Thank You Father – Hallelujah.

Well, Let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and begin to Bless His Name.

Let’s give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration.

Worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Let Him hear your voice.

Tell Him that you Love Him and tell Him you Appreciate Him:

Give Him all the Glory, give Him all the Honour, give Him all the Adoration. Bless His Holy Name.

Thank You Father; Thank You Jesus.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.


We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour;
We give You all the Glory
We give You Honour (Jesus)


Ancient of Days, the Original Majesty.

The I AM THAT I AM, the Unchangeable Changer’; The Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Saviour, Healer, Provider, Deliverer; Our Hope of Glory. Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Please, accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for everything You’ve done since the beginning of the Convention.

Thank You especially for what You did yesterday (Day 2).

Thank You in advance for what You will yet do.

Please, accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

Today (Day 3), in a very, very Special way, visit Your Children.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let Someone shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

It seems we have forgotten what we learnt yesterday. May I remind you briefly?

His Word says in Psalms 67:5-7 – Let the People Praise thee, O God; let all the People Praise thee. Then shall the Earth yield her Increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of the Earth shall fear him.

Are you looking for Fearful Miracles? Shout halleluyah – Hallelujah.

God Bless You – Amen.

Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and tell them: God will Surprise you tonight.

And then you may Please, be seated.


As at 6pm this Evening, the number to Babies born during this Convention had increased to Thirty Seven (37) – Twenty Three (23) Boys and Fourteen (14) Girls.

So let the Boys shout Praise the Lord!

And let the Girls shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

Glory be to God!


It is clear that the Auditorium here is full now. So as from tomorrow (Thursday 8th August 2024) the New Auditorium will be fully opened.

So those of you coming from Lagos and you feel the New Auditorium is easier for you, it is already opened now. And there are some People already there.

We will still be Ministering here tomorrow evening; but we will use the New Auditorium as an Overflow as from tomorrow.

Before we Proceed further, I would humbly request that our Seminar Speakers to come forward.

Take Note: I didn’t call them Guest Speakers, because they are Part and Parcel of us.

I would humbly request that our Speakers would come forward; introduce themselves, and just Pronounce a Blessing on you.

Our Speakers Please!

Let’s give the Lord a Big round of applause as they come.

Thank You!

I told you yesterday that when God asks you to Clap your hands it means:

Put all your Problems between your hands and jam them together.

It also means, Oh LORD; I will cooperate with you.

So, put your hands together for the Almighty God.

The Almighty God will Bless every one of us, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

Today, our Bible Text would be: 2 Timothy 2:20-21.

Yesterday (Day 2); we spoke on, “As Pure as Light.”

Today we want to talk about: “THE POWER OF SANCTIFICATION”.

For those of you who were here, Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; I told you one of the reasons we have Conventions is so that:

We can dig deep – Because we are Pilgrims on our way to Heaven. And we want to learn those things that will help us make it to Heaven.

DMC NOTES: You can get to read the Full Text of that Message on the Label of DMC.

When I was Younger, as soon as I became Born Again, I made my desire known to God. “I don’t want to be an Ordinary Christian.”

Is there anybody here tonight who will say the same thing to God and say “Father; I don’t want to be Ordinary?” Yes, for the DMC Family Members!

He will grant your Request in Jesus’ Name – Amen.

When I said that, what I wanted was Power – The Power of the Holy Spirit.

I want to lay hands on the sick and see them healed.

I want to see blind eyes opened, deaf ears unstopped, dumb speak, Lame walk, dead rise.

I want to be able to just wave my hand and Miracles will happen.

That’s what I wanted.

That is why, like I’ve told you before; I Studied Elijah, Elisha, Peter, Paul and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself very very closely – I wanted Power.

But it wasn’t long before I discovered that God is more interested in the Fruit of the Holy Spirit than in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I soon discovered as it is written in Matthew 7:15-21, that He said, by their fruit you shall know them.

… Not by their Gifts but by their Fruit .

I soon discovered as it is written in Matthew 7:22-23, that you could have all the Gifts – You can Perform Miracles, Signs and Wonders. And then on the Last Day God will say, “depart from me, you workers of iniquity.”

It is Possible for you to be a World Evangelist – Raising the Dead, Opening Blind Eyes, doing Mighty things and then on the Last Day, you will tell the Almighty God, “but I did all these things for You.” And He says, “I don’t even know you.”

When I was Younger, they taught us about what they call “The Three (3) Steps of Faith” – And they based it on Ezekiel 36:24-27.

