Let Us Pray!


Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain
Glory Hallelujah
Glory Hallelujah
Glory Hallelujah
Praise the Lord!

Holy, Holy is the Lamb
Holy, Holy is the Lamb
Holy, Holy is the Lamb that was Slain
Glory Hallelujah
Glory Hallelujah
Glory Hallelujah
Praise the Lord!

Jesus, Jesus is the Lamb
Jesus, Jesus is the Lamb
Jesus, Jesus is the Lamb that was Slain
Glory Hallelujah
Glory Hallelujah
Glory Hallelujah
Praise the Lord!


King of Glory, we Worship You.

The One who says let there be Peace and there was Peace, we bow before You.

Today like never before, Please be Glorified.

And in all our lives Father, let there be Peace.

In our families, let there be Peace.

In Your Church, let there be Peace.

In our Nation, let there be Peace.

All over the world Father, send back Your Peace.

Thank You Almighty God.

For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Halleluja!

We want to look at Philippians 4: 4-7.

  1. Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.
  2. Let your Moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
  3. Be careful for nothing; (That is one way of saying: Don’t worry about anything) but in every thing by Prayer and Supplication with Thanksgiving let your Requests be made known unto God.
  4. And the Peace of God, which Passeth all Understanding, shall keep your hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus.

Peace is in Degrees/Categories:

Category 1: No Peace/Absence of Peace.

Category 2: Ordinary Peace.

Category 3: Great Peace.

Category 4: All-Round Peace.

Category 5: Peace like a River.

Category 6: Peace of God that Passes All Understanding.

Our God is a God of Peace!

Hebrews 13:20 says that He is the God of Peace.

Our Lord and Saviour – The Lord Jesus Christ Himself is called “The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

When He was born on Earth and the Angels came to sing – When the Host of Heaven gathered to announce His Birth, they sang: “Peace on Earth”.

And in John 14:27, He said: Peace I leave with you, my Peace I give unto you.

That tells you Straightaway that you can have everything but if you don’t have the Prince of Peace, you won’t know the meaning of Peace.

I have told you the Story of friend of mine who was extremely Wealthy – That by the time of his death in far away Australia, he had more that two hundred and fifty Million Dollars ($250,000,000).

That is to tell you how rich he was.

But he had no Peace because when the Lord sent me to him and we were discussing; he told me that everytime he closes his eyes to Sleep, he will find himself among dead People – People with half head, and Broken bodies People, who has died years before.

And so, he is always afraid to Sleep.

When you give your Life to Jesus Christ, that is when Peace steps in.


Psalm 119:165 says: They that Love the Law of the Lord, Great Peace have they and that Nothing shall offend them.

It says Great Peace are for those who love the Lord and Nothing should offend them – They won’t be bothered by anything at all.

In Isaiah 54:13; the Almighty God says that because you are going to teach your Children the way of the Lord, then Great Peace shall be given unto them.

That is for your Children too – Not only you.

Provided you bring your Children Up in the way of the Lord, your Children too will enjoy Great Peace.

For Example, in Genesis 18: 17-19; the Almighty God said that I know Abraham, he is going to bring up his Children in the way of the Lord – Which that is what Abraham did.

Which will explain the kind of Peace that Isaac had in Genesis 22: 1-18.

How do we know that this boy was taught in the way of the Lord?

When they were climbing the Mountain where he was going to Sacrificed; he said to the father: I can see the wood, I can see the fire; where is the Lamb?

That boy knows that you need something for the Sacrifice.

And when they got to the top of the Hill and the father began to bind him, to lay him on the Altar – This boy has a Peace that you can’t describe.

Because he was Young, he was Strong; and he could have outrun the father – The father was well over hundred years old.

But he had Total Peace – Great Peace that only the Children who has been brought up in the way of the Lord can ever have.

I can remember Years ago when we first moved to this Redemption Camp; our Neighbours were Pythons and there were many of them – I mean we were killing them at Regular Intervals. Even I killed one with my Walking Stick when going for Prayer Walk.

This Place (Redemption Camp) is the Headquarters of Highway Robbers.

And yet, when I decided to leave Mushin (DMC NOTES: A City in Lagos State Nigeria), to come to the Redemption Camp; we had a little bit of argument because my wife felt that leaving Mushin to come to this bush is like leaving Frying Pan for fire.

For the first time in our lives and the only time in our Marriage, we became Democratic – We get the Children together and said: Let us vote.

All those who are in Support of us going to the Redemption Camp say “Yes” – And they all said “Yes” and I joined their Yes and we moved in here.

