Mercy.
Those who said that you will sleep and not wake up; God said No, this Fellow is under the Cover of my Mercy.
It is of His Mercy that we are not Consumed!
It is of His Mercy that I can see you this Morning.
It is of His Mercy that I will see you Next Year (2026).
Will Somebody help me shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
You know that the Bible tells us in Proverbs 21:31 – It says that the Horse is Prepared for the day of battle. But it says that Safety is of the Lord.
It is only those People that God decides to keep alive that will remain alive.
Occasionally, God will do something to show the world that I am Preserving this Fellow simply because of Your Mercy.
I was in a Town in America a couple of years ago – There was this thing called Hurricane.
The Hurricane was approaching a Particular Town and my children there called me to say that Hurricane is coming, help us to Pray.
And I cried to God and in a Miraculous Way, the Hurricane came close to their Town but bend upwards and then went back to the ocean.
But it came so close that it brought quite a lot of Rain so that the Streets were flooded.
There is a kind of Miracle that God can give you and Nobody can deny.
It will not be because you are a Good boy or a Good girl.
The Word of God says that it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that showeth Mercy.
He has been Merciful to us in the Past and He is going to be Merciful to us this Year (2025).
But will you Please Praise Him for Past Mercy?
Will you out of the very depth of your Spirit open your mouth and shout Hallelujah?
I don’t need to beg you this Morning to Praise God:
If you like Praise Him and if you like don’t Praise Hin.
If you like Complain to Him about all the things you thought that He should have done which He didn’t do – No Problem!
But if I were you, I will Praise Him beyond what I have ever Planned because:
- I am alive.
- I am not Crazy.
- I can eat. They are not begging me to Please take a little.
If you are at the RCCG January 2025 Holy Ghost Service, we sang a Song there:
Modupe, mo ri Anu gba (I Thank God because I receive Mercy)
Modupe, mo ri Anu gba (I Thank God because I receive Mercy)
To ri ki se gbogbo eniyan lori Anu gba (Because it is not everybody that receives Mercy).
Then the Song I sang earlier this Morning says:
Glory be to God in the Highest Amen
Glory be to God in the Highest Amen
For His Mercy endureth Forever Anen
For His Mercy endureth Forever Anen
So, if you like Praise Him, if you like ignore – Complain about all He didn’t do Last Year (2024) and say that I am not going to Praise you. No Problem!
But if you are a Wise Child, remember the saying of the Elders – The Child who is Grateful for what is done yesterday, will receive fresh ones.
I will Praise Him today because I know that this Year (2025); Landmark Miracles are coming my way.
If you Praise Him the way you ought to, even before this week is out, He will begin to show you Fresh Mercy!
As for those of you who are here this Morning or reading now on the Label of DMC – And you have not yet given your Life to Jesus Christ.
You know that it is His Mercy that has kept you alive – Because once you are dead, there is no Repentance in the Grave.
He is aware that some of you are just fooling around – You are doing whatever you wanted.
He is aware that you have heard this Message again and again and you and you have ignored it.
But He is so Merciful that He still Preserved You till this Morning.
So, if you like and you want to Appreciate that Mercy that has kept you alive. And so, you want to really, really come to Him and Surrender your lives to Him; I will count from one (1) to seven (7) – Before I say seven (7), come and stand before the Altar. God will continually be Merciful to you.
… I’m counting now!
Those of you already Infront and those on the way, cry to Him and say: Lord, Thank You for the Mercy that Preserved me.
Now, have Mercy on me, save my Soul, forgive all my sins, become my Lord and Saviour and I will serve you for the rest of my Life.
And the rest of us, Please let us Stretch our hands to these People and Pray for them:
That the One who saved our Souls, the One who out of His Grace saved us, will have Mercy on these People and save their Souls also.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Lord and my Saviour, I bless Your Holy Name.
I Thank You for the Mercy that Preserved the lives of these People till this moment.
And I am asking that out of your Mercy, you will Please save their Souls today, forgive all their sins, and let Your Blood wash them Clean.
Please save their Souls and receive them into the Family of God.
Beginning from today, let them serve You.
Whenever they call on You, Please answer them by Fire.
And Uphold them to the very End.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
The rest of us – If you really believed that it is of the Mercy of God that you are where you are today; Stand on your feet and shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
My Father and my God, once again I want to say Thank You.
Oh Lord, Thank You for Life, Thank You for Provisions, Thank You for Protection, Thank You for Preservation, Thank You for Support, Thank You for Your Mercy.
Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
All I am asking Lord this Morning is that as Your Children begin to Praise You; and as they begin to Worship You; Please look down in Mercy and accept their Thanksgiving.
And like never before, bless them again.
Please, Lord God Almighty; in Your Kingdom, don’t let any of us be missing.
And Lord, throughout this Year (2025); let us have course to Glorify Your Name.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
This Morning, I’m going to give you 5 Minutes just to Praise God on your own.
If you believe that He deserves to be Praised; then go ahead and Praise Him.
If you think that He doesn’t deserve it, then don’t worry yourself.
But if you really believed that as a Person He has been very Good to you: He has been Merciful and Faithful – Just for 5 Minutes, Praise the Almighty God!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.
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