They called it: Salvation, Sanctification and Holy Spirit Baptism.

Actually when I Studied the Scriptures closely myself, I found out that they are actually Four (4) Steps, not Three (3).


The Step Number one is Selection – Because Jesus Christ Himself said; “no man can come to me except my Father draws him.”

That you are here tonight, Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC, can only be because God has drawn you.

And for that alone you should shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.


When He has drawn you to the foot of the Cross, then Salvation takes place:


When the Blood of Jesus Cleanses from all sins; then Sanctification is supposed to follow.

That’s when God says, “I will take the Stony Heart out, and give you a Heart of flesh.”


After you have been Sanctified, then and only then are you supposed to be Baptised in the Holy Spirit.

So they call it, Steps of Faith: Selection, Salvation, Sanctification and Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

In those days, you are expected to have Testified to the experience of Salvation, Sanctification, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, before you can Sing in the Choir.

Salvation is easy to Measure:

When you are saved, it is not going to be long before People will notice. Because:

  1. Your Name will Change:

Your name will Change; you will begin to be called – Son of God, Daughter of God.

Because the Bible says in John 1:12 – But as many as received him, to them gave he Power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name:

Suddenly, you find that your friends who had been calling you by worldly names, “Baba ke (DMC NOTES: Big Man o); Omo jaiye jaiye (Child Full of Enjoyment)” begin to say, “Ha! Leave him alone o, he is now a Child of God.”

Your name will Change!

  1. Your Accommodation will Change:

When you are Born Again, it is not going to be long before you begin to attend Church instead of Club Houses.

Your former Minister in the Bar (The Bar Tender) will discovered he has lost a Member of his Congregation because now you go to Church, instead of going to the Bar.

… I am talking of those who got Genuinely Saved.

  1. Your Responsibilities will Change:

Now you begin to Witness for God.

You won’t be able to keep quiet – I am talking of how it was when I was Younger.

And I believe that is how it will be from now on – Amen.

You begin to Witness; and you begin to talk about Jesus Christ; instead of Witnessing for the devil and instead of Witnessing for the Witch Doctor.

Instead of saying, “last weekend, I met a Herbalist who has swallowed the Oracle”; now You begin to talk about People who got Saved; People who got Healed.

I remembered clearly when I got Born Again – it was on a Sunday Night.

Monday Morning, as I got to my Office at the University of Lagos and I met my Head of Department – Professor Chike Obi (of Blessed Memory). I said, Good morning Sir! And I was just about to begin to speak.

He was one of the Greatest Mathematicians the world had ever known; but he was a tough man.

Suddenly he looked at me and said, Adeboye. I said Sir! He said, “you look very Cheerful this Morning – You went to a Party last Weekend?”

I said, No Sir! But I have gotten an Invitation to the Greatest Party of all.

He said, which one is that? I said I have gotten an invitation to the Wedding of the Lamb of God.

You can’t keep it down – You can’t be Born Again and keep it down.

When you are Baptised in the Holy Spirit, it is easy to see:

Because, if you are Baptised in the Holy Spirit you will Speak in Tongues.

… It is the evidence that you are Baptised in the Holy Spirit.

Unfortunately, Sanctification is difficult to measure – because, it is a matter of the Heart.

There is a Change of Heart – The Heart of Stone is replaced with a Heart of Flesh.

Somewhere along the line, I can’t really Pinpoint where it happened, People began to jump over Sanctification – They moved from Salvation to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

You know, it is like;

  • Salvation is the Foundation of the House.
  • Holy Spirit Baptism is supposed to be the Roof.
  • And Sanctification is supposed to be the Walls.

But you know quite well, it is Possible to have a Foundation; dodge the Walls; and get to the Roof – Like our Auditorium here.

So many Christians end up not even knowing what Sanctification is all about.

Then when you ask them, “are you Sanctified?” They say Yes! And we don’t have a way of measuring it.

I mean, like one Young Man heard me speak on “Total Surrender” in Ilorin – After the Service, he came to me, “Daddy, thank you for the Sermon. I Surrendered all.”

I said really? He said, Yes Sir. I said Good! Because he was the only other fellow in the Church at that time who had a car.

So I said: Thank God that you have Surrendered all; tomorrow we are going somewhere and we need your car for the Journey.

He said Ha! But tomorrow is Monday.

I said, I know! He said, I need the car to go to the office. And I smiled.

I said, we are not going anywhere tomorrow, I just want to show you that you have not Surrendered anything.

Sanctification cannot easily be measured because it is an Internal something.