They said Yes because they just felt that if Daddy is going there, then Daddy will take good care of us – Let us go.

And in any case, we have the opportunity to ride our Bicycles, the way we can’t do in Mushin.

  1. There is what is called Multiplied Peace.

In the Olden days, when a King wants to greet his Subject, he starts by saying: “Peace be Multiplied unto you” – That is the Royal Greetings.

Daniel 4:1, Nebuchadnezzar was writing to his Subject and said: All of you my Subjects, “Peace be Multiplied unto you”.

In Daniel 6:25, when Dairus was writing to all his Subjects, he started by saying: “Peace be Multiplied unto you”.

And when Peter was writing his Letters – Because he was an Elderstateman; he was as it were a King among Christians then, he said again and again: “Peace be Multiplied unto you” (1 Peter 1:2; 2 Peter 1:2).

In other words, if you already have Peace – And I believed that by now, some of you have come to the Conclusion that there is Nothing to worry about.

I Pray for you today or as you are reading now on the Label of DMC; that your Peace will be Multiplied – Amen!

I remembered one occasion that I was travelling from Britain to Nigeria and there was a Great Man of God and his wife in the same Plane.

According to his Testimony which we heard later on – He told his wife that Daddy GO is in the Plane, nothing to worry about.

But then, as we are halfway through the Journey, we ran into some very serious turbulent and the Plane was jumping up and down.

Then he said that he got up, look at where I was and found out that I was fast asleep. Oh, he returned and told the wife that there is nothing to worry about as Daddy is Sleeping.

He said that his Peace was Multiplied.

I Pray for all of you: Whatever may be the Level of your Faith, may that Peace be Multiplied in Jesus Name – Amen!

  1. There is what is called All-Round Peace.

I. Peace Physical – Exodus 15:26 made it clear that you could be Completely free of every Sickness or every Disease because the Lord will be your Physician.

II. Peace Material – In Psalm 92: 12-15, the Bible says that the Righteous shall flourish like a Palm Tree.

He won’t have to worry anything at all about Material Things.

Afterall it is written: My God shall Supply all your Needs according to His Riches in Glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

III. Peace Spiritual.

If you read the Story that we have mentioned again and again in Mark 5: 2-20 about the Mad Man of Gadara.

If anybody had a Storm, then that Man had a Storm because there was six thousand (6,000) Demons in him.

But when the Prince Peace came in, suddenly he has Peace Spiritual.

For Example in 1 Kings 4:24; the Bible says that Solomon has Peace All-Round.

At a time Kings go to war; every Year throughout the reign of Solomon, there was not a Single war.

Why? Because God has made a Promise to his father in 1 Chronicles 22:9 – God has told David when they were discussing the issue of building a Temple for God.

And God says: No David, you can’t build for me because you have shed too much blood as a Warrior.

He said that but a son will be born unto thee and he will be a Man of Rest.

He said that I will give him Peace from all his Enemies – I will give Peace and Quietness unto Israel in his days.

When you talk of All-Round Peace, you will look for Somebody called Solomon:

I. Physically, the only time that we heard that he was sick was when he was about to die (DMC NOTES: 1 Kings 11:42).

II. Materially, he was one of the Richest Man who ever lived (DMC NOTES: 1 Kings 10: 14-25; 27).

III. Spiritually, the Bible says that God loved him (DMC NOTES: 2 Samuel 12: 24-25).

I remembered very well one Old Man – I’m sure that you heard me tell you about him.

Who came here when he was two weeks to when he was to get to the age of 88 years old I think.

And he said that he has come to me for Prayers – I said Yes, what about?

He said that when he was 44 years old or so, a Prophet came to him and he Prophesised everything that will happen to him in details – How many houses he will build, how he will Prosper et cetera et cetera.

But the Prophet said that at the age of 88, he will die. And that there are only two weeks to go before that date will come.

He said that is why he has come – So that I can Pray for him and be ready to go.

I ask: Are you ready to go? He said not really but the Prophet said and everything that he has said came to Past.

I smiled that you just gave your Life to Jesus Christ just about two years ago.

I mean if you see his house in the Town, if they don’t show you the way; if you enter into the house, you will not find your way out – That is how big the house was.

After he gave his Life to Jesus Christ, he came and build a 2-Bedroom Bungalow in the Redemption Camp.

Apparently, as he realised that the day was getting close, he moved from his big house to come and live in the Redemption Camp.

He said I am not afraid, what else do I want? I have been Healthy, God had Prospered me and I know now I am going to Heaven now if I die.

He said that I want you to Pray for me that my Passage will be easy – He has Peace All-Round.

Of course I told him: Sir, that Prophet must be a Great Prophet but by the Grace of God, a Greater Prophet is here. And as far as I am concerned, you are not going anywhere yet.

Now that you are Born Again and you now want to serve God, you are not going anywhere yet.

That Man when he was just few days before he turned 100 years, he sent for me and said: Please, let me go.

And I said no Problem – I myself has no intention of living up to a hundred.

  1. There is Peace that is like a River.

God said in Isaiah 48:18; oh that thou had harkened to my Commandments, oh then your Peace be like a River.

I mean Peace that you can swim!

In Isaiah 66: 12-13; he described that kind of Peace as a Peace that a baby has when he has been crying and then the mother Picks up the baby and gives the baby breast to suck.

At that moment, it doesn’t matter what is going on anywhere, the baby is at Peace – He knows that he is secured.

That is the kind of Peace that Paul and Silas had when they were thrown into Prison in Acts 16: 16-34. And they knew that Death will be coming the Next Day, but they were Singing.

That is what you called Peace like a River – The kind of Peace that can sing in the day of trouble.

Why do you have this kind of Peace?

Because you have heard from God!

Usually, you have that kind of Peace because God has Spoken to you!

In Acts 16: 9-10, God had sent a Messenger to Paul in a Dream: Come over to Macedonian and help us.

He knew that God sent him to Preach and so he went there to Preach.

He landed there in Prison – He said no Problem, I am still in His Perfect Will.

It is Good to be able to hear from God.

And I am decreeing to all of you who are my Children that: That “Hearing Ear”, that ear that can hear from God, the Almighty God will give it to you – Amen!

Because once you hear from God, it doesn’t matter what is going on around you, you will be at Peace,

Look at me now? One hundred Percent (100%) at Peace.

Why? Because I have heard a little bit from my daddy – Don’t Pay attention to what Mockers may be saying.

I am the one who heard and I know what I heard from Oh Lord God Almighty – PEACE!

I have heard a lot from Him too – But let me say this to encourage you:

I understand that some People are Mocking you because you trust everything that your father says.

I told you to just Pray for them because He says that they should laugh loud and clear for as long as they have the opportunity to laugh.

He said that very soon, they will discovered that: He who laughs Last, laugh best and laugh the Longest!

I have told some of you this Story before:

We were going to Heathrow Airport in our Nigeria Airways of Blessed Memory.

And we got to Heathrow Airport and they asked us to fasten our seat belts – And we did.

And then suddenly, the Captain came and said: Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a little Problem.

What is the Problem? He said that the Landing Gear of the Plane has refused to come out.

Oh! That is a little Problem?

And I was travelling First Class and there were all manners of Great Men there – High and Mighty there.

That day, I saw that Wealthy People don’t want to die – There was Commotion all over the Place.

There was a woman sitting behind me and was saying: Oh God, I am going to London to go and take care of my grandchild o – Nobody asked her.

And there was a Man there who had a Walking Stick made of Gold and the handle was encrusted with Diamond. And he has been going to the toilet regularly just to show us the Walking Stick.

Now, when we heard what the Pilot said; this time he really wanted to go to the toilet – He got up and the Hostess said sit down and he said who said so?

And I will tell you the Truth, I was troubled – Lord, when I was saying goodbye to my Children last night, You didn’t tell me that will be my last flight.

And then, I heard Him say: No, don’t worry yourself; I want to talk to you and I need to talk to you before you Land. As soon as you get down, they won’t let you listen to me.

I just sat down quietly by the Window – Where I was sitting and listening to my Father.

And there was Pandemonium all around me but I was as cool as a Cucumber.

The Pandemonium became intensified when the Pilot cane back and said: Ladies and Gentlemen, calm down; afterall you know that the Fire Fighters in Heathrow Airport are very efficient.

Hey! Fire Fighters! You mean that we are going to catch fire?

And for 45 Minutes, the Plane was going round and round and round – And I was enjoying my Lord.

When we finished talking, suddenly the Gear came out.

When you have heard from God; you can enjoy the the kind of Peace that the Bible calls: “Peace like a River”.

  1. But there is even a Peace that is Greater than that – The Bible calls it “The Peace that Passes all Understanding”.

… The kind of Peace that you don’t have a way of explaining it.

You will find that in the Bible Text that I read to you – Philippians 4:7.