So many Christians end up Speaking in Tongues without going through the Process of Sanctification.

Today I want to talk to you about: The Power of Sanctification.

I want you to Please listen carefully, because there are many of us who are not Sanctified.

You see, it is Sanctification that makes living Holy easy.

Because your Original Heart – The Heart you are born with, according to Jeremiah 17:9 is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.

The Heart just wants to be wicked – It is as if its very existence depends on Wickedness.

According to Luke 6:45, it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks.

Matthew 15:19 says, it is out of the heart that all evil thoughts Proceed.

Nobody commits Adultery by accident – You think about it first.

One Man of God once said to me, “Daddy you are taking this thing too far.

Occasionally one will commit a sin without thinking about it.

I said is that so? Give me an example – He said, one may not Plan to commit Adultery but he may just fall. I said I see!

When you were removing your Clothes, what did you think you were trying to do? You want to go for a swim?

Don’t let anybody deceive you: you sinned because you thought about it and decided about it.

The Bible says in Proverbs 4:23 that you must guard jealously, diligently your heart. Why? Because out of it are the issues of Life.

If it is the Old Heart, the one that is desperately wicked; out of it will come evil.

That is why God says the only way to help you is take away that Stony Heart and give you a Heart of Flesh.

My Prayer is that tonight, you will experience Sanctification – Amen.

To make it easy for you to swallow, Sanctification has another meaning:

It means, Set Apart for God’s Use.

In the Bible Text I read to you – 2 Timothy 2:20-21; it said in a big house there are many Vessels; some to honour, some to dishonour.

It said it is the Vessel that is Sanctified that is meet for the Master’s use – Set Apart for the Master’s use.

When we say “Set Apart” – Maybe one way that will make it easy for you to understand is to use the word ‘Favourite’.

To be Sanctified is to become a Favourite of God.

I will explain it in a way that I hope God will make it easy for you to understand;

In the olden days ,a King was supposed to have many wives – Many times, not of their own choice.

I mean, you want to befriend the King so you will go and dash him one of your daughters.

In the Scriptures you find the example of Solomon in 1 Kings 11:1-3 – Solomon had Seven hundred (700) Wives, plus three hundred (300) Concubines.

When a King had so many wives…

By the way, that will explain to you why Palaces were big in those days and with many rooms; because each wife will have her own room.

With so many Wives, the Royal Majesty will not be able to “minister” to each wife adequately.

So several People helped the king – I am talking about the Olden Days.

… All the Royal Fathers here are Wonderful Children of God.

So the Head of the Army, the Chief Herbalist, etc helped the Kabiyesi (DMC NOTES: King).

Of all these wives, Kabiyesi (King) will have one that is his Favourite.

In my Language, they call her ‘Ayo’ (Meaning the “Chosen Wife”).

Nobody messes around with ‘Ayo” – You do so, you lose your head.

The Chosen favourite wife sleeps in the same room with the King.


  1. You become Intimate with God:

When you are Sanctified, you become Set Apart for God.

No Demon, no devil has the temerity to tamper with you because you are a favourite of God and you are a Vessel unto Honour.

The Power of Sanctification is embedded in this Unique Intimacy with God.

When you are Truly Sanctified, you have Intimacy with God that other “Casual Christians” don’t have.

In Numbers 12:5-8 God said; if there is any Prophet among you and I want to speak to him, I can talk to him in Dreams and Visions. But Moses, I talk to him mouth to mouth.

The first time I read that Passage, I thought I read it wrong. I thought God was saying mouth to the ear – No! God is saying mouth to mouth.

That’s tremendous Intimacy with the Almighty God!

When you are Sanctified – Listen to me my brothers: because one of my children said to me “Daddy we are not Praying that you die soon.”

I said, even if you Pray, God won’t answer.

He said “But you are getting Older, tell us some of these Secrets.”

That is one of the Secrets I am telling you now

  1. You Hear what others cannot hear:

When you are Truly Sanctified, you begin to hear what others cannot hear – Take Note of that!

The favourite wife sleeps in the same room as the King; they have discussions in the bedroom that other wives will not hear.

According to John 13:21-30, the Lord was sitting down with the Twelve (12) Disciples at a Meal, and He said, one of them would betray him.

Everyone was saying who can that be? Who will ever do such a thing? The Lord wasn’t answering.

The Bible said Peter turned to John, the Disciple that Jesus loved; the favourite among all of them and told him, “Ask Him: if He won’t tell anybody, He would tell you.”

… It is there in the Bible.