Usually, this kind of Peace is based on Past Experiences.

In Acts 12: 5-11; they were going to kill Peter the following Morning but he was fast asleep.

He wasn’t Singing and Praying like Paul and Silas. No, my friend was fast asleep that the Angel had to smite him to wake up – Oga, this Sleep is “Too Deep”; wake up.

All the time that he was waking up and getting dressed, he thought that he was Dreaming.

How can Somebody has that kind of Peace in that kind of Crisis?

Hey because of Experience – Because in Acts 5: 17-25; Peter had been imprisoned before and God got him out and the doors were left untouched.

So he wasn’t worried – If He got me out before, He will get me out again.

Because he knows that the God he is serving is a God who has the Key of David.

According to Romans 3: 7-8; the Lord Jesus Christ said that I have the key of David; when I open, no Man can shut and when I shut, no Man can open.

If you had experienced this God before, and if He had taken you through a Storm before; then you can have the Peace of God that Passes all Understanding.

Then I will remind you again of one Story:

When we were travelling to London in British Airways and I was travelling Economy..

And those of you who travel Economy; you know very well that the food they give you is not much. Which is why Probably why they give you Plenty of coke to shock it.

And I was a Hungry Man then.

Just as we took off from Lagos, they set the table and they brought their little little food to us.

And then the Captain said: Well this is your Captain, by the time we get to Heathrow there is going to be a Storm but don’t worry, we will manage to Land.

As soon as he said that, the Man sitting next to me frooze – He didn’t touch his food.

For me, I finished my food quickly; then I looked at him and said: Sir, you are not eating?

He was Surprised because all the time that I was eating, he was looking at me with one corner corner eye.

He said you speak English? I said Yes. You heard what the Pilot say? I said Yes sir.

I said that you are not eating? He said No.

Then I said: Can I help you? He said Yes.

So I took his Plate and Pass my own to him – I finished the food and I went to Sleep.

When we got to Heathrow Airport, the Pilot came back and said: Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Weather boys had deceived us. The Storm they said is going to be in London is actually in Scotland.

I looked at my friend, I laughed and he laughed.

But we were laughing for different things – I was laughing because there is Nothing he can do to get his food back.

But how do I have that Peace that Passes all Understanding?

He has done it before and He will do it again.

So, one more time; I am telling you my Children – Relax, all is going to be well.

What you should do today is to Praise Him with all your Heart – Thank Him because you belong to Him at a time like this.

In Closing:

In Isaiah 48:22; God said in His Words loud and clear: There is no Peace for the Wicked said the Lord.

If you are not one of His Children and you are Praying for Peace, unless the Word of God is no longer Settled but I know that it is Settled.

He said that: There is no Peace for the Wicked (Isaiah 48:22).

However, He made room for you – In Matthew 11: 28-30; He said: Come unto me all ye that Labour and are heavy Ladened and I will give you rest.

If you will come to Him today, you too will begin to enjoy His Peace.

I. And very soon, as you begin to obey Him: Your Peace will become Great Peace.

II. As you begin to follow Him and to do His Will, your Peace will become Multiplied.

III. And before you know it, you will have Peace All-Round – Body, Soul and Spirit.

IV. And then, you will soon begin to enjoy Peace like a River.

V. And very soon, your Neighbours will look at you and say: How can you be “So Cool” at a time like this? And oh you will tell them: I have Peace that Passes all Understanding.


So, where you are in your various homes or reading now on the Label of DMC; I will want you to bow your head.

If you have not yet given your Life to Jesus Christ, I will encourage you to do so now because if you give your Life to Jesus Christ and if you taste the Lord; you will see that the Lord is Good.

You give your Life to Him and you suddenly discovered that you don’t have to worry about anything at all.

So, I am going to Pray for all of you where you are.

And if you are giving your Life to Jesus Christ now, make sure that in one way or the other, you get your name and Address to me so that I can keep on Praying for you.

Let us Pray!


Prince of Peace, I want to Thank You.

From the bottom of my Heart, I want to Thank You for moving me from Peace to Great Peace, to Multiplied Peace, to All-Round Peace, to Peace like a River and to Peace beyond Understanding.

Now, I want to Thank You because You Promised that You will extend that Peace to my Children.

Please, accept my Thanks in Jesus Name.

Lord, fulfil Your Promise:

Let Your Children have Absolute Peace and let them serve You Forever.

Thank You Almighty God.

As for those who are Surrendering their lives to You today:

Please receive them, wash them Clean and make them Members of Your Family.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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