And so John said “Sir, who is the Fellow?”

The Bible said Jesus didn’t mention a name, He said back to John, “I will show you the fellow. I will take the bread, dip it in the soup and put it in the mouth of the Traitor”.

Jesus was sitting down with His Disciples and two (2) of them – Himself and the favourite (John) were talking in Codes.

There are Information that the Almighty God will only reveal to the Sanctified.

There are some Elderly People here who will remembered that years ago, we held a Holy Ghost Service at the Stadium in Ibadan – It was a Wonderful Night of Signs and Wonders.

And then it was time to go home, and suddenly God spoke to me and said there was a woman in the crowd – Under her armpit, where hairs are supposed to be, are feathers. “Call her out, I want to set her free.” Because every Night the feathers will grow. Before the husband will wake up, she will quickly pluck them out but they will grow again.

God said call her forward.

I said, “Daddy Please, we have had a Wonderful time, let’s go home now. If I announce, Nobody is going to come out.

… And if you say somebody like that is here, I know she is here.

In a Stadium, Publicly?

The Lord said to me, “you want her to die with her Problem?” I said No! So I made the Announcement.

And everybody was looking at me and wondering if I had gone mad but she came forward.

When she came forward, she was a highly Educated Woman – I thought maybe she didn’t understand what I said. She said, you got it right Sir.

God delivered her – Hallelujah!

Now I am not saying “Thus saith the Lord.” I am only saying this one as your father:

In the Name that’s above every other name, that Problem you have been hiding over the years will disappear tonight – Amen.

  1. You Know what others cannot know:

When you are Sanctified; because of the intimacy Sanctification brings between you and God, you begin to Know what others cannot Possibly know.

Take Moses that I just mentioned; and just imagine, how did Moses know what happened in Genesis Chapter 1?

Was Moses alive then? No!

Because of his Intimacy with God, God told him, “in the beginning, before you ever came into this world, this is what I did.”

When you become a favourite of God, you begin to know what others cannot know.

For example, we heard a Testimony Last Month at the Holy Ghost Service (July 2024) – A woman wanted to have a Procedure with the Doctors for the fruit of the womb. The Doctors said, how old are you? The lady said Fifty eight (58). Ha! Sorry, you are already three (3) years too old.

She came to the Holy Ghost Service – As she was entering the Auditorium God said, that there is someone here, I have reduced your age by five years. She said, Thank You Lord!

The following week she went back to the Doctor and said “Doctor, I am only fifty three (53) years old now.” The Doctor laughed! “You were Fifty eight (58) last week; now you are Fifty three (53). Who are you kidding?”

The Doctor went ahead with the Procedure.

You were all here Last Month when she was raising the baby.

How did the Man of God know that somebody was just coming in with that Peculiar Problem?

DMC NOTES: You can get to Watch the Live Testimonies during The RCCG July 2024 HGS on this Link:

When you are Sanctified, you begin to Know what others cannot know.

But what is most important in this issue of the Power of Sanctification is that;

  1. You See what others cannot see:

I. You begin to see what had happened in the Past.

Like in 2 Kings 5:20-27, when Gehazi came in to Elisha, that one said, where have you been? He said, “I didn’t go anywhere.” Elisha said, you went somewhere: I saw when you ran after the General. I saw when the General turned round to meet you. I saw everything that happened.

… Things that there is no way you Possibly could see.

In 1975, at Adelabu Street in Surulere (Lagos Nigeria) where I was living; we were going for Workers’ Meeting Sunday afternoon, and I went to the toilet.

As I sat on the toilet seat and lifted up my eyes; on the door of the toilet room, suddenly a screen appeared. And I began to watch, as if you are watching a video.

I saw a Church Service going on. Before long I recognised it – “Ha! This is our Church at Ebute Meta (DMC NOTES: RCCG National Headquarters Parish); that’s the Altar.”

And I was taken into the Vestry leading to the Altar. And in the Vestry there were two (2) People Praying – The Preacher and the Interpreter.

And as I was watching them Pray, I was brought back into the Church. And somebody announced the Hymn that Preceded the Sermon. The Preacher and the Interpreter came in, took over the Service and Fire fell. And the screen disappeared!

When I got to the Church that Evening, I told my father-in-the-Lord; this is what I saw – My father-in-the-Lord put his two (2) hands on his head and exclaimed, Oh God! I wondered; what happened?

Then he called some Pastors who were nearby – They came. He said I should repeat what I saw. I told them, and they all did the same thing.

My father-in-the-Lord said, years ago; at the beginning of the Church; that’s how we used to conduct Service – The Preacher and the Interpreter would be Praying while the Service is on. They only come out when it’s time to Preach.

But they stopped.

God could show you a Picture of what happened in your family years ago that is disturbing your Present. And show you how to deal with it.

… You cannot only just see the Past;

II. You can see the Present, in a Miraculous way.

In 2 Kings 6:8-12, a King wanted to wedge war against the King of Israel; and he’s holding the Meeting – Saying, this is where we are going to Camp. And God was showing everything to Elisha.

And Elisha said to his King: this fellow is waiting for you there. Don’t go that way – First time, second time, third time; accurately. Such that the King of the Enemy’s Territory said, there must be a spy here. One of his Servants said, there’s no spy here. The one who is leaking the Secret is in his Prayer Room.

I can tell you several Stories – If I tell you some of them, maybe some of you would be careful before you come to my Office again.

… And you can then begin to see what is yet to happen.

III. You can see into the Future

2 Kings 7:1-end, at a time when hardship was terrible; when women were beginning to eat their children. A Man of God got up and said: Within twenty four (24) hours, there would be more than sufficient food (Amen).

You can go ahead and claim it as a Prophecy – Amen!

And whether you believe it or not, I also say Amen! Because today is Wednesday; with the crowd here already, we are yet to approach Friday and Saturday.

The God of Elisha must move, so that we will have more than sufficient food – Amen.

You can see into the Future!

Some of us would remember – Before the Coronavirus broke, that God showed us that the world is going to be on a holiday. I told you!

Nobody could believe it, until it began – The whole of London, all Streets deserted. America, all Streets deserted.

You can see into the future: But that is not even the Point.

  1. You will have a Glimpse of your House in Heaven:

The reason you must hunger for Sanctification is because, that must give you an opportunity to have a Glimpse of your house in Heaven.

Let me tell you my Brothers and Sisters – If you can just catch a Glimpse of Heaven, you won’t need any other Sermon.

If you see where you are going – But it cannot be described.

In 2 Corinthians 12:2-5, Apostle Paul said – I knew a Man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third Heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up into Paradise, and heard Unspeakable words, which it is not Lawful for a man to utter. Of such an one will I Glory: yet of myself I will not Glory, but in mine Infirmities.

… Paul was talking about himself.

I hear several People who keep on saying: Sir, slow down. Don’t you know you are getting old?

I’ve seen where I’m going; I’ve caught a glimpse of Heaven – Not yesterday. I caught a Glimpse of Heaven when my father-in-the-Lord was still alive. That’s more than Forty (40) years ago.

  • You can’t see Heaven and remain the same.
  • You can’t see Heaven and cling to things of the world.
  • You can’t see Heaven and let any Joker rob you of going there.

Let me mention two (2) little more Points, and let the Holy Spirit Teach you the remainder.

Thorough Sanctification is the actual Secret of Divine Power.

Thorough Sanctification: that is the Real Secret of Divine Power.


Because God will not release Massive Power to someone who cannot See the Invisible.

In 2 Kings 2:9-15, Elijah asked Elisha: “what do you want me to give you before I’ll be taken away from you?” He said “I want a Double Portion of your Power”.

Ah! Elijah said, what’s wrong with you Boy? With a Single Portion that I have, I am calling down Fire at will. You want a double? He said, you are the one who asked me to ask.

Elijah said, okay then, if you see me; if you see the Invisible – If you see Horses of Fire, Chariots of fire…

If you are not thoroughly Sanctified and God releases to you His Awesome Power; you’ll get angry just once and destroy a lot of People:

Elijah destroyed Fifty (50) Soldiers and their Captain twice.

Elisha got a Double Portion of the Power; the devil recognized the fact – Here is another Sanctified fellow.

The King sent an Army to arrest him – Just imagine what could have happened if Elisha got angry. Just Imagine!

Now, you want the Power to Raise the Dead? Don’t you know that the Power to Raise the Dead can also be the Power to kill?

Some years ago, in a Meeting of my Boys – Senior Pastors in a Particular Country; one of the Boys got up and began to talk to me loud and clear: What kind of Man are you? I served you, I worked for you. Anytime you are coming to this Country, I will be the one who will do this, who will do that. He kept on!

All the others were trembling – What is wrong with this Boy? Who is he talking to?

When he finished, I smiled.

I know what I could have done.

Among my People – Among the Yoruba’s; the worst thing you can do to a fellow is to begin to remind him, “I am the one who was feeding you; I am the one who was clothing you.”

In Yoruba land, they call it “Iregun” (DMC NOTES: Talking about how you’ve help someone).

No Yoruba Man can take that – He will say to you, “tell me how much everything you’ve done for me costs, and I will pay you.”

I could easily have said that to him: Boy, you are talking to me? I am supposed to be your Dad. By the Grace of God I Ordained you.”

I could have said, “alright, alright! Sit down, calculate everything you have ever spent on me; calculate the interests I will pay you double but get out of this Church.”

I could have done that and destroy his Destiny.

What did I do? Ha! “My son, I am very sorry; Please forgive me. I will be more careful in the future.”

That Evening, when I laid on my bed and I was reviewing the day, I just said to Daddy, “I didn’t know I could take that – Thank You for Sanctification.”

Finally before you Pray:

  • The favourite wife must be without blemish;
  • The favourite wife is not supposed to make a Single mistake.

Oh the favourite wife has tremendous Powers – She can determine the fate of other wives.

All she needs to do is to report any of them to Kabiyesi (King) and the wife is gone.

But she is not allowed to make a Single mistake.

In Numbers 20:1-13, Moses, the favourite of God was at the threshold of the Promised Land and these People that he had been leading for Forty (40) years (very troublesome People) annoyed him again.

When God said, speak to the Rock, he strucked the Rock.

God said, Ha! Moses, as close as we are?

By your Action you dishonoured me before these People? You won’t get to the Promised Land.

When we talk about Total Sanctification – The Power of Sanctification; it is like Crucifixion. When you crucify somebody, he dies Completely.

When you are Sanctified:

  • If Anger is your Problem, anger dies Permanently.
  • If Adultery is your Weakness, it dies Permanently.
  • If Lying is your Problem, it dies Permanently.

Galatians 2:20 says, I am Crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the Life which I now live in the flesh I live by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

That is a way somebody can talk about Sanctification.

When I release you to Pray tonight, I hope Nobody is going to disturb you – Put yourself on the Cross and call on the Almighty God:

Crucify me thoroughly, absolutely – Anything that is not of God that I have been joking with in my Life, kill it once and for all. Sanctify me wholly.

Of course, before Sanctification there must be Salvation;


Which means, if you are not yet saved, you can’t even be talking about Sanctification.

You must be saved first.

That is why if you are anywhere in this Auditorium, Inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC – I am going to wait. I’ll be Patient, because this is crucial.

You better come forward now and Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ.

He has selected you for Salvation – That is why He brought you here tonight.

The next step is Salvation.

And the Blood of Jesus Christ is available to wash away all your sins.

It’s only after you have been washed that you can then cry unto Him for Sanctification.

So I am going to count up to twenty (20);

The rest of us, you’ll be clapping for the Almighty God – You’ll be giving Him Glory for the Message He has sent to us tonight.

If you want to give your Life to Jesus, begin to come now, as I begin to count…

His Blood washes White as snow.

He is ready to forgive all your sins.

So cry to Him – Lord, have Mercy on me, save my Soul, wash me Clean.

I want to become as Pure as Light; let Your Blood wash away all my sins today. I want to be Yours. I am not joking with Salvation; I want You to save my Soul.

Please Lord, save my Soul, make me a True Child of God, wipe away every sin I’ve ever committed and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

Save my Soul Oh LORD.

And the rest of us, Please let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and intercede for them.

Pray that the One who saved your Soul would save their own Souls also.

Pray for them now – Intercede for them: Say: Lord God Almighty, have Mercy on these Your Children. Please, save their Souls.

Thank You Father.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I just want to say Thank You.

Thank You for Your Goodness and for Your Mercy. Thank You for Your Word.

And Thank You for all these Your Children who have come forward, asking for Genuine Salvation.

Father Please, Receive them, in Jesus’ Name.

Have Mercy on them: Let Your Blood wash away all their sins.

Save their Souls today; write their names in the Book of Life and let them become Members of Your Family.

From now on, anytime they call on You, Please answer them by Fire.

And let them serve You till the very end.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Those of you who have just Surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ, let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

I Promise you by the Grace of God I’ll be Praying for you.

So I need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

Now, the rest of us, the issue of Sanctification is Strictly between you and your God.

Like I said, it might be difficult to measure; but when He has given you a Heart of flesh you will know it.

So I want you to go to the Almighty God in Prayer now and just cry unto Him: Sanctify me O LORD. Sanctify me Completely. Give me a Heart of Flesh.

Go ahead, cry unto the Almighty God. Talk to Him.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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